Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1874 This mountain does not need to be famous

Seeing that Bai Yuxia was far away in the boat, Jiang Wang suddenly thought that as the "lord", he sent the diners to Huai Island to play alone, so he should give a few yuan stones as spare money.

But after thinking about it, the few primordial stones should be reserved for those who need them more.

Compared to her rich background, Bai Yuxia has never been short of money. It's obvious at a glance who is the one who needs it more.

So he waved his hand with peace of mind, and took his personal guards to camp.

Qi Shuai sent 5,000 soldiers to Jiang Wang's command, and none of them was Xia Shi's strong soldiers. He made it clear that Jiang Wang would only be allowed to practice first.

Military training is really a great subject, it cannot be summed up by simple rewards and punishments.

Needless to say, with Jiang Wang's background, he never had the opportunity to get in touch with this kind of knowledge before. Later, there were opportunities and channels, but there was not so much time.

After all, there is not enough time to do everything, and the time for practice is not enough, so it is impossible to take care of everything.

In terms of military training, the military formation is the top priority.

What flying horns, flying geese, Yunlong, Fengdi, hooking the moon...

Every kind of military formation can only be applied to the battlefield after repeated training, and the various changes of the general formation are engraved into the instinct.

Of course, the basic military formations of the Qi army are all unified, and they are regularly optimized and upgraded. Those five thousand soldiers didn't need Jiang Wang to start training from scratch.

The retainer Bai Yuxia is talented and has a good martial arts strategy, and the commander of the personal guard Fang Yuanyou is loyal and down-to-earth, hard-working. Well trained soldiers,

Two hundred guards scattered into the camp, which played a very good central role.

In addition, Jiang Wang already has a wealth of battlefield experience after several battles. Not only has he seen pigs run, but he has also eaten a lot of pork.

But the ability to truly lead troops can never be cultivated in one's own camp.

As soon as Jiang Wang's camp started to look rough, two military orders came at the same time. One of the military orders was to inform him that his hard work in managing the army these past few days was considered a pass and he could go on the expedition. But it is not good enough, and in line with the principle of being responsible to the soldiers on the expedition, the quota must be reduced.

The original words are - "The military affairs are rough, not the talents of the five capitals, and the amount is cut by two thousand."

Taking the nine soldiers of Daqi as an example, the commanders of the capital commanded one thousand troops, and the talents of the five capital commanders were the military talents who commanded five thousand troops.

Qi Xiao didn't know when he took the time to review Jiang Wang's army, and gave a judgment, and directly cut off his 2,000 troops with a saber cut.

Although Jiang Wang didn't know where he lost his points, it was impossible for him to question the judgment of such a famous general, let alone challenge the military order.

He could only obediently watch as the messenger transferred away the pawns he had trained so hard these days.

Two thousand soldiers were taken away, and the huge school field was half empty, which was really not a good feeling.

Fang Yuanyou even shed tears there, he was a rough guy with red eyes.

Jiang Wang glanced at him, and seriously launched the second military order——

[3922-Maritime Military Order-Three Capital Commander Jiang Wang-Lingyi.

Objective: Assist in the defense of the first floating island in the Dingmao area

Time limit: three days. 】

On the fourth day after Jiang Wang came to Jueming Island, Qi Xiao ordered him to lead his troops into the Lost Realm.

If it has not arrived before the 22nd day of June, it will be a missed date.

So far, he has only attended one class, and he and Qi Xiao have only met once.

"The whole team, within a quarter of an hour, be ready for the expedition." Jiang Wang put away the military order with a calm voice.

"The whole team!" Fang Yuanyou wiped away his tears and roared angrily.

In the entire school grounds, people were diverting like rivers and rivers, exiting quickly and orderly, and dispersed in an instant, each armed.

At that time, the sea was wide and the sky was hanging down, and the wind was low and the flag was rolling.

The tense and chilling atmosphere never left Cassia Island.

Jiang Wang asked: "Fang Yuanyou, what tears are you shedding?"

Fang Yuanyou was wearing armor all over, and half knelt down: "The last general is incompetent, and he owes a great favor! You are famous all over the world, and you are the leader in the sea. An Neng is humiliated by half-cutting your army? If Mr. Bai assists you, you will not come here!"

"This Marquis is a layman in the way of military affairs, so this is not a shameful thing." Jiang Wang said calmly: "The reduction of the number of troops is Qi Shuai's judgment on my military ability, and it is not an insult. It is precisely because my military affairs are mediocre, You just want to come to study under Qi Shuai’s tent, don’t you? Get up! Don’t be so childish.”

Fang Yuanyou stood up immediately, and the nail leaves slammed, all unwilling.

The so-called death of the master humiliating the officials, he fully felt that Jiang Wang could only be called the leader of the three capitals, because he and his brothers did not work hard enough. No matter in Xiadi, in the demon world, or wherever, where is Hou Ye not respected?

On the contrary, it was serious enough to lead these personal guards into the battlefield, but they couldn't even do five things.

He is too mediocre, too unworthy of Lord Hou's trust!

Jiang Wang stepped forward and stretched out his hand to straighten the man's armor: "Yuanyou, I don't think you are so fragile. On the battlefield of Qixia, we were very powerful. When you broke Ximing, you were behind me. Sweep the meeting Mingshi, you protected me. What's going on now? Are you trying to cover up for me?"

Qi Xia's scenes on the battlefield flooded into his heart like a tidal wave.

Follow the victory flag, ride your horse amidst blood and fire...

Fang Yuanyou had many words stuck in his throat, but his mouth was clumsy and he couldn't speak.

Jiang Wang patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, if you think Benhou doesn't get enough respect, then show your brothers well."

He looked out of the island and at the boundless sea, and his voice became louder: "What we couldn't get on the school field, we will get it on the battlefield."

At this moment, Fang Yuanyou looked at him, and he really saw a big man who stood on the top of the Eastern Kingdom, wielded authority, and held great power for thousands of miles!

And not just that brave and invincible young general on Qi Xia's battlefield.

With his clenched fist resting on his heart, he was sure that this was the banner he followed in this life: "The last general...takes orders!"



The Marquis of Wu'an took three thousand armors and left the island on the "Feiyun" boat.

This ship is equipped with two spine boats and three moon shooting crossbows, it can definitely be regarded as the main building ship of Cassia Island.

The Moonshot Crossbow was originally in the form of a ballista, and it was a great weapon for attacking cities and villages. After dismantling the body, the crossbow was directly fixed on the building boat, which made the sea people even more frightened.

Less than 3,000 nautical miles east from Jueming Island is the "dead sea" with violent winds and waves.

Of course, that's just what the sea people call it.

The fighters who fought against the Sea Clan knew that the so-called Dead Sea was just a little more stormy, even if there was a tornado all day long, not many people would die. The real realm of death, where blood flows into waterfalls and souls fall like hurricanes, can only be seen after penetrating through this sea area.

Riding the strong wind and the stormy waves, the huge building boat created by Qi Guogong Institute is like a thick piece of land moving in the sea.

Jiang Wang stood on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, facing the wind and waves.

Speaking of the first time he went to the Lost World, he had no experience in the process. The real Chongguang carried him, moving things around, and before he could react, he had already arrived.

When he left, he took Yangu's scorching sun flying boat, and was almost crushed by the blood king's punch. He was in shock, let alone feeling.

Only this time leading the troops to the expedition is the real observation and listening to the waves.

He likes the feeling of having his own destiny, no matter what kind of wind and rain he will face.

Why am I not the wind and rain? !

Suddenly, a ray of red light pierced the sky, piercing through the dark clouds and rain.

Jiang Wang's red eyes lit up, seeing an acquaintance on the red boat, he immediately called out: "Brother Fu!"

The 30 or so people sitting on the scorching sun flying boat turned their heads in unison, all of them were obviously monk Yanggu.

The leader jumped off the flying boat and landed beside Jiang Wang. It was Fu Yanqing.

"Are you going out to sea so soon?" He wiped his wet long hair back, his voice was still clear in the violent wind and waves.

"Although the training is not very good, you still have to go to the battlefield to try your skills." Jiang Wang looked back and asked, "What about you? Why are you going to the Lost Realm at this time?"

Fu Yanqing has experienced in the maze world for a long time, and everything he can win in the maze world with his cultivation base at that time has already been won. In the 3919th year of the Dao calendar, he returned to the offshore islands at about the same time as Jiang Wang, and began to seek God's presence.

Jiang Wang knew these things.

A few days ago, I almost watched him challenge Chen Zhitao in a battle. I think it was because he developed quite well in the offshore islands.

Fu Yanqing said: "I have been in the Lost Realm, but this time I came back to find Chen Zhitao specially to verify myself."

His eyebrows were cold, and he didn't look like a joke, so Jiang Wang was a little embarrassed.

"In the past two years in the offshore islands, there should be many opportunities." Jiang Houye said nonchalantly, "I thought Brother Fu would show his strength in the Zhenhai League."

"Combining offshore power is of course a good thing in the long run, and in the short term it also creates a lot of opportunities for development. The Zhenhai League has a lot of power and resources...but I'm still used to living in the Lost Realm."

Fu Yanqing shook his head: "I can't say I'm used to it. In fact, after staying for so long, it's still hard to get used to it. After all, the rules in that place are different from those of the present world. Not only do we have to fight against the Sea Clan, but we also have to guard against the damned alienation at all times."

He sighed: "It's just that I always feel...that I belong there. I can't stay near the sea, and I don't know why."

Jiang Wang also felt a little emotional: "Maybe it's because..."

Fu Yanqing said: "Maybe it's because I deliberately went back to the sea to challenge Chen Zhitao, but I couldn't make it!"

"Hey, I don't know what's going on with this Chen Zhitao. He was fine at first, so he won't fight if he says he won't fight." Jiang Wang said seriously: "I'm also waiting to see the theater that day! You can make an appointment later, remember to call me."

Fu Yanqing turned his head to look at him for a while, and finally said: "The position of Marquis of Great quite a training."

Think back to the time of lending money.

The one surnamed Jiang is still very simple.

Ding Xiaowei said as much as he said.

If now is that time, then is it all due?

Daqi Marquis Wu'an seemed to be completely unable to understand the implication, and asked himself: "Brother Fu should be in charge of an island now, right? Or is it in the Dingwei area?"

The destination of this march is in the Dingmao area.

This number will inevitably remind Jiang Wang of the place where he fought, the Dingwei area once occupied by monk Yanggu, where the enemy's five sea nests are based on a floating island.

He thought of Ding Jingshan who told him that all the people in the lost world were in love.

It is also natural to think of the Brilliant Star Bridge.

Time flies, year after year!

"Ding Wei area is gone." Fu Yanqing said.

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment: "How come, wasn't it already connected to Futu Pure Land at that time?"

He still remembered the two Yanggu monks he met in the Futu Pure Land. He remembered that the Futu Pure Land was completely owned by the human race. Yanggu, Diaohailou, and Cassia Island all had strongholds there. With the support of Futu Pure Land, there should be no problems in the Dingwei area.

Fu Yanqing looked into the distance: "That time when the boundary river changed, in addition to Futu Pure Land, the Dingwei area was also connected to the Saha Dragon Domain."

It was the first time Jiang Wang had heard the name 'Sapo Dragon Territory', but he could probably guess where it was.

So many people's struggle, perseverance, and fight to the death have all come to nothing.

There is nothing else to say but sigh.

"So, where is Island Master Ding now?" he asked.

At the bow of the ship, which was facing the strong wind and smashing into pieces constantly, Fu Yanqing said calmly: "Dead."


No other embellishments, no rendering.

It's just a simple sentence of death, which makes people feel a huge emptiness!

Recalling the first time I saw Ding Jingshan, he was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain.

Recalling that his soul was wounded, Ding Jingshan sent a cup of soul jade liquid without hesitation, and even charged ten taels of magic crystals without hesitation.

Ding Wei's floating island needs resources too much.

Ding Jingshan made careful calculations, Ding Jingshan took advantage of others, Ding Jingshan thought he was a disciple of a famous school, Shizi opened his mouth, Ding Jingshan did not have the demeanor of a strong man... Ding Jingshan was determined not to hand over Jiang Wang when the Hai Clan army surrounded the island.

Ding Jingshan is dead.

"Do you know the name of this mountain?"

"I don't know that."

"This mountain has no name, this mountain need not have a name. Do you know why?"

"The juniors don't know."

"Because it will disappear at any time. It's not dumping, it's disappearing. So there's no point in naming it. It's not just the mountain, it's the island, everyone on the island... Yes, what you see is the mystery boundary."

Yes, this is the maze.

Jiang Wang felt deeply.

After a while of silence, Jiang Wang said: "When I came here just now, I saw many teams going to the Lost Realm without any banners... How many scattered people are there in the Lost Realm?"

I still remember that in the past few years, the only people who came to the Lost Realm were Cassia Island and Diaohai Tower, which had long been responsible for the defense of the sea. Most of the scattered people are thrown to cleanse their sins, such as Liang Shanglou, Chu Mi, and him, Jiang Wang.

But now the cultivators rushing to the Lost Realm one after another, obviously many of them are free.

"It's a lot more than before." Fu Yanqing said: "The main thing is that last year, Taixu Scroll opened the coastal defense mission. The rewards are very generous, attracting many monks to come. In fact, it has indeed relieved part of the defense pressure. .”

It has been a few years ago that the Illusory Realm was laid to the offshore islands.

Jiang Wang still has an impression.

At that time, the Canglan Sect, an unknown sect in the offshore islands, had an unknown disciple, Hua Manlou, who became the envoy of Taixu.

Unlike him and Chongxuan Shengli who used the Taixu turret to amass a lot of money, Huamanlou directly contributed the Taixu turret and linked it to the rewards of the Sea Honor List to attract more monks to participate in the battle in the sea.

At that time, the stark contrast between the two Taixu envoys also caused many people to scold Chongxuansheng severely.

After Jiang Wang returned from the demon world, he also ran around here and there. When he was not free, he didn't pay much attention to the scroll of Taixu.

Thinking of his honorary title as a second-rank sea guard, he asked again: "Is there no conflict between Taixu Scroll and Zhenhai League's Sea Honor List?"

Fu Yanqing glanced at him, and finally said: "No matter how rich the rewards are on the Haixun List, it is still not as influential as the Taixu Illusionary Realm, and it cannot spread too far. It has long been merged with the Taixu Scroll."

Even Fu Yanqing, who has been fighting in the Lost Realm all year round, said that the Illusory Realm has a wide influence. Too illusory is really promising...

Jiang Wang silently hooked up the illusion of Taixu, unfolded the scroll of Taixu, found the task of assisting defense in the sea and borders, and saw the Sea Honor List listed here——

The first place in the Haixun list, Zhong Xuanzun.

The feats he created in the outer building environment have not been surpassed by any outer building monks.

The Haixun list is the first place on the list, and Xuanzun is important.

Standing at the top, far away from the second place.

Chen Zhitao is second on the Haixun list.

Fu Yanqing is third on the list


The 97th on the main list is Ji Zhaonan.

Ji Zhaonan has been in the demon world for a long time, and only before the Yellow River Meeting in 3919 of the Dao Calendar, he came to the Mystery Realm to sharpen his spear for a while, killing the blue sea with red, and the ranking has not fallen out of the top 100 until now.

It can be seen how murderous this "Human Jia Wushuang" is on the battlefield.

Jiang Wang finally understood what Fu Yanqing's eyes meant.

Fu Yanqing probably thought that he, Jiang, deliberately mentioned the Sea Honor List to show off the martial arts of the people of Qi.

What a mistake!

Ben Hou didn't make the list again.

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