Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1899 Ten cities with you!

The military order Jiang Wang was waiting for did not come late.

The situation of the entire lost world is obviously in Qi Xiao's mind.

And the pervasive and continuous offensive is exactly Qi Xiao's style!

"Commander Qi has an order to direct our troops to cross the river immediately and put the greatest military pressure on the Saha Dragon Territory!" In the boat of Feiyun Tower, Jiang Wang showed his military order and frowned slightly.

"It's too dangerous!" Fang Yuanyou said anxiously: "We don't know what's going on in Futu Pure Land, if the barbarian king is not restrained..."

"The barbarian king will definitely be restrained. Qi Shuai will use his troops, so there will be no such omissions. Ji Keyi in the East King Valley is not a dry meal." Jiang Wang pondered: "It's just that the water in the Sahalong domain is too deep. Our stone If it hits it, I'm afraid it won't stir up any waves."

The request of the military order is to give the Saha Dragon Territory the greatest military pressure.

But for such a Sea Clan base area with a long history, it is really not optimistic what three thousand soldiers can do.

Fang Yuanyou half-kneeled on the ground: "Master Hou is a body of ten thousand gold, so don't touch it lightly. Please be the vanguard and find the way for Lord Hou at the end!"

Jiang Wang patted him on the shoulder: "It's not yet the time for you to be the front line, first for me, Hou Hongying!"

When the long front broke through, the red tassels spread like blood!

When Jiang Wang stood up, the narrow sleeves acted as arm armor. Layers of nail leaves seem to be blown by the wind, from the forearm to the broad shoulders, from the chest and neck to the waist and hips...

Immortal Ruyi transformed into a pair of azure battle armor in an instant, revealing his slender and vigorous physique. It depicts a chill on the battlefield!

When he went to the demon world to perform the duties of the gods, there was a special armor in the tool making workshop of the Gongyuan. The Armor of the Marquis, of course, is a top-notch item, with amazing defense.

However, he disliked being clumsy and affecting his movement, so he didn't wear it.

After arriving in the demon world, there was no real war. That pair of armor is still placed in the Hou's mansion for offering.

At this time, it is only based on its shape.

But when he strode out of the cabin and onto the deck, the atmosphere of war had already descended!

"Pass down the Hou's order, the whole army muster!"

Fang Yuanyou flew around, his voice was like a bell: "Marquis of Wu'an, the whole army is assembled!"

Let's talk about Chen Zhitao's diligence, giving full play to his life's strengths, and setting up many restrictions in the fog on the other side of the boundary river. Vigilance, attack, law-breaking, classification, and so on.

Relying on his own strength, he built a relatively complete defense system in a very short period of time.

Hearing that Jiang Wang started to issue orders suddenly, he came out of the fog of restriction, with a bit of joy of consummation on his face: "What's the matter? You have started to act?"

In the effort just now, he had a burst of inspiration and completed a few small innovations, which made the overall defense more complete and flexible, and also solved a long-standing major problem! It's just that this joy is difficult to share with others at this moment. Looking around, there is no one who understands the beauty of restraint.

He raised his head, and saw Jiang Wang in armor, stern and majestic, very different from usual. The frivolity was gone for a while, and the whole person became serious, only to realize that this is a military merit!

When Jiang Wang looked at Chen Zhitao, he felt differently.

I just feel that those who learn the way of formation and study the art of restraint, once given enough preparation time, are really very difficult opponents.

He overlooked the overall situation from a high place, and Chen Zhitao also worked hard to get some information on the other side of the boundary river, but it was very non-specific, false and real, and it was difficult to discern the root cause. The generals of the Sea Clan on the other side were obviously not mediocre, and they were fully prepared.

The soldiers on the Feiyunlou boat were full of fighting spirit, and the monks on the dragon fishing boat were also full of energy.

The banner officer did not leave after sending the order, because he wanted to supervise the implementation of the military order...

Not only have to execute well, but also fast.

On the front line of military aircraft, there must be an instant fight. The opponent Qi Xiao wanted to fight couldn't breathe, and all the troops fired at the first order. He, Jiang, as a general of Qi, especially cannot hold back.

Immediately, Hong Sheng said: "All officers and soldiers listen to the order!"

Chen Zhitao looked over expectantly. The sages of Confucianism said, "When three people walk together, there must be my teacher." This Jiang Wang is the number one military exploiter of the younger generation, and he must have a lot of brushes in his hand.

Although in Diaohai Tower, what he seeks is personal practice and the supreme way, and he doesn't have much contact with military affairs, but he knows everything, and he can always learn something.

Then I heard Qingyue's order - "Follow me and charge!"

Chen Zhitao subconsciously stood up, Dao Yuan plucked his Taoist robe, and with a flick of his sleeves connected all the restrictions on the river bank together, turning into an aggressive restriction to cross the boundary river angrily.

This set of Su Jiugong's anti-chaotic divine light, which changed from vigilance and defense to offense, was the result of his burst of inspiration.

He, the master of prohibition and the master brother of Diaohailou, can be said to be at his full display at this moment.

But there was a strong feeling of being cheated in my heart!

Is this the overall strategy that Jiang Wuan is thinking about?

You are a dignified military hero of the Qi State, after thinking for a long time, you came up with a "charge with you"!

You can change me, you can change Baosong!

But if he was nervous, he had nothing to be nervous about. Even if he has a deeper and clearer understanding of the Saha Dragon Territory.

For this joint military operation by all parties, Qi Xiao, Xia Shi's coach, served as the commander-in-chief to coordinate the overall situation. In a war of this level, the Qi State will never take any action to exclude dissidents. On the contrary, in order to avoid such suspicion, it will take the initiative to let the Qi State forces take more risks. This is where the pattern of hegemony lies, and it has been tested repeatedly in history.

What's more, Jiang Wang, the first Tianjiao of Daqi, has filled this battlefield. The Saha Dragon Territory is indeed dangerous, and Qi Xiao must have a backup!

He flew high in the sky at high speed, and saw Jiang Wang riding in front of him.

During the unparalleled high-speed flight, faint red smoke rose around the body, transpired outside the blue armor, and became armor beyond the armor, which made the Marquis of Wu'an of the Great Qi even more mysterious and majestic.

The Wuyuyan Armor obtained from Zuo Guangshu of Great Chu!

He stands in front of thousands of troops, interpreting courage, strength, and sharpness, and crosses the border alone.

On the other side is the Saha Dragon Territory, which has hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, and is stationed by the famous generals and powerful troops of the Sea Clan... Jiang Wang opened the vast starry sky with a sword, and chopped down the flying snow.

There are stars above, and snow below. Under the smoke armor, Jiang Wang's body is like a rainbow.

Break through with one sword!

Jing Xian Wang Qi Xiaoqian came to Huo Shi for the second time, and left after only staying for three hours for the first time, so his reputation was not obvious, and even Chen Zhitao didn't recognize him.

The first time he came to Huoshi, he spent three hours to confirm that he was not enough to control the war in Huoshi, so he left without hesitation.

Coming back for the second time, I have already made full preparations, and I have full confidence to show my talents here and become famous in one fell swoop.

Regarding Jiang Wang's killing power, he had already raised his expectations, but when the world famous sword Sauvignon Blanc came through the sky, he realized that his expectations might not be enough!

The first line of defense was broken, the second line of defense was broken, the third line, the fourth line...

Qi Xiaoqian stood quietly in the ranks of the army. Like other sea warriors, he retreated step by step and pushed the formation step by step according to the pre-drill.

The entire marine camp stationed here, like a giant beast with strong vitality, responded almost instinctively to the long-awaited attack.

Not only have hard bones, but also more dexterity and toughness. The thick skin seems to be unbreakable, and the flesh seems to be infinitely thick.

But the offensive from the Terran side was equally fierce.

After Jiang Wang was Chen Zhitao.

The sea-blue Taoist robe fluttered in the wind, like the curtain drawn by the red smoke armor.

Under the snow all over the sky, there are turbid waves. Surging and surging, the water peaks are endless. Born on the bank of the river, it took root and swallowed a large piece of solid ground.

And his Su Jiugong's rebellious divine light soared all over the sky, shuttled back and forth, and smashed the huge Sea Clan camp to be riddled with holes.

The dragon fishing boat full of hundreds of monks was fully launched, and a series of eighteen water dragons opened their teeth and claws, roaring and rushing into the sea clan army formation.

After that, another Feiyunlou ship moved like a mountain, shooting the moon and twisting the string, and the giant steel arrow wrapped in runes fell straight down on the banner of the barracks!

Fang Yuanyou roared loudly.

The three thousand soldiers on the upper boat responded in unison: "Wei!"

The big formation was activated, and Jin Xingyuan turned into dense flying arrows, moving across the sky like a cloud.

At this time, Jinyun wears snow, what a cruel beauty!

The Saha Dragon Territory is so vast, it is far from the kind of realm that can be quickly passed by the monks of the gods. Although boundary rivers always appear randomly and are often separated by thousands of miles, one side does not communicate with the other.

Jiang Wang didn't know how the battle was going elsewhere, and he didn't know whether Ji Keyi had faced the barbarian king.

But he believed that Qi Xiao, who was ranked in the Military Hall of Great Qi, must firmly control the situation.

The flames of war spread to the Saha Dragon Realm, and he already knew how grand this was.

As the entire maze war unfolded, he, the Marquis of Wu'an, was just a particle on the chessboard. He doesn't have the wisdom to focus on Xuan Sheng, he can't be in line with the overall situation and transcend the chessboard, and he can also play big moves as a chess piece.

But he is very sober, not more than he can. Know how to do his duty when he lacks sufficient insight. Wherever the chess player lands on him, he will carry out the will of the chess player and smash the ground!

The sea clan's battle line retreated without breaking, like the ebb of the tide.

Jiang looked straight into the palace, screaming his sword into snow. "Is there anyone in charge? Did you actually watch your subordinates being slaughtered?! Do you dare to stand up and be my sword?"

Only silence responded to him, and in silence was a terrifying order.

This sea clan general, who has not been seen so far, is no worse than Ao Huangzhong in his ability to use troops.

Although Jiang Wang can't reach this level of military use, he has seen the talents of real famous generals. He became more cautious in his heart, but his sword energy became more irritable, flying wildly in all directions.

The smoke armor crossed the sky, and the sword was like splashing snow, cutting through one after another, cutting heads one after another.

He showed a kind of arrogance, irritability, and eagerness for success.

But there is a dark jade light, the ear fairy sits and watches at ease, the sound hears the fairy state, and thousands of voices come to court!

The entire Hai Clan camp, ranging from the roar of a ferocious war beast to the breath of a Sea Clan warrior, was in Jiang Wang's ears, and any hidden general who was incompatible would be captured immediately.

But it was also at this time that a bloody army swept across Bingsha, like a huge wave, coming from far away!

On the "waves", there is a general with high fighting spirit, his determination to avenge his shame is almost burning in his eyes!

Thousands of troops swept across, and he was at the forefront of the tide!

Ao Huangzhong, defeat the world army!

He came to Jiang Wang with the strong army he trained by himself!

At this time, a warrior from the Hai clan jumped out before Jiang Wang, and angrily scolded Ao Huangzhong: "Who told you to come here? You brought an army!? Your defense line is empty. Once you are breached, you will be responsible for the overall situation." Can you afford it?"

Ao Huangzhong was unmoved, just looked at Jiang Wang and said: "Kill this one thief and win ten cities! I would rather lose a thousand miles!"

Being valued so much by Ao Huangzhong, Jiang Wang was also unmoved. He glanced at the sea warrior from a distance, and the line of sight continued, followed by the soul killing.

As soon as the battle of spirits and souls starts, he will know that he has killed wrongly!

This Sea Clan warrior who stood up to speak was nothing more than a meat puppet. The other side's general is still hiding in the army.

Playing against Tianjiao, it is normal to kill the wrong target.

Jiang Wang swung his sword horizontally, and his body was like a god like a demon, rolling up a frenzy of sword energy: "Come, Ao Huangzhong! Take the sword and come here, ten cities with you!"

Ao Huangzhong laughed and urged the army with all his strength to approach the battlefield: "I will lead the army to fetch it!"

Earlier he asked Qi Xiaoqian, which is the main attack direction of the human race?

Where is the problem!

The arrogance of the human race has already appeared outside the gate of the Saha Dragon Realm!

The reason why Qi Xiaoqian scolded him, thinking that he should not lead the army over, was because he considered that the entire Saha Dragon Territory should be caught in a stormy offensive at this moment.

Hold here, destroy that place, and still lose points in the overall situation.

But he has his ideas.

It is impossible for the Saha Dragon Territory to be broken, this is the general trend, and he firmly believes in this.

And Jiang Wang is the arrogance of the human race who he is really aware of the danger and even asks his ancestors to kill him.

When he said, "Kill this one thief and win ten cities", he was not boasting, but a real truth.

Even if the boundary river he was guarding was released to allow the enemy to penetrate, how deep would the human race on the opposite side dare to penetrate?

Seeing that the river bank is undefended, do you really dare to drive straight in?

In the Saha Dragon Realm, real people can die, and true kings have also died in history!

Although Qi Xiaoqian has treated Jiang Wang very cautiously, he has never really confronted Jiang Wang, and he does not have a deep understanding of this human genius.

Let the enemy cross the river without harming the overall situation.

Killing Jiang Wang is really winning the luck of the human race!

Seeing that Ao Huangzhong was integrated with the army and could not be separated at all, Jiang Wang already realized the difficulty of the situation. He knows too well how terrifying it is to add up a famous general and a strong army.

Among other things, if the 3,000 soldiers under his command were all guards of the Marquis Mansion, the strength of his army would also be doubled! And Ao Huangzhong and his World-Fighting Army are both well-known, and their peak combat power performance is much more terrifying.

But how to withdraw is a big problem.

In this dangerous situation, it's easy for him to look forward to, but it's difficult for the whole army!

At this moment, a beast's roar suddenly sounded behind him, Jiang Wang was startled, and the sword energy roared high into the sky. Turning his red eyes, he saw that Chen Zhitao was making moves like flying, releasing domesticated sea beasts one by one from a set of water-blue formation flags!

so close! Friends are not enemies!

Chen Zhitao had been fighting in the Mystery Realm for a long time, seeing Ao Huangzhong's posture, of course he knew that the situation was critical. So he immediately released the sea beasts he had enslaved with a unique restraint.

This is also his means of pressing the bottom of the box.

The array flag was left by Diaolongke, the founder of the Diaohailou School, and it is called the Shoulong Banner.

It can raise powerful creatures in captivity and control them into formations. It is almost like skipping the boring and hard training of the army and directly possessing the power of the army. It can be described as extremely powerful.

And these sea beasts are actually the true forms of the sea masters manifested by the sea clan, so they are far stronger than ordinary sea beasts. It was all accumulated by him over the years. During the arrest process, he had the help of his master and his own efforts, but it was all his own hands that prohibited the slavery.

There are a total of 108, including thirteen Commander-level Sea Clans and one Wangjue Sea Clan!

"Ao Huangzhong! Let's come!" Chen Zhitao's voice was like a drum, and behind him were giants lined up like buildings. Zu Tianjiao has to pay attention to the sense of existence: "If ten cities are not enough, I will give you eleven cities!"

Jiang Wangdang was ten cities.

Although he is self-effacing and only considers a city, who can really regard him as a city at this moment? !

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