Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1881 I do not condemn

To get the tower through suffering, to seek "gain" with "bitterness".

The hatred in my heart can't exhaust the wind.

The blood source supernatural power is so terrifying that it has the power of resurrection, so it is not a problem to use this supernatural power to restore the broken limbs.

It's no wonder that he launched a sneak attack, even with Bao Xinglang's sword in the middle, he failed to weaken Yu Guangyuan's fighting power as he wished.

If it wasn't for cutting Yu Guangyuan into bones with a single sword later, this guy might still have the possibility of fighting again.

Jiang Wang restrained his breath, squeezed the seal of misfortune, and flew high in the sky.

He guessed that when Yu Guangyuan arranged the "Pet Island", he was also intentionally getting close to his own blood.

Although it is said that the lost world has been displaced three days ago, regardless of the human race and the sea race, the map needs to be rebuilt. But those who want to possess blood-source supernatural powers are more or less connected with their own source blood.

Just like he tracked Yu Guangyuan through Nian Chen, Yu Guangyuan must have his own way.

This guess may not be accurate, but it is enough for Jiang Wang to verify the possibility of completely obliterating Yu Guangyuan.

If Yu Guangyuan cannot be killed this time, it will be even more difficult to do so in the future.

The existence of the blood source supernatural power means that Yu Guangyuan has too much room for making mistakes!

Three days have passed, and the temptation, contact, and collision after the displacement of the maze have continued for a while. Zhiyu has also recovered a lot of information and has a new map. Many of the routes were lit by Jiang Wang.

After several days of tracking, Jiang Wang also gained some experience in finding Jiehe. Generally speaking, the place where the rules are more chaotic and the sense of "alienation" is stronger is closer to the boundary river.

Because the boundary river itself is a manifestation of the collapse of rules.

But this broken zone of time and space, the place where the rules completely collapse, actually divides the maze, forming "rules" in another sense.

Annihilation and existence, destruction and establishment, are so strangely united.

The mystery of creation is indeed worthy of a practitioner's lifetime of "seeing the truth".

The number of newly born boundary rivers in the Yihai area is still unknown.

The forces of the human race in the Yihai area have been wiped out, and only the remnants of soldiers and ruins on the floating island are left. Jiang Wang may be the only scout of the human race here.

The boundary river he crossed was one, but now he found the second one.

Above Zhiyu, the boundary corresponding to this boundary river is still dark, presumably it is also the place where the power of the Sea Clan has the upper hand, and the Human Clan is not enough to give out information quickly.

Jiang Wang dropped a maze crystal casually, stepped out, and crossed the boundary river.

The soul held the fairy thoughts in the Yunshen Temple, but the thought dust technique did not respond.

He ignited the flame of remembrance again, but got nothing.

Yu Guangyuan is not in this world!

Now Jiang Wang has two choices, one is to continue to explore this world, find a new boundary river, and go to other realms connected to this world to explore. The second is to turn around immediately to investigate the third or even the fourth boundary river in the Yihai area.

It is possible for Yu Guangyuan to go in any direction.

The only thing that is certain is that if Jiang Wang chooses the wrong direction, the pursuit of Yu Guangyuan this time can be counted as a failure.

Because he has spent a lot of time.

Yu Guangyuan is not a clay puppet, he will not stay in place, he will definitely find a safer place to stay during the weak period when he is resurrected through the blood source supernatural power.

The peerless arrogance of the Hai Clan, the blood descendant of the true king, and the strongest sage teacher of the younger generation, no matter what his status is, he is enough to get the full support of the Hai Clan. The danger of chasing and killing Yu Guangyuan does not only lie in Yu Guangyuan himself.

Without hesitation, Jiang Wang flew quickly, and quickly found the boundary of this world through the feeling of alienation.

From the beginning to the end, even the name of this realm has not been detected, it has passed through.

The immortal thoughts held by the manifested body of the soul in Yunshen Temple reacted the moment the deity crossed the boundary river.

Xu is God's favor.

Never forget it, remember it so much!

Jiang Wang has the seal of misfortune in his left hand, the red makeup mirror in his right hand, and an immortal sitting in his ear, sneaking extremely cautiously.

This boundary area gave him a very dignified feeling, as if there was no popularity at all. Sea Nest's influence on this realm is very clear, even in the wild, I still have the feeling of facing Sea Nest. Obviously, in this strange realm, the advantage of the Sea Clan over the Human Race is greater than all the realms he has seen so far.

It fits Yu Guangyuan's requirement of hiding the original blood.

But this place is not as extreme as Futu Pure Land, it has almost solidified the rules of the world - if that is the case, no matter how unwilling Jiang Wang is, he can only turn around and leave.

Such an important city, Xiongcheng, can't be eaten by him alone.

Nian Chen maintained the faint feeling, and Jiang Wang avoided the patrolling sea clan soldiers one after another, and finally came to a huge sea nest.

But seeing the armored soldiers as dense as ants, the ordnance flashed coldly. The ferocious war beast roared continuously, and streamers were faintly visible on those seemingly powerful formations, showing a very sufficient energy reserve.

All the signs show that this is the realm where the sea clan has an absolute advantage, and this is a very powerful sea nest.

According to the information obtained by Wan Sheng Lai Chao, it is preliminarily estimated that there are nearly 10,000 Sea Clan fighters in this sea nest.

The sea warriors are generally strong in individual strength. The king can command 30,000 troops and form an army formation to fight against the real king.

Even if it was Jiang Wang, once he was entangled, he would inevitably feel hatred when the army surrounded him and the princes of this realm gathered together.

But the message Nian Chen conveyed was also very clear - Yu Guangyuan was in this sea nest.

The escape route was skipped in his mind, and Jiang Wang thought about it.

From the aquatic plants in the vertical mountain below the sea nest, a small fish that looked as thin as a flying knife rushed out, crashed into a gap in the neck armor of a patrolling soldier, and cut his throat!

There was a commotion in the nearby Sea Clan soldiers.

The human floating island in this world was emptied in the last round of struggle. They didn't expect any danger at all, and they were only waiting for the order to go to the territory.

"Quick! Save him!"

"What's the matter with this blade? Is the individual going crazy or something is wrong with the environment? Please ask the wise teacher to take a look."

In the sudden turmoil, a blazing city of flames smashed into the sea nest, smashed through many cast iron corridors, and broke many bridges in the nest, causing huge casualties!

"Assemble all the teams and form an army formation on the spot! Open the nest protection array to isolate the inside and outside!" At this moment, there was a loud sound, and a majestic King Juefei of the Sea Clan was flying high, and the command was determined to stop the riot.

But there is a gloomy light, which has already wandered among the hurriedly walking sea warriors.

Yi Shengfeng's sword, hidden from his senses, can sneak up on the enemy generals in the midst of thousands of troops, but he didn't notice it beforehand.

Now that Jiang Wang is blessed with the blessing of Huo Dou Yin, he doesn't give up too much.

It's just that the more complex the environment, the denser the enemies, the more senses you need to escape. Yi Shengfeng has the magical power of whim, and can avoid attention in advance. However, Jiang Wang could only collect information honestly and resolve it meticulously. Fortunately, now that he has mastered Xiannian, he can handle it.

Yu Guangyuan, who had just been revived from the original blood, was sitting in a secret room to recuperate.

He doesn't like the structure of Haichao very much. It is clearly in the world of chaos, but he still wants to hide himself airtight. He likes floating islands more, so he often goes to them to play.

Of course, he also noticed the short-lived commotion outside, and frowned for a moment.

But I feel that I really think too much.

The sea nest he is in now, and even this boundary area, are not simple.

There are seven Sea Nests here, three Kings of the Sea Clan, twenty-seven commander-level Sea Clans, and 160,000 troops!

This is not a realm where ordinary sea people have an advantage.

It is a chariot-like existence that has been fully managed and can send troops to interfere with the situation in other realms at any time!

The Hai people call such a boundary "Yellow Terrace".

Taking the Yihai people's tradition of "the recipient of the honor stepping on the yellow platform", this is also a very few etiquette left by the Hai people in the extremely harsh environment of the sea.

The name "Yellow Terrace" means that they will gain martial arts through such a boundary.

Not to mention that everything will be restarted after resurrection, and it should be impossible to be tracked again. Even if he was still caught, he was in the Huangtai border, surrounded by the sea clan army, would that Jiang Wang dare to kill him?

But he paused and got up again.

In any case, don't make fun of your own safety, and be careful when sailing for thousands of years.

However, at the moment when he stood up suddenly, the secret room he was in had been pierced by seven spiritual creatures surrounded by blazing light, and the thick wall covering him was shattered in a huge explosion.

The vitality surged into turbulence!

It turned out to be Jiang Wang! As soon as Yu Guangyuan had such a thought in his heart, he was swept away by the unparalleled torrent of sword energy.

Flesh and bones are gone.

Yu Guangyuan in his prime was beheaded to death by Jiang Wang. In a weak state, he was suddenly attacked in the extremely safe camp of the Sea Clan, and he couldn't bear it at all!

But Jiang Wang was not happy in his heart, because there was only a pile of broken blood under the sword.

Yu Guangyuan once again escaped death by relying on the supernatural power of blood.

In such a safe place, during such a weak period, the first thing he did was to pay a huge loss and draw out the original blood!

How cautious!

Jiang Wang returned his sword and walked away, the sword lifted up to the sky, pulled out dozens of floors of the nest house, and reached the commanding king hanging from a high place.

The majestic King of the Sea Clan showed no fear at this moment. He responded to the power of the nest-protecting array at this moment, and grasped the power of the army array.

Jiang Wang calmly folded, easily got rid of the lock, and hit the nest door with a sword!

From the inside out, easily broke through a hole in the light curtain built by the nest-protecting array, and passed through the gap before the array healed.

Among the thousands of armies, I go alone, and if I miss a single blow, I will flee far away.

The army array behind him is assembled, the sea beast roars behind him, and the flying spear pierces the air behind him! And the voice of the king of the Hai clan is still clear: "Send messages to the nests, Jiang Wang chases Huangtai, and surrounds him with all his troops!"

But this body is far away, away from the sound of fighting.

How could this cumbersome Haichao catch up with him, Mr. Jiang?

Jiang Wang ventured into Haichao, where the army was stationed, but failed to kill Yu Guangyuan, so he didn't feel a bit downhearted.

Because there is no point in being depressed.

A proud man like Yu Guangyuan should be cautious!

He just analyzed the situation calmly.

Yu Guangyuan hid himself in the sea lair just now to recuperate. It is obvious that the source blood that this guy split must be handed over to his extremely trusted subordinates, and he will take the source blood to places such as Sa Po Dragon Field .

For the Hai Clan, those places that are completely covered by the rules of the sea are the real safe places.

And he chased all the way to this realm, chasing after the wind and chasing the moon without stopping, asking himself whether the speed is not slow. Breaking into Haichao is also a matter of thought, without delay.

Counting the time when Yu Guangyuan came back to life, and the time when Yu Guangyuan gave out his source blood... Even if you think about it, that drop of source blood won't be able to run too far!

The fingertips remember the fire, and the soul thinks about the dust crystal.

Jiang Wang hid in the gloomy light, walked through this strange realm, and at the moment Nian Chen had a slight sense, he had already captured the revived Yu Guangyuan!

Turn to sprint now!

The killing intent is stronger than steel.

When Jiang Wang flew at full speed, there was no afterimage left in the air.

When that huge flying eagle appeared in the field of vision.

Yu Guangyuan's voice had already reached his ears one step earlier: "Quick! Quick! Faster!"

"As you wish!" Jiang Wang's voice turned into thunder, and he first bombarded the sea clan who showed the true form of the sea lord and fled with Yu Guangyuan on his back.

Yu Guangyuan suddenly turned his head on Feiying's back, and saw that human being arrogantly striding forward with blue clouds at his feet, sword in hand.

Hold a jade bottle in your hand and splash it in the air!

Hundreds of small flying fish with wings flew towards Jiang Wangpu at the speed of crashing sound.

hum! hum! hum!

Before approaching the target, one after another began to swell, ready to explode!

Jiang Wang stepped on the clouds with strides, translucent flowers of sword energy circled around him, and fiery red flame sparrows came to pick them up.

Flame Sparrow held the sword flower in its mouth and precisely hit each flying fish, detonating them in advance.

This style of Sword Flower Flame Sparrow was used for the first time at the meeting of the Yellow River, which was one of the moments when the leader of Daqi amazed the world.

At this time, there were repeated explosions, and the flames were monstrous.

But Jiang Wang strode out from the flames, raising his hand was just a sword!

The huge flying eagle didn't make any screams at all, it was dismembered inch by inch.

Yu Guangyuan, who has been resurrected twice in succession, does not have the ability to resist in front of Jiang Wang? He was easily sealed off from all over the world, and a prison chain was locked around his neck, like a dog, and he walked away.

Jiang Wang wasn't sure if this fellow gave out another source blood - it should be impossible, but there is a possibility after all.

He had no time to wait any longer, no longer to chase.

So I decided to capture this guy and let him go for five days before strangling him, so as to never hope of his resurrection.

Yu Guangyuan was under the control of others, and suffered this great humiliation, but he did not see the color of humiliation, but said angrily: "The battle of Tianjiao should be performed to the fullest, and the ultimate sublimation! Jiang Wang, I am hard to convince you that you sneaked into me!"

All his goodies were shredded in the first fight, and he didn't have time to use them. Now I only have spare pets sent to my subordinates, I am really unwilling.

Even this easily deciphered "Ring Explosive Flying Fish" must be used together with the "Smoke Dog" to be considered a wonderful solution. The poison and fire will be born twice, and the power will increase by more than ten times. Where can I find it now?

As the strongest sage teacher of the younger generation of the Sea Clan, many of his means are on pets. But until now, it can be regarded as a display. Really aggrieved!

"If you are fair to me, life and death are unknown!"

Jiang Wang just pulled the dog's chain to let the guy follow, but ignored it.

Yu Guangyuan said again: "I am a descendant of the Blood King. If you kill me, you may not be able to get out of the maze. How about exchanging benefits with me, the Blood King will pay for it!"

While thinking about the escape route, Jiang Wang said casually: "Speaking of the descendants of the Blood King, I have killed one in the Inner Palace. His name is Yu Wangu, I wonder if you recognize him?"

Yu Guangyuan didn't mention this anymore, but he laughed maniacally: "In order to find me, you have traveled eight or nine realms, why are you so attached to me! Just because I made a joke with that monk? "

"So you thought it was a joke."

"Don't you think so?" Yu Guangyuan smiled nervously: "In this world, the weak are preyed upon by the strong, and life is essentially a game! Just as you can lock me up now, of course I can also play tricks on him. Live today, die tomorrow , what is the limit?"

"What do you think is your freedom." Jiang Wang said lightly: "As for what I do, that is my freedom."

Yu Guangyuan laughed loudly: "So you want to condemn me righteously? Judge me?"

"There is no morality on the battlefield. The morality of the human race is even less valid for you. So I am not here to condemn you, nor do I want to judge you." Jiang Wang stepped on Qingyun, holding a chain in his hand, and said calmly: "I'm here to kill you .as you did to my people."

His tone was too calm, so real.

It was so real that Yu Guangyuan couldn't stop laughing.

At this time, they had already flown beyond the colorful boundary river.

You can see groups of sea clan fighters flying towards in a hurry, and at the end of the field of vision, there is a large black area, which is full of sea clan troops gathering before going to the boundary river.

The Hai Clan army is about to block the river!

It is the right time to meet at this moment.

At least in the planning of the marching route, we can worship the general.

Jiang Wang manifested as a Sword Immortal in an instant, chopping repeatedly with chaotic swords.

Fireworks burn the city!

Canglong Seven Changes!

Eight Wind Dragon Tiger!

The sword of the peak and the mountain, the sword opens a line of sky!

There is a torrent of Taoism, and sword energy is like a tide.

In an instant, a huge gap was cut in front of Jiehe.

Jiang Wang threw himself into the maze, pulled the dog chain, and dragged the crazy Yu Guangyuan across the river.

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