Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1892 Finger Cutter

Jiang Wang stood in the air, as if nails were nailed under his feet: "Really you know my sister?"

Qin Zhen casually dusted off her Huayi: "Your sister is so brilliant, it's hard for me not to know her!"

Said and frowned.

This guy's cultivation has kept up, but his brain doesn't seem to be very good. You haven't sailed yet, so why stay here!

Jiang Wangru was in such a heavy burden, he didn't move a muscle: "I don't know...whether it's on the way or not?"

It turns out that it's not that I'm not smart, but that I'm not sensible!

But then again, ignorance is also a kind of unintelligence.

Qin Zhen laughed angrily, turned her head in the cabin, and looked up at Jiang Wang: "What do you think?"

Jiang Wang immediately sat in the front cabin, and supplemented that Yuanshi drove the circle in one go: "It's very smooth!"

The boat of spines travels at a high speed, passing through a river that hangs itself in the air, and then breaks away from the turbulence and goes further away.

After carefully maneuvering the flying boat, Jiang Wang remembered something: "That... Qin Zhenren, where are you going?"

Qin Zhen, who was adjusting her breath, was silent for a moment.

She thought that this Li Longchuan should know where to send her back. But any general with basic military accomplishments and a basic understanding of the Mystery World should understand where the name Qin Zhen should be placed. Besides, you are so confident in maneuvering the boat of spines!

"Isn't it a little too late to ask now?" Qin Zhen tried to maintain a real face: "You don't look like a soldier."

"It makes real people laugh. I really don't know much about soldiers. I'm usually too lazy and don't study hard. Qi Xia didn't do much on the battlefield." Jiang Wang said: "In our generation, Marquis Wu'an is the famous general in the world!"

"Really?" Qin Zhen said casually: "You Qi State also has a champion, right? How does this man compare to Wu'an in terms of military strategy?"

Jiang Wang frowned, as if he had thought carefully: "Slightly less aura."

"Where is the Marquis of Bowang who has followed the honor?"

"Less coquettish!"

Qin Zhen smiled: "Then how does Jiang Wuan's strategy compare with your sister Li Fengyao's?"

Jiang Wang pondered for a while: "It can be said that it is difficult to distinguish Xuan Jin!"

These are not lies. How can the majestic Marquis of the State of Qi let Diaohailou Daoist get information?

But he also realized that he was talking too happily, so he quickly changed the subject: "Is my sister famous overseas?"

Qin Zhen's voice came from behind: "Among the overseas islands controlled by Qi State, Ice Phoenix Island has been the first in terms of development for three consecutive years. Do you not care about your family's business at all?"

Jiang Wang carefully controlled the direction of Jizhou: "I have a sister overseas, so I don't need to worry."

"Then who will the Chasing Wind Army be handed over to?" Qin Zhen said slowly: "Can the dispute over the Xia Corpse be used as a lesson for the past?"

This topic is not suitable for Jiang Wang to talk about anymore.

Then he said vaguely: "My father is in the prime of his life... Where is Master Qin going back to—"

Boom boom boom!

His question was cut off, and the entire boat of Thorns was pinned down on the spot by the sudden force. The whole body was boiling with energy and blood, as if thousands of worms were born, trying to penetrate the skin and come out of the body!

And a bit of blood exploded in Gao Qiong, and Yu Xinzhou's browless and cold face exploded in the blood, and he let out a long roar, filled with anger and resentment, bursting with endless killing intent: "Well, finally Let me find you!"

He worked so hard to find the murderer who killed Yu Guangyuan!

Starting from when Yu Guangyuan was still alive, he disappeared until he found Yu Guangyuan.

He has also been through several battles and was injured many times.

Even a real king of a generation really has a sense of destiny.

He was quite uneasy at first, and planned to go back to Canghai first, and come back after recuperating for a while. But just sensed the murderer's approach again, so he rushed over quickly, intending to kill someone before leaving.

The body is still on the way, but the killing intent has already boiled one step ahead.

At this moment, he showed his strength unabashedly and looked at Jiang Wang fiercely. But on the face of this ignorant human arrogance, he didn't see fear, only a very strange expression... seems a little lucky?

What do you mean? crazy? Shocked?

"So what if I find this seat?!"

In the back cabin of this thorny boat, suddenly jumped out a strong man with a terrifying aura, supported the sky with his palm, and pressed the infinite blood light back. He also crushed Yu Xinzhou's random conjecture.

Qin Zhen!

Diaohailou is a real person!

Yu Xin was stunned on Monday! To kill a little Jiang Wang, how many ups and downs and how many real people have to fight!

The wound left by Meng Yu has not yet healed, and there is still a Qin Zhen on Jiang Wang's boat!

Everything that happened along the way collided with each other in an instant, and the Blood King's heart was turned upside down.

What kind of horror story is this about the great alliance of human forces? The Sanxing Palace, Yanggu, Penglai Island... Even the Cassia Island and the Diaohai Tower can cooperate to murder the king? !

Looking around the area, Yu Xinzhou felt that nowhere was safe, and that there was danger hidden everywhere.

These human races are too malicious!

While resisting Qin Zhen, he probed: "How many people are still hiding, why don't they all come out, and this king will deal with them together!"

"Why do you need many people to kill you!" Qin Zhen raised his hand, and it really lived up to his reputation, that is a full-fledged murderer.

He pointed out that he was like a cutting knife, cutting the bloody sky into pieces, cutting the space into fragments, and cutting the rules into nothingness!

"This king spared the life of King Yan, he didn't know how to be grateful, and he dared to invite me to attack me! How dare you come!"

Poor Blood King, who has always been known for his viciousness. But the real people he bumped into recently all fought fiercely with him.

On the contrary, he didn't see the tyranny, and he was very rational, and he heard something wrong in Qin Zhen's words.

Meeting Qin Zhen seemed to be just an accident, not something she had premeditated.

That's right, if you really want to kill others, Yu Xinzhou, why can't you arrange three or five real people to do the final ambushes? How can one Qin Zhen be enough?

"Misunderstanding! It turned out to be a misunderstanding!" Yu Xinzhou raised his hand to recast the rules of blood, shook his demon body, put on blood armor, and survived under the constantly broken rules.

A large group of blood crows flew around again!

He is like the neck of a huge funnel, and from him upwards, more and more blood crows are seen.

From a distance, it looked like a huge blood cape. It was like a brilliant red glow behind him.

Noisy sounds filled the square.

Qin Zhen also pointed out that the knife was full of strength, and the blood crow held it all.

The Blood King raised his hand and pointed at Jiang Wang, and said to Qin Zhen: "My target is him, and it has nothing to do with you!"

His way collided with Qin Zhen's way, like a buffalo reaching its horns, each trying its best.

His voice echoed with the roar of the raging sea, which was the rushing blood in his body: "I'll give you the address, and you go to kill King Yan. You kill yours, I kill mine, and we will all be open to the sky, and neither will interfere— —”


There is no direction in the world of confusion, and the eight directions are determined at this moment, because the eight winds are coming.

The vitality was originally chaotic, but now there is order because of the appearance of the seven spirits.

The red clouds in the sky were originally a group of blood crows, but now Yancheng is even more colorful!

Among the eight winds, dragon and tiger, there is a bad wind.

There is a real fire of samadhi in the city where the flames burn.

The sword performs ten thousand tricks!

The sudden violent attack also cut off the Blood King's voice. Just like when the blood king came!

My name is Jiang Qingyang, and I will return this report immediately!

Yu Xinzhou raised his palm to block it, and endless blood flowed back to his palm, and it roared and surged, creating a tornado!


The two forces collided, and Jiang Wang was instantly blown away.

The current real king also shifted half an inch to the side, and was crushed by Qin Zhen's Dao Ze again, so he had to retreat five feet, losing three points of momentum.

He turned his head in disbelief, and what he saw was the figure in the blue shirt coming with his sword again, and it was Jiang Wang brazenly launching another round of attack!

This young monk of God's presence, unexpectedly! dare! Take the initiative to attack the real king!

It was simply challenging his cognition.

Is it that a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger, or is it that a mayfly shakes a tree and is overconfident?

He wanted to turn his palm to kill him, but Qin Zhen attacked again.

Suddenly he put his palm over his heart and pulled it out.

A rhombus-shaped blood-colored gem was embedded in the middle of the blood armor.

The whole body is full of red light!

The blood core, the source of all blood, the source of blood!

From now on, he wants to control all the blood, not only his own, but also his own!

Blood King told Qin Zhen to kill King Yan, and he and Qin Zhen went their separate ways and killed each other.

In the maze world where the human race joins forces to fight against the sea race, in this sea border of the human race, of course Qin Zhen would not agree.

But Jiang Wang knew better that Qin Zhen might not have much advantage in the battle with King Yan. In fact, she passed by in a hurry and had to take a boat, so she was more likely to be hunted down.

Although Qin Zhen's appearance helped him block the Blood King, the crisis did not end there.

Not to mention whether Qin Zhen can stop the Blood King from killing him, and how much effort he is willing to put in to stop him. King Yan, who is very likely to catch up, can also ring the bell of death at any time.

And where is the greatest vitality?

For Qin Zhen, it might be enough to just turn around.

For him, Jiang Wang, it was to kill the blood king first, or at least repel the blood king. Only in this way can we deal with the future King Yan, and only in this way can we ensure safety.

So he needs to let Qin Zhen see the possibility of killing the blood king. He wants to show his value and reflect his role!

Qin Zhen is not his elder, but Qin Zhen is a high-level executive in Diaohailou. Under the framework of the righteousness of the human race, stopping the blood king for him has done his best. The basis of cooperation between the two parties lies in interests, and there is nothing that should be taken for granted.

This was Jiang Wang's second meeting with the blood king, and also the second time he met the death threat brought by the blood king.

When capturing and killing Yu Guangyuan, he did think that he might have to face the Blood King again, and he also waited like walking on thin ice. But there was no news from the Blood King, and Yu Guangyuan was completely dead.

The encounter at this time was indeed unexpected! Although he has grown from a cultivator in the inner palace struggling to survive to a strong man who can run rampant in most realms, he still has no ability to resist in front of the blood king.

But he was determined to do so with his sword, and even before Qin Zhen showed his determination, he had already fought to the death.

Whenever Qin Zhen hesitates, he will explain it here.

He bet right!

He fully demonstrated his killing power enough to hurt the blood king, and at the same time witnessed Qin Zhen's terrifying power.

At the same time that the blood king summoned the blood core, Qin Zhenping raised his plain hand, and gently pinched his index finger and thumb, creating a terrifying scene.

The powerful body of the Blood King seemed to be "plucked" out of the space he was in, and became thin, delicate, and translucent, as if Qin Zhen had pinched it into a blood-colored paper-cut!

And Qin Zhen's right hand raised two fingers together, with the whiteness of Shengxue and the fragrance of plum blossoms, forming a finger and cutting knife. Just move lightly in the air, and cut it randomly on this "paper-cut".


Uncanny workmanship, heaven and earth cut knives.

Yu Xinzhou's real king's body, at this moment like a paper-cut, has nine white veins that seem to be there but not there.

It may not be appropriate to say white, but it is indeed stripped of all the colors, and there is a sense of emptiness at the end of withering.

Before Jiang Wang understood what those veins represented, one of them suddenly became clear. Since Yu Xinzhou's heavenly spirit lit up, it hung down and extended to the soles of his feet. And Qin Zhen's finger cutter sticks to this line rigorously, cutting all the way down!

Only then did everything become clear, and the rules were revealed, which Jiang Wang felt.

This vein is Yu Xinzhou's unavoidable Achilles' heel, the boundary between his life and death, the line that has been outlined on the paper-cut and must be cut!

So magical!

The body of the true king, which contains infinite power, also began to break from the sky!

But at the same time...


Qin Zhen, who was cutting papers by hand, suddenly made a hole in her left shoulder blade, and a tiny column of blood left her body like an arrow!

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff!

Holes constantly appeared in her real body, and bloody arrows continued to break through her skin from the inside out.

Supernatural powers, paper cutting!

Supernatural powers, blood core!

This is a duel between two terrifying supernatural powers, and it is also the most direct collision of two principles.

Qin Zhen and Yu Xinzhou entered into a life-and-death situation before they fought against each other!

And this is exactly what Qin Zhen wanted!

The evil of the blood king has been famous for a long time. The strength of the blood king is well known in the fandom.

Fighting against the blood king, if you are not careful, you will lose control of your own blood, and you will fall into a dangerous situation of internal and external attacks.

Any real person who is active in the maze world must be prepared for the blood core supernatural power.

But no matter how prepared, it is never enough.

In terms of the word "blood", Yu Xinzhou is the undisputed king.

Any means can only achieve short-term resistance, and eventually surrender.

Therefore, when fighting Yu Xinzhou, it is necessary to break and fight quickly, either to severely injure him in a short time, curb his supernatural powers, or get away in a short time. There is almost no third way to choose.

It was Jiang Wang, who was not qualified to participate in this battle, who rose up and moved the blood king by half an inch, allowing Qin Zhen to advance the battle to this point in an instant.

On the Blood King's body as thin as a paper-cut, on the already clear lethal white vein, dense blood suddenly appeared, like a sewing needle with a red thread, shuttling quickly around it!

It seemed to be suturing a strip of wounds, and the dense blood line was almost like a centipede, which was strange and ferocious.

If this vein is compared to a river, those bloodlines are the iron chains of the Hengjiang River. Qin Zhen's pointing knife was supposed to go straight down the river, but now it was blocked frequently, and he had to cut the iron chain again and again.

This process is not difficult, the finger cutter is extremely sharp, and the Hengjiang iron chain is also on the paper cutting. It only takes a little time to cut through the barrier easily.

But it's time!

Because at this moment, Qin Zhen is also suffering from fatal injuries, and the blood is rioting in her body!

It seems that the dynasty is about to fall, and the world is in flames.

All over the body, there is no place where the blood is not rebelling.

Kill blood vessels, subvert viscera.

If you want to cripple this body, you will end up with the end of the millennium.

Qin Zhen's body was also as thin as paper in an instant, and the Qi, blood and Taoism were compressed infinitely, and the blood holes that erupted in various parts of her body could only show blood spots one by one. The destructiveness of the blood counterattack was greatly suppressed!

Still, blood spots are spreading resolutely. When it spread to the whole body, Qin Zhen would be helpless.

But... still time!

Qin Zhen and the blood king killed each other. Also against each other.

In this state, who lives and who dies, only time can give the answer.

But in this world, apart from these two cave masters, there is not only time!

The blood core supernatural power is too terrifying. When the blood king explodes with all his strength, even if his killing power is all taken care of by Qin Zhen.

In the end, in this realm, everyone is in danger!

Those floating islands in the extreme distance had to form a large formation to resist.

Jiang Wang, who was close at hand, was even more bloody, and his skin burst.

The Xuantian Glazed Art, the Body of Heavenly Abundance, and the Golden Body of Chalcedony, even stacking up like this failed to stop the blood from flowing.

His blood is his life and death enemy.

He seemed to be beaten into a sieve, bleeding all over his body.

But he gritted his teeth and his hands never shook. Precisely dissecting the entangled Taoist power, entering the battlefield of two Dongzhen powerhouses, wrapped in frost, wind and red fire, opening five houses and six roads, pointing directly at Yu Xinzhou, and moving the Big Dipper with one sword!

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