Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1895 A Scale and a Half Claw Outside the Clouds

Great Qi Linzi, Donghua Pavilion.

It was originally a warm pavilion for resting feet, but it has gradually acquired extraordinary significance because today's people often read books, discuss small meetings, and meet with ministers here.

For fifty-eight years, the emperor sits in court, sits in the Ziji Hall, practices in the Deer Palace, and studies in the Donghua Pavilion.

People at that time said: Those who often come and go to Donghua Pavilion are in the Sacred Heart of the Son of Heaven.

A stooped old man wearing a ragged fur cap and jacket, carrying a white paper lantern, just walked in so unluckily. The pumpkin warrior standing at the door seemed to ignore him.

Han Ling, the head of the internal officials, stood beside the emperor silently.

Li Zhengshu, nicknamed "Scholar of Donghua", sat with his arms folded.

The interior of the pavilion is quiet, the lights are warm, only the footsteps of the blind old man are not in a hurry.

Emperor Qi put down the scroll he was reading, raised his finger, and signaled the maid to move the big chair, and said kindly to the old man: "Thank you sir, please sit down."

The old man does not sit.

Carrying the white paper lantern behind his back, he bowed and bowed to the emperor: "Although he is loved by the emperor...but his clothes are dirty and he dare not be dignified."

Qi Tianzi didn't force it, he just sighed a little bit, "When was the first time I met Mr.?"

Zhu Sui thought for a while, and replied: "This is the first year that His Majesty is the Crown Prince."

"What did you say then?" the emperor asked.

Zhu Sui replied: "The old minister avoided the banquet, and said that he carried a lamp to watch the night, and the blank paper was ominous."

"Then what did I say at that time?" the emperor asked again.

Zhu Sui said: "Your Majesty said, 'Lighting the lamp in the long night is to illuminate the darkness, and it is also to show the way forward. Why is it ominous?'"

This blind old man, under the warm light, talked about the past many years ago. Li Zhengshu didn't know this part, and Han Ling didn't know either——

"Then His Majesty stretched out your hand and said to the veteran, 'This is a lonely hand'. Flip your palms down and say 'this is auspicious', then turn your palms up and say 'The world is auspicious'."

Li Zhengshu's handsome face remained silent.

It is auspicious to fold the palm and the world is auspicious, and it is auspicious to raise the palm to the world, what a boldness!

When His Majesty was still the Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace, he already had the ambition to rule the world and the ability to realize it.

Zhu Sui is the leader of the Daqi Night Watchers and Da Gengren organization. He is a strong man who has been guarding the Jiang Dynasty since the time of Wuzu.

In his first year as the crown prince, His Majesty went to find Zhu Sui, and this conversation happened. What does this mean?

It shows that when the Son of Heaven was still in the East Palace, in the first year of becoming the Crown Prince, he had already controlled the world, controlled the inside and outside of the court, and even the most intimate power of the emperors of all dynasties began to be brought into his hands.

The dynasties of the past dynasties have changed, and bloody storms are inevitable. And it's no wonder that when the emperor succeeded to the throne, there was no disturbance at all!

What made him more silent was. He, Li Zhengshu, was called "Donghua Bachelor" and also called "Commoner Doctor". He often sat with the emperor to study, played chess and discussed politics, and he was regarded as one of the most trusted people of the emperor.

But he didn't know anything about what Zhu Sui said.

The heart of the Son of Heaven encompasses the universe.

The Son of Heaven is like a dragon, with only scales and half claws outside the clouds.

Quietly listening to Zhu Sui's talk, Qi Tianzi said with emotion: "I never think that my husband is inauspicious, and I am an ominous person in governance! How can I sleep peacefully without my husband watching the night?"

Zhu Sui bowed his head: "I am terrified."

The emperor said again: "How about Marquis Wu'an?"

Zhu Sui paused for a moment, cleared all irrelevant emotions, and then said: "The Marquis of Wu'an killed Yu Guangyuan, broke Ao Huangzhong, and beat the Dingmao boundary into the adult camp. Chasing Ao Huangzhong all day and night, He paused before the army lay down. On the way home, he took the initiative to attack again, joined hands with Qin Zhen of Diaohailou, and repelled the blood king Yu Xinzhou. Later, Zhong Xi, the emperor of the prison, took the initiative, and the minister retreated."

He recounted Jiang Wang's experience in the Lost Realm in its entirety, without adding any subjective thoughts.

The emperor repeated with satisfaction: "Genius virtuous teacher Yu Guangyuan, young famous general Ao Huangzhong..."

He actually accurately stated the characteristics of Yu Guangyuan and Ao Huangzhong.

One must know that he has the vast Eastern Territory, including the Southern Xia, and he has a great view of the sea. His territory is far beyond thousands of miles, and his people are far beyond hundreds of millions. All so familiar!

Li Zhengshu was full of admiration in his heart, when he saw the emperor looked over with burning eyes: "Qi Xiao said that Marquis Wu'an's soldiers are not enough, of course she has her judgment. But in the final analysis, it depends on the outcome of a war. Jiangmen, what does Zhengshu think?"

The question is dangerously tight.

Either disobeying the holy will, or fighting with Qi Xiao, ignoring his conscience, and betting on the reputation of the Li family for generations.

Smart people never make choices.

Li Zhengshu replied sincerely: "It is true that the Li family has been generals for generations, but the Marquis of Cuicheng is a younger brother, not a minister. I have studied Confucianism since I was a child. Above military strategy... I really can't get in the way."

Although he didn't hang out in the officialdom, he still held a casual post as Wen Linlang, so he could still be called a minister because he had the status of discussing politics.

The emperor said with a smile, "It's just chatting, why are you nervous?"

The more relaxed Qi Tianzi's tone was, the more serious Li Zhengshu's tone was: "How can you ask outsiders about military and state affairs? It's okay for me to play chess and discuss history, but it's okay for me to discuss military matters... Hey! I can't open my mouth! Otherwise, I will go and see the soldiers. Who is in the hall?"

"Old fellow!" the emperor scolded. Turning around again, he looked at Zhu Sui: "Sir, why did Zhongxi make the move?"

Zhu Sui said calmly: "He said he received an urgent letter from Ao Huang Zhong, a blood descendant, to stand up for the younger generation."

"Do you believe it?" the emperor asked.

It was only at this time that Zhu Sui expressed his thoughts: "Believe in half."

The emperor's tone was calm: "The tsunami is coming, let's see how Qi Xiao sails the boat."

Zhu Sui stood at the foot of the steps, hesitant to speak.

"Sir, do you have something to say?" the emperor asked.

Zhu Sui considered it carefully and said: "Since Your Majesty handed over the ruins of the Kurongyuan back then, the minister has been sitting in the town with the dharma body. For decades, he has never left a step away. This time he went to sea, for Marquis Wu'an Zhou Quan, he had to deal with it with extreme combat power. So he said The body, the law and the body are in harmony, accompanying the lost world.

Although the ruins have been swept away before leaving Beijing, it is still difficult to feel at ease.

Now this is a mere report of the body, there are still omissions in taking a few Xiaoxiao, sitting in Kurongyuan... I am afraid I will not be caught. "

"Chao Cangwu" said: The Dharma body must be combined with the Dao body, so as to be able to develop the Tao.

It is talking about the key steps from Dongzhen to Dao.

After reaching the level of Yan Dao, the Tao body is practicing all the time, and most of the top experts usually only walk in the world with the Dharma body. Only at the critical moment when life and death are needed, can the Dharma Body and the Dao Body be combined to manifest the ultimate combat power.

Of course, if the dharma body walks alone, after all, it lacks strength, and there is also the risk of being broken, which is worse than the way. The specific circumstances are all up to each individual to choose.

As for the sambhogakaya mentioned by Zhu Sui, it was his own supernatural power. Not in the name of Baoshen, but referred to by him with this Buddhist term.

After listening to Zhu Sui's worries, Emperor Qi just waved his hands: "I have a sense of proportion."

Zhu Sui then bowed and said, "I will leave."

The Kurongyuan was razed in the 29th year of Yuanfeng. Time flies, and it is now the fifty-eighth year of Yuanfeng.

Twenty-nine years have passed, and the Kurongyuan is still in trouble?

As the eldest son of the Shimen Li family, Li Zhengshu understood what happened back then. It's just that I don't know how the twenty-nine years in the ruins flowed after the Kurongyuan was razed.

He silently looked at his palm prints, only listening but not speaking.

The emperor quietly looked at the hunched back of the blind man carrying the lantern, and watched him leave Donghua Pavilion.

The ragged jacket on Zhu Sui's body concealed a little warmth. So much so that in the Donghua Pavilion, which is as warm as spring, he also had some ups and downs.

Until the figure disappeared, Han Ling, who stood by and remained silent, said softly at this time: "Master Zhu Sui is simple and simple, so he works like a champagne. Everyone in the watchdog likes to wear it like this."

This Han Ling doesn't even know he's behind his back! Li Zhengshu was a little annoyed, and went to look at the stitches on his sleeves.

I only heard the emperor say: "Wu Zu Xionglue, I often think about it."

That's all.

This stitching is really beautiful, the thread in the hands of the loving mother, and the top of the wanderer!

Li Zhengshu's biological mother died early. She was brought up by the old lady Li since she was a child, and she also regarded the old lady as her own mother. Feeling homesick right now.

Qi Tianzi sat there silently for a while, and suddenly repeated softly: "Repel the blood king Yu Xinzhou..."

He picked up a note next to him, and dusted it with satisfaction: "Back then when I was in Delu Palace, I asked him what he would do in return. He promised me that Qi Tianjiao beat the world's pride, but now he has won beyond the sky."

The son of heaven knows people with his eyes, and he saw that Marquis Wu'an was extraordinary early on, so he is very wise.

But... don't miss out on Qin Zhen!

The blood king was not repelled by Jiang Wang, at most he could beat the side drum, what are you proud of here?

I, Mr. Li, don't like exaggeration the most in my life. Although I have a close family relationship with Marquis Wu'an, I can't bear to put on a crown and wear a false name!

The emperor held the memorial in the air, as if he was waiting for something.

Li Zhengshu hurriedly said: "Your Majesty's words are absurd!"


"The Holy Son of Heaven owns the whole world, covering all worlds, how can he be the only one in the world? From the perspective of a minister, Wu'anhou is the proud of the world, just like the preface of the Deer Palace!"

"Yulang-jun, Yulang-jun, you..." The emperor reached out and nodded his Donghua bachelor, but didn't say anything else.

Zhuan opened the memorial in his hand: "There is one more thing, you can discuss it with me."

Li Zhengshu cupped his hands: "Chen, try to listen to it."

The Son of Heaven looked at Zuoshu and said, "Qi Xiao wrote another sentence in his commentary on Marquis Wu'an's military strategy, saying that she wiped out the disaster on Marquis Wu'an's body, but the disaster on Marquis Wu'an's body doesn't seem to be serious... What do you mean by her words?"

Li Zhengshu didn't hesitate this time, and replied directly: "Qi Shuai is telling His Majesty that she already knows about the matter of you calling Lord Zhu Sui to protect Marquis Wu'an."

"anything else?"

Li Zhengshu said: "With Qi Shuai's style, Lord Zhu Sui will definitely be used."

Always be with the king, when to be wise and protect yourself, and when to be frank. In the middle of the fire, very people can grasp.

Many ministers walked into the Donghua Pavilion, and many played chess and studied with the emperor. Why is Li Zhengshu the only one called "Donghua Bachelor"?

That is also a lot of real kung fu!

"This Qi Xiao." The emperor was a little helpless: "Is your appetite that big?"

Li Zhengshu said: "I don't know much about military affairs, but occasionally I will play some small money. If you are rich, there are ways to play when you are rich, and when you are poor, there are ways to play when you are poor. Usually, at the gambling table, the richer you are, the more money you can win."

"Qi Xiao wants to use a white paper lantern to illuminate the road ahead, so he wants to put Marquis Wu'an in danger again?" The Son of Heaven said: "He came back from the demon world and should have recuperated for a year and a half, but now he hastily went to the lost world again. But it's all mine."

Li Zhengshu pursed his lips and stopped talking.

"Come on, the general is outside and has his own opinion." Qi Tianzi put down the memorial: "Since I let Qi laugh with military affairs, throw his life and death, and use his bravery, how can I sit in the court and dictate!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Li Zhengshu shouted very loudly.

The emperor looked over and said, "Then what do you think Marquis Wu'an should do?"

Li Zhengshu bowed his head: "I think His Majesty has long been concerned, and I dare not speak nonsense."

The emperor looked out of the window, and the five people embraced Fushan Laogui, who had not yet seen the autumn colors, and his voice was leisurely: "Yu Shangqing wrote a poem a few days ago, and it was well written."

Li Zhengshu said: "Peach Blossom Immortal is naturally a romantic character."

"He has been enjoying the flowers in the courtyard for more than a year, and he can go out to relax." The emperor said: "He also had a drink with Marquis Wu'an, didn't he?"

Han Ling saluted lightly, and his figure had disappeared in Donghua Pavilion.



People come and go, the world remains the same.

When it comes to drinking, only the gluttons drink wine, while the common people mostly drink the sophistication, and some vulgar ones drink the emotion.

The Marquis of Wu'an wanted to have a banquet with his friends, so Dingmao Fudao naturally moved out all the cellars, and of course it was not much better. But it's strong enough, and it's enough.

Fang Yuanyou walked upstairs with a big wine urn in his arms, just in time to hear his master Hou's understatement, saying that he met the blood king Yu Xinzhou.

With a shake of his hand, he almost broke the wine jar.

Fortunately, the whole restaurant was very quiet, and no one paid attention to him.

"Ah?" After all, Zhu Biqiong's eyesight was not as good as Zhuo Qingru's, and she didn't know how Jiang Wang's injury was. When she heard that it was related to the Blood King, she couldn't hide her panic: "How are you?"

Jiang Wang raised his hand and pressed falsely, his tone calm and confident: "It's okay."

Zhuo Qingru hid her shock by drinking tea, and couldn't help re-examining this great Qi Tianjiao.

But Jiang Wang didn't really talk about it, he just said: "Fortunately, I was walking with Zhenren Qin at that time, and she helped to block it."

"Which Master Qin?" Zhuo Qingru asked.

Jiang Wangdao: "There is no second real person with the surname Qin in the Lost Realm."

Zhuo Qingru's eyes flowed, and he glanced at Zhu Biqiong without any trace. The blood king's terrifying supernatural powers are not easy to block. If the idle monk can't even get a photo of his face, he will die. Is it so easy for the real person in Diaohailou to help? Especially for a pride of Qi?

Zhu Biqiong breathed a sigh of relief: "Realist Qin doesn't care much about ordinary things, maybe he doesn't know you well enough...Uh, I mean, I mean, she, she..."

The mood fluctuates too much, and the mouth is stupid for a while. The more she wanted to make it clear, the more she couldn't make it clear. She was so anxious that she wanted to burn the sea with a melody. She didn't look like the usual indifferent and serious senior sister.

Zhuo Qingru kindly helped to summarize: "You said that her eyesight is not very good, and the lard has covered her heart."

Zhu Biqiong stared angrily.

"When I first came to the Lost Realm, someone told me that all the people in the Lost Realm are pampered. Master Qin also took this into consideration." Jiang Wang took the words: "Friend Zhu, what contact do you have with the sect?" Is there a way? Zhenren Qin is injured now, King Yan of the Hai Clan is probably chasing her—”

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Zhu Biqiong got up immediately.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Fang Yuanyou standing there holding a huge wine jar.

Turning around and pulling Zhuo Qingru up again: "Senior Sister Zhuo, I don't remember the way, you stay with me!"

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