Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1866 Sukkuro-kun

Following the old site, using famous craftsmen, and the court was willing to spend money, Laoshan Beppu was built quite magnificently.

But when a woman like Ye Lan'er walks among them, the word you can think of is "flourishing".

People in Chu love gorgeous clothes, and Ye Lan'er's clothes are extremely exquisite. However, all the golden lines and jade patterns are just embellishments of her appearance.

Although Dugu Xiao is a woman, when she saw this face, she was dazzled for a few moments. I can't believe that people can grow up like this.

This is the only face that makes her feel that it can match her own master.

It is said that Linzi is the most beautiful woman of the Li family. She has been staying in Qingyang Town, but she has not had the luck to see it. But no matter how long you think about it, it is impossible to look better than this. Isn't such flawless facial features the limit of "beauty"?

Even the voice of this number one beauty in Great Chu is perfect, and a single sentence is a piece of music.

The Zhengsheng Hall built in Qingyang Town, Dugu Xiao has been in it many times, and the wonderful feeling of Zhengyin is nothing like this.

"Your Marquis Mansion is so big, there are several other houses, and there are not many mistresses in charge of the house?"

The voice came to his ears, and Dugu Xiaocai came to his senses, and said seriously: "My Lord Hou is clean and self-sufficient, and he has cultivated into an idiot, but he has never invited any woman into the house."

Ye Lan'er's beautiful eyes turned: "I heard that he enjoys Linzi's romance to the fullest. I don't know how many noble daughters of Qi State, but I can't ask him for a side."

Dugu smiled and said: "You also said that they can't ask for it."

"As soon as I saw you, I fell in love with you." Ye Lan'er casually took Dugu Xiao's hand, and a piece of aura filled with jade had already been sent into Dugu's palm: "This worthless little thing, just keep it, yes Your current practice is somewhat beneficial, and it can save you three to five years of hard work."

This piece of jade is so good that Ye Lan'er doesn't need to introduce it. The warm feeling coming from the palm, and Dao Yuan's joyful definitely a rare thing that Dugu Xiao has never come into contact with.

Lord Hou treats her well, but Lord Hou himself is also in a pinch... Every day he either hits Young Master Yan Fu's autumn wind, or takes out Young Master Xuan's purse, so it is impossible to give her such a treasure.

Dugu Xiao couldn't avoid the hands of monk Shenlin, but he was very firm when he opened his palm to return the gift: "Dugu Xiaoshi, Jiang Jialu, can't stand Baijiagu. Miss Ye, don't make things difficult for me."

Ye Lan'er didn't force her, she accepted Yu Jue, her voice was still gentle: "How long have you been with your master?"

Dugu's little eyes were filled with pride: "It's been four years."

"Then you are one of his cronies. No wonder this Laoshan Befu is entrusted to you..." If Ye Lan'er wanted to get on good terms with someone, she would always be able to adjust to the most suitable state. She was full of meaning and very friendly: "What kind of woman does your master like?"

"Her master likes to speak out!" Jiang Wang's voice came from outside the house.

Ye Lan'er, who was swaying in the reception room, turned her head lightly, showing her beautiful neck like a swan, with the most perfect smile on her mouth: "Isn't my question direct enough?"

Jiang Wang waved his hand, signaling Dugu Xiao to back down, walked forward, sat down on the seat opposite Ye Lan'er, and cut straight to the point: "Miss Ye, I agree with Yang Chongzu's debt of favor. I think you came to Laoshan, not For small talk. Our time is precious, let's talk debt."

Dugu Xiao, who had already walked out of the reception room, was filled with admiration in his heart when he heard these well-defined words. Ye Lan'er's beauty makes me feel pity. He has to be his own Lord Marquis, who is not at all moved by beauty, he is really a person with aspirations for thousands of miles!

Ye Lan'er smiled slightly: "After the farewell to Huangliangtai the year before last, Mr. Jiang's reputation has spread frequently. Breaking Xia's feudal lord, defeating demons and returning to glory are all important events that shock the past and present, but they are all just stories... Only the concubine When I met the young master today, I really feel that the young master next door has grown up. And he has grown more than I imagined."

Jiang Wang didn't understand, so he asked, "How do you say that?"

Ye Lan'er glanced at him, misty in her beautiful eyes: "You don't even look at the windows now."

Jiang Wang: ...

Marquis Wu'an is broad-minded.

When I was pressed on a chair and forced to ask "Is my mother beautiful", I had no choice but to jump out of the window to escape. This time, he has made great achievements and has made great progress in his practice, so he didn't want to draw his sword and go back and ask Ben Hou 'how handsome'.

Instead, he turned back to the topic rather unnaturally: "Speaking of which, Miss Ye seemed to have something to discuss with me in Chu State the year before last. It was just that we were too busy at that time, so we met each other in a hurry and said goodbye without going into details. Dare I Ask Miss today's event the day before?"

Ye Lan'er sat dignifiedly, with a beautiful posture, and took a sip of the tea that Dugu Xiaozao brought earlier, her voice came out from her moist red lips, with a soft taste: "Speak clearly. Was it because you were too busy at that time, or I'm too busy?"

Jiang Wang didn't bother to answer: "Since it happened the day before yesterday, since Miss Ye helped me kill Zhang Linchuan's surrogate. When I was in Chu State a few days ago, Miss Ye didn't come to see me... This matter has nothing to do with Miss Ye's life in Chu State. Is it related to the operation of the country?"

Ye Lan'er looked over in surprise, and smiled again: "You man! The debt of favor you agreed to, why do you only talk about debts, regardless of favors, so alienated!"

"It's not that Jiang is estranged, but he just doesn't want to waste Miss Ye's time." Jiang Wang glanced at the sky outside the house and said, "At three o'clock in the afternoon, I want to practice my pupils."

Ye Lan'er suppressed her smile: "I see that your eyesight is not very good, and you can't see the sincerity."

Jiang Wang said: "After practicing the pupils, you have to practice the sword. If Miss Ye doesn't make up her mind, you can come to me in a few days. But it's best not to exceed the 20th of this month, because Jiang will go out soon, and he doesn't know when he will come back. "

Ye Lan'er raised her brows: "It's the old man who has never been in debt, the ancients never deceived me!"

"Because Jiang's eyesight is not very good, we can't delay training pupils." Jiang Wang picked up the teacup: "There is still a quarter of an hour."

Ye Lan'er calmed down her anger in an instant, and made a request very calmly: "Three Fenxiang Building will exert its strength in Linzi, and must obtain a status comparable to the Four Famous Museums, so it must also obtain a salary that matches the influence of the Four Famous Museums." Official support."

Jiang Wang was surprised for a moment, but quickly covered it up: "You represent Sanfen Xianglou?"

At this moment, Ye Lan'er is like a jade statue, awe-inspiring and inviolable: "Let's get to know each other again, Tianxiang is the number one, Ye Lan'er."

The relationship between Sanfen Xianglou and Chu Ting was deeper than expected. As the No. 1 in Tianxiang, Ye Lan'er was able to represent Chu State in the Yellow River Tournament without restrictions!

What was that Great Chu emperor thinking?

Jiang Wang didn't think for too long, put down the teacup and said, "Until the Sanfen Xianglou officially ranks among the four famous halls, it will not be hindered by official power."

On the contrary, Ye Lan'er showed surprise: "I agreed so easily?"

It should be known that the four famous museums in Linzi are not simple behind them. Three hundred miles away, the heroic city of the overlord, the capital of Daqi, how noisy the wind and moon are! Among other things, the Wenyu Water Pavilion alone is the property of Jiang Wuxie, the owner of the Yangxin palace. And the Wenyu Water Pavilion can't stand out among the four famous pavilions. One can imagine how deep the water is here.

Sanfen Xianglou asked to match the official support of the four famous restaurants, which is by no means a simple condition, and Jiang Wang agreed so simply!

Ye Lan'er couldn't help re-examining the current status of the Marquis of Wu'an in Qi.

Jiang Wang looked at Tianxiang No. 1 seriously: "Zhang Linchuan's replacement is not so easy to kill. It's worth the price."

Ye Lan'er said: "You don't want to ask why Sanfenxianglou is working hard in Linzi, what's wrong with Sanfenxianglou in Chu State, don't you want to ask what Sanfenxianglou wants to do?"

Jiang Wang said: "That's your Sanfen Xianglou's business."

"It can also be related to you." Ye Lan'er said in the tone of an excellent collaborator: "Sanfen Xianglou's property in Qi State is willing to give Mr. Jiang 30% of the shares as a condition for accepting Mr. Jiang's long-term protection. "

Jiang Wang said in a low voice: "You have already opened the conditions, and I have agreed. As for the deadline, I also made it very clear, before you are among the four famous gyms."

Ye Lan'er said: "I always believe that profit is the long-term solution."

"Benhou's promise is also the same." Jiang Wang stood up: "It's time to practice pupils, so today is here?"

Ye Lan'er spoke sincerely: "The 30% of the dry stock is simply given to you, without any strings attached. To be honest, I didn't do anything to kill Yang Chongzu... I feel uncomfortable asking you to do such a big favor."

"Things that are difficult for me may be easy for you, but I can't just treat them as simple. The same is true in reverse." Jiang Wang said: "There is no need for dry stocks. Didn't Miss Ye say that besides debts , Is there any favor left? Let me repay the favor. The practice time is up, please forgive me."

As he spoke, he walked out of the reception room, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

Only the lingering voice, which was not warm from the beginning to the end, still lingered in my ears——

"Xiao Xiao, see off the guests!"

Ye Lan'er didn't see any ugly expression, she just sipped a cup of tea and said, "What a lucky gentleman!"



Horizontal handle and vertical front, one side is under the moon before the flowers, and the other side is on the willow twigs. The lines on both sides are natural, but the edge of the sword is as thin as a line, so it is called "Bo Xinglang".

This sword is not easy for people to see, because it always escapes from sight.

In the present world, it has almost always escaped people's view.

In the Illusory Realm, there is basically no chance for people to see it.

The opponent Bo Xinglang met this time has a rather strange name called "Dou Xiaoer".

They were born with cross-eyed eyes, bulbous noses, bumpy bumps, pockmarked faces, and dysentery heads... as many as possible.

It is rare to find such an ugly face in this world, and it almost does not exist in the realm of illusion.

Because the face here can be modified.

Even for women like Ning Shuangrong who intentionally conceal their color, at best they make their appearance in the illusionary world unremarkable, so that they won't be so ugly that they offend themselves.

Bo Xinglang's current master has made him so handsome that he is rare in the world.

And this "Dou Xiaoer" seems to have a soft spot for ugly characters. Every detail of the face is further studied towards the ugly, and develops towards the uglier.

As soon as the Lunjian platform collided, he had already started to shout: "Wu that little boy, die quickly, don't waste my time! I have to rush to the next game!"

His voice is also an ugly drake voice!

The illusory realm has not returned for a long time!

Returning to this place where he saw the big world for the first time, Jiang Wang's heart is more kind than strange.

The blessed land challenge opened again, while winning the qualification for the blessed land challenge, it also encountered far more competitors than before. It can be seen that during the period of falling into the demon world, the development speed of the Taixu Illusory Realm has not slowed down.

The world will not stop functioning because of someone's disappearance.

When the flint dies, a bear emerges; when a bear dies, a strong mountain emerges; when a strong mountain dies, a hundred schools of thought contend!

No matter how magnificent a person is, they are all in the torrent of history.

Jiang Wang never felt that he was the center of the world, but at least he was the strongest Tenglong in Taixu, the strongest inner mansion in Taixu... many honors earned along the way in the illusion of Taixu. The title "Dugu Invincible", except for the earliest period, has anyone ever underestimated it so much?

The name Dugu Wudi is doomed to dislike nonsense. With just a slight movement of the ear, the angry voice of "Dou Xiaoer" turned into weapons of various voice patterns of swords, guns, swords and halberds, attacking frantically around "Dou Xiaoer" himself.

Such an ugly voice should be turned against its owner.

"Dou Xiao'er" is indeed quite capable, holding a broken knife with a unique style, with a random shake of the blade, it has cut all the approaching voiceprint weapons.

Stepping on the ground is like a thousand troops rushing into the formation, and a single knife cuts across the sky, calling all methods to return to oblivion.

What a fierce knife technique!

Jiang Wang didn't hold back either, and immediately activated the combat system he had prepared for the Illusory Realm.

The ears are jade-colored, and the immortal sits in it!

In the case of losing the clock of knowledge and hearing, it is temporarily impossible to recreate the Shravaka Immortal Realm that "listens to all directions, hears and knows everything", and can even compete with the real monster for a short time.

However, an ear immortal with Avalokitesvara in the ear and in the fairy state of the sound and hearing sits in this spiritual realm, and the realm of the sound and hearing is stronger than before. , are more powerful!

Such a spiritual realm, colliding with the unknown spiritual realm of "Dou Xiaoer", instantly exploded like a furnace of iron, and sparks flew around.

And Bo Xinglang had already unsheathed—the sword edge was out of sight, but it covered thirty-six vital points all over the body of "Dou Xiaoer"!

"Dou Xiaoer" made a murderous aura with a broken knife, like a dragon ringing around his body, but he felt uncomfortable all over his body, and his moves were controlled by others.

Every time the sword move is broken, the blade sinks only when it comes out of the handle.

What a goddamn mess!

He is also a well-known Tianjiao, a frequent visitor on the fighting field. Even though he is a newcomer in the Illusory Realm, he has passed through life and death moments many times. Of course, I know that I have been suppressed in this battle. If I don't change the situation as soon as possible, I will soon be crushed into an irretrievable abyss!

For a while, he didn't care about hiding his identity, instead he held a broken knife in both hands, and burst into anger. Instantly, his blood was flooding, as if an ancient desolate beast was waking up, and the terrifying aura enveloped the entire Sword Discourse Arena, and even extended to the galaxy!

The male duck's voice also became domineering and fierce: "You dare to call yourself invincible? Now give me another one?! Didn't you call yourself invincible!?"

He wants to liberate himself, he wants to explode with all his strength, he wants to—

There was a burst of roaring, and the momentum continued.

He felt that the sea of ​​consciousness had been violently knocked open.

It was as if the battering ram that destroyed the country was pulled over forcefully and smashed the door of his own house.

Then there were countless, dense and crystal-clear thoughts, like a landslide flood, filling his primordial spirit sea, blasting away his Yun Temple, and submerging his divine soul!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

His mind was blank for a moment, and then there was a roar that seemed to never stop.

In the pain of his spiritual consciousness being torn apart, he had to clearly hear... that hateful guy's voice.

"My invincibility, don't use your mouth to say it!"

Immortal Art, Thought, Torrent!

This is a very rough and extremely rough use of fairy art, purely relying on the power of fairy thoughts, to crush the enemy naked, hurting himself and then hurting the enemy. As soon as this technique is used, it doesn't matter whether the enemy is dead or not, you are almost the same.

Aside from the state of the immortal jade beads being close to him, only in the illusory realm can he sway so recklessly.

Jiang Wang has completely recognized the old acquaintance. The reason why the broken knife is unique and familiar is not what Tian Xiao looks like after it is broken?

Therefore, he also enthusiastically gave the gift of meeting, pouring all of this means that is destined to be unconventional.

In a state of extreme embarrassment, the newcomer named 'Dou Xiaoer' did not hide his pain at all——

"I remember you, I will wait for me next month. I will definitely come back!"

Let me explain the author's current situation to everyone, so as not to affect the atmosphere of the story, I won't talk about it later.

In special times, keep everything simple.

My grandma's funeral was handled by my parents, and I just knelt down for two days, kept a book of etiquette, and sent her to her funeral.

From the 27th to noon yesterday, I was basically done. The guests are gone, and the house is sloppy.

Except for the Fa conference on the first seven days and the night vigil, I have nothing else to do.

Try to save some manuscripts in the next two days, and try to keep updating when the time comes.

There's really a lot going on this year.

Hiding in the world of novels, you can stay away from the wind and rain for a while, and have peace for a while.

As it is to me, so it is to my readers.

I hope everyone is healthy.

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