Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1903 Your generation is also a famous general

How could the flying cloud tower ship as large as a mountain, with thousands of armors, be so dexterous, shuttle freely in the Saha Dragon Domain, and escape the siege time and time again.

This is what Qi Xiaoqian was amazed at. Jiang Wang, the human race, has an excellent sense of danger, keen and decisive. If he changed places, he thought he could only escape himself.

But apart from being amazed, I didn't think it made any sense.

Right now, the Saha Dragon Territory is the determined main battlefield for the human race, and all parties are ready to fight, and the strong members of the clan are coming.

No matter what the external battle situation is, Jiang Wang, the bug that has been swallowed in his stomach, is destined to make no waves.

As far as he and Ao Huangzhong were concerned, they had no ability to influence the war that involved the entire world, and capturing and killing this overlord marquis and the arrogant life of the human race was already a great achievement.

He didn't make a move all the time, waiting for Chen Zhitao to reveal his hole cards and use them for him.

Taking advantage of His Majesty Gao Jie's plan for the offshore islands, he put Jiang Wang in the basket by the way, which really made him proud. I would also like to thank Chen Zhitao for his cooperation.

At this moment, Jiang Wang's hole cards have been turned over one by one, and it's time to end the game.

"It's raining."

Standing on top of his head with the fins of his outstretched fleshy wings, he enjoys the sensation of cornering his prey. What is the meaning of being in the sea nest? Only by capturing and killing the strong of the clan can we live up to our military strategy.



"Something is wrong." On the Feiyunlou boat, Chen Zhitao, who barely repaired the acceleration circle with a restraint technique, walked to Jiang Wang's side: "It's too quiet."

The Saha Dragon Territory has been operated by the Sea Clan for a long time. Along the way, they have seen many sea caves and animal farms, where various sea animals are raised. It was also intercepted by many Haizu guards, and it took a lot of effort to break through.

But the further you go to the hinterland, the weaker the obstacles become.

Fang Yuanyou thought about it and said, "Is it because their main force went to the Jiyou Realm to participate in the battle, so the hinterland was empty and they couldn't stop us?"

Chen Zhitao said: "The Saha Dragon Territory is the stronghold of the Sea Clan, no matter how empty the hinterland is, there is no situation that cannot stop us."

"The front is so quiet, it means that they have captured our whereabouts and grasped our marching target. So don't let those scattered guards make unnecessary sacrifices, and even evacuate ordinary sea people in advance..." Jiang Wang said calmly: "Qixiao Qian and Ao Huangzhong already have the chance to win, and now they are starting to think about the loss."

"Then we now?" Chen Zhitao asked.

Jiang Wang said: "We have no choice, this is the only way."

Chen Zhitao smiled weakly: "Don't turn around if you hit the south wall?"

Jiang Wang looked ahead, looking for his way in the boundless sky and sea: "No, hit the south wall, hit the south wall."

What is the advantage of Tianfu cultivators compared to ordinary magical inner palaces?

Not only because of more choices of supernatural powers, but also stronger physique.

It is more about the terrifying continuous combat capability.

The recovery speed of Dao Yuan and Divine Ability Light is far faster than that of ordinary monks. The five mansions rotate in rotation, endlessly.

In long-distance pursuit and escape, it plays a key role.

But now there is no distance to speak of.

As the Feiyunlou boat continued to rush towards the hinterland of the Sapo Dragon Territory, the target Jiang Wang had chosen appeared very clearly in the eyes of Qi Xiaoqian and Ao Huangzhong.

He didn't have many choices!

Working as a dojo in the snail shell, Jiang Wang tossed and turned, prolonging the time of being discovered as much as possible. Get rid of the pursuit and dodge the interception several times.

However, neither Qi Xiaoqian nor Ao Huangzhong are existences that can be easily dealt with. After the direction is clear, it is only a matter of time before being stopped.

That time has come now.

Now there is still a need to do it, to use the sword to decide whether it can continue to move forward.

They don't look back, they can't look back, they can't even pause for too long.

Jiang Wang has already smelled the wind and rain.

Then the Feiyunlou boat crashed into the rain curtain.

Fang Yuanyou clenched his saber tightly.

All the soldiers held their breath, they all knew what they were about to face and what they were waiting for.

Chen Zhitao murmured: "I hope that Qi Xiaoqian is in the front line and has made preparations to wipe out the genocide army, and what he has set up is an attacking formation."

Of course Jiang Wang knew why Chen Zhitao said that, because Qi Xiaoqian's ability to defend the position was already impressive from the very beginning when he entered the Saha Dragon Domain. At that time, they were in the peak state of the army, and they couldn't make a quick attack. And Chen Zhitao's fishing dragon boat is the treasure boat of Diaohailou. The hundred members of the inner palace are the backbone of the Zhenhai League. There are elders of various sects, pillars of various families, some run a party, and some have practiced hard for many years... All of them are the elite of the elite, but they are completely destroyed in an instant. The waves can't even turn over.

Chen Zhitao clearly realized that Qi Xiaoqian was a wall. It is a wall that needs to be turned when walking to the front.

He actually agrees.

But as he said, there was no other choice.

Then hit it!

See if the head is broken, or the south wall has collapsed!

Jiang Wang stood at the forefront of the deck, the steaming smoke armor drove the raindrops away, and raised his right fist high, like a torch that would never go out in the long night.

When the intelligence of the voices and hearers gathers from all directions, the most critical information is delivered.

"The whole army obeys the order!" He shouted in a deep voice.

He jumped up: "Follow me to charge!"

On the entire Feiyunlou ship, except for the necessary soldiers to operate the ship, all the other soldiers jumped up. "Kill!!!" Qi and blood surged, Yuan Li roared, forming a formation in an instant.


The moon shooting crossbow roared and launched, and the heavy cast iron arrow covered with runes opened the way ahead. Break the rain curtain and enter the vast rainy night.

The fog of the position was blown away.

The sea clan's army, like a mountain like a wall, lay ahead like this. Like a giant beast that is silent in the long night and can devour everything. Also silently devoured the near divine blow from the Moon Shooting Crossbow.

With an absolute advantage and a lock on the target position, Qi Xiaoqian still put on the most stable formation. Even he is still hiding in the army formation, nowhere to be seen.

Jiang Wang desperately wanted to reenact the scene of forcing Ao Huangzhong back, but he couldn't.

There is no other choice.

For the first time, Jiang Wang actually manipulated the army array on the battlefield himself!

The blood-blooded soldier wrapped him heavily, which felt like he was wearing a heavy and huge armor.

With the help of immortal thoughts, adjust the flow of soldiers' qi and blood.

He has become the only will in the entire army, the power that controls all the aggregates, follows the direction of the essence of the formation, and can evolve various killing methods that belong to this formation!

This is the most basic front arrow array.

He chose the sharpest way.

The rolling soldier transformed into a heavy blood-colored arrow, flashed suddenly, and shot to the front peak.

Three thousand armored soldiers form front arrows!


With head-to-head confrontation, with sharpness against sharpness, the Wu'an army collided with the Sea Clan army.

The two regiments strangled together, and the sky was filled with blood, almost pushing the rain cloud away!

Jiang Wang is in control of the army formation, can clearly grasp the soldiers, and can find that the soldiers who followed him here are dying one by one!

His eyes were bleeding, but he didn't make a sound.

All he can do is to constantly adjust his soldiers, maintain the operation of the army formation, continue to kill and charge forward... A strong man must die if he collides with the enemy's formation, and the entire army will die if he fails to break through the enemy's formation!

In the time counted by death, the transition is extremely difficult.

There is no choice but to grit your teeth and hold on.

At a certain moment, hoo, it suddenly became clear!

The defense line of the Sea Clan, which was like a wall of thousands of feet, was torn open. Just like the rain clouds in the sky, they are pushed away by the overflowing qi and blood, so the sky can be seen.

There are 1,367 people left. Jiang Wang sniffed his Qi and blood a little, and proved this number with the technique of counting soldiers, and continued to move forward with a much thinner cloud of soldiers' evil.

Front flag Xiaoqian!

He has set up a second position here!

At this moment, he appeared in Jiang Wang's vision very clearly.

Step on the fins of the tens of feet tall beast of war. On the open wings like clouds hanging from the sky, perched are vicious dogs filled with smoke.

On the top of Smoke Dog's head stood another little flying fish with wings.

At the moment Jiang Wang came with his army, thousands of smoke dogs leaped over.

Aww~! Aww~!

hum! hum! hum!

In this ferocious noise, Qi Xiaoqian's voice is so clear: "Flying fish with smoke dog, Yu Guangyuan's works pay tribute to you!"


A terrible explosion happened.

The billowing black smoke is like an evil beast with spirits, and it rushes up as soon as it meets its face.

The army's soldiers are used to breaking the law, but they melted rapidly under the evil smoke.

A little red light suddenly lit up in the depths of the evil cloud, and expanded rapidly.

Flame meteors are flying across the sky, flame sparrows are flying, flame flowers are blooming, and the city of flames has been built.

Jiang Wang defends the army alone, and uses the fire world to fight against the poisonous fire and smoke. The samadhi real fire dances and dances to its heart's content, this time burning fire also burns smoke!

With a palm of his hand, Jiang Wang continued to move forward.

But Qi Xiaoqian, who was standing on top of Fin Cheng's head, just used his index finger to nod behind Jiang Wang.

There, Ao Huangzhong had already swept through Bingsha, coming like a huge wave!

The Fashi army has chased after it!

Of the three thousand armored soldiers, one thousand and one were obtained, and the rest were almost exhausted.

It's a desperate time!

Standing in the army formation, Chen Zhitao said shyly, "It's really the south wall!"

But Jiang Wang just untied Bingsha silently and drew out his long sword.

"We sacrificed too much in today's battle. We walked here, we are stepping on the bones of our comrades. Jiang Wang has no other words..." He jumped up and rushed forward: "Today, I died in front of the battle. !"

brush! brush! brush!

There are one thousand Wu'an soldiers, stepping on the cruel cloud, they all draw their swords!

The sword light turned to the sea clan.

"Coming together!!!"

Qi Xiaoqian retreated calmly, commanding the army to move forward.

Ahead is another solid military line of defense.

Behind is Ao Huangzhong leading the World War II army rushing like a big wave.

The heaven and the earth collapse, and the mountains block the sea.

At this critical moment, suddenly there was a whistling sound.

A large golden banner smashed through the rain curtain at a terrifying speed, and crashed into the wave of soldiers of the World Warfare Army!

The military weapon, the scorching sun battle flag!

It's Yangu's army!

The flag is unfurled in the wind, the flagpole is fifteen feet high, and the flag is nine feet high when it is unfolded!

There is only one blood-red character embroidered on the flag-"Mountain".

At the same time that the battle flag rolled up and the soldiers were shattered, smashing the world's army down the waist.

Qi Xiaoqian, who was standing on top of Fin Cheng's head, was suddenly fixed in the distance, but it was the shadow under his feet. At this moment, a snake-like shadow thread emerged, binding him tightly with an unavoidable speed.

The scorching sun battle flag, playing shadows and supernatural powers!

It was Fu Yanqing who came!

He was the general who led the army to attack the boundary river where Ao Huangzhong was in town.

Ao Huangzhong expected that even if the human army crossed the river, he would take advantage of him to empty the city, so he didn't dare to act rashly. The time and space gained during this is enough for him to capture and kill Jiang Wang and then return.

But he didn't know that he was facing Fu Yanqing.

Fu Yanqing, who possesses the supernatural power of making shadows, can come and go freely among thousands of armies, so why didn't he dare to cross the river or cross the river?

He quickly figured out the situation and led the army to rampage in the vast Saha Dragon Field, but happened to catch the traces of the Fa Shi army, and chased them all the way here, and shot at the critical moment, cutting off Ao Huangzhong's army in one fell swoop!

This is of course another good luck for Jiang Wang.

And he has always been good at seizing opportunities, twisting and turning in the sea army formation, like a zigzag cyan thunderbolt, splitting off the fins in an instant, and cutting the enemy's head with his sword!

While Sauvignon Blanc beheaded the enemy's head and the blood was rushing, Jiang Wang had already realized... This is also a puppet body!

"Qi Xiaoqian is dead!" He shouted loudly, his voice was thunderous: "Who else will try the sword!"

The voice is in his hands and cannot be explained at all.

If Qi Xiaoqian's puppet body can fool Jiang Wang, he must first fool his own subordinates. Because it is impossible for the Sea Clan fighters who guarded him to not reveal their flaws completely.

Therefore, as soon as the thunder came out, the military defense line, which was as stable as a mountain, was riddled with holes and cracks everywhere.

The real fire of samadhi spread rapidly on the body of the giant fin, Jiang Wang stepped up and went straight to the Chinese army.

Immortal Er sat watching with ease, he accurately found Qi Xiaoqian's hiding figure in the chaotic Hai Clan army.

There was no need to communicate, everything behind him was left to Chen Zhitao, to Fu Yanqing, and to Fang Yuanyou. He wants to come alone, kill the general and capture the flag!

The army is like the sea, and he is like a lonely boat.

Breaking the waves, breaking the soldiers, what a decision!

His condition is not good, but he is confident that he can kill Qi Xiaoqian. He also hoped that Qi Xiaoqian would have the confidence to fight back against him. In Qi Xiaoqian's eyes, he had seen the confidence of a strong man.

The four eyes meet, the eyes contact, the soul will rise...

Then Jiang Wang heard an extremely sharp sound, which was so sharp that the voice heard the fairy state and almost failed to catch it!

And Qianyang Chitong patrols around, Qi Xiaoqian has been lost in sight! There was only an afterimage in the vast Sea Clan army, which was easily crushed by the staggering Sea Clan fighters and dispersed like smoke.

It's not the power of the formation flag like Ao Huangzhong, nor is it a magical power similar to So Far Away.

Just speed, pure speed!

With the thought of killing, Qi Xiaoqian has disappeared.

Running too fast and too decisively.

How could such a talented general refuse to take any risks and give up the army so easily?

Jiang Wang was stunned, but he didn't have time to feel emotional. When he raised his hand, a flame burned the city, smashing into the army of the Hai clan whose morale had fallen, causing Lie Yan to bloom flowers and the chaos to collapse.

"I have broken this formation!!"

Without the organization of core generals and the cohesion of the army, this body is like a mammoth into an ant colony.

His voice turned into swords, guns, swords and halberds, killing everywhere.

His sword light is like the rising moon, splashing snow on the ground.

In the gorgeous smoke armor, there are bloodshot eyes that are extremely cold.

Under the blue combat boots, there was a raging flame that could not be extinguished.

It's thousands of troops crumbling, howling in fear and pain!

He came back like this, like a god or a demon, flew towards the Feiyunlou ship hovering high above the sky, passed the ship high, and faced Ao Huangzhong who was fighting with Fu Yanqing from the returning army——

"Your generation is also a famous general. On the road to Huangquan, it is not good to call Qi Xiaoqian lonely!"

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