Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1906 Red Eyes Can See Peach Blossom

That branch of peach blossoms was full of spring colors, occupying the eyes of the red-browed emperor.

The red eyes can see the peach blossom red, which shows the color!

Stretching between the Red Eyebrow Emperor and Jiang Wang is a spring that may never have been seen in the entire Saha Dragon Territory.

"Okay!" The red-browed emperor roared in a long voice: "I'm not afraid that the true emperor will come, I'm afraid that there won't be many! Use one month of osmanthus to exchange for two peaks!"

Her eyes were cut off, her figure was still falling, and her bloody Koudan palm was still pressing down.

The Yuegui Sea has overturned, and they really missed the calculation in this move.

Sacrificing Chen Zhitao and Fu Yanqing is not too unexpected. But who would have imagined that Jiang Wang, the peerless arrogance who had returned safely from the demon world, won great prestige, and was already among the top ranks of the Qi State, would be sacrificed when the Qi State was in command of the main army?

Isn't it obvious how important Jiang Wang is?

Come to the Lost Realm, Qi Tianzi sent two Yan Dao powerhouses to protect the Dao!

Such a peerless arrogance, the future of the empire, if you think with your toes, you should show your talent on the core battlefield, instead of throwing it in a dangerous place like a chess piece, and discarding it after crossing the river.

Their Hai Clan missed this move, so they can only say that they lost unjustly. But the turmoil caused by the Sea Clan in the offshore islands was enough to offset it.

So what should Xiyang do now?

Of course, he didn't run to Yueguihai crying and mourning, to see if he could collect someone's body.

Instead, it is necessary to recover some losses as much as possible in the chess game that has lost ground.

Use the arrangement of the Saha Dragon Territory to prepare for the strong attack of the human race to bury the two true kings who protect Jiang Wang!

"To exchange for the two peaks?"

Zhongxi used Dao as a cage, and the cage was cramped yet vast, infinitely small yet infinitely large.

It is difficult to turn around when it is small, but it can be fully explained when it is big!

At this time, the cage was flickering and dark, and the space was twisted and distorted.

Zhu Sui, who was fighting with Zhong Xi in the cage, still had a slow voice.

During the long years of vigil, he has developed enough patience: "The old man can be replaced, but I don't know the price you can pay... what is it."

Zhongxi used the title of "Great Prison" to control the principles of "prisonment", "trial", and "punishment", and he has come to an end.

But the work that Zhu Sui did in the long night was also inseparable from this. What's more, the white paper lantern in his hand is not a "cage"?

Zhong Xi wants to fight in a cage.

But even if it is made into a cage from heaven and earth, it will be bright with a single light!

The white flame illuminates the invisible and qualitative cage, and the power of heaven and earth is clearly distinguished at this moment, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin, yang... appear in various colors, and they are colorful for a while. But with different wills implemented, at such a tiny level, they attack and kill each other like an army!

"I'm rather stingy, and I don't want to pay any price." Zhong Xi smiled lightly, and planted an infinite blockade between himself and Zhu Sui, and said leisurely: "Bai Nanqiao, call the army! Today is the day I will personally perform a military exercise and teach you how to kill the True Monarch!"

Finally, I know where Ao Huangzhong's habit of waving the flag to ask for help without any heroism comes from. It can only be said that he is quite ancestral!

At this time, Peng Nanqiao had already been killed with Zhu Sui's true god avatar. As a strong real person who could overwhelm Qin Zhen, even though he was suppressed, he pulled out in time to send a message. "My relatives are coming soon, so that the emperor can inspect them!"

This army was originally lying down to intercept the human army, and it took a lot of effort to hide. If you can kill Zhu Sui and Yu Liyang, it will be very worthwhile.

Although the entire battlefield is vast, what can really determine the situation is the battle of Yan Dao.

As the existence of the true emperor in the age of the gods and martial arts, the last luck of the millennium Xia Kingdom.

Yu Liyang's talent is beyond doubt.

It has reached its peak and is still climbing. Staying at home, not slack in practice.

Xiyang rushed forward forcefully, uttering bold words that he would exchange for the top two.

He didn't respond verbally, but rolled up his sleeves slowly and said to Jiang Wang with a light smile: "Is your wine not for nothing?"

The spring breeze disturbed his forehead hair, and peach branches were inserted obliquely in his bun, his face was even more beautiful than peach blossoms. He folded his cuffs back, fully exposing his wrists, as if he was about to sit at the dining table and enjoy his delicious food.

So raise your palm.

The red-browed Emperor's palm was pressed down, and Yu Liyang's was lifted up. It looks like old friends meeting each other, looking at each other with a smile and clapping hands. In the life-and-death battle of Yan Dao, the show is gentle and playful.

The world seemed to be quiet.

The palms of the two extremely strong men seem to be connected together. The entire Saha Dragon Territory seems to be dividing at this moment.

The red eyebrows are in the sky, and the spring breeze is below.

Including air, elemental force, and even space and time, everything begins to be differentiated in essence.

Serious and dignified sinking, unable to sink the spring breeze.

Lively and flirtatious upwards, not as high as the red eyebrows.

At this time, Zhu Sui suddenly said: "I don't know how to fight, I'm afraid I can't review your military skills. But do you know Qi Xiao?"

Zhong Xi will never be shaken by the established facts, growing up in such a harsh environment as Cang Hai, what situation can he not face? Therefore, she just said calmly: "If she can overwhelm the sea of ​​laurel, she can leave a name in the history of your human race. But those who take risks die of danger, I don't think she is a long-lived person."

He didn't even hesitate to admit Qi Xiao.

But Zhu Sui just shook his head: "So you still don't know Qi Xiao."

"Oh?" Zhong Xi weaved the cage without haste.

As soon as the 100,000 troops led by King Yan arrived, he would set up an army to kill them immediately, so he couldn't help but say a few more words at Zhu Sui, which was harmless.

"Where do you think Zhenjun Shendu is?" Zhu Sui said slowly: "A sea of ​​laurel can't satisfy Qi Xiao's appetite..."

Just as Zhong Xi wanted to say that Wei Xun should have gone back to Fanghuai Island, he immediately thought of a terrifying possibility, and he remained silent.

Xi Yang's brows moved, obviously she had already got the news——

Qi Xiao teamed up with Chongguang, the first elder of Diaohailou, and Yang Feng, general of Yanggu Xuanwei Banner, while Duhou Caojie stopped the emperor of Jiayu, with a stormy offensive, he broke through the garrison and defeated the garrison in one fell swoop. Sea reclamation.

And this is not the end.

After the Yuegui Sea was overthrown, Qi Xiao didn't stop for a moment, and swung his troops across the border, pointing his sword at the oldest base of the Hai Clan in the Lost Realm, the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea!

In the prison cage of the rules, Zhu Sui's old and hunched body moved forward, towards Zhong Xi, and said with a single step: "Qi Xiao's Fuze battleship is heading for the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea! Now you still think that what you pay Worth the price?!"

As soon as these words came out, both Zhongxi and Xiyang's expressions changed.

At this time, Yu Liyang returned his sleeve with one hand: "I had a good time drinking last time, so I will prepare a few more jars when I go back!"

When the sleeve is stretched out, there is infinite breadth.

Suddenly I saw a peach forest, full of peach blossoms.

Petals of peach blossoms fly like blood, coming and going endlessly.

Jiang Wang hadn't spoken yet, but his face was covered with peach blossoms.

The peach blossoms are hidden in the spring breeze, and the peach blossoms on the human face are invisible.

Xiyang turned his red eyes again, but where could he see the Human Race's Talent? When you reach out and grab it, you can only hold it for thousands of miles, and there is only a peach petal in your palm!

It was Yu Liyang who seized the opportunity and sent Jiang Wang and the others away. Since then, he and Zhu Sui have been able to break free from the shackles and give it a go.

Xi Yang didn't speak, but only concentrated on recovering his breath.

Because what comes next is the real test. The test is whether she and Zhongxi can keep the true king of the human race with no worries!



Peach blossoms always bloom in spring, so they are romantic and vivid.

Peach blossoms are always reminiscent of blood, because it is gorgeous and easy to wither, as if dying young.

Jiang Wang was covered by a peach blossom, and what he saw was not spring, only gold and iron horses, blood splatter, and burning flames.

Both Erxianren and Qianyang Chitong couldn't capture any more information, only the vastness of the world, but drifting away from this body. After that, the streamer flew by and stopped suddenly.

When that petal of peach blossoms falls gently, it seems like blood is splashing, gradually drifting away.

The fight between the four top fighters that took place in the Saha Dragon Domain no longer had anything to do with Jiang Wang.

The field of vision is wide and the surroundings are empty.

Oh, it's not empty.

On the left is Chen Zhitao, and on the right is Fu Yanqing.

Hollow are their eyes.

When you discover the truth and feel despair in the Saha Dragon Realm. Chen Zhitao chose to die with a wry smile, Fu Yanqing chose to preserve the mountain flag, and Jiang Wang chose to advance and retreat with the soldiers of the headquarters...but they all came to nothing.

Even if you are a master of restraint, a genius in military art, or a peerless arrogance, you will not be able to fulfill your wish.

When they invaded the Saha Dragon Territory, they all responded in unison, how high-spirited and high-spirited, it may be that they did not have the ambition to make great achievements.

Now they are all alone, without a single subordinate.

You hurt me, no one is in better condition than anyone else.

"Where is this?" Chen Zhitao spoke first.

His voice was so hoarse and extremely erratic that he was almost out of breath.

Jiang Wang felt it silently, and said: "Of course this is still a lost world. According to the rules of the world, we are not far from Jiehe..."

He is also in God's Realm, and he is obviously much more sensitive to the rules of the world.

But he was still analyzing there, and Fu Yanqing had already quietly said: "Why don't you take a look at your finger?"

Chen Zhitao and Jiang Wangju were silent.

They were indeed distraught.

What can I think, what can I say?

Jiang Wang searched silently for a while to find out the pointer, but stopped again.

Because there is a familiar slender figure in a sea-blue Taoist uniform, walking from the sky.

"Jiang... Fellow Daoist!"

After a moment of daze, I saw Chen Zhitao and Fu Yanqing: "Senior brother Chen! How are are you?"

She seemed to have seen everyone, but all her eyes were on Jiang Wang, and she tried hard to hide her concern, but she couldn't hide it.

Of course, Chen Zhitao knew that Zhu Biqiong and Jiang Wang had a deep relationship. After all, all the details of the Tianyatai incident had been regurgitated by Diaohailou, and he, as a big brother of Diaohailou, regretted it again and again afterwards.

But at this time, seeing the same disciple, after calling out to his junior sister, he was speechless.

Jiang Wang didn't want to worry his friends, so he managed to pull himself together: "Just now, Zhenjun Yu Liyang sent us here... Where is this place? Where is Senior Sister Zhuo, are you not together?"

The three of them were dejected one by one, looking like a defeated army, and they were all alone, none of the soldiers they took away were brought back. Now Zhu Biqiong, of course, can guess what happened.

But she just pursed her lips and said: "This is the Dingmao realm. After we report the letter, come back here, you have already... Sister Zhuo, she went to Tianjing Kingdom. I happened to be a little tired, so I stayed here rest."

Jiang Wang could only nod, paused, and nodded again: "Rest, yes. Rest. Let's go back to the floating island first."

Zhu Biqiong's heart was tugged together, and she was about to nod subconsciously, but she reacted and said quickly: "Now that the two clans are in full-scale war, this is probably not a place to rest. Otherwise, I will take you back to Huai Island, where it is convenient can go back to Jusmin Island if you want."

Jiang Wang shook his head bitterly: "I'm afraid we have nowhere to go. The offshore islands are probably more dangerous now."

All the sea beasts in the offshore are out of control, what kind of concept is this?

There may be no peace in the islands!

The reason why Yu Liyang didn't have one sleeve to send them out of the maze, he had his reasons. The Dingmao territory that Jiang Wang personally led the army to sweep is probably the most suitable place for Jiang Wang to recuperate now.

Zhu Biqiong said: "Then let's go to the nearest human camp to see..."

Jiang Wang finally realized something was wrong: "What happened on the island?"

Zhu Biqiong didn't want to sprinkle another layer of snow on Jiang Wangshuang's cold mood, but at this time, she couldn't hide it anymore, so she had to tell the truth: "Dingmao's first floating island is gone, and now it's full of sea beasts. I It also saved a few people to know the specific situation..."

"Shortly after you led the troops away, Qiao Hongyi and Jiang Cuilin returned to the island, probably thinking that you would never come back to the Dingmao Realm. They took out the document signed by the Zhenhai League, emptied the animal control bag, and ordered The soldiers on the first floating island helped him guard the sea beasts he had captured. At the same time, they forced a thousand-man army to go out with him to hunt for the sea beasts... But for some reason, those sea beasts suddenly went berserk and slaughtered the first floating island. clean."

The Zhenhai League unified the offshore islands in name. In theory, the Zhenhai League's order can dispatch the forces of all the human races in the Lost Realm.

This is also the reason why Qiao Hongyi was able to conscript the First Floating Island Army with the documents of the Zhenhai League.

Jiang Wang asked, "Where's Kuang Huiping? Does he eat dry food?"

Zhu Biqiong said: "It is said that he resisted the order and was killed by Qiao Hongyi on the spot..."

Jiang Wang could almost imagine the scene - the soldiers on the first floating island were building a human camp in full swing, and suddenly the garrison was killed, and the army was suddenly conscripted. When the island defense was extremely empty, the sea beasts locked in the animal pen suddenly started to go crazy again.

How could it be that when he and Chen Zhitao were fighting in the Saha Dragon Territory, the sea beasts that Chen Zhitao originally controlled suddenly became the floodgates that closed their retreat!

Chen Zhitao lowered his eyes and said, "The sea beast got out of control, it's all my fault..."

"It has nothing to do with you." Jiang Wang said without any ups and downs in his tone: "Qiao Hongyi is carrying out the task of Taixu scrolls, transporting sea beasts to May Island. Presumably, whether it is the Haoran Academy or the Taixu School, they also have their own methods of prohibition. "

At this time, Jiang Wang's smoky armor had long since dissipated, but the azure armor was as clean as new. There were traces of smoke and fire on his face and hands that the armor could not cover, and the bloody smell could not dissipate.

Those bloody, may not all come from the enemy. Also has himself.

Zhu Biqiong looked at him and felt that he was very indifferent at this moment.

It was cold-hearted before, but now it is cold-blooded.

She moved forward half a step, wanting to melt the ice in her heart, but it seemed that she lacked a position and identity, so she only took half a step. So I can only say: "Senior Sister Zhuo said that Qiao Hongyi must be responsible for this matter. She went to Tianjing Kingdom to obtain arrest documents. When she comes back to arrest Qiao Hongyi in an open and honest manner, she must also inform Haoran Academy...he will be punished."

She didn't say that I stayed here specially to wait for you and help you, she just said: "Senior Sister Zhuo asked me to watch here."

Jiang Wang only asked, "Where is Qiao Hongyi now?"

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