Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1867 The scenery is not exhausted

"It kills me too!"

A roar suddenly sounded, making the long night even quieter.

For a while, within a radius of five miles, every house turned off the lights and kept silent.

Even the horses clamped down on their bit, and the dogs clamped their tails.

This is an ordinary night in Xiangu.

The eldest son of Zhongli's family was furious in the room, full of "sneak attack", "shameless", and "I haven't had time to use my strength".

In any case, he never imagined that he, Zhong Liyan, who is so dignified, could not even keep the seventy-two names in the blessed land in a place like Taixu Illusion, which completely copied the Yanfa Pavilion and could not involve life and death at all?


If it wasn't for the letter from the patriarch's father, repeatedly emphasizing the importance of the illusory realm, Zhong Liyan, the number one person in the world, would never have looked at the place where the child played house.

As a result, he only joined last month and easily won the entry qualification for the Blessed Land Challenge. He was thinking about passing through this month and causing a few more troubles for Dou's children, but he was kicked out the door after turning around?

What a shame!

Angry and angry, Zhong Liyan suddenly laughed again.

Fortunately, it was Dou Zhao who was ashamed!

He deliberately used the sword technique, and also used his previous experience in cultivating techniques to imitate his own spiritual realm with secret techniques, and the performance did not know how similar it was. Unless Dou Zhao comes in person, it will be difficult to find out that it is not the real Dou Zhao!

Zhong Liyan smiled, his eyes suddenly went dark, a slap covered his face, and his body was also slapped to the ground.

My mind was stunned for a moment... This feeling is very similar to the feeling of being bombarded by those thoughts in the illusory realm just now!

He turned over and stood up, pulled out the Nanyue epee with both hands, and shook his head, only to see the figure who suddenly broke into the room and slapped him—the one in armor in the middle of the night, who thought he was majestic but was really stupid, and should have been there The contemporary Patriarch of the Zhongli Clan who sits in Dan Country, Zhongli Zhaojia!

The majestic Zhongli Zhaojia rolled his eyes: "You still draw your sword at me, are you rebelling?"

The master of Zhongli walked forward with a sense of oppression amidst the saliva: "What's wrong with you here in the middle of the night? Yelling and screaming, going to the funeral?! Your patriarch, Lao Tzu, is still here, alive and well!" very good!"

Zhong Liyan withdrew his sword embarrassingly: "Instinctive reaction, instinctive reaction, I thought someone was sneaking up..."


Zhongli Zhaojia raised his foot and kicked his chest: "Whose master are you?"

Zhong Liyan rolled around a few times and got up again: "Misunderstanding, father, it's all a misunderstanding! I'm used to talking to that fellow Dou Zhao, so I slipped my tongue for a while!"

Zhongli Zhaojia thought about getting angry and hurting his health, so he temporarily stopped his anger and asked in a deep voice: "What were you shouting in the room alone just now, and why were you laughing?"

As he spoke, his anger came up again, he pointed his finger and said, "There was a kind of stupid cunning in your smile just now! Do you know that?"

Zhong Liyan, who has a short beard and eagle eyes, looks like his father's majesty, the way he was laughing alone in the room just now is really weird, not aristocratic at all. It made Zhongli Zhaojia feel ashamed.

"Hey!" Zhong Liyan swallowed his anger and changed the focus: "Father, you must not blame me. You asked me to try the illusory realm, and I will try it right away. But this Lao Shizi is too illusory, and the opponents in it are too weak, so I don't even know how to participate." What's the point of it! What a waste of time!"

Zhongli Zhaojia looked at him dubiously: "Where did you go in the challenge of the blessed place in the Illusory Realm?"

"What blessed land challenge? Is there such a thing in the illusory realm?" Zhong Liyan's innocent eyes widened: "I haven't noticed it yet."

Zhongli Zhaojia hated that iron cannot be made into steel: "Can you have some snacks? For you now, the greatest value of the illusory realm is the blessed land. Have you read Lao Tzu's letter seriously?"

"Look! Look! I will study the blessed land seriously from tomorrow!" Zhong Liyan continued to swallow his anger, and continued to shift the focus: "The main reason is that this huge offering of valleys is too complicated, and my son is very troublesome to deal with it. It is too illusory to ignore it for a while. The environment is also excusable!"

"I didn't entrust Xiangu to you. It's not that there is an elder Wenlin..." Zhongli Zhaojia was stunned for a moment, then became furious, and pulled out his waist knife: "You tied up the elder Wenlin while I was away again, right?" Bar?"

"No, no! There is absolutely no such thing!" Zhong Liyan explained loudly: "It's under house arrest! This time it's under house arrest!"

Zhongli Zhaojia laughed back angrily: "I have repeatedly emphasized to you that when you were nine years old, the old Wenlin family whipped you. Right? Kneel down for me, I will give you something hard today!"

The ping pong pong in Zhong Liyan's room was also an ordinary night in Xiangu.

I don't know how long it has been...

Few people in Xiangu would dare to time the clock at such a time.

Dang Zhongli Zhaojia finally left with ease.

Zhong Liyan, with a bruised nose and swollen face, waited for a while before raising his head. Persisted in crawling on the ground for a while, crawled to the side of the bed, dipped in the nosebleed, and added another stroke behind the densely packed "正" characters on the bottom of the bed.

"The fifth thousand three hundred and ninety-sixth time to be angry. I will bear it again!"

"When we open the twenty-fourth heaven, you will be the first to set things right, revive the family voice, and let you be disarmed and return to the field!"



Lord Jiang is not a man who holds grudges!

Unlike some Zhongli with double surnames, eagle eyes and short beards, wearing heavy swords, and abandoning skills to practice martial arts.

Although some people have repeatedly provoked and uttered nonsense... Open your mouth and make a fool of yourself, shut up and don't waste time, he doesn't take it to heart.

Even Zeng Zhanzhi and the real demon dog Yingyang's desperate killing methods are willing to be appreciated by this person.

And really... don't waste this uncle's time. He made a quick decision on the universe, and did not give him a chance to liberate himself and truly show his strength.

Of course, limited by the rules of the challenge of the blessed land in the illusory realm, as the gatekeeper of the last blessed land, after winning the ownership of the blessed land for the first time, he must guard the gate again in order to be eligible to challenge upwards. And he believed in the parting declaration of that "acquaintance" very much, knowing that with that person's character, he would definitely make a comeback with all his strength, and he would not give up until he took revenge.

He is also ready to entertain again, and he must impress this guy.

After carefully preparing three battle plans for the old friend, Dugu's small voice rang outside the door: "Master Hou, Guiyi City is ready."

Jiang Wang put down the design of the fourth set of battle plans, pushed the door out, walked quickly through the air, and arrived in Guiyi in a short while.

The former Daxia Palace has become the residence of Emperor Daqi, and it is still named as Xiagong.

Thousands of years later, the world may only know that this is the summer palace of Emperor Qi, but not that there was a summer in the world.

At the beginning, the Nanxia Governor's Mansion only used the original Wuwang Mansion to handle government affairs. After the situation was completely stabilized, the Wuwang Mansion was completely rebuilt, and a brand new Nanxia political center was truly established.

Jiang Wang's destination is here.

To be precise, its purpose is a national-level communication circle located in the Nanxia Governor's Mansion.

In the whole of Southern Xia, Jiang Wang is the third most powerful person after Su Guanying and Shi Mingzheng, not counting the Sixuan Underground Palace, which is basically inconspicuous.

Although he refuses to be involved in government affairs and has not held real power, he has a detached influence in Nanxia.

Flying all over the world is no problem, calling the summoning circle is just a matter of warrant.

The reason why he still needs to wait a little longer and come after Dugu Xiaotong's transmission is mainly because the Frost City on the other side of the transmission circle needs time to prepare.

Jishuang is the capital of Snow Country, and the state-level communication circle established in this city is also the place where Snow Country has the most contact with the outside world.

Previously, when Xie Ai became the Winter Emperor, Snow Country closed the country for several months.

But in fact, even on weekdays, Snow Country rarely communicates with the outside world. Most of the commercial roads and channels are in charge of three specialized pass cities.

This time, Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi asked to cross-border to have a conversation with his good friend in the Snow Country, Xu Xianggan, a talented scholar who was born in Qingya Academy.

Although the Snow Country is located in the far west, it seems that there is no need to look up to the East Country, but there is no reason to offend this human hero who just returned from the demon world.

It's just a message, what is it worth!

Therefore, they immediately sent someone deep into the Tianbei Snow Ridge, contacted the high-paying scholar, and urged him to come to Jishuang City to respond.

The time needed in the middle is the time Jiang Wang waited for.

Close the door, hold the token issued by Nanxia Governor's Mansion, and send in some Daoyuan. In this empty stone room where only formation patterns exist, a light curtain hangs down.

After the light shimmered slightly, an exceptionally prominent and shiny forehead first occupied the field of vision. With his forehead pulled back, a handsome and talented man in a Confucian uniform appeared in front of Lord Jiang.

With a bright smile on his face, he was obviously in a good mood.

Seeing his best friend, Jiang Wang couldn't help but smile: "Great talent Xu, long time no see!"

Xu Xiangqian laughed: "How do you know that I have already arrived?"

"I really don't know." Jiang Wang was very happy for his friend: "Congratulations!"

"Oh." Xu Xiang scratched his forehead dryly: "I wonder too. How did I come to God?"

He really made a very incomprehensible expression: "I shouldn't, I didn't try hard either."

Jiang Wang originally planned to meet with an old friend and talk to each other, and he wanted to say something from his heart, but he had no intention of opening his mouth at this meeting, and just quietly watched Brother Gao E's performance.

Xu Gao'e also lived up to the expectations of his good brother, and continued the conversation by himself: "What a pity! How do you say that?"

"I haven't seen all the scenery on the road!"

Jiang Wang: ...

Xu Dacai spread his hands, looking very innocent: "Why do you know how to take a nap? Tsk! You say this is a mess!"

Jiang Wang couldn't help reminding: "Your teeth are so open, those who don't know think you are a Marquis!"

Xu Xianggan waved his hand: "I don't want to be a Marquis, I hope the world will be safe! Fame is floating clouds, power and wealth are dung. We scholars, do we care about those floating clouds and dung? Of course, I am not saying that you have shallow eyes. I I just feel that we still need some pursuit in life to catch up with the Mashan Twins!"

Jiang Wang only felt the toothache hurt.

"Hey!" Xu Xiangqian sighed again: "In ancient times, there were great Confucianists who practiced Taoism one step at a time. Today, I, Xu Xianggan, feel like a god. Don't let the sages focus on beauty!"

Jiang Wang already wanted to end this chat.

Xu Xiangqian asked again: "How are the old friends over there in Linzi?"

He looked at Jiang Wang enthusiastically and hinted with his eyes.

Jiang Wang had to admit that he lacked a tacit understanding with him, and didn't know what the elder brother wanted to express. He just responded casually: "It's all good."

"Oh, oh!" Xu Xiangqian sighed, and looked at Jiang Wang sadly: "Longchuan Yanfu and the others haven't come yet. You said that I am walking so fast on the road of cultivation, isn't it inappropriate?"

It was cold and windy outside, and the inside was as clear as crystal. In this igloo where the communication circle was arranged, Xu Dacai's face was full of red, as if a furnace was burning in his body, he was talking endlessly to the light curtain in front of him with indescribable enthusiasm and joy.

But the response he got was...

"Hey, Brother Xu! Why is there no sound? Is it because the communication circle is not stable, why can't I hear you? Are you still there? Brother Xu—"

"There is voice, there is voice! I can hear it from here!" Xu Xiang said hastily, and waved at the light curtain, making various gestures to his old friend.

But the light curtain was still resolutely dimmed.

"Hey, what's going on, what's going on?" Xu Xianggan yelled loudly: "What's going on with your communication circle in Jishuang City?"

The little official in charge of the summoning circle walked into the igloo: "Young Master Xu, what's the matter?"

Xu Xianggan was a little annoyed: "I was chatting vigorously with my good friend, why did it suddenly cut off? You hurry up and recover, we catch up with Mashan Shuangjiao, time is precious!"

The little official was very puzzled, he didn't know what it means to chase Mashan's double arrogance, and he also found that there is no problem with the summoning circle... But he still gave Qingya Academy a lot of respect. "Everything is normal here. It may be a problem with Guiyi, or it may be disturbed by something. I will contact you again and request communication again."

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Xu Xiangqian couldn't wait, and he was full of words before he talked!

He kept urging: "Hurry up, I really care about my friend! Let's talk about a few primordial stones!"

The little official fiddled with it for a while, then turned around, and said with some embarrassment: "The other side seems to have rejected it."

"You're not mistaken, are you?" Xu Xianggan looked suspicious: "Do you know what relationship I have with Jiang Qingyang? He won't reject me even if he rejects the red sleeve move!"

The little official said in a daze, "What are you... about?"

Although Snow Country has been isolated from the inside and outside all year round, the atmosphere is not conservative.

There are male buildings in this country!

"That's all." Xu Xianggan waved his hand: "This guy is usually very busy, and he never forgets to practice when he visits the brothel. Senior sister Zhao is still waiting for me, and I don't have much time to chat with him."

"Oh." The little official was dubious.

"Should you be able to deliver letters here?" Xu Xiangqian asked again.

"Our snow country's channels are very well established, and we have cooperated with the channels of Jing country and Jing country." The little official said proudly: "In the western region, a thousand miles is a moment. In the present world, a thousand miles in three days."

"Well, I'll write you a letter and send it there for me." Xu Xiangqian regained his energy: "I will serve you with pen and ink!"

The little official hesitated: "That, this, the journey is long, and we have to communicate with other countries. Look at the cost of sending letters..."

"Hey! This is worth mentioning!" Xu Xiangqian smiled contemptuously: "Who do you think I am, Xu Xianggan, a brilliant talent? How can I be short of your little money?"

He waved his hand: "Let Jiang Wang pay after sending it over!"

"No, what are you still doing in a daze? You can't turn your head, can Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi have no money? You have traveled thousands of miles to help send letters. He is an overlord, can I give you some rewards?"

"It's really hard to carve out of rotten wood!"

The little official was convinced by this superb speaking speed. There is no room for questioning at all. After I honestly brought the pen and paper, I was still dizzy.

Time passed moment by moment, and in the igloo, letters were stacked one after another.

The little official looked at the darkened sky, and finally couldn't help but said, "Young Master Xu, how many letters do you want to send?"

"What's the rush?" Xu Xianggan wrote while writing, "I, Xu Xianggan, have acquaintances all over the world, not just one Jiang Qingyang? I haven't contacted for so long, why don't we all care and talk about the current situation?"

"Let me tell you, friends, friends, you need to keep in touch with each other often, otherwise you will get unfamiliar easily, do you understand? All relationships need to be managed! You still have to learn these ways of the world!"

"Don't rush, there are only seven, eighty or ninety letters left."

He casually tossed the written letter paper to the side, and shook the wolf hair to write another letter.

"This letter is for Mo Ci, the top three geniuses. The previous letter is for my teacher. Don't send it by mistake!"

Forgot to thank you earlier.

Thanks to the book friend "Yesterday_Liangren" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 406th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "Duan Shuiyi" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 407th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "like a dream is not easy" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 408th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Samsung Pig Bug" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 409th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader "Miss OP next door has been pretending to be busy" for rewarding Xinmeng!

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