Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1896 Kyouju

The wind blows the bell outside the building, and the people in the building sit alone.

"This wine..." Fang Yuanyou poked his forehead out from the side of the wine urn, and looked over eagerly.

Jiang Wang waved his hand out, then closed his eyes, and began to adjust his breath.

Fang Yuanyou said "Oh", and went downstairs with the wine jar in his arms.


"Master Hou!" Fang Yuanyou hurried upstairs again.

Jiang Wang opened his eyes and cast him a questioning look.

The wine urn in Fang Yuanyou's hand was gone, and he reported succinctly: "Two people came to the island, saying that they are here to carry out the task of the scroll of the void, and want to see you."

Taking a few more steps forward, he whispered, "A disciple of Haoran Academy."

As the commander of the Hou's personal guard, Fang Yuanyou came to ask if he agreed to meet with Jiang Wang even though he knew Jiang Wang was recuperating.

This Haoran Academy has branches in Song State, Zheng State, and Li State. The scale is not small, and it has a certain influence in the court. There is no distinction between these three branches, they can all be counted as the headquarters.

They adopt a unique dean rotation system, which rotates the dean every ten years.

Internally or called: "Song Zheng", "Zheng Zheng", "Li Zheng".

The strength of the three schools should not be underestimated, and it is known as the "Fifth Academy in the World".

Of course, as we all know, there are only four academies in the world that can rank among the top sects in the world and be on an equal footing with the top sects. Qinku, Longmen, Qingya, and Mugu are ranked in order.

The so-called "Fifth Academy in the World" has always had its name, but the academy under its name has changed countless times.

Bamboo shoots are springing up everywhere, and everyone wants to make progress.

"Haoran Academy, Taixu scroll..." Jiang Wang was a little confused: "What are they looking for?"

Fang Yuanyou shook his head: "I didn't say anything specific, I just said that I want to talk to you face to face."

The people below actually complained to him, saying that the two Haoran Academy disciples who came to visit Fudao had a very arrogant attitude. But he didn't intend to sue Lord Hou about this. He is a soldier who rolled over on the tip of a knife, and he doesn't understand any major principles. All I know is that Lord Hou took him under his command and used him to handle affairs, not to cause trouble.

It was the same in Linzi in the past, he almost never had conflicts with others. Sometimes at the wine table, if someone drinks too much and goes crazy, he just smiles.

"Where are those two people now?" Jiang Wang asked casually.

Fang Yuanyou said: "It's still outside the floating island. Without your order, the brothers didn't let them in."

The forces of the Sea Clan in the Dingmao boundary area have been wiped out, and the human camp has begun to be built. The soldiers stationed at the boundary river will not prevent the human monks from entering and leaving.

But the floating island is different here, especially the floating island where Marquis Wu An is located, which can be regarded as an important place for military aircraft, and anyone who wants to come can come here.

"Let them come."

Jiang Wang would like to know more about these academies, after all, they are prominent schools in the world, and the various schools of Confucianism are very valuable to understand. In addition, I am also interested in the development of Taixu Scroll.

The first time Xu Zeming mentioned the Taixu scroll to him was on his way to Muguo as an envoy. In just over a year, according to Fu Yanqing, the Taixu scroll has been able to affect the situation in the lost world.

This pace of development is not uncommon.

Fang Yuanyou left in a hurry, and the two visitors from Haoran Academy came even more hurriedly.

Before Fang Yuanyou led the way and knocked on the door, there was an angry voice outside the building——

"Qiao Hongyi and Jiang Cuilin from Haoran Academy! I have met Marquis Wu'an of Qi State!"

When Jiang Wang looked up, he saw a pair of wall men coming against the wind.

The man has a good appearance and awe-inspiring righteousness, while the woman has a delicate body and good features.

One with a golden body and chalcedony, and the other with a distant reflection of the star building, certainly they cannot be regarded as weak.

"Come on, please sit down!" Jiang Wang stood up and greeted without pretension.

Qiao Hongyi looked young, in her late thirties. At this age, he is a god, he is a genius, and the arrogance between his brows cannot be concealed. But he was still very polite to Jiang Wang: "You take the liberty to visit, and please don't be offended by Lord Hou."

"Look at you." Jiang Cuilin slapped him on the arm coquettishly: "Wu Anhou, what kind of person still cares about these vulgar etiquette? Just avoid what should be avoided!"

The two of them had a very good relationship, they held hands all the time when they came here, and they only let go when they entered the restaurant. Even if they let go, the eyes of each other seem to be entwined.

"Miss Jiang is right, we don't have to stick to that when we are away from home." Jiang Wangwen smiled, he is not a person who likes to waste time, so he went straight to the point: "The two of you came to see me specially, what can you tell me?"

Qiao Hongyi cupped her hands: "Master Hou must have received the report from his servants, and my junior sister and I came here after accepting the task of the Taixu scroll."

Jiang Wang frowned slightly, but did not speak.

Qiao Hongyi asked again with a smile: "I don't know if Lord Hou understands the scroll of emptiness or the illusion of emptiness?"

"I would like to hear the details." Jiang Wang was patient.

Qiao Hongyi said loudly and proudly: "The Illusionary Realm is the greatest creation of civilization in history, and it is a miracle born of the flood of humanity! It represents that the flame of humanity is already unstoppable, and it also undertakes the important mission of shining the civilization of the human race. .

And the scroll of emptiness is a very important part of illusory realm of emptiness. It can mobilize the power of tens of millions of us to push the world to a more perfect level together.

I can even say responsibly that the Great Illusionary Scroll exists for the purpose of building the Great Illusionary Realm. We carry out the mission of the void scroll, that is to say, we are building the future of the human race! "

This fanatical and proud tone sounds really familiar.

"Sounds good." Jiang Wang nodded thoughtfully: "So I still don't know, you are looking for me...?"

Qiao Hongyi smiled and said, "I am the emissary of Taixu, and also the owner of the blessed land No. 61 who lives on the mountain."

Jiang Wang was in awe: "So?"

"Speaking of the establishment of the Taixu scroll, I, Haoran Academy, also contributed a lot. As for myself, I have a sense of responsibility since I was a child, and I want to promote the progress of the human race..." Qiao Hongyi seemed to want to have a chat, halfway through the chat, she turned her head Looking at Jiang Cuilin: "Baby, why are you always kicking me?"

Jiang Wang was startled by the sound of 'baby'... This feeling of panic is quite fresh.

Jiang Cuilin blushed and said, "Your Majesty Jiang is busy, so don't waste his time, hurry up and talk about the business!"

Qiao Hongyi was very puzzled: "We chatted very happily, and he didn't say that I wasted his time. Baby, don't always think so much, it's very hard."

"That..." Jiang Wang caressed his heart and said, "I'm a little uncomfortable."

"What's wrong with Master Hou?" Qiao Hongyi enthusiastically expressed her concern: "My medical skills are very good!"

He rubbed Jiang Cuilin with his shoulder again: "Baby, you tell him, don't you?"

Jiang Cuilin covered her face in shame, but answered "Yes".

"My medical skills are not bad, and my body is fine, but I just need to rest..." Jiang Wangwan didn't expect this guy to talk so much nonsense, so obsessed, and so tiresome, he hurriedly said: "Brother Qiao, you may as well speak up if you have something to say."

"Then I'll make a long story short. The matter is like this..." Qiao Hongyi has a chattering temperament, which makes his originally handsome face show a twist: "You know I'm from Zheng." , At that time, I was in Mangcang Mountain... I met... We have... Just like that, I took this task and came to the Lost Realm to catch sea beasts."

Jiang Wang vowed not to sit down and chat with this person for a second time.

Catch a sea beast and you can tell about your adventures when you were ten years old.

Why don't you start with the founding emperor of Zheng State!

"Capturing sea beasts shouldn't be a problem for Brother Qiao." Jiang Wang said, "Are you asking for a lot?"

"Thirty thousand heads are needed!" Qiao Hongyi said excitedly, "Of course I am not the only one doing this task, but I want to make the greatest contribution!"

The offshore islands have always captured sea beasts for domestication, and Jiang Wang knows this. Once, in order to save the sea people, he killed an out-of-control sea beast from the Whale Gang, and he was found at his door.

At that time, the true nature of the sea master of the sea clan had just evolved to the level of the soul, which caused all the sea beasts used in the offshore islands to lose control.

Chen Zhitao also researched a brand-new restraint method for the new state of the sea beast's spirit, and shared it with all the sea people for free, which won him a huge reputation...

It is normal to have the task of catching sea beasts on the Taixu Scroll, but is it too much to ask for 30,000 sea beasts all at once?

Jiang Wang couldn't help but asked: "To capture so many sea beasts, how will it help the construction of the illusory world?"

Qiao Hongyi looked around mysteriously, and Fang Yuanyou, who was going upstairs behind them, was armored and silent.

After thinking about it, he said, "I can only tell you about this—"

Jiang Wang interrupted him: "If it's such an inconvenient thing to say, then don't say it. Don't make things difficult for you."

"Convenient and convenient." Qiao Hongyi hurriedly said, "You can talk to Marquis Wu An!"

Jiang Wang looked at him quietly and motioned for him to continue.

Qiao Hongyi said: "The Taixu scroll had an island-building mission before, mobilized a lot of resources, and built a new island in the offshore, named 'Mazhou'. The 'may', the mayfly, the insignificant thing in the world, the fate is short-lived period. This name means to use a short life to create great possibilities and warn us..."

Jiang Cuilin on the side probably saw Jiang Wang's impatience, and quickly answered: "To put it bluntly, Xu Zeming built a large millstone on Mayzhou Island, and a large number of sea beasts need to be filled in to analyze the foundation of the sea clan. Crack the truth of the Sea Lord!"

Jiang Wang was startled. He was not surprised that this matter had something to do with Xu Zeming, but was surprised by Xu Zeming's handwriting.

To be able to do such a thing, it is not enough to rely on Akira Kurosawa. Who else will end up in the Taixu faction? How many people support him? The elder, the sect master, or even the leader of Xuyuan who led the construction of the illusory realm?

Qiao Hongyi added: "The nature of this Mayzhou Island is similar to that of your Cassia Island. Given time, it will definitely become a heavily fortified city on the coast of our human race!"

"Oh?" Jiang Wang said: "I don't know about it. I don't know where this Mayzhou Island is located, who are the strong people sitting in it, how many troops are stationed, and how many times have they led the war against the Sea Clan?"

"Currently, Mayzhou Island is mainly focused on studying the Sea Clan..." Qiao Hongyi said embarrassingly: "The location is not far to the south of Xingzhu Island."

As he spoke, he raised his head again: "But there is a scroll of Taixu, and everyone in the world can use it!"

Jiang Wang himself doesn't think so much, but as the Marquis of Daqi, he can't help but think—you can use it for all the powerful people in the world, will the six overlords agree?

This matter is out of his control, so he just said: "So you are looking for me, what do you want..."

"Master Hou is a cheerful person at first glance, Hong Lang, you don't want to go around in circles." Jiang Cuilin smiled sweetly: "It's like this, Master Hou, we heard that you just cleared the Dingmao border and started building a human Come here to ask for some prisoners!"

After the sea tribe shows its true form as a sea lord, it can also be used as a sea beast. This is not uncommon in the offshore islands.

Jiang Wang didn't make a fuss, just said: "How many do you need?"

Waiting for one or two Hai Clan captives, they will be given away as favors. He paid out of his own pocket to make up for the profit lost by the soldiers under his command.

"Let me just say it! As a human being, who would be vague before the righteousness of the human race?" Jiang Cuilin smiled brightly, and looked at Jiang Wang seriously: "We want as much as we have."

"It's not impossible to talk about it!"

Jiang Wang just wanted to make an offer.

Over there, Qiao Hongyi added very naturally: "Also, isn't your side already finished fighting? The army is also idle. Why don't you send me some people to promote the progress of the human race with me! This wild place The sea beast is really hard to catch, I need some people to help me block it..."

Jiang Wang stopped talking.

Co-authoring, these two guys don't want to pay anything, they just come here to beg for food!

What they want is not a bite or two, but a month's rations from the master's family, and they want to take away all the pots and pans.

"Does Hou Ye have any scruples?" Qiao Hongyi looked at his words and said impassionedly: "We are all righteous for the human race, and we have absolutely no selfish intentions!"

"But this Marquis is a selfish person." Jiang Wang sighed: "This time, this Marquis went to the Lost Realm with three thousand armors. Yuanshi, food and fodder are always consumed. Merit and fame, everyone wants to get it. Besides, this human camp Taking it down is the work of tens of thousands of soldiers, can this Marquis take it lightly?"

He thought he was close to making it clear.

But Qiao Hongyi didn't seem to understand at all: "A group of vulgar people who can't move the gates of heaven and earth will at most risk their lives to fill them in. What credit can they have! Don't they all depend on you, Lord Hou? You are a figure on the top of the cloud. What are those muddy-legged thoughts doing?"

Jiang Cuilin next to her spoke coquettishly: "You are the Marquis of Great Qi, the commander of the three armies... Isn't this just a matter of your words?"

Jiang Wang reached out to hold the teacup: "Sorry, I'm a little tired."

"Master Hou!" Qiao Hongyi was anxious: "You are the pride of the human race, the leader of the Yellow River, the righteousness of the human race is here, and we will not hesitate to live and die, how can you shirk?!"

Jiang Wang pressed the teacup on the table and looked at him quietly.

Watching his excitement dissipate so coldly.

"Did you hear the wind chimes outside?" Jiang Wang asked.

The wind blows.

Jingle bell~jingle bell~

Qiao Hongyi and Jiang Cuilin nodded subconsciously.

"This one is called the soul calling bell." Jiang Wang said: "Every floating island in the lost world has this kind of bell. We all know that death is death, and everything is empty after death. But here Soldiers, all want to be closer to home when the smoke clears. Use this useless bell to talk about comfort."

"Everyone who is working hard here bears what you call the righteousness of the human race. No one pays less than you, and bears lighter than you. You are no longer a three-year-old child, and you are not qualified to ask anyone What are you asking for, do you understand what I mean?"

He didn't have any serious movements or expressions, but his voice was slightly lowered. Qiao Hongyi and Jiang Cuilin immediately felt the tremendous pressure!

Killing Yu Guangyuan and smashing Ao Huangzhong, these things just happened!

"Excuse me." Qiao Hongyi said with a difficult tone, holding Jiang Cuilin's hand and was about to leave.

Jiang Wang said slowly: "You can come to ask my opinion, instead of just pulling my prisoner away, it means that you can generally speak a little bit of reason. Finally, I will give you a suggestion, do you want to listen?"

Qiao Hongyi nodded in a daze.

Jiang Wangdao: "Say less, do more. Ask less, give more."

Qiao Hongyi may or may not be convinced, but she can only nod.

At this time, an urgent voice came from outside the building—"Emergency military order!"

The belated plan to withdraw customers made Jiang Wang a little dumbfounded.

But he soon realized that this was not the result of him winking at Fang Yuanyou.

Stepping to the window to look out: "Where is Ling going?"

The flag official flew in the air: "Qi Shuai urgently ordered! Let Wu'anhou's troops set off immediately and head to the Sapo Dragon Domain!"

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