Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1905 Night Tourist God

If Qi Xiao was frank and honest, and said bluntly that he would let Jiang Wang lead three thousand armors, together with Chen Zhitao and Fu Yanqing, take a full-fledged offensive posture, go to danger, and tell Jiang Wang that he has a real king to protect the way, and he will definitely not die. his men.

So will Jiang Wang agree?

The answer is yes.

Jiang Wang is not afraid of sacrifice, he is afraid of sacrificing others. Especially at the expense of those who trusted him and looked forward to him.

If Jiang Wang came to the Saha Dragon Domain alone, or led an army to feign an attack, would it be possible for him to deceive the Hai Clan?

The answer also seems to be yes.

Not to mention those emperors and true kings, only Ao Huangzhong and Qi Xiaoqian, which soldier is not slightly above Jiang Wang? The army was on patrol, and what they asked for could not be hidden from their eyes.

Changing to Xuan Sheng is still somewhat possible.

It's just that with Chong Xuansheng's wisdom, it's impossible to be kept in the dark.

"Shimen Binglue" has a saying: In a country of ten thousand times, millions of soldiers should not be regarded as numbers, but sometimes counted.

It means that when marching and fighting, you can't treat the soldiers under your hands as cold numbers. But sometimes you can only measure the profit and loss and count them.

It is the so-called ruthless military strategists.

There are two pieces in chess, one is called "soldier" and the other is called "pawn"! Most often abandoned.

Qi Xiao took the Lost Realm as a chess game, and played chess pieces vertically and horizontally. The picture was very big, and he didn't care about losing a corner.

Her fighting style is often to put the enemy and herself in danger, and to plunder the victory on the tip of the knife.

And it's not limited to Qi Xiao?

Jiang Wang, whose name is still unknown, has been guarding him all the time, carrying out the will of Emperor Qi, ensuring his safety, and only his safety. The guards around Jiang Wang, the soldiers under his command, died one after another. Didn't the watchman stay still?

It's not that he doesn't care about Qi's soldiers so much. He has been guarding Qi for so many years, and the life and death of an ant in Qi is his responsibility. It's just that the first priority of this trip is to protect Jiang Wang. In the Saha Dragon Realm, this is not an easy task. The emperor killed people at the first thought, and he didn't dare to be distracted in the slightest.

But for Jiang Wang.

For Jiang Wang, they are people who get along day and night, with clear and specific names.

Some of them were guards, and Jiang Wang even met their family members. His wife, his son, his mother, and his father follow the army as the pillars of the family.

How can... count them?

A monk can be cultivated again after death, a flag can be erected again if it falls, and a soldier can be recruited after death.

There are hundreds of people from the inner mansion on fishing dragon boats, Yanggu soldiers under Shanzi's banner, two hundred personal guards and three thousand soldiers under the command of Marquis Wu''s nothing.

Chen Zhitao, Fu Yanqing, Jiang Wang, their death, heartbreak, and silence may not count either.

At this moment, Daqi's beggars, holding lanterns at the age of candles, are relatively disgusted with Zhongxi. The way of each other restrains each other, and neither of them moves lightly.

The snapper Nan Qiao who had left at the sight of Bai Yan turned back at this moment. With his hands open, his sleeves fluttering, one palm was facing Fu Yanqing and the other palm was facing Jiang Wang.

The golden Great Nie Brahma Fire burst out from the fire element wandering between heaven and earth, instantly igniting their bodies. The golden flame is raging, and Zhang Chi becomes a dragon and a tiger. One opened its teeth and claws, sweeping Jinxia. A vajra iron bone, showing murderous intent.

The supernatural psychic aspect of this fire has reached the state of "transformation into all forms, and the divinity is pure", fully explored the essence of supernatural powers, and grasped the true meaning of fire.

But the golden flame dragon that was approaching Jiang Wang already backed up involuntarily, towards the blind old man standing quietly in front of Jiang Wang. Or to be more precise, fly towards that white paper lantern, like a bird towards a phoenix.

But the golden flame iron tiger that was rushing towards Fu Yanqing was imprisoned by another white paper lantern as a hood!

In front of Fu Yanqing, another blind old man with a lantern appeared!

The appearance is the same as the candle year, and the clothes and lanterns are the same. The only thing that makes people feel is far less profound than the candle year standing in front of Jiang Wang.

Of course, he is also very powerful, but in the comparison, the gap can be seen at a glance.

The gap is also reflected in the response to the great evil Brahma fire.

To protect Fu Yanqing's Zhu Sui, he needs to take the initiative to confront Da Nie Fanhuo head-on.

Zhu Sui, who was in front of Jiang Wang, remained motionless, focused on confronting the Great Prison Emperor, just waiting for the golden flame dragon to throw himself into the white paper lantern.

More than that.

Over there, Qi Xiaoqian made a comeback, quickly took over the army, and soon killed Chen Zhitao, who was seriously injured, and was in danger.

But there was another Candle Year who was blind, walked out of the void with a hunched back, holding a white paper lantern in his hand, and with a swirl of white flames, he wiped out all the monstrous attacks!

Chen Zhitao was surrounded by an army. However, according to the candlelight, there is no evil spirit, and there is no danger.

How has the entire battlefield changed?

As a famous general, Ao Huangzhong would not be willing to stay dormant even in the confrontation between Yan Dao and Yan Dao. But before he had time to move, he saw another candle in front of him. The rickety old man obviously didn't move fast, but he brought such a strong dead air. As soon as the white paper lantern was handed over lightly, he had no choice but to retreat, and immediately dispatched the army to protect himself with soldiers.

All of a sudden, four candle years appeared on the battlefield. Although there are different strengths and weaknesses, the spirit and breath are one, and the Tao is completely unified.

The supernatural power of the candle year, the night tour god!

At first, it was just a divine clone, swimming in the long night, able to mobilize the power of the night for combat and practice.

At the age of candles, one has already been in the supernatural powers, and grasps the principles of Taoism. Rules can be determined, and even rules can be changed.

His night wandering god can give birth to sixteen divine clones in the endless night. They all start with the hair god of the inner government, and they can all practice.

In the fairy tales involving this, there were originally only sixteen Night Tour Gods.

Candelabra is to determine the limit.

In the long years, ten of his night tour gods died, and there are six remaining, including one true god and five gods who are Linmao.

At this moment, the true god of Yeyou is facing Nanqiao, the false god of Yeyou is facing Qi Xiaoqian and Ao Huangzhong, and the real body is facing the emperor of the prison alone.

It was actually one person who controlled the entire battlefield!

How can we guard the long night of Daqi? Such is the real king!

A lantern illuminates the darkness, and with the sound of bangs, all evil spirits retreat!

Just relying on Zhongxi, the emperor of the Great Prison, is not enough to see!

It is not difficult to verify from Zhu Sui's attack that this military operation, including the use of several core forces to create the illusion of attacking the Saha Dragon Domain with all its strength, was jointly negotiated and confirmed by the three offshore forces.

At least Sogo and Yang Feng, who participated in the Huangtai secret meeting, have agreed.

Therefore, it is a tacit understanding to save people at the age of candles. Regardless of whether he knew it or not, he must cooperate with Qi Xiao in the overall situation of Qi.

The three armies are invincible, Jiang Wang, Fu Yanqing, and Chen Zhitao cannot die.


But after hearing the roar again and again, the Golden Flame Dragon roared and struggled, extinguishing all its energy, but it had no choice but to go to the white paper lantern.

Jiang Wang, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly reached out, grabbed the golden dragon's tail, and tore off a residual flame!

Only then did he discover that the outer flame of the Great Nie Brahma Flame is gold, but the inner flame is black. It has both Buddha nature and evil nature, reconciling good and evil, life and death, yin and yang.

Almost in an instant, the flame clothes covering his palm were burned, and the light of heaven was also successfully burned.

But a steady stream of real fire gushes out, and lotuses grow in the palm to offset it.

The Da Nie Brahma Fire burned Jiang Wang's hand, and the Samadhi True Fire also burned the Da Nie Brahma Fire.

He also felt what Fang Yuanyou and the others felt before they died.

He hoped that he would remember what had been burned by the great evil Brahma fire.

So painful, so specific.

Among them, who can do all the samadhi?

At this time, Zhong Xi looked at Zhu Sui, and suddenly smiled: "I just received a piece of good news, and I want to share it with you. May Island has been destroyed, and Star Pearl Island has sunk into the sea."

Chen Zhitao, who had narrowly escaped death, suddenly turned in shock at this moment, and lost his voice in horror!

May Island is the place where Akira Xu Zeming built the Great Mill of the World and studied the true nature of the Sea Lord. Xingzhu Island is the location of the Taixu Tower in the offshore islands, and it has also been very prosperous in recent years.

Regarding the former, Xu Zeming's research obviously failed. He didn't find anything critical until Chen Zhitao's restraint expired. And the tens of thousands of sea beasts on May Island lost control, and the worst scenario Chen Zhitao imagined has already happened!

As for the latter, the star beads sink into the sea, and the more than 100,000 islanders will have no luck... Huai Island is also in danger.

In the hundreds of thousands of years of storms in the Lost Realm, the human race conspired with the Hai clan, and the Hai clan also conspired with the human race.

Qi Xiaomi met Chong Guang and Yang Feng in a certain Huangtai to launch this huge all-out war in the maze world. The Hai Clan also has their own plans. The round that Gao Du used the Hai Lord's true identity to replace the Lingsuo three years ago is also ending at this moment!

Seeing Zhu Sui saving people, Zhong Xi already had a feeling in his heart, knowing that the Saha Dragon Realm might not be the main battlefield. But he also unceremoniously tested the candlestick.

There is no point in the battle for the top, but it can surprise the candle year, and it is also a great advantage in "potential".

But Zhu Sui was still sluggish, and his eyes, which were somehow blinded, would not have shown any emotions at all.

"Then you should have received bad news." He said in a low voice, "Yuegui Sea is about to be filled."

Although he came here to protect Jiang Wang, but the battle situation has been deduced so far, as the true king of Yan Dao and the night watchman of Qi, he has already grasped the situation on the battlefield, and of course he can see clearly what Qi Xiao's layout is. And as long as he starts to pay attention to these, he will not miss the relevant information.

Theoretically, with Jiang Wang's current status, he should be sitting next to Qi Xiao and playing chess with Qi Xiao. But he came to the Lost Realm with another identity, he was Qi Xiao's student.

Qi Xiao is teaching him how to fight!

In a cruel way that Jiang Wang himself would never accept.

Of course, for Qi Xiao, this was just by the way. In this war, her victory is the first priority in everything, just like she used the candle year without the consent of the candle year, and just informed Qi Tianzi-I know that the candle year is going to sea.

The news of Yue Guihai being filled came out from Zhu Sui's mouth, and this time it was Ao Huangzhong's and Qi Xiaoqian's turn to be speechless.

It's just that Ao Huangzhong, who also has an earthy complexion and an old-fashioned appearance, doesn't look very obvious.

Yuegui Sea is one of the three major bases of the Sea Clan in the Mystery Realm, and it is the base camp of the Sea Clan! The analogy status is no less than the offshore Cassia Island, Huai Island, and Yanggu.

Although the foundation is the shallowest, once it is pulled out, it will immediately cause the confusion in the world to become unbalanced!

Similar to such an important place, which fall in history did not cause heavy casualties, and which reconstruction did not hurt muscles and bones?

Zhong Xi believed three points in his heart, but still sneered: "Yue Guihai has Emperor Jiayu sitting in command, if you want to swallow it, you need Qi Xiao to have that tooth and eloquence!"

Most of the names of the emperors of the Hai Clan are removed from their surnames to show their supremacy, and also to show that they are beyond the distinction of blood, and all surnames of the Hai Clan are treated equally.

Moreover, most of the names of the emperor carry good wishes for the ethnic group. This is the responsibility of the emperor, and it also reflects the hardships of the sea environment.

Jiayu is also an old opponent, and his reputation in Canghai is not inferior to that of Zhongxi. With him secretly sitting in the Yuegui Sea, theoretically there should be no danger of destruction.

But Zhu Sui is still slow, not in a hurry: "Then you should go and have a look quickly, maybe you can collect Jiayu's body in time. Because Marquis Du is also here."

Zhong Xi was about to say something more when his face suddenly changed. Because he has already felt the huge turmoil affecting the entire maze, regardless of vitality, space or rules. That was the inclination of the "potential" in the dark, and the sea clan fell to a low position!

"I should revise my rhetoric." Zhu Sui said slowly: "It's not about to, it's already."

At this time, a female voice descended from the sky: "Let me fix you first! You care about yourself, whether someone can collect your body!"

The flowing clouds all over the sky were woven into a long cloak in an instant, tied behind a woman with red eyebrows and eyes, she stretched out a palm and pressed down, her five fingers were also red Kodan.

The vitality of heaven and earth instantly solidified like a block of iron, pressing on all the human races present!

Another emperor!

Xi Yang, nicknamed "The Emperor with Red Eyebrows"!

Since the Sea Clan mistakenly thought that the Saha Dragon Region was the main battlefield for the Human Clan to attack, of course they had the greatest precautions. Only Zhongxi is an emperor, and it is not enough to show his attention.

The combination of Zhongxi and Xiyang is the confidence that Saha Longyu can calmly face the wind and rain in all directions.

At this moment, when the red-browed emperor came out, Zhu Sui's Ye Youshen avatar could not stand still.

Jiang Wang, Fu Yanqing, and Chen Zhitao all felt tremendous pressure.

The remaining human warriors on the battlefield exploded one after another, almost like the sound of firecrackers, bloody and hideous!

Xiyang's palm was pressed down, her gaze was deflected, and she skipped the candle year and the white paper lantern lightly, and fell to Jiang Wang.

Inside the white paper lantern, Bai Yan danced.

But Zhong Xi took a step forward at this moment and made a bold move!

His Tao spread unscrupulously, forming an invisible but qualitative prison, where wind, rain, thunder and lightning are all outside. Heaven and earth are imprisoned in a cage, and the lost world is also imprisoned in a cage. He and Zhu Sui are both in the cage, fighting in this cage!

Candle Year was briefly imprisoned!

Xiyang Dao body and Dharma body are all here, showing peak combat power, and can be killed at a glance.

Under the red eyebrows, her red eyes were shining brightly, and her eyes fell down, as if fate was so irresistible.

Life and death are only in one thought!

At this time, a branch of peach blossoms came across.

More colorful than blood, and accompanied by the spring breeze.

In the spring breeze blowing across the entire Saha Dragon Territory, some seeds germinated in the difficult gaps. Everyone present, whether they want to or not, have seen and must see——

There was a handsome man with red lips, white teeth, and a natural beauty, with fluttering sleeves, walking calmly.

Rather than saying that he was rushing to the battlefield, it was more like an outing.

He naturally focuses all eyes, and will never disappoint all eyes.

"Let's put the fragrant ink bottle in front of you, and the wind will blow and drizzle for another year."

"There is a road in front of Mingkong Mountain, but there is no peach blossom fairy in the world!"

Not seen in the world, but seen in the lost world.

Come here now, Yu Shangqing.

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