Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1894 Burning Lantern

The boundary river is like a colorful ribbon, and I don't know whose waist it is tied on.

A thorny boat approached.

Jiang Wang on the boat, whose clothes were no longer stained with blood, sat comfortably and calmly.

Across the river is the human camp he has newly laid down.

At the moment before crossing the river, he felt something in his heart, but when he looked up, he saw nothing but emptiness. There is a cloud in the far distance, but it is also very calm.

In a place like the Lost Realm, peace is the greatest blessing.

Jiang Wang casts a magic crystal and urges the thorny boat to cross the boundary river.

Several warships stationed on the side quickly came together, and the soldiers were high-spirited. Seeing that it was Jiang Wang, they all saluted with soldiers.

Returning to Dingmao Realm, the feeling is completely different.

Although it can't be almost completely equal to the present world like Futu Pure Land, it still seems to break the shackles, and the body and mind are relaxed.

Obviously, Kuang Huiping, Fang Yuanyou and the others did not slack off during the time he left to hunt down Ao Huangzhong, they had completely wiped out the Hai clan forces in the Dingmao area.

To be able to have such a high efficiency, Zhuo Qingru and Zhu Biqiong should have contributed a lot.

Setting up a human camp in a place like the Lost Realm, and adding a relatively safe military fortress for human monks, is really an extraordinary sense of accomplishment. What's more, killing Yu Guangyuan and solving the threat of the blood king's death, the journey back is even more uneventful.

Jiang Wang couldn't help standing up in the front cabin, and opened his arms: "Good luck today!"

The soldiers of the human race along the way responded with loud voices—"Good luck today!"

The sound spreads all over the world, mighty here.

The boat of spines goes to the floating island.

Jiang Wang closed his eyes, felt the wind blowing towards his face, and the extraordinarily enthusiastic and clamorous popularity after expelling the Hai Clan, and seemed to forget the pain on his body for a moment.

The generals have fought a hundred battles, all for this!



Jiang Wang couldn't find the clue, suddenly a point was printed, and this point drew an inverted arc in the void, very similar to an arch.

Then it was literally pushed away!

Existence emerges from nothingness, reality emerges from emptiness.

A man in a Chinese robe and with a golden crown tied his hair stepped out from behind the door.

Those rune-covered boots seem to be influencing the principles of the Tao. After stepping out, they seem to suppress the energy of the ten directions and subdue the eternal rules, becoming the center of this realm!

The real king is not enough to have this power.

Obviously, he is the emperor of the Great Prison that Aohuang Zhong urgently asked for, the supreme existence named Zhongxi!

As the emperor, I don't care about my status at all, and I don't care who will gossip if the big bully the small.

He believed in Ao Huangzhong's talent, he believed in Ao Huangzhong's eyesight, Ao Huangzhong said that this Jiang Wang would become a big problem for the Hai clan in the future, so he regarded it as a big problem and came in person!

Calling a few real kings here doesn't show that he attaches importance to it.

Of course there is no need to waste too much time.

Arriving at this point in a hurry, stepping out of the arched door, he just casually reached out his hand, intending to penetrate the boundary river and capture the young man who was flying in a boat on the other side of the boundary river.

There were no visions, no violent storms.

But all dharmas are empty, and the persistent intention will not change.

With this palm stretched out, the capture is a foregone conclusion.

Birds don't fly at the end of five fingers!

But the capture of Tianjiao and the disappearance of souls that should have been realized have not been realized.

A white paper lantern wobbled and stopped in front of his five fingers.

Zhong Xi's bluffing five fingers cast a deep shadow on the skin of the white paper lantern. But actually felt the burning pain and had to take it back!

Compared with the old-looking Ao Huangzhong, Zhongxi, as an ancestor, has a much younger face.

At this moment, the eyes are quite playful, quietly looking at the white paper lantern in front of him, watching a looming figure gradually become clear in the flickering shadow of the lantern——

It was an old man with a ragged fur cap and a ragged fur jacket, slightly hunched, with his eyes wide open like that, "looking" over blankly and absently!

It's the leader of Daqi's squadron, that terrifying existence who almost never leaves Linzi!

"Zhu...year-old." Zhong Xi seemed to think for a while before he remembered the name, and couldn't help but smile: "Why, Jiang Mengxiong was paralyzed after being beaten, and there is no one left in Qi State? You are so old , and come out to run around!"

The old man named Zhu Sui stood with Zhong Xi in this cloud.

Here the breeze is blowing slowly, and the clouds are not startled.

Who can imagine that there are two extremely strong men facing each other here? !

Zhu Sui's hand holding the white paper lantern was wrinkled like old tree bark, and his voice was slow: "Military God was exhausted from killing in the demon world, so he stopped to rest for a few days. You seem to have heard With the fishy smell, one or two dare to show their heads?"

There is a lesson from the past that fell into the Frostwind Valley of the demon world.

Emperor Daqi personally asked Marquis Wu An to come to the Lost Realm to learn the art of war, of course it is impossible for him to encounter the dilemma of life and death again.

Although it is said that there is no towering tree without wind and rain, but a trip that is mainly about gold plating and replenishing military capabilities, if Jiang Wang falls into the same situation as the demon world.

Then what is the majesty of the emperor?

The existence of his candle year is to ensure the majesty of Emperor Daqi.

Going out to sea this way is specially for the Marquis of Wu'an, who is his personal protection! Of course, for the sake of Marquis Wu'an's own achievements and practice, and also to try to catch the mastermind behind Marquis Wu'an's plot in the demon world, he will not act until there is a real and unsolvable life-and-death crisis.

If the mastermind behind Marquis Wu'an who plotted against the Demon Realm dares to commit crimes in the Mysterious Realm, Zhu Sui will capture him on the spot. Unfortunately, this did not happen.

The blood king Yu Xinzhou was stopped by Qin Zhen who was passing by, and he thought he was unlucky, but in fact he was very lucky!

But without Qin Zhen, he would be erased by Zhu Sui before he saw Jiang Wang, and he couldn't even scare Jiang Wang.

"Speaking of bragging, you humans are the ones who are good at it! You say it as if someone is surprising you." Zhong Xi said generously, "Come on, come on, tell Jiang Mengxiong not to raise his heart, but to confuse the world. The emperor is going to challenge him immediately!"

"The old man will definitely convey it." Zhu Sui was blind and calm, and said calmly: "The challenge of the Great Prison Emperor, I believe that the Lord Military God is very happy to see it, and he will definitely come to see you. Not this year, but next year."

Zhong Xi showed no embarrassment at all: "The emperor has a lot of things to do every day, but he is not always free. If he doesn't come today, there is no need to come again."

Zhu Sui said: "Everyone is very busy, we can talk about taking some time together."

Zhong Xi tentatively looked at the other world, but there was only a white flame in his vision, and it became more and more blazing. He resolutely burned his gaze back, and couldn't help being a little annoyed: "Tell me about you, you are an old bone, Why don't you guard Linzi well, what are you doing here? Aren't you afraid of being robbed at home?"

"Linzi Xiongcheng is three hundred miles away, with four gates wide open to welcome guests from all over the world. Why do you need to stick to it!" Zhu Sui hunched his body, but he had a majestic attitude: "If you want to, you might as well go by yourself."

Zhong Xi waved his hand: "Forget it, I'm not free."

Zhu Sui said slowly: "If you are busy, go first."

Zhong Xi was about to leave, but he sighed again, looked at Zhu Sui and said, "But that little kid in my family kept saying that he wanted to compete with others for his background. I also rushed over specially to support him. If he just walked away empty-handed like this Will it hurt the child's heart?"

"The heart of the Great Prison Emperor to care for the younger generation is really touching the old man." Zhu Sui said: "But I have to compete with the Marquis of Da Qi for background... Shouldn't I print a few more copies of the genealogy?"

Zhong Xi asked with interest: "What's the use of printing more copies?"

Zhu Sui said calmly: "At least it looks thicker on paper."

"Tut tsk." Zhong Xi looked Zhu Sui up and down, and said again: "I saw you three hundred years ago, and you wore this outfit. When I see you today, you are still in this outfit. The state of Qi is so poor, how can you change it?" No new clothes?"

Zhu Sui touched his torn fur hat with his old hands that were as dry as tree bark, then slowly put it down, and gently stroked the torn jacket on his body. The groove-like wrinkles are full of nostalgic emotions: "This hat and this coat were sewn for the old man by His Majesty Emperor Wu himself. They have been worn for too long and are already worn out. I can't mend them well, and I don't want others to mend them."

The leader of the Great Qi Dagengren was actually an old man in the period of Emperor Wu of Qi, and a strong man in the same era as the first generation of Marquis of City Destruction and Marquis of Nine Returns!

Looking at the whole country of Qi, there are probably not many people who know about this matter.

At least the younger generation is as important as Xuan Sheng, so it is unheard of. At that time, when he and Jiang Wang met Zhu Sui in the ruins of Kurongyuan, they still thought about it in every possible way, and even tried to test it out.

Of course, after he succeeds Xun Bo Wang Hou, he is qualified and has channels to know this information.

Zhong Xi was surprised: "No wonder the workmanship is so poor."

The candlelight in the white paper lantern jumped suddenly!

"I mean—" Zhong Xi added in a reproachful tone: "And the origin, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't ask either."

"I'm asking, why didn't you say it three hundred years ago."

Zhu Sui said calmly: "Three hundred years ago, you didn't ask."

Zhong Xi laughed a few times, then his figure gradually faded away, like a breath, scattered in the air.

Only a blind, crooked old man was left in the cloud, holding a dangling paper lantern.

Pale and pale.



As the first floating island of the main camp of the human race in the Dingmao area, there are not many garrisons.

At the moment when the forces of the Sea Clan had been wiped out, the boundary river, which usually had no fortifications at all, became the key to the garrison.

As long as the elite army guards the three new boundary rivers, there will be no worries after the boundary rivers!

There is no longer any wild land, where the flags are flying, and they are all human races.

The six labyrinth mines left behind by the great defeat of the Sea Clan only need a few sentry boats to collect ore regularly. There is no need to consume additional resources to build floating islands.

Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi came back after killing Ao Huangzhong, standing on the thorny boat, facing the strong wind with open arms, hunting in green shirt, very heroic!

Standing on the tallest building on the first floating island, Fajia Zhenchuan stands on the railing, looking into the distance, expressionless, and seriously analyzing: "Does he want to hug you in this posture?"


Sitting in the middle seat, Diaohailou Zhenchuan, who was looking nonchalant and indifferent, spewed out a mouthful of tea.

She wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, trying not to show any expression on her face: "Say, what are you talking about?"

The Thorny Boat has already flown out of the floating island.

The young prince on the thorny boat opened his eyes silently, put his hands down, and put them behind his back... Feeling awkward no matter what, he simply flew off the boat, stepped on Qingyun, and came to the building.

"His hands are sore and no one hugs him. It's really embarrassing." Zhuo Qing commented seriously: "But look, if you don't go to greet him, he will come to you as soon as possible."

After all, Zhu Biqiong has been practicing for a long time, and it wasn't just earlier, she reached out to pick up a piece of tea, and said in a casual tone: "Maybe I came to see Senior Sister Zhuo."

"It's not impossible!" Zhuo Qingru clapped her hands lightly, expressing her agreement: "Before going out to sea, he specially came to the Sanxing Palace to invite me to accompany him. Does he really have any thoughts about me?"

The refreshment in Zhu Biqiong's hand suddenly shattered.

Sometimes too good hearing is not necessarily a good thing, but fortunately the saravaka can open and close freely.

Lord Jiang laughed heartily, and stepped into the building: "Jiang attacked willfully, and the two fellow Taoists have worked so hard to take care of the floating island. I am very grateful! Why not have a drink at the same table today to enjoy the friendship!"

As he spoke, he and Zhuo Qingru nodded in salute, stretched out their hands to lead them to Zhu Biqiong's table together.

"No need." Zhu Biqiong got up and left.

"Friend Zhu Dao—" Jiang Wang, who had already sat down, opened his mouth to stop.

"No problem!" Zhuo Qingru, who was sitting next to him, calmly said, "Then we'll drink Dadan, and we won't go home until we're drunk!"

"Alright." Zhu Biqiong sat back again.

Jiang Wang: ...

Fang Yuanyou, who hurried over, already consciously ordered the back kitchen to confirm the banquet specifications and do some inspections. Furthermore... don't read what you shouldn't see, don't listen to what you shouldn't listen to, this is something the guards should understand.

"Master Hou is hurting his head, why do you keep supporting him with your hands?" Zhuo Qingruo ordered tea nonchalantly, and asked questions nonchalantly.

Jiang Wang moved the hand supporting his forehead: "What, I feel a little tired."

Zhuo Qingru pushed a cup of tea over and said with a light smile, "Ao Huangzhong is not easy to kill, is it?"

"It's really cunning like a ghost, but it's hard to touch the hem of his clothes. It's useless, it's a waste of energy." Jiang Wang agreed deeply. Taking the teacup, he took a sip, only to feel the warmth like clouds, steaming in the spirit of the sky, and his brows stretched for a while.

Zhuo Qingru paid attention to his expression, and added: "This is the Five Elements Guiyuan tea. It is used to invigorate qi and activate blood, regulate viscera, and nourish the body."

"It's really good tea!" Jiang Wang didn't understand tea, but he understood the power of medicine, and thanked him sincerely: "Senior Sister Zhuo has a heart!"

Zhuo Qingru looked at him with great interest: "Miss Bamboo cooked it specially for you."

Zhu Biqiong picked up the part of the tea that was not completely broken, and ate it calmly.

This Senior Sister Zhuo has such a bad taste, I don't know it going forward! Taking off the crown and gown seems to have liberated her unstretched nature when she was studying.

Jiang Wang looked at Zhu Biqiong, and said sincerely: "An old friend knows me. I know that Jiang Wang is reckless and weak, and often hits his head badly. This tea is ready in time."

Zhu Biqiong's eating method is very delicate, after swallowing slowly, he said: "Then my old friend advises you, don't hit the south wall again, okay?"

"Of course, of course." Jiang Wang said, "I'm not stupid."

He replied perfunctorily, so Zhu Biqiong didn't say anything.

Zhuo Qingru, however, looked at Jiang Wang brightly: "Your injury doesn't seem to be caused by Ao Huangzhong."

"Oh?" Jiang Wang smiled and said, "Why do you say that?"

Zhuo Qingru analyzed methodically: "If Ao Huangzhong wants to hurt you so badly, he must either surround him with a large army, or ask for reinforcements to suppress him. No matter what the situation is, he will not let you go away easily. You shouldn't be in the mood for tea, either."

Jiang Wang drank the tea in the cup and gently put it on the table: "Meet the blood king Yu Xinzhou."

Zhuo Qing, a student of Wu Bingji, the great master of Legalism, lost his voice for a moment!

Thanks to the book friend "Did forest13" become the leader of this book, it is for the 421st league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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