Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1910 A brave husband

There were only five people on the general platform, and the air was still filled with the fragrance of medicine.

People gathered under the platform like a tide, and the soldiers on the floating island quickly gathered here. All the warriors of the entire Dingmao realm are on this second floating island. Once the military order is issued, there will be no obstacles.

Jiang Wang didn't do anything else, but pressed his palms, stopping the resolute eyes of these soldiers.

At that time, he was in command of the army in the Dingmao area, and he brought these good men in front of him to fight Ao Huangzhong and win a complete military victory.

At that time, only one of the generals under his command was alive, Tu Liangcai.

He then said to Tu Liangcai: "Defend the floating island, and don't let people in easily. The whole army mobilizes to ask for the strength of the gods, and it has nothing to do with you."

No matter how he felt in his heart, no matter how painful the military orders he accepted had caused him, no matter how badly he was hurt. He is still on the battlefield, still a soldier, and he is willing to obey orders. I am willing to fight for the human race in this racial battlefield.

But I don't want to take anyone with me...

The art of the military strategist does not insist on the individual force of the soldiers, but gathers the strength of the crowd. Although Tu Liangcai's strength is not enough, they can be attributed to Jiang Wang's army.

But when Jiang Wang opened his mouth, Tu Liangcai had no choice but to accept his orders. He thought for a while, and then promised: "The end will be guaranteed by the head, and the matter of Qiao Hongyi will never happen again!"

Jiang Wang patted him on the shoulder: "Qiao Hongyi will always be there, and I hope you take care of your head. If you can't do anything... the whole army is the best."

After saying that, he turned around and walked away directly.

Chen Zhitao, Fu Yanqing, Zhu Biqiong, and Zhuo Qingru all followed into the air without saying a word.

Jiang Wang stopped and turned around, staring at Zhu Biqiong sternly: "Don't follow me!"

Zhu Biqiong didn't look into his eyes, but seemed to think of something, turned around and rolled up the boiled medicinal soup, floating in the air. He picked up one of the cans and handed it to Jiang Wang: "Drink the medicine."

Jiang Wang took it, raised his head and drank it in one gulp, like drinking strong wine. Then said: "Please guard the island."

With a flick of her sleeve, Zhu Biqiong threw Chen Zhitao and Fu Yanqing's medicine jars to them. Then he looked at Jiang Wang bravely: "I am God's presence, and I am also in the order."

Jiang Wang was speechless.

The medicine pot flew like a hidden weapon, and the air was ringing when it hit. Chen Zhitao managed to catch it, and persuaded him: "Although the whole army is summoned, just go to one of the Diaohai Towers in this world." "Junior Sister, stay here and see if other realms need help."

He was purely out of consideration for the overall situation of the sect.

Now Huai Island is in jeopardy, and the owner's future in the East China Sea Dragon Palace is also uncertain. He and Zhu Biqiong really shouldn't take risks together again. Have to leave a future?

Zhu Biqiong turned to look at him: "I am in better condition than Senior Brother Chen, and I am more suitable for fighting for life and death. If only one goes, Senior Brother Chen should stay and recuperate!"

Chen Zhitao was also speechless.

Zhuo Qingru's face was expressionless, but his peripheral vision wandered wildly, full of interest. I don't know, but I probably feel that she is looking forward to the war.

Fu Yanqing drank the medicine silently from the beginning to the end.

In the end, the five of them set off together.

Jiang Wang really doesn't know soldiers.

The huge gap in his military strategy cannot be completely filled by him reading a few military books and taking a few classes now. Some need the baptism of blood and fire, some need time.

For example, when the flag soldier sent a message, he heard the sound of hoofbeats and thought it was a demon horse riding on the wind. But when I got closer, I realized that it was actually "Chasing Clouds".

During the Qi Xia War, Qi State captured a large number of war horses that Xia State bought at a high price from Jing State, the so-called "Yutai Qingcong". On this basis, the Qi State Yushoufang re-researched and improved, and was born with secret techniques to cultivate this generation of cloud-chasing war horses. Its excellence has been tested in many battlefields.

Compared with "Chasing the Wind", it is faster, but has a heavier load, and the only shortcoming is its lifespan.

A real famous general must be familiar with all the changes in the army, and he knows all the weapons and beasts like the back of his hand, and he can distinguish horses by listening to their voices.

But Jiang Wang didn't practice soldiers for a few days in Cassia Island. Several commonly used military formations are all controlled by stumbles. It is indeed impossible to say that he can "know all about military affairs".

It is indeed more comfortable to go without troops on this trip and only go in a team with God's presence.

The five traveled to and from various places, running amok. On the way, I met a sea tribe who didn't have long eyes, so I took care of it.

The same journey, even now the situation is even more chaotic. It took Jiang Wang three days and nights to lead the army. It took only one day to reach the Saha Dragon Realm this time.

It is still the Renwu boundary, but it is not as empty as it was a few days ago.

The human army pouring in from all over almost filled this square to the brim.

"There are many ways to attack the Saha Dragon Realm, why did you choose this one?" Chen Zhitao asked.

Jiang Wang only said: "Because I have been here."

Because I have been here, because I left regrets on this road. So come here again.

Qi Xiao mobilized his entire army to attack the Saha Dragon Domain.

This order came quickly and fiercely, and all forces also fully cooperated.

General Yanggu, the master of Yuejie, had personally occupied the "Jiyou" battlefield between the Futu Pure Land and the Saha Dragon Realm, and it had also become the most violently attacked place. It is said that he had crossed the boundary river and entered the Sapo Dragon Realm several times. Xiyang, the emperor of the sea clan who was withdrawn, led his army back and forced him back.

The fact that the red-browed emperor Xiyang was able to withdraw indirectly showed that the situation of Zhu Sui and Yu Liyang in the Saha Dragon Realm was already quite dangerous. After all, he held on for three full days under the circumstances of the emperor's attack and the army's suppression!

But Xiyang was able to move, but Zhong Xi, the emperor of the Great Prison, did not move, and the defense thickness of the Saha Dragon Region was obviously insufficient, which showed that Zhu Sui and Yu Liyang were still persisting.

The struggle of the two Yan Dao powerhouses in the domain will inevitably involve unimaginable forces, and it is likely to drag the Saha Dragon Domain into the abyss!

This is the tactical basis for attacking the Saha Dragon Domain.

The importance of the Saha Dragon Realm is far beyond that of "new lands" like Yuegui Sea and Futu Pure Land.

In the bloody and long history of the Lost Realm, it has never fallen!

In addition, it has a deeper value that is only known to the top leaders of the two races. So that whoever can capture it will surely shine in the annals of history.

The entire human race in the lost world is mobilized, and all their forces are leaning towards the Saha Dragon Domain. How terrifying is it?

Leaving aside Jiang Wang and the other five, there are not too few monks who came here in the Renwu realm alone.

For example, Shang Fengchen, the general of Yanggu Zhenrong Banner.

Such as Hai Jingping, the guardian elder of Diaohai Tower.

Such as Lu Qiang, the elder of East King Gu Jishi.


There is even a monk from the Heavenly Mansion, what's his name... Nalan Longzhi.

Chen Zhitao introduced it casually, and Jiang Wang followed suit.

Among all the famous sects in the world, Stealing Tianfu is the most mysterious. Although the disciples often walk in the world, they have less sense of presence than the Taixu Sect and Xiyuean who had escaped from the world before.

It's not shameful. Stealing Tianfu is in the name of "stealing", but it does not do theft. It is completely different from the lower Jiuliu sects like Liang Shanglou.

They believe that God's will cannot be violated, but the spirit of the sect is "to steal the sky and win the sky."

It's just that there are very few disciples, and they often walk around with masks, so they are not widely known.

Jiang Wang knew this sect because of that time when he participated in the Seven Stars Secret Realm and searched for the Mishou treasure. At that time, there was a female monk named Su Qiyun who entered the Senhaiyuan Realm together. She left the secret realm early because of the death of a companion named "Little Fish". According to the body-shaping method given by senior Guan Yan, he searched all over the world for materials to reshape the body of Xiaoyu.

There has been no news for these years, and I don't know if it is successful?

That "little fish" was still close friends with the former Zhu Biqiong. She mentioned this matter to Zhu Biqiong after the Seven Stars Secret Realm. She was still very sad for a while, but she had no contact with Su Qiyun...

The past is far away, and now crossing the river is the first priority.

The person in charge of the Renwu battlefield here is Shang Fengchen, the general of the Zhenrong Banner.

This battle-experienced monk of Shenlin is a Confucian general-like figure. Regardless of military strategy or individual combat power, they are all outstanding in the same situation. He is basically in charge of Yanggu's diplomacy and internal governance.

When Jiang Wang and others arrived, the army's offensive was in full swing.

Although the human race has sufficient troops, the crossing bridge is narrow, so it is unlikely to be able to give full play to its advantages.

In the end, it was the collision of blood and bravery, and soldiers from the human race and the sea race continued to fall.

The Boundary River is spotless, breaking everything into pieces, and it is still beautiful.

"The boundary river is difficult to cross, and the enemy captives are tenacious, why did the Marquis of Wu'an teach me?" After seeing Jiang Wang, Shang Fengchen asked.

He dispatched troops so calmly, and filled the river with his soldiers so coldly, how could he need to ask for advice.

This is just respect for the title of Marquis of Wu'an.

"Jiang is just a brave man, how can he know how to make plans?" Jiang Wang shook his head: "If General Shang wants to go to the front, Jiang is willing to be the front of the line."

Shang Fengchen smiled, and said again: "Marquis Wu An, would you like to lead an army and share my worries?"

"Soldiers don't know their generals, and generals don't know their soldiers. This will only add to the chaos." Jiang Wang refused, "Let me be a pawn. Only the sword in my hand has some edge."

Shang Fengchen looked at Chen Zhitao again, and Chen Zhitao waved his hand first: "General Shang, don't look at me, even if you charge into the battle, I need to be sparing in my state."

Shang Fengchen looked at Fu Yanqing, and said slowly: "It's better to come to my Zhenrong."

Fu Yanqing only said: "I will erect the mountain flag again."

Shang Fengchen took a deep look at him: "Then I wish you well."

Then he turned around and strode towards the boundary river: "Marquis Wu'an, I'm not being polite to you, let me borrow your edge today, please break the formation for the human race!"

In the passage that the army gave way to, Jiang Wang moved forward without hesitation.

Zhu Biqiong followed closely behind, and Zhuo Qingru followed behind.

Jiang Wang looked at the boundary river: "Is Qi Xiaoqian leading the battle on the other side?"

Nalan Longzhi who stole Tianfu also flew over.

This is a young master Pianpian holding a folding fan. If he didn't wear the unique ink wrench finger on his right thumb, he would think he was educated in some academy.

But when he took off the finger and changed into another outfit, no one would recognize him again. Stealing Tianfu is famous for his body skills and concealment. On these two paths, he can be regarded as unparalleled in the world.

Shang Fengchen nodded and said, "Indeed."

Jiang Wang strode forward: "It's okay to cross the river!"

It's only been two hours since Nalan Long came to this area, but in this short two hours, he has already deeply realized how difficult Qi Xiaoqian is. Looking around at this moment, seeing that no one expressed any objection, he couldn't help asking: "What do you mean by Marquis Wu'an's words?"

Without waiting for others to speak, Jiang Wang's answer came from the front: "He already knows me."


The smoke armor is attached to the body, the frost is covered with the back, and above a maze that is thrown into the boundary river and shattered in an instant, the rules have stabilized for a very short time.

Just like a white horse passing through the gap, Jiang Wang has already crossed the boundary river: "Qi Xiaoqian dies!"

After the flames cleared and the sword energy disappeared, as expected, Qi Xiaoqian was nowhere to be seen. He runs faster than Murderous.

Nalan Longzhi followed and rushed across the boundary river, only to see the sea clan's army receding like a tide. The previous gesture of swearing to block the river seemed to be just an illusion. "what happened?"

Shang Fengchen was also a little surprised when he led the army across the river. He asked Jiang Wang to break the battle, of course he knew that Jiang Wang had confronted Qi Xiaoqian. But I never thought it would be like this, Qi Xiaoqian left as soon as he heard Jiang Wang, as if he was the one who survived in the Saha Dragon Realm!

"Qi Xiaoqian isn't afraid of me, but just doesn't want to waste his energy." Jiang Wang explained casually: "And Jiehe is not an important battlefield at all."

The Lost Realm is not so much a world, but rather a complex superposition of multiple worlds. Each of these realms can be regarded as independent.

And the Saha Dragon Domain is quite a vast world.

Those occasional boundary rivers are like cracks opened at random in this huge world. For the entry and exit of those ant-like creatures.

It was impossible to build fortifications in advance in these places, and the temporary defensive positions here were torn apart by Jiang Wang and the others not long ago.

If it were Jiang Wang himself, he wouldn't work hard here and waste his life. Given the current situation in the Saha Dragon Territory, it is impossible to do things that get twice the result with half the result. Qi Xiaoqian is undoubtedly a very rational general.

Where is the core battlefield of the Saha Dragon Domain?

Of course, it is the core hinterland of the Saha Dragon Domain, the Longchan Ridge that is heavily stationed, has a large formation, and will never be approached by Jiehe!

Three thousand miles of Longchan Ridge, I can't finish reciting the eternal sorrow.

In history, when the Human Race's soldiers were at their deepest, they were at the bottom of Longchan Ridge.

Of course, now Qi Xiao is using the Chinese army as a false banner to contain a large number of sea clan forces in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. With all the people in the lost world fighting together, it is absolutely impossible to hold on to the boundary river of the Saha Dragon Territory. The red-browed Emperor Xiyang's stubborn resistance before the Yanggu General Zhu Yuejie was just a struggle.

To put it more simply, this time the human army's road to Longchanling is basically flat, and the best results in the past can be obtained even the last time.

But at this moment, the Saha Dragon Territory has added another top priority—that is, the Great Prison Emperor Zhong Xi personally led the army to besiege the battlefields of the two peaks of the Qi Kingdom.

Unfortunately, Jiang Wang knew where it was.




Thousands of miles of thunder and lightning flashed, and the dragon body of Emperor Taiyong walked through the thick thunderclouds.

After overthrowing Mayzhou Island, the vast number of sea beasts built the teleportation circle of the ancient dragon clan. Let him go directly through the maze world, avoid the eyes and ears of those human races, and directly attack Wai Island!

What a big millstone in the world, clearly a big carriage of the Sea Clan! The little Taoist's heart is higher than the sky, how can he hide from Gao Jie's gaze?

For him, Taeyong, this trip is a heavy responsibility.

Shendu Zhenjun Wei Xun has gone deep into the lost world, does he know it?

Of course he knew.

There are two purposes for coming to Huai Island, one of which is to seize the opportunity to hunt and kill Wei Xun after he returns urgently for help—Gao Jieke never forgot that Wei Xun gathered several Yan Dao and entered the sea to kill the dragon horn .

As for the second purpose...

The millennium formation on Huai Island is indeed ingenious, and the two real people in the world are also desperate.

But how can it be him for so long?

He was just giving Wai Island time to let the people on this number one offshore island brew fear.

He was just waiting, waiting for a person who didn't know if he still existed and would appear again!

Those pathetic creatures on the island have cried and begged for those who should have cried.

The man was probably dead.

And he couldn't wait any longer.

Because the Saha Dragon Territory is already in jeopardy.

So on this Huai Island, Taiyong moved the long body of the dragon, and once again blasted down the thundercloud with his giant mountain-like claws!


The light curtain of the Millennium Formation covering Huai Island was so fragile that it exploded into a stream of shadows.

The two real people of Diaohailou struggling to support the formation - Taiyong couldn't remember their names at all - turned into two human-shaped cokes in the air.

Terrifying thunder and lightning raged across the entire Wai Island, and the Thunder Snake paved the ground like a torrent! This blow let alone tens of thousands of casualties, and the death toll is still increasing!

Before Wye Island, Taeyong made a U-turn!

As soon as the huge dragon body turned over, it fell into the maze world!

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