Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1883 Please show your buttocks

After Jiang Wang forced the sea clan army back, he alerted the human race forces in the region where he was, and informed Huangtai of the region's information, and then dragged Yu Guangyuan away.

The human race and the sea race have been fighting in the maze world for many years, and the maze world has not been displaced for a day or two. Both sides are quite prepared for various scenarios.

Although people who have been on the battlefield of the Lost World all year round have heard this sentence - "When a real accident strikes, all preparations are not enough."

However, when the information is obtained, the human camp corresponding to the Huangtai boundary will also be free.

Guiyou, Yichou, Renzi...

Jiang Wang turned around one by one, without stopping for a moment.

Yu Guangyuan is such a proud sea clan, he became Qinghong's tail, running around with him.

If someone can gain insight into the maze environment and capture Jiang Wang's movement trajectory, he will be able to find that although he does not stop all the way, turns like the wind, and runs like he doesn't care about his head, he actually shuttles back and forth near the core area of ​​the human race.

Corresponding to the situation of the Sea Race, the territory completely occupied by the Human Race forces is called the "Human Race Camp".

These places have not yet changed the rules of the world, and they are still stationed in the form of floating islands. This kind of place has a strong military advantage and can often output pressure on nearby boundaries. But not invulnerable.

It is not uncommon for several human camps to be born or disappear every time the maze is displaced.

And the most critical place for the human race in the lost world is a realm like "Futu Pure Land", which has an exclusive honor and completely reproduces the rules of the world.

In these places, large armies are stationed, there are plenty of armaments, the strong sit in towns, and there are even a large number of ordinary people living there, gathering popularity, almost no different from the present world.

Such as Tianjing Kingdom, such as Cangwu Realm.

Of course, ordinary people living in these places will never know what the real world looks like if they are not extraordinary. Then again, when the entanglement of love and hate, life and death really happened, who can say that they are not living in the real world?

With the gradual end of the misty period of the displacement of the lost world, the map became clearer in the highest-standard guidebook of Cassia Island in his hand, and Jiang Wang's plan for the route became more and more confident.

He wandered outside the absolutely safe area, but ensured that he could quickly hide in the core territory of the human race after a maximum of two realms.

Such behavior is naturally for the pursuit and killing of possible strong men of the Sea Clan.

When he was only in the Inner Mansion, because he killed Yu Wangu, the Blood King went out to catch up with the scorching sun flying boat, and almost captured him and tortured him forever.

Yu Guangyuan is so important, and the Blood King has no reason to ignore it.

Jiang Wang also intentionally planted ten methods on Yu Guangyuan's body to ensure that Yu Guangyuan would die instantly with just one thought.

But after going around like this for twenty-five hours, everything was calm.

With Jiang Wang's current strength, he can travel across most realms, not to mention dragging Yu Guangyuan, even with a convoy behind him, and few unscrupulous Sea Clan dare to disturb him—— Before coming to the Lost Realm, Chongxuan Fatty really had a similar suggestion, asking him to bring goods to Desheng Trading Company.

For a long time, Jiang Wang has been used to those strong men who bully the small by being unscrupulous. What kind of real person is chasing the inner palace, the real king is chasing the inner palace, the real person is hiding in Tongtian Palace...

All of a sudden, he broke into the Wanjun and captured Yu Guangyuan alive. He did such a big thing, but he didn't feel how strong the Hai Clan's counterattack was. I'm really not used to it!

Is Yu Guangyuan so unwelcoming?

Forget about other real kings.

The Blood King didn't come either. Could it be because Yu Guangyuan didn't inherit the blood king's innate supernatural powers, so he was not taken seriously?

Or is it that I, Jiang, have such excellent concealment skills that even the real king can't track him?

Jiang Wang didn't waste any more time, quickly planned the route, and headed for the Dingmao area.

Regardless of what the strong Hai clan is doing, I hope that Yu Guangyuan's head can be exchanged for Qi Shuai's good mood!



In front of the colorful Boundary River is the Huangtai boundary where King Chiya is located.

Suddenly, there was a ripple in the space, and a strong man with no eyebrows and sharp face came out.

"Death Xuan pays homage to the king, and regards Zun'an!"

King Sixuan, who was guarding in front of the boundary river, saluted immediately.

The one who came was the blood king. He glanced at King Death Xuan indifferently: "You are the only one in this Huangtai realm?"

Because Yu Guangyuan was resurrected in the Sea Nest guarded by Chiya King, so Chiya King didn't dare to show his face at all.

King Sixuan looked like he had fallen into a cold cellar, and said cautiously: "His Royal Highness Nian Wang called Chi Ya back to report on his duties, so he returned to Canghai last night."

Blood King grinned: "Nian Wang is a calf protector."

Because the corners of the mouth were pulled higher and higher, this smile became more and more terrifying: "But who will protect the orphaned calf?"

King Sixuan had already scolded the grandparents of King Chiya and King Youying in his heart. These two bastards, one was recalled by the superior, and the other was healed. Before he could react, the Huangtai boundary was called Two new princes are guarding.

Then came the news of the blood king's arrival.

As the only prince in this world who has experienced the whole process, he had no choice but to come out to greet him.

The tyranny of the blood king is known all over the world.

He came here completely bravely, and even thought out his last words!

"That human Jiang Wang is despicable and cunning. He is shameless to carry out a sneak attack with the honor of a prince! If Mr. Yu is not careless, he will definitely not fall into his hands!" King Sixuan neither dared to answer the question of the blood king, nor dared to He didn't say a word, let alone dare to say that Nian Wang was wrong, so he could only scold Jiang Wang hard.

"There is a white elephant first, and then there are red teeth. Wan Gu died first, and then Guangyuan was lost." The blood king's voice became weaker and weaker: "Is Gu so easy to talk that you don't have to be responsible for Gu?"

"Humble and terrified!" King Sixuan knelt down directly: "When I learned that Mr. Yu had an accident, I urgently mobilized troops and horses, and was the first to lead the army to chase to Jiehe! But I was worried that Mr. Yu was in the hands of Jiang Wang, so I dare not fight!" Fate, for fear of ignoring the arrogance of heaven. So much so that he held the army empty, he hesitated, lost his chance, and was forced to retreat by Jiang Wang... If the king punishes and punishes, the humble should have no complaints!"

The Blood King looked at him quietly for a while, saw that his shirt was soaked in sweat, and then waved his hand: "Go."

"Humble and resign!" King Death Xuan bowed respectfully, backed up for a long time, until he couldn't see the figure of Blood King clearly, then suddenly turned around and flew away.

At this moment, when I wiped the sweat from my forehead, I realized that there were a few drops of blood... It was a life-and-death experience!

The Blood King silently looked at the Jiehe in front of him, not caring about the departure of King Death Xuan.

The boundary river is not an obstacle to him. Even if he walks in the broken rules, he will not be destroyed by the rules, because he is the real king, he is the "truth", and he is the embodiment of the rules.

What made him ponder was that the journey was not smooth.

As the most valuable existence among blood descendants, his care for Yu Guangyuan is naturally far superior to others. After receiving Yu Guangyuan's distress message, he set off immediately.

But he had just entered the confused world, and he actually lost his sense of Yu Guangyuan directly!

Jiang Wang, who is known as "the proud fate of the human race", has a prominent status in Qi State, so it is not surprising that he has something on his body that can erase the distress message.

For him who became a real king, it was nothing more than a lot of trouble.

In the confusing world, the rules are chaotic and accidents occur frequently.

Even the rainbow current that represents broken rules like Jiehe is different.

After the birth of some boundary rivers, there is a fog of rules on both sides of the river. Only after practitioners cross the river, the fog of rules will dissipate and the two sides of the river can see each other.

No matter what happens to some boundary rivers, one bank cannot see the other bank. It takes forever to get through before you know what the situation is.

Some boundary rivers are like ordinary rivers, with one bank and the other bank facing each other across the river without any hindrance.

During the period when the world-shattering shift just happened, even he, the blood king, had to wait until the map was rebuilt before he knew how to get to the target as quickly as possible.

Of course, with his strength, he can run rampant in the mist... He did exactly that, chasing the location where Yu Guangyuan sent the distress message that he sensed in his heart, and kept approaching it.

But the Confused World is such a chaotic place.

Every boundary river has the possibility to connect any area.

He often finds that he is farther away from his goal after crossing the boundary river.

It doesn't matter, just treat him as a true king, and speed up the construction of the map for the Hai Clan. But when he turned around, he slammed into the Heavenly Purity Kingdom, and confronted Xu Wuming, a Master of Legalism, for a while...

He was eager to rescue the blood descendant, and it took a lot of effort to get out.

Time is so broken in the mist.

When the map became a little clearer, he was belatedly informed of the news of the Huangtai boundary.

When he finally arrived at the Huangtai boundary, not only Jiang Wang dragged Yu Guangyuan away, but even Chiya King and Youying King ran away...

The blood king took a step forward, stepped directly across the boundary river, and took another step, already deep into this domain. He showed majesty without hesitation, and with the cultivation base of a true king, he penetrated the world and observed the world, capturing the traces of Jiang Wang.

But at this moment, a golden light flashed in front of him, and a banner hundreds of feet high broke the distance between time and space, and stood in front of him!

The golden flag unfolded, with the word "Xuanwei" embroidered in blood.

When the flag appeared, a nine-foot-tall, burly, and handsome general in golden armor ran into the Blood King's sight irresistibly.

The head of the Yanggu Three Banners General, Xuanwei Banner General Yang Feng!

"I'm about to play a surprise attack, kissing Huangtai, but I don't expect to meet the blood king!" Yang Feng drew his sword directly, roaring his fighting spirit as if his cloak was set on fire.

Compared with the vicious blood king, his appearance is too in line with the image of a hero. Even his intention to attack the Huangtai boundary with the honor of a real person, he spoke very frankly and clearly.

It is an act of pride to draw a sword at the first sight.

It is true that the blood king has a fierce reputation, and he, Yang Feng, is also the killer star in the lost world. Now that they have met, it is still in such a relatively fair environment. If they don't kill each other, how can they be worthy of the prestige they carry?

"You want to seek death, this king should also fulfill it!" The blood king directly threw himself on him, and the ferocious aura brought a bloody floating shadow, as if sweeping a vast flow of blood.

His mouth is fierce and his moves are fierce, but his heart is vigilant.

Bad luck this time...

But the strong are lucky, what is the cloud?

Where did he go, where did he kill, and why did he ever care about the mountains and rivers coming back?

Now that accidents happen frequently, I have to sigh with luck.

For a true king, bad luck is a harbinger of danger!



So lucky!

Jiang Wang rarely felt lucky.

But it was true that the process of rushing to Dingmao's realm was calm, and he dragged Yu Guangyuan, the genius of the Sea Clan, to swagger through the city, and those strong Sea Clansmen seemed to be blind.

What's more, when he walked to Dingmao's first floating island, he found that Qi Shuai was not here,

what a shame! You can't accept Qi Shuai's teaching immediately.

Jiang was full of regrets.

But Qi Shuai is not here, we are the highest-ranking generals in this field, with the responsibility of leadership and the right to run the army.

As for where I came from, where did I go, where did I go...

I, Marquis Wu'an, have acted all my life, so why do I need to explain it to others? !

There is more than one piece of good news. Fang Yuanyou, the commander of his personal guards, came early to the Dingmao Realm with a Feiyunlou boat loaded with 3,000 soldiers. Not only did he repel the attack of the Sea Clan in this realm, but he was also defeated in two days. Before defeating the sea clan army in the wild. It can be said that he overfulfilled the military mission for Marquis Wu'an...except for the delay of a few days.

But when Marquis Wu'an arrived at Dingmao's first floating island, there were thunderous cheers on the island.

The military idols in recent years, besides Champion Hou, is Wu Anhou. Compared with the famous generals of the older generation, they are younger, more heroic, and closer.

The Marquis of Wu'an raised his big tent and ordered his generals to dispatch his troops. He was determined to integrate all the military techniques he had learned, and put them to good use in this Dingmao boundary, so that he could go back and give the emperor an explanation, so as not to end up with the small exam and the big exam.

"Have all the generals arrived?" The military idol, Sir Jiang Jue, was sitting in the commander's seat, with a gentle voice, but he had his own majesty.

There was a boom in the audience, and the blood was surging.

"The last general, Kuang Huiping, Dingmao's first floating island general! Please follow the order of Lord Hou!"

"The end will be painted with good materials..."

"The last general, You Yuxin...

I have to say that the feeling of sitting alone in the handsome position is really good.

As far as its voice reaches, the mountain calls and the sea returns.

Where the command flag points, where all the troops are headed!

That Yu Guangyuan was tied under the banner of Wu'an outside the tent, and he sacrificed his blood to the banner after the five-day period was over.

Every time the soldiers saw this sea clan's pride curled up like a dog, their reverence for their Lord Marquis would surge up.

The morale is like a rainbow, and the military spirit is available!

According to the book of war, if you go out at this time, you can win all battles.

Marquis Wu An was thinking about how to practice the art of war next, when the voice of determination in the audience gradually changed.

"The last general Luo Cunyong...that..." A rough-looking military general stammered without any pride.

Jiang Wang was a little puzzled: "Why are you so stuttering?"

Marquis Wu'an was magnanimous, never abused his subordinates, and encouraged him gently: "Speak slowly."

Luo Cunyong closed his eyes, and said loudly and hastily: "The last general is a pawn of Jueming Island!"

Wu'an Hou suddenly felt bad, but he still laughed with dignity and said: "It turns out that you are the flag guy, why are you so imposing! You are the elite of the elite, don't be nervous next time."

He pressed a few times and greeted cordially: "Sit down, sit down. Come on, the next one—"

Luo Cunyong seemed to be really encouraged, and refused to sit down, and his voice became louder: "The final general will be ordered by Commander Qi to punish Marquis Wu'an for failing to fulfill his duties!"

All tents are quiet.

The generals looked at each other in blank dismay.

Marquis Wu'an put down his pressed hand: "I don't know how to punish?"

Luo Cunyong said in a loud voice: "Qi Shuai's order said, the army sticks are to be blamed! One hundred for every failure!"

Fang Yuanyou, the guard outside the tent, directly entered the account with a knife, glaring at him, probably wanting to say something like Marquis Wu'an shed blood for Daqi, and we also desperately overfulfilled our military missions.

But Jiang Wang forced him out with a look.

"Military discipline is like this, I will certainly be punished!"

Jiang Wang got up directly, and strode down from the commander's position. Right in the military tent, before all the generals, he removed his green shirt and tore off his underwear, revealing the line-like upper body chiseled out by knives and swords. .

The body is like cast iron, and the potential is like a dragon!

Turning his back to Luo Cunyong, Hong Sheng said: "Come on! Hit as you like, and you will be rewarded if you hit hard!"

Luo Cunyong really took out his military stick, held it with both hands, and kept taking deep breaths, puffing up and puffing up himself.

"Why don't you do it?" Jiang Wang turned around and asked.

Luo Cunyong swallowed nervously, and stammered: "That...then what...Hou Ye... please show your buttocks!"

Thanks to the book friend "Guangying" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 415th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

There was a small mistake in the last chapter, the "Floating Bridge" of the Sea Clan should be "Crystal Bridge".

I often like to use some small settings to enrich the world view and make the world more real. For example, in the same place, the Human Race calls it the Lost Realm, and the Sea Race calls it the Confused World.

One of the problems that this leads to is... I often forget a lot of things.

Regarding Duqiao, I made a small setting in the previous article. When I wrote it, I flipped through the setting set and missed it, so I added a name again.

Feel sorry.

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