Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1898 Shocking

The Feiyun Tower ship has three thousand armors, and Jiang Wang is even more on Feiyun.

There is really a prince on the other side of the river, and there is a real army on display, with his pockets tied up. Even in front of the boundary river, which does not have a fixed location, resources were spent and a vicious formation was laid.

Obviously, they had already prepared for the attack of the human race.

But the name of a person is the shadow of a tree.

Jiang Wang used a chain to drag Yu Guangyuan through the maze world like a dog, and then smashed Ao Huangzhong head-on, which was known to the Hai people.

When the Wu'an flag was unfurled, the soldiers on the Feiyunlou ship could form a formation.

Then there were continuous explosions and endless flames. The large formation that was supposed to be used for the confrontation between the two armies was directly destroyed in one blow. It should be used to kill the enemy but to block the enemy.

Chen Bing's army of the sea clan here formed a formation in an instant, and turned to flee on the spot!

The full speed of the twelve formations of the Feiyunlou ship came to an abrupt stop, but Jiang Wang did not hesitate, and went beyond the flames alone, carrying the explosion of the Haizu formation to chase the enemy.

But there is only a vast expanse of soldiers and shadows in the sea, but he can't see where the main general is at all.

Chen Zhitao's secret probing techniques were clearly seen. There was only one Hai Clan prince on the river bank, and his face was so strange that he couldn't stand it... It's a pity that his feet were slippery and he ran too resolutely.

Jiang Wang turned around and grabbed it, holding all the flames from the continuous explosions in his palm. The defense that the Renwu Sea Clan built carefully on this side of the Boundary River dissipated with the flames.

Chen Zhitao and his dragon boat came across the river at this time.

The elder brother of Diaohailou said with emotion: "Master Hou has reached the point of killing the enemy in name. I have been fighting in the Lost Realm for many years, and it is hard to compare!"

Everyone was carrying the sedan chairs, and Jiang Wang was not stingy about boasting: "I think they guessed that Senior Brother Chen was waiting to go, otherwise they wouldn't even have struggled."

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if their grievances were gone.

So the soldiers divided into two groups, each of which raided, and after four hours, they will meet again in front of the boundary river.

The boundary river itself is not foggy.

But on the other side of the river there was still nothing in sight.

This boundary river leads to the Saha Dragon Domain.

They swept away the sea nests in the entire Renwu realm, and then met in front of the boundary river. There was almost no loss of soldiers, because the Renwu sea tribe gave up resistance at all. When the human army arrived, there was only an empty sea nest.

But the work of mopping up has to be done, and even the wilderness has to be explored. This is the duty of the general. Otherwise, if you encounter an attack from behind when you are attacking the Saha Dragon Realm with all your strength, it will be called the sky and the earth will not work.

"I must find a way to get to know this two-character king." Jiang Wang said with emotion: "It's too good to escape!"

This temporarily unknown prince of the Hai Clan really did not run away normally. Not only did he walk fast, but none of the soldiers under his command were left behind. Moreover, several Sea Nests were packed neatly, and no loot was left for them.

Chen Zhitao also followed suit: "There is no character of a strong man, just a coward!"

"That can't be said that way." Jiang Wang said back: "It is precisely this retreat that shows the most real skills. Charge with a thousand troops and sweep up the enemy's formation like a tornado, it is nothing, a brave man can do it. And When the army is defeated, it can still maintain the army's strength, defeat without collapse, retreat without decline...The one who can win the whole army in a crisis is the real general."

Chen Zhitao was thoughtful: "This statement is reasonable and thought-provoking, and it has the magic of a military strategist. Although Chen doesn't know how to fight, he still understands the truth. Marquis Wu An is worthy of being a famous general in the world!"

It's all right to talk fast, but Jiang Wang didn't dare to boast of being a famous general, and hurriedly said: "This is what the first generation of the city destroyer said. I'm just picking up people's teeth. Brother Chen, don't shame me with the word famous general!"

"Then Ao Huangzhong, who claims to be a famous general, how did you make him look like? How many famous generals in the Qixia battlefield, who actually won the military merits? Marquis Wu'an, you should stop being modest!" Chen Zhitao said sincerely with eyes full of eyes: "Now the Saha Dragon Territory is near Right now, we still need a famous future like you to make up his mind whether or not to fight and how to fight!"

Good boy, wait here!

Unite and cooperate with Chen Zhitao, take responsibility and take the risk of Jiang Qingyang.

This guy looks sincere and simple, but in fact he is weak and bad!

Jiang Wang reacted, but he couldn't evade it in time. After all, Diaohailou really didn't train soldiers, and it had always been the way of the sect. He said: "Don't talk about famous generals again, but Brother Chen is willing to accept my military order and join hands with me to fight. I am also very happy! If you think about it together and use your strength in one place, why worry that the Haizu will not be defeated?"

Before Chen Zhitao could say anything else, he ordered again: "What is the task you received? What do you think about the Saha Dragon Domain? Tell me what you know."

This is the order!

Chen Zhitao was in a daze, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Elder Chongguang, Xuanwei Banner General, and your Marshal Qi, they have already met in the Huangtai boundary, discussed the situation in the lost world, and reached a cooperation agreement." I don't know the more specific details, but the order I received is to crusade against the Saha Dragon Territory."

If Jiang Wang could know the experience of the Blood King, he would know when the meeting of the three offshore forces took place. We should also applaud the blood king's tenacity. Just imagine if the Blood King took a step late in the battle with Xuanwei Banner General Yang Feng and bumped into Chong Guang and Qi Xiao who came to the meeting, he might have confessed on the spot...

"Thoughts on the Saha Dragon Realm..." Chen Zhitao said, "Of course I hope to break through this region and bring great convenience to our human race. But how to do it is still up to Master Hou to make up his mind. You are a professional!"

The flag was sent back again.

As a professional military lord, before this battle, Jiang Wang still knew the basic information.

Knowing that the real person guarding the pure land of Futu now is Ji Keyi, the left envoy of Guduer, the king of the East. The true king of the Saha Dragon Territory is the barbarian king Crocodile Feng.

Futu Pure Land has the shortest operating time among the six towns of the two clans. After all, its history started from the year when Chongxuan Futu died.

At the same time, Futu Pure Land is also the most open human base in the Mystery Realm. Although it was created by the real people of Qi State, it does not belong to Qi State alone. Although it is named after the Pure Land, it does not belong exclusively to Buddhism. It is open to all races and grants shelter to all races.

Cassia Island, Diaohai Tower, Yanggu, Xuankong Temple, Dongwang Valley... All forces have their strongholds here.

It was also from the Pure Land of Futu that several bases of the human race in the Mystery Realm began to be opened on a large scale.

Before Futu Pure Land, although the Mystery Realm was guarded by the Eastern Territory, the world shared the responsibility. But other forces can only occupy a few floating islands at most, and the bases are all controlled by the three offshore forces.

That is to say, there is a Penglai Island in the Cangwu Realm, and there is a Sanxing Palace in the Tianjing Kingdom. And in another base area that has been destroyed by the Hai Clan, there used to be forces from the East King Valley.

It is not Jiang Wang's turn to judge whether Ji Keyi and Crocodile Feng are stronger or weaker. But the Saha Dragon Realm, whose history is almost the same as that of the Mystery Realm, must have far stronger foundations than Futu Pure Land.

It's just that the intensity of the war in the lost world has been under the conscious or unconscious control of the two races, and it only happens at the Dongzhen level. This kind of long-term accumulation has not been completely transformed into war capabilities.

So much so that Futu Pure Land was able to fight back and forth with Saha Dragon Realm.

The Yuegui Sea, which is also shallow in age, can be inseparable from the long-standing Cangwu Realm.

It is a long-term tacit understanding between the two clans that the true monarch and the emperor will not easily make a move in the maze world.

Of course, this tacit understanding must be maintained.

If the Lost World Battlefield ceased to exist, no matter whether it was the Sea Clan who fought near the sea or the Human Race who fought in the deep sea, they would have to pay more.

But if Qi Xiao really wants to overthrow the Saha Dragon Realm, the battle of Yan Dao is almost inevitable.

The difference in background between the Saha Dragon Realm and the Pure Land of Futu was also reflected in this confrontation.

The Saha Dragon Realm still has the power to set up a barrier in the boundary river of the Renwu Realm, so Futu Pure Land can only block the four realms and focus on competing with the Saha Dragon Realm.

But then again.

As long as the emperor does not come out, the barbarian king Crocodile Feng has the real Ji Keyi to resist him head-on.

He, Jiang Wang, joined hands with Chen Zhitao, how could he not enter the Saha Dragon Territory?

Jiang Wang thought and thought, and still said: "Qi Shuai only ordered me to rush to the Saha Dragon Realm. My task has been completed, and I need to wait for further notice on what to do next."

"It's not easy to send messages to the lost world, and military orders often miss things." Chen Zhitao reminded.

At this time, they were located three miles away from the boundary river. They didn't dare to garrison by the river. After all, the other side of the river hides terrifying monsters.

Jiang Wangdao: "I understand the principle of self-determination of military aircraft. If there is a suitable opportunity, we must seize I have to ask Brother Chen to pay more attention to the situation on the other side."

Chen Zhitao frowned heavily, and shook his head, "The same method won't be used a second time. The other side is so vigilant, so they must be prepared."

Jiang Wang encouraged: "You think of a way, only you have this ability."

Chen Zhitao glanced at him, thought for a while whether he should take the lead in this trip, then hesitantly said: "This matter is difficult, let me think about it!"

Marquis Wu An nodded in satisfaction, walked in the air for a while, observed the battlefield environment, and said: "Brother Chen is proficient in the art of restraint, why don't you set up some measures here to ensure our safety?"

The fog on the other side of the river has long existed, and it was also set up by Chen Zhitao to prevent the other side from seeing the reality.

Seeing that the Marquis of Qi State commanded him so smoothly, Chen Zhitao couldn't help but said, "May I ask you, Marquis, what are you doing?"

"I need to think about the overall strategy, and think about how we should break through this domain. If there is nothing important, please try not to disturb." After Jiang Wang finished speaking, he went directly back to Feiyun Building, closed the door, and took care of himself. go too.

Chen Zhitao remained silent for a while.

Believe it or not, this fellow has indeed achieved military exploits, and indeed defeated Ao Huangzhong head-on on the battlefield.

Believe me, I always feel that this is not the case.

I just push you to stand up as a shield to block arrows, why do you leave all the dirty work to me?



On the other side of the colorful boundary river, there is also continued silence.

Until an old-fashioned general hurried over, he started shouting from a long distance: "Qi Xiaoqian!"

In the newly established but well-organized camp, the silence was very high.

The soldiers of the Sea Clan are all armed with sharp knives, ready to fight.

Even those ferocious war beasts were breathing slowly, watching the other side of the boundary river quietly and fiercely. Everything there was shrouded in fog.

Ao Huangzhong strode through the camp, as if entering a land of no man, he kept shouting: "Qi Xiaoqian! Qi Xiaoqian! Qi Xiaoqian!"

A tall and thin Sea Clan who bowed and squeezed in the warrior queue, dressed like ordinary Sea Clan fighters, finally couldn't help but lowered his head and licked his ears, complaining: "Soul calling..."

As soon as he bowed his head, he immediately retreated from that strict order. Be part of the unnatural in the natural state.

It was only at this moment that the soldiers next to him realized that the main general was by his side!

Of course, as Jing Xian Wang Qi Xiaoqian's subordinate, this is not a rare thing. One of the outstanding features of fighting with King Jingxian is that King Jingxian's orders are everywhere, but King Jingxian is never there.

Ao Huangzhong finally found the target of Xingshi's questioning, strode towards him, and asked angrily, "You ran away without even taking a single look?!"

Qi Xiaoqian was quite handsome, with a high bridge of nose and clear eyes. Even between the eyebrows, there is always a bit of tiredness.

Wen Yan rolled his eyes: "You didn't run?"

"I fought until the last moment, and I retreated strategically when I had no other choice!" Ao Huangzhong said angrily, "You didn't lose a soldier or a general, but you fled looking at the flag. Are you qualified to lead troops?"

Qi Xiaoqian smiled indifferently: "I knew at the first glance that there was no way, why waste this process of 'fighting until the last moment' and waste the lives of the soldiers?"

Ao Huangzhong became more and more annoyed: "It is impossible for our family to go through this dangerous situation without sacrifice. It was agreed at the beginning that you and I each occupy a realm, back the Dragon Realm and face the human race, and capture and kill the invading enemy. For these roads We have already prepared for the attack, haven't we? You say there is no way now, isn't it too late!"

"I didn't know beforehand that it was Jiang Wang who came to my side!" Qi Xiaoqian said confidently: "You and Yu Guangyuan both escaped and died, should I waste any more time?"

Ao Huangzhong laughed angrily: "I don't know who is so blind, saying that you have the appearance of a famous general, and let you participate in the overall situation of confusing the world!"

"Then you go back and ask!" Qi Xiaoqian said impatiently: "Okay, that's enough, what should I do? It's not up to you to tell me, Qi Xiaoqian, how to use troops. As the general, you should move your position lightly. What if something happened to you?"

"What the hell! Can't accept criticism?" Ao Huangzhong was very dissatisfied: "When I played war games with Emperor Zhongxi, he was not like this!"

Qi Xiaoqian couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Is it amazing to have an ancestor of the emperor? Do you need to talk about it every now and then? How about putting it here for incense? !

But there is an ancestor of the emperor who is really remarkable. He still explained: "Jiang Wang is definitely not a reckless man who can defeat you head-on on the battlefield. I watched him lead the army across the river like a mountain, leaving no room for it. It shows that he has understood my arrangement and has enough confidence Destroy us. In addition, there must be a strong ambush behind him, which can withstand a considerable degree of risk. The Saha Dragon Realm is the real battlefield, and there is no need for me to meet him in a temporary camp."

Ao Huangzhong snorted: "It still looks like it!"

"Do you have anything else to do?" Qi Xiaoqian didn't bother to bother: "Don't delay my defense if there's nothing else. That thief will kill him at some point!"

"Where did Sha Jianwu go?" Ao Huangzhong approached and asked.

Qi Xiaoqian distanced himself in disgust: "How would I know!"

Ao Huangzhong didn't take it seriously: "Don't you two have a good relationship? He didn't tell you when he was on a mission?"

"You also know that there is a mission!" Qi Xiaoqian glared at him: "Don't ask around!"

Ao Huangzhong curled his lips, and said again: "Since Jiang Wang led the army here, now the three towns of Sapo Longyu, Yueguihai, and Donghai Dragon Palace are attacked at the same time. Which one do you think is their main attack direction?"

Qi Xiaoqian turned around and looked at him seriously: "Can you tell me first, which is our main attack direction?"

Ao Huangzhong laughed dryly: "How would I know!"

Qi Xiaoqian naturally didn't believe it: "When you played chess with Emperor Zhongxi, didn't he say something to you casually?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!" Ao Huangzhong grimaced, put his hands behind his back, and walked away domineeringly.

Thanks to the book friend "The second-year boy also wants to fall in love" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 424th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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