Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1907 Lao Yan is inseparable

Dingmao's second floating island is a human settlement mixed with fish and dragons, and most of the extraordinary are casual cultivators. Of course, because of the pressure from the Sea Clan, there is also an establishment.

After the first floating island was slaughtered, it became the safest place in the Dingmao Realm.

The island guard array and many ordnance are preserved.

The few sea beasts on the island were easily wiped out before they could stir up any waves.

After the sea beast suddenly lost control, Qiao Hongyi and Jiang Cuilin retreated all the way here and took over the island defense.

Sea beasts have no intelligence, even if they get rid of the restraint and go crazy collectively, it is difficult to threaten the presence of God at his level.

But many of the sea beasts he detained were the true sea masters manifested by sea warriors.

These sea warriors hated him so much that they constantly summoned sea beasts to besiege him. He didn't want to be consumed to death, and he didn't dare to leave the Dingmao Realm where Haichao had been emptied, and go to a place that might be more dangerous. So I can only stick to it here.

Fortunately, among these sea beasts that got rid of the restriction, there was no king of the sea clan... He didn't have the ability to catch them either.

"This Chen Zhitao is such a waste! What a shit master of restraint!" Qiao Hongyi stood on the watchtower, looking at the invisible and still gathering sea beasts outside the island guard formation, she couldn't help cursing: "The restraints of the fathers!" It’s fine if the technique doesn’t work, so can’t his? How dare Diaohailou promote the islands? Isn’t this a scam?!”

Jiang Cuilin was also frowning at the side: "Do you think Mr. Xu Zeming has received the distress signal, and will he come to rescue us?"

"Don't worry." Qiao Hongyi said: "We are all like-minded people, and we have fought so far for a common ideal, and he will not ignore us."

He took Jiang Cuilin's hand: "It's just a pain for you, baby...following me hard, running around for half a year, but in the end it was nothing!"

"It's not hard work." Jiang Cuilin shook her head vigorously: "I enjoy being with you."

Qiao Hongyi was so moved, she gazed into her eyes affectionately, but saw ripples of spring water in those beautiful eyes.

One called "Lin Mei" and the other called "Qiao Lang".

Lovers look at the chilling battlefield, and there is indeed a different kind of romance for the two parties involved.

They are on the tallest watchtower, and they are far away from the nearest people, so don't worry too much. Qiao Hongyi still cautiously changed to sound transmission: "I just went to see it. The island's military reserves are insufficient, and the formation to protect the island can't last long. Wait another half an hour. If no one comes to rescue, I will take you out of the encirclement." .”

"Is this feasible?" Jiang Cuilin blinked: "Will the Zhenhai League cause trouble?"

When they fled back to the second floating island, they abandoned the army they brought out to help them capture sea beasts, but that could still be explained as powerless. Anyway, everyone is dead, and no one can stand up and deny it.

Now such a big floating island, with so many people, one or two can always escape, what will we say then?

"What trouble are you looking for? If we can't keep it, do we want us to accompany them to death? We came to the Lost Realm to help them, and we have done our best to keep it up to now." Qiao Hongyi said: "It was Master Xu Zeming who led the cooperation with the Zhenhai League. They The official documents have been issued! We came to the Lost Realm to capture sea beasts for this reason, and now there is a problem with the prohibition of the Diaohai Tower, can you blame me? I don’t want to be safe and secure, I am willing to work hard for half a year?"

Jiang Cuilin said, "I'm afraid they will be unreasonable..."

"They are unreasonable, but they also want to pay attention to profit!" Qiao Hongyi said firmly: "What level of influence is the Taixu illusion now? Since the Taixu Scroll absorbed the Sea Honor List, there have been four more monks from all walks of life going to the offshore islands. Success! And this number is still increasing! Does the Zhenhai League want to push the help out? Doesn’t the Diaohai Tower want to introduce more external forces in order to counter the suppression of the Qi State?"

Qiao Hongyi's analysis was clear and logical, and Jiang Cuilin's eyes were filled with admiration. She likes Qiao Lang's self-confidence in scolding Fang Qiu the most.

While the two were talking, a sudden change occurred outside the floating island.

The huge herd of sea beasts visibly stirred up, and the movement was rapidly approaching the floating island from a distance!

"Someone is here to save us!" Qiao Hongyi suddenly moved forward, looking into the distance as far as she could, with uncontrollable joy on her face: "I just said, no matter Master Xu Zeming or Zhenhai League, it is impossible to give up on us!"

He remembered something again, and reminded: "Don't blame Chen Zhitao after you go back. We still need to cooperate, and we can't spoil the overall situation just because of our grievances."

"En!" Jiang Cuilin nodded vigorously: "Listen to you!"

The roars of sea beasts outside the floating island were heard endlessly. All the soldiers in the floating island saw hope, cheered up, operated the ordnance for support, and rushed to the edge of the island with their knives and swords in hand.

But seeing the bright line of fire spreading among the sea beasts, Qiao Hongyi frowned.

In this lost human race, there don't seem to be many monks who are good at fire...

He was apprehensive, and pointed to wipe his eyes with awe-inspiring aura, so in the tide of flames, he saw a figure in azure battle armor, meeting a pair of red golden eyes!

not good!

The battle between the two clans is in full swing, how can this evil god return as the main force of the Qi army?

won? lost? It's impossible to withdraw and come back for revenge! ?

Qiao Hongyi didn't have time to think about it, so she turned over and dragged Jiang Cuilin to jump off the watchtower, and flew to the other direction of the floating island.

"Master Qiao, the reinforcements are here!" The monk who sent Dao Yuan stones to the nodes of the formation reminded.

Qiao Hongyi didn't talk nonsense, and directly pointed to break the nodes of the large formation here, directly suspending the operation of the island protection formation!

"What are you waiting for? Reinforcements have arrived, and it's time to use your life, and charge with me!"

With an order, Qiao Hongyi led Jiang Cuilin into the pile of sea beasts. With the bamboo sword in her hand, she cut out the sword with towering aura, flying leaves and shaking emerald greens.

Before the monks guarding the edge of the island could react, the light curtain disappeared, and the sea beasts entrenched outside the island rushed in instantly. Some of them subconsciously obeyed orders, and wanted to follow Qiao Hongyi to charge, but how could they catch up with his shadow?

Suihan Sanyou Gentleman's Sword, named: Plum Bone, Bamboo Knuckles, Loose Meaning.

Qiao Hongyi held the bamboo knots in her hand, she was one of the most authentic legends of Haoran Academy, with all her strength, she was able to kill the sea beasts, like entering the land of no one.

It's like a strong wind blows, and the bamboo sea is full of waves. From here to there, it's only in a blink of an eye!

Qiao Hongyi swore that she had never run so fast in her life. Haoran Academy's escape method was pushed to the extreme by him. Both he and Jiang Cuilin were in the wind.

He watched Jiang Wang's expedition to the Sapo Dragon Territory, and landed on the island for the second time to recruit troops. On the one hand, it is still necessary to firmly complete the Taixu mission and not be stopped by any setbacks. On the other hand, after the cooperation with Cassia Island represented by Jiang Wang broke down, they turned to Diaohailou in an all-round way, so they created a small conflict and handed in a nomination certificate.

Of course, there is indeed a bit of revenge after being angry. Can't take revenge on Jiang Wang, can't he toss a few muddy legs?

The reason why things got out of control step by step was all due to Chen Zhitao!

If it weren't for the sea beast getting out of control, where would such a big mistake happen, and why would he not dare to face Jiang Wang?

This matter is not entirely his responsibility, but for Jiang Wang who is used to domineering and draws his sword in anger, there is definitely no way to explain it in person, so he can only avoid a seat first, and then find a middleman to make peace.

Qiao Hongyi thought about it, and ran faster and faster.

The white qi outside his body was drawn into a bow, and the bamboo-jointed sword cut out the string. He and Jiang Cuilin just stepped on the strings and walked away. In a single thought, the sky and the earth turned, time flies like an arrow and cannot be chased!

It is the unique secret technique of Haoran Academy, super-grade Taoism, and time flies like an arrow.

But just when he thought he had completely left the battlefield, a cold chill came down his spine!

The breath of death touched the soul, Qiao Hongyi threw the Taoist companion out with a wave of his hand, and shouted: "Go quickly! Report to my teacher!"

He suddenly stopped in the air, stepped on his breath three times, but was still forced by the cold front. A simple stroke is like a judge's pen or Yama's book. Three shifts are set, and five is not allowed. No matter what, you can't get rid of it!

The sword's momentum was completely suppressed, and the body skills were all counted.

Under the extreme tension, it stimulated endless inspiration. Qiao Hongyi rushed forward, and with the bamboo-jointed sword in her hand, she made a move of "Scholar and Crown", and the sword challenged the opponent's Tianling!

This is a life-threatening situation, and what you want is to force the opponent to stop for a moment. At this moment, his understanding of the sword classic "Tian Xingjian" seemed to have been sublimated, and many wonderful connections that he had never thought of before evolved in his heart.

Then he felt the feeling of the bamboo-jointed sword penetrating into the flesh... and saw a pair of cold eyes that were close at hand!

He never expected to stab Jiang Wang!

Of course, he couldn't guard against it, and asked Jiang Wang to strangle his throat.

The five houses are controlled, and the four seas are calm!

The body lost strength in an instant, and the bamboo sword fell from his hand. He looked at the distant sky almost in despair, but he didn't see his beloved junior sister, but only a sea-blue slender figure flying away at high speed—Zhu Biqiong, the true legend of Diaohailou!

I can't even run away... He thought so, and then all five senses were darkened.

A pitch-black chain drilled out of the void, binding Qiao Hongyi tightly. Jiang Wang carried this person and flew to the floating island without saying a word.

In normal times, if he had to deal with a mere Qiao Hongyi, even if he had to win in one round, he would definitely not lose an extra hair... The injury was really serious.

At this time, Chen Zhitao and Fu Yanqing had calmed down the crisis on the floating island and killed all the besieged sea beasts.

Jiang Wang carried Qiao Hongyi and walked among the crowd that kept approaching.

"Lord Hou."

"Lord Hou."

Greetings continued to ring out from the crowd.

Jiang Wang remained silent.

He was waiting for Zhu Biqiong and the fateful pair of mandarin ducks in his hands to reunite.

So loving, how can they fly?



For the current Zhu Biqiong, chasing Jiang Cuilin didn't take much effort at all.

Gu Huaixin gave her unreserved advice. In order to prove that she really has the ability to replace Ji Shaoqing, so that Gu Huaixin no longer bears the grudge against Jiang Wang and focuses on the future again, she is also desperate like never before.

The supernatural power of the mirror flower and the water moon has brought her too many possibilities. Relying on the suddenness of imitating multiple supernatural powers, she even forcibly killed a surrogate clone of Zhang Linchuan, the ancestor of Wusheng. Even if that body has natural limitations that are irreparable, her dominance at the outer building level is beyond doubt.

But the outer building... now it seems that it is far from enough.

"I want to achieve God's presence." She said in her heart.

A gentle female voice responded: "Wait a little longer, you will be able to do it naturally, at least there will be no omissions!"

"I must achieve God's presence immediately!" Zhu Biqiong emphasized in her heart: "Now I can't do anything!"

How could she forget Jiang Wang's distraught look?

That is such a proud person!

"Hey, my good sister, don't worry..." The female voice in my heart persuaded: "Look at this woman, she is also a high-ranking student of Haoran Academy, isn't she powerless against you? We are walking on the right path now. On the road, it just takes a little time to welcome the most beautiful flowering period."

Zhu Biqiong shook her head: "I can't wait, I can't wait any longer..."

At this time, a third voice sounded in my heart. It was a male voice: "Calm down, Biqiong. The situation in the Lost Realm is so complicated at this moment. Now that you have become a god, there is nothing you can do."

Zhu Biqiong gritted her teeth: "But at least I can face it with him!"

"You really are still for him!" The gentle female voice suddenly became sharp: "Zhu Biqiong, you are obsessed with obsession!"

The light scattered between the sky and the earth gathered together at this moment to form a round mirror.

In the mirror is a face that is clearly gentle and bright when separated, but looks cruel when gathered together. She looked at Zhu Biqiong viciously, and screamed, "You forgot what we've been through!"

Jiang Cuilin, who was subdued in twos and tied beside her, was in a daze at this moment. He didn't understand why this Diaohailou true biography named Zhu Biqiong suddenly became dumbfounded after capturing her. This sudden appearance of the mirror, and the hideous woman in the mirror, especially aroused her fear.

She barely worked up her courage: "Well, we can talk about—"

Her tongue was sealed.

Zhu Biqiong didn't even look at her, and only said to the woman in the mirror: "It's precisely because I remember, I remember everything I've experienced."

"How can men in the world have a good thing?" The woman in the mirror said sadly: "Then Hu Shaomeng—"

Zhu Biqiong interrupted her: "Hu Shaomeng hurt you, and later wanted to hurt me. Jiang Wang saved me from being hurt."

"Don't forget the suffering you have suffered for him! It's all because of him that you've been imprisoned for so long! Is this called protecting you from harm?"

"It's because I'm not smart enough, and I'm naive." Zhu Biqiong looked at her: "It's also because my mother-in-law never regarded me as her disciple, and the only thing she values ​​is you."

The face of the woman in the mirror was instantly huddled together, extremely distorted: "Don't mention it... don't mention that old woman again!"

Zhu Biqiong just looked at her quietly, watching Zhu Suyao go crazy, twisted, and painful in the mirror, this kind of scene has happened countless times, from the heartache at the beginning, to the habit now.

She knew the only thing she could do was wait.

After waiting for a long time, the woman in the mirror calmed down, and her eyes slowly filled with sadness: "It's not a step where things will come to fruition. God will come now, and you know what the price will be."

"I am willing to bear it." Zhu Biqiong said.


A drop of water suddenly jumped out of the air, and then expanded into a water polo. The water polo is like a full moon, and in the circle is a slightly rippling face. He looked at Zhu Biqiong affectionately: "I have a better way, so that you don't have to suffer, and you can get what you want."

Zhu Suyao in the mirror looked over slowly, as if waiting for his solution.

Jiang Cuilin, who was tied to one side, was already in extreme shock, listening to Zhu Biqiong chatting with the woman in the mirror about Jiang Wang and God's presence, as if God's presence was so easy. At this moment, her eyes widened even more in horror, because she found that the face that appeared in the water moon was exactly the same as Marquis Wu'an of Great Qi. But combined with the previous conversation, this is by no means Marquis Wu'an!

What exactly is going on?

She heard Zhu Biqiong's voice asking - "What way?"

The man in Shuiyue Zhong looks exactly like Marquis Wu An, and his voice is also gentle and polite.

With an intoxicating gentleness, he said slowly, "Now I have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Pichon."

There was deep temptation hidden in his voice: "None of the guardians around Jiang Wang are gone. And Jiang Wang was seriously injured, and now it is difficult to deal with Qiao Hongyi, and he has no defense against you..."

Jiang Cuilin was a little afraid to continue listening, but at the moment she didn't have the power to close her ear consciousness.

But the male voice in the water moon can be heard saying: "Why don't you try to help me, kill him? I'm not as indifferent as he is, and I won't keep a distance from you. I will love you forever, and only love you for the rest of my life. you!"

"I will hold your hand and take you all over the world. I will put on your wedding dress when all eyes are on you. I will—"


But the sound of water can be heard.

Zhu Biqiong's slender palm directly penetrated into the water moon-like ball, pinching that phantom-like face! Of course, he also stopped his words.

"Remember it, Shuiyue." Zhu Biqiong said coldly: "The reason why Jiang Wang is Jiang Wang is not this face, this body cultivation, or these supernatural powers. Never him!"

Before the face in Shuiyuezhong was about to disappear, she slowly let go of her palm: "If you dare to say such a thing again, I will destroy you."

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