Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1893 Returning to the Ruins

There are two paper-cuts in front of him, and at this moment a fairy enters the battle.

Endless starlight appears in the sky, and one way of killing the sword can kill the whole world!

Does Jiang Wang dare to attack the strong Dongzhen?

I am afraid that Zhuang Chengqian, the founder of the Zhuang Kingdom, Zhao Zi, the Taoist protector of the Pingping Kingdom, and Ying Yang, the real demon dog in the world, will not agree with the blood king's stupid negligence.

Today's Jiang Wang is still impossible to be the opponent of the blood king.

But the sword he slashed with all his strength, the Blood King absolutely has no right to ignore it!

At this moment, the blood check is against the paper-cut, and the Tao is restricted by the Tao.

The frost has invaded the temples, and the deadly wind is blowing on the chest.

The Blood King suddenly raised his palm, the flesh and blood in his palm swirled backwards, and the energy surged back, mixing everything into water! So there was a roar of anger. Immediately expanded and expanded, blood rushed into a tsunami sea.

It's for spells... the sea in the palm of your hand!

Among the many prestigious spells of the Sea Clan, it is also considered the most famous one, but it has undergone unique changes in the blood king. It's not just that the sea is replaced by a sea of ​​blood, and it's not just that the thunder is replaced by blood electricity.

What it shows is the power of the mustard seed Nasumi, resonating with blood and turning into smoke.

But with this palm raised up, Jiang Wangjian's full-strength sword in the state of Immortal Sword became empty!

The flying snow all over the sky fell into the sea of ​​blood, and the infinite sword energy only had a few ripples.

But what he needs to face is not just Jiang Wang.

"Fight against me, how dare you be distracted!"

Qin Zhen's eyes were as cold as frost, and she pointed to the cutting knife to cut down suddenly. This time, hundreds of blood lines were broken in a row, and the head of the blood king was easily cut off. His entire torso.

From the ears of the Blood King, two blood snakes crawled out, intertwined around the neck, and bound the severed head together.

His ferocious eyebrows and eyes were exposed from the gap between the blood snakes, and he said angrily: "I don't want to be distracted too much. If you have the ability, let this kid not cut me!"

Qin Zhen didn't answer, and pointed at the cutter two inches further.

Jiang Wang was even more silent from beginning to end, and drew his sword whenever the opportunity came. Raising his hand is a blood-burning crow full of red flames, and the wind will appear when he blows his breath. I can't wait to hand over everything I have learned to the Blood King for inspection.

The blood king defuses Jiang Wang's offensive with one hand, and at the same time bears the supernatural power of paper-cutting, resisting the principle of "cutting". After all, he was fighting again and again, exhausting too much, and he couldn't even last for twenty breaths. The blood crows all over the sky had been killed, and his Taoist body was irretrievably disintegrating.

Refers to the knife continuously descending, descending, as if drawing the last broken mark of his life.

At this time, Qin Zhen, who was in charge of the blood core, already had blood spots on half of her body. Jiang Wang, who was distracted, blood also stained his green shirt red, and three of his viscera were split.

But Fish Week can no longer continue.

It is impossible to kill Qin Zhen, what Jiang Wang said...

Yu Xinzhou's eyes were hardened, but before he could lift his fingers, he saw Jiang Wang, who was still bombarding around him just now, as if a firecracker had been ignited, shooting up into the sky in an instant!

His body flicked left and right, and the afterimage almost formed a human wall...running so fast!

In the battle situation of Dongzhen powerhouse, he can still maintain such a keen sense of danger. He is worthy of being the arrogance of the human race who can escape from the hinterland of the monster race.

It's a pity that the previous attention was not enough...

Yu Xinzhou felt regretful, but he didn't have more time to make up for it. If he didn't leave, he would really die here.

The majestic true king suffered a lot.

At this moment, his Taoist body, which had been dissected to the abdomen by Qin Zhen, exploded into a bloody mist!

Every drop of blood that erupted outwards carried a "quality" like a mountain, carried through the power of his original soul, and crushed everything that passed through. No matter the power of origin, Taoism, or the light of supernatural powers, they are all unstoppable. Qin Zhen was forced to fly back.

If Jiang Wangcai hadn't left, his golden body and chalcedony would have been destroyed in one blow.

The blood mist all over the sky was recovered in an instant, and a huge blood cell was harvested. Before Qin Zhen could make a further reaction, it collapsed inward infinitely!

The blood, the principles of the Tao, the power of heaven and earth, and even the paper-cut power that Qin Zhen exerted on him... All of these, after the violent explosion and collapse, fell to a point almost infinitely.

This point becomes the eternal "darkness", the bottomless "emptiness".

Swallow light and devour yuan, absorb qi and eat space.

According to legend, the sky-level spell created by the legendary sage of the Hai Clan "Fuhai" - Wanfa returns to the ruins!

Supernatural powers are the most precious secrets, pointing directly to the root of the Dao.

In the era when the demon clan ruled the myriad worlds, the powerful of the heavens basically used supernatural powers as their way.

Magic is also the innate ability of some powerful races to use the vitality of the world and change the rules of the world. At that time, all kinds of strange beasts that ran rampant in the world ruled the roost with supernatural powers and spells.

Later, in the hands of the sages of the Yaozu, there were the first self-created spells as a supplement to the combat system. But it's just a supplement.

The Daoism of the human race was the imitation of spells at first, and later gained a lot of inspiration from supernatural powers, and then expanded to the extensive application of "Tao" and the rules of heaven and earth.

With the investment of countless strong people of the human race, after a long period of evolution, Taoism has gradually become the main component of the human race's combat system.

After the human race became the ruler of the present world and overwhelmed all generations, the emphasis on magic also flowed back to the monster race and the sea race.

The classification of Taoism into four grades and twelve grades, which is common among the human race, is also accepted by the monster race and the sea race.

As for the super-grade Taoism above this, the heavenly rank is the most respected.

Those who are not the truth of the cave world cannot be touched!

The most typical heaven-level Taoism is the "five-fang Zunshen" created by the emperor, the full name is "the real body of five directions and five elements in the heavens and ten thousand realms".

According to the records of "Chao Cangwu".

This "five respects" was created by two generations of emperors.

The first generation of human beings, Huang Suiren, created the real body of Zhu Rong, and since then, there has been a southern god of fire in the myth.

In the second generation, Xiong's family created Jumang real body, Rushou real body, Gonggong real body and Houtu real body on the basis of Zhu Rong's real body.

Since then, the five directions and five elements have been prepared, and this technique can be used in all heavens and myriad worlds.

Among the great achievements of the Emperor, the creation of Taoism is not worth mentioning.

But in the long time, there are still countless human races benefiting from it.

Compared with other celestial Taoisms, the reason why this "five directions respect the body" is more widely remembered is because it actually created the "divine position" of the five directions and five elements, and established the order of the five directions and five elements. This god is the god of heaven and earth.

All the Five Elements Taoism in the world will benefit from this.

On the other hand, it has also become the basis of many myths.

When the age of Shinto began, all those strong in the Shinto claimed to have inherited the lineage of the Human Emperor.

The five gods of heaven and earth created by the Human Emperor, the true ancestors of the five directions and five elements, are of course powerful beyond the limits of Taoism.

The "five respected body" used by the monks of the younger generation is just a simple and powerful heavenly Taoism.

At the critical moment when the blood core confronted the paper-cutting, the blood king Yu Xinzhou used the Taoist body as a tattoo to outline "all magic returns to the ruins", pushing the power of this spell to the limit, but it was not for killing the enemy.

He collapsed everything into a dark and bottomless point.

In the process of forming this point, there is a visual feeling of "falling". But it was clearly there, not moving at all!

The strong conflict between feelings and feelings makes people dizzy and disgusted.

But it really fell!

It disappears from sight and perception in an instant.

The blood king directly fell out of the lost world and fell back into the sea!

Qin Zhen took a light step, and instantly returned from the paper-cut state to full of flesh and blood, all the blood pits on her body were covered up. But immediate cure is impossible.

"It's a pity." She only said two words with emotion, even if she stopped speaking.

Today is indeed the best chance to kill the blood king, and this chance may not come once in a hundred years. But she couldn't grasp it.

Jiang Wang flew down covered in blood. The blood was dirty and was being washed slowly by Ruyi Immortal Clothes.

His injury was not easy, but he grinned and said earnestly: "Realist Qin is so powerful! Killing the blood king today, killing him so badly, at least he will keep his tail between his legs and keep a low profile for a hundred years!"

"Yeah, you reminded me that you have contributed a lot to killing the blood king." Qin Zhen flicked his sleeves: "You are indeed so powerful that you can attract the blood king to chase and kill you, which involved a fierce battle for me."

Jiang Wang beat his heart, his face blank: "I have always kept a low profile, and I don't know what kind of madness this blood king is, why he wants to kill me. I don't even know what happened!"

Qin Zhen looked at him carefully for a while, and seeing that his face remained unchanged, she couldn't help but sneered: "You can worship the general!"

"Realist Qin is joking, and the Marquis of Wu'an is the one who wants to worship first. I respect him the most in my life." Jiang Wang raised his hand and summoned the thorny boat that had been deliberately pushed away before the start of the battle. After careful inspection, he found that it was not broken, so he let go in one breath.

Qin Zhen quietly looked at his miserly appearance, and then said: "The Blood King is definitely a mediocre person, and this seat is seriously injured. If King Yan catches up, this seat will not be able to withstand it."

"Sir, please sit down, I'll drive the boat!" Jiang Wang jumped into the boat as soon as he heard that King Yan was indeed chasing and killing Qin Zhen: "I have some thoughts about the escape route—"

He was indeed confident, brave and calm.

But Qin Zhen has turned around.

"Escape each other."

"Bringing you this oil bottle, I still can't get away."

This is unwillingness to be involved. Although she had a fight with the blood king because of Jiang Wang's relationship, and she was beaten to pieces. But she didn't intend to let Jiang Wang contribute in her struggle with King Yan. It had nothing to do with other things. At this moment, Jiang Wang really didn't have the ability to intervene in Dongzhen's battle.

She doesn't want the human race to die here in vain.

Even if this person is from Qi.

Jiang Wang knew what he was doing, three of his internal organs were broken, and four of his six internal organs were broken, and he was far from the peak of his physique. Participating in this battle of truth after another series of battles, the spirit is also approaching the limit. He didn't force it, just said: "Is there anything I can do?"

What he was thinking about was where to ask for help, and he was already planning a route in his mind.

But Qin Zhen just waved her hand: "Next time you come to Diaohailou, remember to be more polite."

When she came, she walked out from the sea of ​​vitality, like a beauty coming out of a bath.

When she left, she didn't move, leaving only a paper-cut back.

Jiang Wang was stunned in the cabin, only then did he realize that he had pretended to be Li Longchuan, and he had never lied to this real person.

He pursed his lips, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

Previously, because of Qi Ting's instruction, he used the identity of Marquis Wu'an to suppress Diaohailou on behalf of Qi State. Besides, he himself had grievances with some people in Diaohai Tower.

The phrase "I was born fifteen years earlier" can also be regarded as youthful spirit.

But compared to Qin Zhen's sentence "Remember to be polite", Jiang Wang is indeed a bit petty. When you think about it, when you think about it!

Because of Hai Zongming, because of Ji Shaoqing, because of Grandma Bizhu, and even because of Shendu Zhenjun Wei Xun. He has gradually lost respect for Diaohailou.

And Qin Zhen used her true spirit to get this respect back.

Jiang Wang urged the thorn boat circle and returned to Dingmao.

The iron-black body of the boat brings out a long wake, like a stroke on white paper that will last for an unknown time, without end.



There is no end in sight for the time being, not just the sprint in the maze.

There is also this vertical drop that keeps falling in the sea outside the lost world.

He is black and white.

This is a dark spot swallowing light.

The point formed by Wanfa Guixu fell all the way, leaving a trail of ghosts.


Violent wind and waves are the eternal theme of the sea, and the huge thunder and lightning that shines on the sky and the sea from time to time is like a whip of the gods. If you ask it to be whipped, the feeling will be unforgettable forever.

Yu Xinzhou will never forget the period when he just gave birth to spiritual wisdom.

The so-called sea lords have not found him yet and took him away. He didn't notice any difference between himself and those nearby sea beasts at all, he was probably stronger, smarter, and more aware of pain.

Blood is not a good drink, but blood is very rich in energy, and drinking blood can quickly replenish strength, so he likes to drink it very much.

Thirsty to drink blood, hungry to eat meat, this is the case when he has no spiritual wisdom, what is the difference when he is born with spiritual wisdom?

Out of a hundred sea beasts, ninety died in the harsh natural environment. Wind, rain, thunder and lightning, including sea waves, can be the grinding disc for killing living things.

Ninety out of one hundred sea beasts that survived the harsh natural environment will fill the stomachs of other sea beasts.

I'm so hungry, it's hard to find food in the sea.

He always thought that the world was like this, and all places were like this. There are only a few calm and treasured places to inhabit, and beyond that there are endless dangers.

He always thought that the Sea Clan should be like this—they would shed blood for one bite, only the strongest one could enjoy the food alone, and the rest could eat those who were killed during the struggle for food.

Until he discovered that there is a world beyond the sea... a world where the breeze blows and the rain hits the plantains.

And the ancestors of the Hai Clan once lived in that world.

If they haven't lived in Canghai, how would they know how they want to leave Canghai!

If you haven't struggled in the sea, how can you understand their determination to return to this world!

Why should the blessed land in the world be exclusive to the human race? !

Xu Wuming, Yang Feng, Meng Yu, Qin Zhen.

Of these powerful real people, he was sure that each of them had bumped into them by accident. If he intends to seek him, it is impossible not to be noticed by him during the fight.

He also knows how bad this luck is, so bad that although he didn't find out the problem, there must be some problem.

He also knows that every encounter is life-threatening, and every time he walks on the tip of the knife.

The further you go, the more sinister it is.

But why did he insist on fighting until this moment, making the last attempt to kill Jiang Wang?

It is because... the big plan of the Sea Clan has advanced to a critical moment.

When people seek out tigers, tigers also seek out people.

Make a big splash and grab as many eyes as possible.

His tyranny is a perfect excuse.

His pain is the most natural excuse!

At this moment, all he could do had been done, and he was powerless to intervene in the next thing. Just use all kinds of methods to return to the ruins, and fall all the way back to the extremely evil sea.

Was he sad about Yu Guangyuan's death?

Of course sad. Lao Tzu is cruel, but not without emotion!

Such an outstanding child who has been raised for so long...

"Must kill Jiang Wang!"

He sent out the last communication idea and cut off the connection.

At this time, he is extremely weak, and his whereabouts should not be grasped by any existence. Although the overall situation comes first, some beasts can do anything.

A point in the extremely dark sky fell, fell, and suddenly fell into a space with nothing to support and nothing to hold!

The blood king only felt a huge and fine net, which bound his body and soul.

There were bursts of dizziness and darkness in front of his eyes, and the remaining power was instantly dispelled.

He heard a voice say--

"Yu Xinzhou, I see that your seal has turned black, it's a disaster of blood."

Fuck your grandma! Laozi is the blood king!

Thanks to the Golden Alliance Empire|Qin Shang for another silver reward!

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