Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1909 The Mobilization Order of the Whole Army

There was neither wind nor rain.

There are two people in Haoran Academy.

Jiang Cuilin's body lay at her feet, and Qiao Hongyi's head hung on a high pile.

Jiang Wang didn't feel any joy in his heart, but was empty instead!

No one would hug his thigh at every turn and say, "Master Hou!"

No one will draw a sword at every turn and say, "The master humiliates the minister to death!"

There is no such a person who is so overconfident, shouting all day long, "Break the heir for Lord Hou!"

Fang Yuanyou is not a great person, even though he is hardworking and diligent, he is no more than an average person. In terms of skills, practice, and ability to do things, they are not excellent, and they are not comparable to the talents cultivated by those famous families, and they are not even like the shadow guards who are heavy Xuansheng.

But this man, Jiang Wang, was personally promoted to the ranks, and he was a veteran who had followed him to fight in Xiadi.

In order to be worthy of the position of "Marquis of Wu'an's Personal Guard Commander", Fang Yuanyou has done everything he can.

At this moment, on this execution platform, looking around the surrounding fields, all he can see is empty.

What did he get in this line?

Of the 200 personal guards brought out from Linzi, and the 3000 soldiers brought out from Jueming Island, none of them survived.

He laid down a human camp in the first battle. At that time, Fang Yuanyou still hoped that this place would become an existence like Futu Pure Land... Now all previous efforts have come to naught. Lost islands also lose people.

He has always had a very firm goal, a very clear path, and he is very clear about what he wants to do and what he should do.

But now, he is indeed at a loss!

Why has he trekked all the way to this day and has become the most outstanding military exploit among young people in the world. Looking at the world, there are only a handful of comparable people in his generation, but he is still confused?

After killing Qiao Hongyi, he was still not happy in the middle of the road.

After beheading the Taixu Jade Tablet, could it be that he can really go his own way?

Jiang Wang looked around the soldiers on the island, and finally said: "Stay in camp! Rest!"

The crowd receded wave by wave.

The execution platform and general platform are like the abrupt river reef.

Jiang Wang is an abrupt person on the reef.

Chen Zhitao was recuperating, Fu Yanqing was recuperating, Zhu Biqiong pretended to adjust his breath, and looked at Jiang Wang from the corner of his eye... Jiang Wang looked into the distance. There is nothing in the distance.

She just felt that this person was actually very lonely.

The entire Lost Realm is engulfed in a huge wave of war. Although it was said that it was fighting every day before, it was mostly within one domain, each closed its door, and you attacked and I defended. Unlike this time, the Yuegui Sea was filled up, the Saha Dragon Territory and the East Sea Dragon Palace were all affected, and the Tianjing Kingdom and Cangwu Realm on the human race's side, of course, were not at peace.

The battle at the level of Yan Dao broke out, and the survival of the base area involving hundreds of thousands of years is no longer the gain or loss of a few floating islands and sea nests. Compared with it, the human camp and the Huangtai boundary are nothing.

The forces of both sides are constantly gathering, and because of the particularity of the Lost Realm, wars continue to break out during this gathering process.

If you can give real-time feedback on the situation of wars in various places, you should be able to see scarlet everywhere in the map of the entire lost world!

In this case, it is a relatively safe choice for the few Tianjiao who are injured or tired to stay in the Dingmao boundary. Although Qiao Hongyi caused the disaster of sea beasts here, for Jiang Wang and the others, it was just a matter of moving their muscles and bones while recuperating.

Of course, the situation in the maze world will also be considered.

Before they left the Saha Dragon Territory, Yu Liyang and Zhu Sui were still fighting against the emperors Zhong Xi and Xi Yang of the Hai Clan. There are enough troops to resist the True Monarch, and the two True Monarchs are not in the upper hand. I don't know if the Peach Blossom Immortal and the leader of the Fighter can get away?

At that time, Qi Xiao had already filled the Yuegui Sea and won a big victory. He personally led the main force to rush to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. Can she win the victory she wants by sacrificing so much?

But these big picture... also have nothing to do with the injured.

They can neither control nor participate, they can only take care of themselves. Only the general will support himself.

two days.

The three of Jiang Wang rested in the Dingmao realm for two full days, but there was no news of Yu Liyang and Zhu Sui. In the increasingly fierce battle situation in the Lost Realm, Ding Mao seems to have become a small safe haven.

But there is a tsunami and raging waves outside, and I don't know when it will pour in.

Two days was enough time for Zhuo Qingru to return from Tianjing Kingdom. She brought the arrest document printed and signed by Tianjing Kingdom, but all she saw was the head hanging on the stake. She didn't say much, she only used Qiao Hongyi's and Jiang Cuilin's corpses to draw bets, and the rules were considered completed.

The arrival of the true biography of the Legalist family also brought the latest details of the battlefield to several physically and mentally exhausted wounded——

At this time, the real dragon that was raging in the offshore islands and attacking Huai Island was named "Taiyong", and he was the emperor of the Dragon Clan.

The Emperor Jiayu of the Haizu Yueguihai did not die in battle, he escaped before the Yueguihai was filled, and Cao Jie was chasing and killing all over the world.

But Qi Xiao personally led the army to turn in without Cao Jie returning, joined Zhendu Shenjun Wei Xun who had been guarding outside the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and launched an attack on the East China Sea Dragon Palace. The current offensive is fierce, and it is not known how it will progress.

At the same time, the Saha Dragon Domain has been closed inside and outside, and information has been cut off. The army of Futu Pure Land was repulsed by Crocodile Feng, the barbarian king of the Sea Clan. Ji Keyi, the left envoy of the Eastern King Gu Du'e, was almost beheaded by King Yan's Peng Nanqiao, and he left with a broken arm!

Xu Wuming, the real legalist guarding the Tianjing Kingdom, speculates that Yu Liyang and Zhu Sui have fallen into the siege of the army, and the emperor Zhong Xi of the Great Prison and the Emperor Xi Yang of the Red Eyebrows are fighting against the law and strangling the two peaks.

"Filling a sea of ​​laurel is already a great victory. It is enough for her to be promoted to a noble and her name will be recorded in the history books. Marshal Qi is not satisfied. He wants to fight the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea..." Chen Zhitao glanced at Jiang Wang and continued: "If Xu Zhenren has not made a mistake in his judgment of the situation, now we just have to see whether the Qi Kingdom’s two True Monarchs can’t hold on first, or the Sea Clan’s East China Sea Dragon Palace will be breached first.”

"The East China Sea Dragon Palace is very difficult to break through." Zhuo Qingru said frankly: "The one who guards the East China Sea Dragon Palace now is likely to be the Invincible Emperor Zhanshou. And according to Mr. Xu's analysis, the Xuanshen Emperor Rui Chong will soon be defeated." Rush to Dragon Palace to support, after all, he is a dragon species."

In this way, there are two emperors sitting in the East China Sea Dragon Palace. I don't know if Duhou can kill that Jiayu in time to support the East China Sea Dragon Palace?

It should be difficult. Because Emperor Jiayu fled when Yueguihai was breached, and that was the best time to kill him.

"There is only one true king on the face of the lost human race, General Yanggu..." Jiang Wang looked at Fu Yanqing: "I don't know where General Yue is?"

Yang Gu, the leader of Yue Jie, is also a well-known true king and strong man. With him supporting the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, there might still be a little hope of breaking through the Dragon Palace.

Fu Yanqing asked rather bitterly: "Did you know Qi Shuai's strategy in advance?"

In Jiang Wang's silence, he asked Chen Zhitao again: "Do you know that Shendu Zhenjun is guarding outside the East China Sea Dragon Palace?"

Chen Zhitao was also silent.

"So." Fu Yanqing shook his head: "I don't know either."

"General Yue is invisible on the battlefield, so he must have a plan." Jiang Wang analyzed: "Either go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to support Qi Shuai and help break the East China Sea Dragon Palace. Or go to the Saha Dragon Realm to rescue Yu Shangqing and Master Zhu Sui. Or, he wants Go save the Isle of Wye."

The three men who were recuperating had spent the past two days hanging out on the stage. In Fu Yanqing's words, this was called "light bath" and it was very suitable for their wounded bodies.

Getting along in such a state made the three Tianjiao, who were suffering from each other, a lot closer. They discussed with each other their healing experience, their practice, and the war.

"It should be to save Huai Island first." Fu Yanqing said: "Huai Island is the first offshore island, and it has been resisting the front line of the Sea Clan. The significance is too great!"

Chen Zhitao, who was born in Diaohailou, shook his head instead: "The matter has come to this point, and the ship is in trouble, and it must be to defeat the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea."

Zhu Biqiong didn't express a word of opinion, but silently boiled medicine by the side, set up twelve stoves, and boiled twelve cans at the same time. These medicines have different effects and different requirements on the duration of the heat. That is to say, she was already aware of it, and she was able to cope with it just now.

Jiang Wang glanced at Chen Zhitao, but said nothing.

No matter how sad or injured Chen Zhitao was, he always focused on Diaohailou.

The owner of his house is fighting the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, but he has not come back to save him!

Isn't the choice of Diaohailou still clear?

According to Jiang Wang's original intention, he naturally hoped that Yue Jie would save Yu Liyang and Zhu Sui, after all, these two were in heavy siege because of him.

But at the same time, no matter how he feels about Qi Xiao in his heart, he doesn't want Qi Xiao's military operation to attack the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea to fail. With such a large-scale war started, so many warriors of the race were shed blood for it, there must be a good result.

Da da da, da da da!

Suddenly there was a rush of horseshoe sounds in the ears, and the sound volume quickly increased.

How could there be hooves in the maze world?

War horses are a rarity here. Because of the chaotic nature of the maze, human warriors need to adapt for a period of time before they can fight normally. Waiting for idle war horses to stand here is not stable at all.

Unless it's the wind-walking demon horse that the flag soldiers of the Xia Corpse Army ride, that is to say, the ones coming now are the highest-level military orders!

Jiang Wang looked silently at the source of the voice.

Zhuo Qingru followed suit and cast his gaze.

Chen Zhitao and Fu Yanqing, who were still injured, took a step slower.

But I saw a lone rider coming with a banner. Wearing a single [Thousand-mile Eye], he could see from a distance that the isolated island was well-organized, and Hong Sheng shouted: "The commander of the coalition army, Qi Xiaoling, mobilized the entire army! Everyone in the lost world listens—"

There was a commotion on the second floating island, and Zhu Biqiong, who was concentrating on boiling medicine, had to pay attention to it.

Hearing this voice, he continued: "Everyone who is close to the gods to fight, no matter where, what, or what position, all go to the Saha Dragon Realm. No matter life or death, no matter the price, they will do everything in this battle!"

Chen Zhitao was startled!

He already knew very well what was happening in the Saha Dragon Realm at this time. It is also very clear that Qi Xiaozheng personally led the army, together with Shendu Zhenjun Wei Xun, to attack the East China Sea Dragon Palace!

Why is there such a mobilization order to use all the power of the human race in the lost world to attack the Saha Dragon Territory again?

Jiang Wang got up from his seat, raised his steps and approached, frowned and asked, "When was this military order passed on, and to whom did it go? What exactly does Marshal Qi mean?"

"Lord Hou!"

The flag soldier sent an order, and he did not worship when he saw the noble.

The banner soldier just nodded his head on the horse, and then replied: "Before Commander Qi set off, we were on standby in Tianjing Kingdom. Half an hour ago, our remaining banner general said that the time was up, and we set off immediately. Before setting off, I didn't know what the military order was, so I didn't know the specific arrangement. Now that the flag soldiers of our Xia Corpse Army have been dispatched to various regions, everyone who can be notified should be notified."

The extremely chaotic rules of the maze made instant communication impossible. Even the two warring parties will interfere with this.

Therefore, riding a monster horse to summon Xia Corpse Banner soldiers in various domains is the fastest way to send orders.

The strong ones who can surpass the rules are another story.

When Jiang Wang heard this, he was silent for a while, and could only watch the flag soldier leave. Hearing the sound of hooves, he gradually drifted away, and went to the next human floating island to send a message.

Fu Yanqing, who used to show little expression, could not hide his surprise at this moment. He had already figured out the cause and effect, but he couldn't say anything else, so he just said: "So cruel!"

Qi Xiao's use of troops is equally dangerous to the enemy and me, to his subordinates and to himself.

She threw Fu Yanqing, Chen Zhitao, and Jiang Wang, the three arrogances of heaven and their respective elite forces, into the Saha Dragon Realm to create the illusion that they were going to attack the Saha Dragon Realm with all their strength.

He ordered the Hai people to station the emperor in the Saha Dragon Territory, forcefully garrison heavy troops, and then joined Chongguang and Yang Feng, accompanied by Duhou Caodu's town army, and filled the shallow Laurel Sea in one fell swoop.

Then the soldiers turned around and went straight to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

But this is also an illusion!

It is true to fill up the Yuegui Sea, but it is false to attack the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

Her strategic goal has two paragraphs!

This time, she filled herself and Shendu Zhenjun Wei Xun into the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, using her as the commander of the coalition forces and Wei Xun, the master of the Diaohai Tower, as a false pretense, but in fact she mobilized the entire lost race to attack Saha with all her strength. Long domain!

Even the anger, grievance, and sadness of Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an... Even if she is dissatisfied, it is what she wants.

Only in this way can the Hai Clan be more convinced that the Saha Dragon Territory was indeed a feint attack, that Jiang Wang was indeed sacrificed, and that her next target for Qi Xiao was really the East China Sea Dragon Palace!

Hitting east and attacking west is a very common strategy, and Meng Tong, who just flipped through a few pages of military books, can know it.

But it can be used frequently and successfully, and so many powerful people can be manipulated in the palm of one's hands. There must be superhuman insight, absolute grasp of the general situation, and... the ability to abandon all ruthless decisions just to win!

It can be said that Jiang Wang went to the Saha Dragon Realm as a skill, and it could be regarded as the negligence of the Hai Clan.

When Qi Xiao piloted the Fuze battleship, personally led the army, and suppressed the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, and Shendu Zhenjun followed the town, how could the Sea Clan not take it seriously?

As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, it is probably understandable to sacrifice a young peerless genius. Isn't it always sacrifice, exchanging money, weighing pros and cons?

But who would have imagined putting himself in a dangerous situation and using the Chinese army as a false flag?

It's like dancing back and forth on the tip of a knife, how crazy is it? !

But then again, as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, can Qi Xiao die today?

The army has no commander, and the snake has no head. Can it work?

Anyone who has read military books, or even a little bit of military knowledge, will say that it is impossible.

But in today's Mystery Realm, it is actually possible...

Because there is Du Hou!

The one who ran out to chase and kill Emperor Jiayu... is now the number one person in Daqi Military Hall!

Du Hou Cao Jie can take over the command of the army without any obstacles, his prestige and ability are more than enough!

Qi Xiao's order to mobilize the entire army was issued half an hour ago.

If there is no accident, General Yanggu's master Yuejie should have already killed the Saha Dragon Domain by this time, and Cao Jie has also turned his guns!

Fu Yanqing looked at Chen Zhitao.

The only question now is... does Wei Xun know about this? Do you know that you, like Qi Xiao, are a bluffing banner that is bound to welcome a strong counterattack from the Sea Clan?

If he didn't know, how would he choose?

If so, when did he know it?

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