Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1914

Jiang Wang and Yu Liyang "swimmed together with their arms together", enjoying a speedy ride at the level of Taoism.

"Huh?" Someone Jiang opened Qianyang's red pupils, and barely saw the passing scenery clearly: "Isn't this the direction to Longchanling?"

"Of course, you must first observe the terrain when fighting a war. This is the so-called 'sharpening a knife does not miss the woodcutter'." Yu Liyang said naturally.

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and said, "With Cao Shuai here, there is no need to worry about these things."

Yu Liyang stepped on the high sky, looking at the mountains and rivers: "This Saha Dragon Domain is usually not open. It's so easy to come here once, how can we not enjoy the panoramic view? Uh, I mean, I'm checking for the omissions for Duhou."

Jiang Wang said seriously: "Mr. Du used his troops, known as 'no leakage', and never made mistakes."

Whether there are any gaps in Cao Jie's military use, can he, the former Great Xia Min King, not know?

Da Xia was full of civil and military affairs, wishing to see a gap in the steel plate, but he could only watch the Qi army advance. No one wants to experience that feeling of suffocation with no breathing room for a second time.

"Look." Yu Liyang raised his finger and pointed down: "Have you seen the 'Sandalwood Sea'? What do you think it looks like?"

Overlooking the vast land from such a high place, the tall and straight dragon's breath sandalwood tree is just like a wooden stick. The so-called "sea of ​​sandalwood trees" is also a miniature group.

On the contrary, it is emerald green, and the undissipated blood is stained and embedded in the basin, and there is a quite clear mark on the land of Longyu.

Jiang Wang's attention was diverted, and he looked at it seriously: "Like a bowl?"

Yu Liyang was silent for a while, and took another step with Jiang Wang: "There is Longchan Ridge, from here, what do you think it looks like?"

Thousands of miles deep into Longyu, you will see Longchan Ridge.

This ridge is not significantly high, but it is originally on a plateau.

The ridge bends back, like a dragon crouching. And the stone carvings are neat and tidy, looking solemn and solemn. The entire Longchan Ridge was shrouded in soldiers, and it was unknown how many elite sea tribes were hidden there. Therefore, the specific situation on the Ridge could not be captured by sight.

Jiang Wang murmured: "Like a huge dragon-shaped statue, lying on the confession case."

The plateau is like a confession, and the mountains are like statues. Trance has a divine majesty.

Yu Liyang turned around and pointed at a distance: "Look at the sea of ​​fragrant sandalwood trees again, what does it look like now?"

Jiang Wang was moved for a moment: "Like a huge incense burner!"

If the basin where the sea of ​​fragrant sandalwood trees is located is like a censer, then the straight-dried and thin-leaved dragon's breath sandalwood tree is of course the sandalwood worshiped in the censer.

"In fact, they can indeed outline the overall formation of heaven and earth, echoing each other from afar. Therefore, from the Renwu boundary, the sea of ​​fragrant sandalwood trees is the only way to pass, and it is also the position that must be broken." Yu Liyang said with admiration: "I just Wang Qi, I found out that you have led the army here twice, and you have broken the pattern of the sea of ​​fragrant sandal trees with blood demon, it is not insensitive."

It never occurred to me that Yu Liyang still has promising skills, which can be described as versatile.

Jiang Wang said honestly: "Actually, I didn't think too much about it. The first time I walked through the sea of ​​fragrant sandalwood trees, it was purely a mistake. I was eager to escape and ran around. The second time I followed the old path, out of habit. It was Yanggu's Shang Fengchen who fought bloodily in the sandalwood sea, not me. I just made a suggestion."

Yu Liyang was thoughtful: "Then your luck is very good."

While talking, he dragged Jiang Wang and turned around: "Go, I've seen the scenery, let's go find Cao Shuai."

Jiang Wang didn't realize what scenery he saw, and he didn't quite understand turning around at this time: "We are almost at Longchan Ridge, why turn back? Why don't we try out for the striker first—"

"Too young!" Yu Liyang interrupted: "The commander-in-chief has no order, you and I are patrolling. The emperor of Longchanling is in charge of the formation and garrisoning the army. If you and I meet, victory is hard to come by, and defeat will result in mistakes. What's more, it will hurt the limbs." , Heartbroken, how unwise--"

Having said that, he looked at Jiang Wang's expression, and then changed his rhetoric: "This trip is based on the highest and most important position of Marquis Du, who controls the overall situation. I don't want to be greedy for merit, for fear of hurting Marquis Du's deployment!"

Jiang Wang became a greedy and aggressive person if he didn't pay attention, but there was no room for refutation. After all, the direction is in the hands of others, and in the blink of an eye, Long Chan Ridge is no longer visible in the field of vision.

Yu Liyang had a clear goal, and regardless of what Jiang Wang thought, he dragged him around for a long time before catching up with Cao Jie who was leading the army.

Because it is necessary to constantly adjust the army and adjust the formation. Although the army is chasing the stars and the moon under the command of Cao Jie, its speed is far from that of the relaxed Yu Liyang.

Before the battle, Yu Liyang let go, like planting a tree, "planting" Jiang Wang to the left side of the female disciple in Diaohai Tower, no more, no less, the distance of a fist.

This is a very subtle distance, one point closer and one point farther away are completely different psychological defense lines, which can test the other party's mind.

Seeing the little girl startled and then ashamed, he laughed and walked to Cao Jie calmly.

Although Cao Jie is walking high in the sky with broken arms and armor, he has a particularly reassuring aura like the vast land under his feet.

"How?" he asked casually.

Yu Liyang said in a low voice: "The mountains and rivers are shaped like mountains and rivers, and they are indeed an eternal foundation."

Cao Jie nodded, but did not speak.

In his opinion, the foundation of the ages does not lie in mountains and rivers.

But it's inconvenient to say this to Yu Liyang. After all, it wasn't too long before the thousand-year Xia Kingdom collapsed. When he said something casually, he was afraid that the listener would have a heart, and the rift would become more serious.

After all, the reason why Yu Liyang could laugh at Yanyan with Jiang Wangyan was because Jiang Wang was just a sword in the Qixia War, at best it was sharper. And with him, Cao Jie, it is absolutely impossible to be friends.

Being ministers in the same dynasty does not need to be friends.

When Qi Xiao was handsome, he was also a pawn. When he comes to command the army, all the soldiers can call him. On the battlefield, this is all that is required.

Zhu Sui said slowly, "Shouldn't you take a rest?"

"The old man was joking." Yu Liyang walked forward with his hands behind his back, shining brightly: "I voluntarily went into battle with injuries. You will grow stronger when you grow old, and I will grow stronger and stronger when you are poor!"

Zhu Sui straightened his ragged jacket, stuffed the cotton that he had quietly picked off Jiang Wang's body back into its original place, and did not speak.

If you call me poor, I am even poorer, and I wear clothes from Emperor Wu's time.

Who relayed it to you?



It took a full five hours for this army of mixed forces to drive all the way to the foot of Longchan Ridge.

During this period of time, Yue Jie had launched an unknown number of charges against Longchan Ridge.

Zhong Xi and the others knew that the true king of the human race could come to support him at any time, so they didn't plan to kill the general and capture the flag, lest they be held back by Yue Jie. It is to put up a posture dignifiedly, and use the arrangement that has been operated on Longchan Ridge for an unknown number of years to continuously consume the power of the human race.

They are waiting, waiting for Donghai Dragon Palace to free up their hands.

Yue Jie is also waiting, waiting for Cao Jie with a life-and-death charge.

Five hours is by no means a short time. Especially when the front line urgently needs support and the battle situation is very urgent. Even Shen Cao has a copy, saying that he wasted time and missed the opportunity to fight, and there is absolutely no basis for it.

But Jiang Wang was in the army, and as a general, he had already discovered the difference in this army. Looking around at this moment, no matter which soldier you stare at, you can hardly see the brand of a certain sect or island on his body.

Looking around, no one spoke. But they seem to have known each other for a long time, they have been training and fighting together, they have always been a whole, and they are acting in a tacit understanding at this moment.

And this change happened unconsciously.

The army can fight when it takes over, the soldiers can fight when they are recruited, and the stragglers can form a rope after marching... What a terrifying ability to control soldiers!

Especially for Jiang Wang, who is a talented "general of three thousand soldiers", this is simply a mountain to look up to.

In front of Longchan Ridge, the clouds are deep and the fog is unfathomable.

The grotesque beast roars kept ringing, creating an atmosphere of solemnity and horror.

Yue Jie, the general of Yanggu, is also a master of military art. He has attacked the mountains several times, but he has not achieved an inch of success. The red-browed emperor Xiyang fought and retreated, and retreated and defended. After retreating to Longchan Ridge, he reversed his previous decline and erected an iron wall. The human race is not allowed to go any further.

Afterwards, Zhongxi and Taiyong returned to the defense without doing anything else. One tried his best to recuperate from his injuries, and the other set up a large formation to continuously strengthen the defense of the position.

The first time Jiang Wang saw Yue Jie, known as the "Gatekeeper of the Land of Sunrise", was on such a magnificent afternoon, in the bloody battlefield of intense offense and defense.

At that time, Yue Jie had just withdrawn from the front line. Fighting against Zhongxi or Taiyong, the fluctuation of breath has disturbed the energy of heaven and earth along the way.

His position was on the other side of Longchan Ridge, and he seemed to have just realized that Cao Jie was coming to help him, so he strode towards this side.

He wears armor.

It's not just today.

It has been like this every year, every month, every day.

No one has ever seen him take off his armor, as if he was born with the armor.

It was a pair of armor with an ancient shape, and such a style has long been out of fashion. The shoulder armor has ferocious barbs, and the breastplate is a whole piece with dark lines. There is a gun head on the helmet!

There was even a blood groove on the tip of the gun, and a black tassel was attached to it.

This pair of armor is said to be dark gold as a whole, but the gold is too light. And that "darkness" was soaked in blood.

In terms of aesthetic interest, this pair of armor may not be considered good-looking by too many people nowadays.

But when worn on him, there is a kind of bravery that has come out of the old place of time.

He is not as tall and powerful as Yang Feng, the general of the Xuanwei Banner under his command, his figure is relatively ordinary. But it gives people the feeling that it is a copper heart and iron gall, and a reinforced iron bone.

Under his armor he is stronger than his armor.

Although he didn't take off his mask, Jiang Wang could only see his eyes, but he seemed to know this person deeply.

His eyes were gray-brown, and there was not much emotion in them, only a stubborn stubbornness that could not be resolved.

"You are injured." He looked at Cao Jie.

"Yes." Cao Jie replied.

"All the troops will be handed over to you."


The two military masters completed the handover in an understatement.

It's not that Yue Jie thinks that his military strategy is inferior to Cao Jie's, but that in the case of Cao Jie's injury and broken arm, it is the most suitable choice for him to liberate his combat power as a strong Daoist.

Of course, this is also an endorsement of Cao Jie's military strategy. It is believed that no matter what the situation is, he can demonstrate the power of military tactics to the greatest extent and release the power of the human army.

In the control involving the human army, Yue Jie's will is retreating, and Cao Jie's will is advancing.

The ambition of the three armies is consistent.

Above Cao Jie's head, smoke of blood and blood surged up in an instant, supporting the sky for a while! In a very short period of time, he completed the control of soldiers specific to each team. The three armies may be one, and the soldiers are connected with each other.

He is a handsome man who can command millions of troops. The more troops there are, the better he can use them.

But after Yue Jie stripped off his military strength, his whole body emerged from the water like a rock, showing another kind of indestructible strength.

True Lord Blood River Peng Chongjian took the initiative to express his kindness: "General Yue has been working hard for a long time, so he can rest for a while. I will call you again when the decisive battle comes."

When Cao Jie didn't come with his army, Yue Jie's attack on Longchan Ridge never stopped. Because they, as the first army to attack Longchan Ridge, must continue to exert pressure on this important place of the Sea Clan. He even launched the offensive with the attitude of "the army is alone, but it must take down Longchan Ridge".

So far, no human flag has been planted on Longchan Ridge, but the blood of the human race has washed the ground several times on the ridge!

A thousand hammers are useless, but gradually forged.

This is the tacit understanding between him and Cao Jie.

At this moment, he glanced at Peng Chongjian, nodded his head to express his kindness, but said, "No need."

But he turned around, reached out his hand, and grabbed an iron spear that was eight feet tall, and even put on a more desperate fighting posture, just like this, the heavy armored spear moved forward.

Peng Chongjian didn't understand why.

And Cao Jie said: "Now is the time for the decisive battle."

He also walked forward calmly, through the forest of flesh and blood where the army stood tall, and through the hearts of the beating human races: "My patience has ended on the road."

Yue Jie was the vanguard, and Cao Jie was the commander of the army.

boom! boom! boom!

The beating of the heart became the beating of drums.

charge! charge!

Pointing forward to the battle flag.

The human army rushed up Longchan Ridge like a sea tide.

Regardless of whether the gods are in the inner palace or the bravery that is not extraordinary, whether it is the true biography of the princes of the big country or the ordinary pawns. They are all part of this tide, and it is such a majestic courage to mix.

Now is the time for the decisive battle!

It's just like Qi Xiao's vision before the battle - to complete everything in this battle!



Dip ~ answer!

A drop of Wei Xun's blood fell, smashed through the evil cloud under his feet, and fell towards the endless place.

The army in front of him was like the sea, with turbulent waves.

Surrounded by such an army, the huge Fuzawa battleship is just a crumbling small sampan. There is a huge gap in the middle of the hull, and somehow they can barely hang together.

Qi Xiao used his troops like a god, and he was not inferior to anyone in Wei Xun's combat power, but he still fell into the situation of being besieged by the army.

The difference in military strength between the two sides is too great. Once the bubble of bluff is punctured, the result will only be sooner or later. shouldn't be too early.

On the side of the Saha Dragon Territory, there should be a result?

In order to create the authenticity of the attack on the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, Qi Xiao transferred 50,000 Xia Corpse main forces here, supplemented by 50,000 alternates, also known as 100,000—her Xia Corpse Army is often half of the main force fighting, and half resting in rotation, so This is the military power in a state of war.

Few are dead now.

Qi Xiao, who was wearing an auspicious battle armor on the Fuze warship, was rapidly falling with his breath of life.

Sogo and Yang Feng, the two strong men, rushed to the Saha Dragon Realm to support after filling up the Yuegui Sea. It was also his selfishness to endanger someone, and he didn't want the number one real person of this sect to fall into this.

So what now?

Wei Xun was in a daze thinking of the annual sea sacrifice ceremony, Tianya Terrace, and the mourning song most familiar to the sea people.

"Great and cloud-covered, boundless and returning."

"I would like to hold a long tassel, and now fight against the sea of ​​anger..."

What was your age last year, and what is your eve today?

He saw a pair of eyes, a pair of eyes with constantly changing colors, red orange yellow green blue blue purple, the eyes of the innocent emperor Zhanshou!

Zhanshou is approaching!

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