Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1915 Shendu

Sad also die.

Injury is also death.

Hurt and die.

One glance at thousands of years, the sea of ​​bitterness and the sound of raging tides.

The pupil of longevity, all you can see are those who have a short lifespan!

The world is impermanent, who knows why you died?

I have no grievances against the emperor, and I will never complain about your life or death!

Those changing and colorful eyes seemed to contain the whole world.

What you see is what you see.

Including the crumbling warship, including the famous Shendu Zhenjun, and also...a sword that pierced time and space!

This sword is ancient and clumsy, four feet long, and the inscription on the sword reads "Shendu". These two characters were reflected in Zhanshou's eyes very clearly, and then there was a sword shining brightly, reflecting back and forth.

At this moment, red turns to orange, and orange turns to yellow.

The world is withered, and the sword light is also withered.

The sword glow that belonged exclusively to Shendu dissipated inch by inch, and this dazzling long sword converged into an ordinary horizontal line in the field of vision. Wei Xun, who was holding a sword, also appeared in the field of vision again.

But it was also at this time that the drop of blood that dripped from Wei Xun's body and fell to the endless beyond, arrived at the "there" at this very moment.

The line of its fall is very free, except for the true king's own Dao, there is no trace of any power endowment. But just so coincidentally, it fell into the point where the conflict of chaotic rules in this domain is the most intense.

Instead, it triggered a full-scale collision of chaotic rules!

It seemed that a little spark falling into the oil pan immediately caused an explosion.

This place is not the East China Sea Dragon Palace, but a boundary outside the East China Sea Dragon Palace. The soldiers of Wei Xun and Qi Xiao who charged into the East Sea Dragon Palace were pushed back all the way, and then fought and retreated until they were surrounded by the sea clan army.

And the changes caused by Wei Xun's drop of Dao blood at this moment are not limited to a small area. The regular explosion was like a prairie fire, spreading across the entire realm in an instant!

If you compare the rules of a realm to the sea, at this moment, the ripples suddenly rise, and the waves are magnificent.

If this boundary completely collapses, then the siege of the sea clan army will also collapse accordingly.

The vast majority of Sea Clan fighters could not survive the collapse of a realm. While controlling the army and mobilizing the power of the soldiers, the emperor without injustice also had to bear the danger for the entire army as a matter of course. He wants to fight against the collapse of the realm for every fighter under his command, so he must not give Wei Xun too much power.

So at this time, a beautiful boot appeared. The boot itself is no different, especially the owner of the boot.

This is a thin and tall woman, wearing a ceremonial robe with strange embroidery patterns and a moon-white ceremonial crown on her head. She just stepped out, walked into the field of vision, and stepped off her boots casually.

The explosion of rules that affected the entire realm stopped for a while!

She stepped on the rule ripple! Like stomping on that thing called a "crash". Let everything continue that should continue.

Xuanshen Emperor Rui Chong!

It is said that it is a dragon species, and it has some dragon blood, but it does not actually show everything about "dragon".

Because she is walking in the divine way, now that Yangshen has achieved success, and her name is certified as the emperor, she has long been free from dragon blood. But the Dragon Clan still recognized her and included her in the pedigree.

The collapse of this world is over as soon as it begins.

But that drop of dao blood penetrated this domain before that.

Such a coincidence, when it fell, it happened to be greeted by a colorful boundary river.

The bright red blood bead was quickly decomposed by the broken rules, and the remaining Dao principles from Shendu Zhenjun on this drop of blood collapsed in an instant. Just at the moment of being broken down, just in the broken rules, the so-called "broken" is activated.

then. When Rui Chong flattened the ripples of the rules, Zhan Shou brought Wei Xun into view again.

Those changing and colorful eyes saw the colorful river!

The boundary river has moved!

And it is such a coincidence that it is between Wei Xun and Zhan Shou.

Supernatural powers, divination only!

Regardless of God's will, chance coincidence.

Wei Xun has set foot on the peak, looking back at the Dao, one's own heart is the heart of heaven, no longer bound by "God's will" and "my will", all dharmas and thoughts are natural.

Only in this way can he meet his own coincidence under the oppression of the two sea clan emperors when the army is besieging.

For extremely strong men like Zhan Shou and Rui Chong, Jie He could not be an obstacle at all.

Even if they cross the boundary river naked, the boundary river will not hurt them.

But the particularity of the Boundary River in the Mystery Realm is that it is the only channel connecting all realms.

In other words, at the moment when this boundary river appeared, Wei Xun had retreated to another boundary, out of the encirclement of the sea clan army!

Without hesitation, Zhan Shou crossed the boundary river in one step and followed closely behind.

The Emperor Xuanshen turned his feet casually, swirled his sacrificial robes, and disappeared.

Wei Xun was retreating, holding a four-foot long sword in his hand, but there was no trace of fireworks. But the space and energy in this world are all "sending" him. He seems to be being pushed away, like standing on the tide, drifting away with the waves.

But Zhan Shou also follows him like a shadow, never letting him out of sight.

The two extremely strong men chased and fled, and changed five realms in an instant—it wasn't that Wei Xun didn't want to go back to the sea or go to the sea, it was the Xuanshen Emperor who didn't show his figure, who calmed him down and escaped from the confusion. bounded road.

And at the next moment, Wei Xun turned around and returned his sword at the head of the tide. Where the long sword passed, there was a flashing front line!

He actually wants to open the boundary river with his sword and divide another domain!

If we say that the previous displacement of the boundary river is the use of "Tao" at the end of the supernatural power. Now it is the unreserved pressure of the peak combat power, forcibly breaking the boundary with force!

But a chilling little white hand protruded from the void, realizing the possibility out of the impossible, just holding it on the tip of the sword!

Another chubby blue hand pressed on the sword grid, and pushed back against Wei Xun's tiger's mouth.

Another strong yellow hand clenched into a fist and hit the sword, causing the sword to sink!

Another hot red hand blocked the blade and curled up the blade.

There was also a small cold black hand that landed on the hilt of the sword, touching Wei Xun's five fingers, as if it wanted to hold the sword with him.

White, blue, yellow, red, and black, the infant god of the five elements controlled by Rui Chong!

This baby god does not avoid gods and ghosts, is immortal, travels through the five elements at will, and adheres to the will of the Xuanshen Emperor, lives on its own way, and forms its own small world of five elements, gods and ghosts. Suppress Danger here!

Wei Xun had already been severely injured, and that drop of Dao blood was a manifestation of damage to the original source. At this moment, being stopped by Rui Chong forcefully, Dao is pressing against each other, and wisps of sword light emanate from the whole body.

A single photo, sword Qi like the moon.

At this moment, there is Rui Chong staring at the tiger, the sword is guarded by the infant god of the five elements, and the emperor without injustice is pressing every step of the way.

Wei Xun holds the long sword alone, at this moment the sword energy rises and hangs high, while the Tao condenses and sinks.

With him as the center, an illusory, dilapidated, and desolate city emerged!

This city is empty and real, and it just happened in an instant.

There are broken walls and ruins everywhere, and it is so strong and heavy.

White, green, yellow, red, and black, the five little hands were restrained by the power of the city, and forcibly pulled out five screaming baby gods. Metal, wood, earth, fire, and water, find the five directions, and suppress the five elements.

The Feng Shui of this city is excellent!

The Infant God of the Five Elements was forcibly suppressed under this city, and the emperor without injustice was blocked outside this city.

Zhan Shou raised his eyes, only to see that the gate of the city was closed tightly, with three characters hanging high on the door plaque, saying - "Diaohai Tower!"

Wei Xun has such powerful supernatural powers as divination, but his way has nothing to do with fate and cause and effect.

His way... is Diaohailou.

Practitioners all over the world have their own paths. No matter good or bad, strong or weak, most of them follow the original heart.

Wei Xun's path does not lie in the sword, not in supernatural powers, but in his sect.

He was born here, he grew up here, he was born here, and he is here in the end.

In the world, things are the way, and there are few strong roads.

Diaohai Tower is no exception as a rule of Tao.

This is not a powerful path, because the real Diaohai Tower is never the ultimate in the world, let alone the endless possibilities of fate and karma...

But Wei Xun is so powerful!

His body was worn out by the army, and his body was severely injured by the emperor.

Still able to fight bravely here, and fight against the two peaks alone with a wounded body!

But Xuanshen, Wuyuan, which one is weak?

The moon-white sacrificial crown showed the boundless holiness here, and Rui Chong, who was wearing a sacrificial robe, fell directly above the city, stepping into danger and crushing the city!

The weird embroidered patterns on the sacrificial robe seemed to come alive at this moment, twisting crazily, as if performing an ancient dance. It seems to be worshiping, as if singing praises.

And the majestic divine power like the sea manifested countless distorted smoke bodies, crazily drilling into the dangerous city of Daoze!

The way is that the city is constantly catching the divine smoke and suppressing it in the tower, but the city itself is shaking rapidly. In this direct collision between Taoism and Taoism, the foundation was shaken!

There is a world in the city that Wei Xun misses, but outside the city is the life he has to face.


At this moment, Zhan Shou stepped forward.

This simple step by the innocent emperor has shaken the world, affecting the foundation of this world.

He looked at the tall plaque on the tower, his eyes turned green.

In front of this green eye, the city gate is opened!

The wind blows all over the city, and the remnants are like smoke. As if the new wind blows the old air, the past that Wei Xun wanted to protect here was ruthlessly expelled.

Holding a sword in the city, he was confronting Rui Chong against Dao Ze's dangerous search, his whole body's bones made the sound of being overwhelmed, and his whole body suddenly sank, his feet hit the ground until he reached his knees.

As a result, Xuanshen Emperor Rui Chong's figure dropped one more point, and her boots were one step closer to the city.

Zhan Shou didn't follow the trend into the city, but just watched Wei Xun quietly.

Looking at this extremely strong man who has been fighting against the Sea Clan for many years, he saw that he endured silently without saying a word.

He didn't speak a word, but his eyes changed again, from green to blue.

Wei Xun's left eye exploded on the spot! Blood and mucus flowed turbidly.

With it as the center, countless cracks spread across the ground of Daoze City, densely packed like spider webs!

Boom boom boom!

The suppressed Five Elements Baby God began to struggle violently.

The crumbling city will be broken.

The sky full of divine smoke has invaded the city, and began to scatter wantonly in this city called "Diaohai Tower", passing through the ruined walls, and randomly smearing in the memories of Wei Xun.

Xuanshen Emperor Rui Chong raised her hand lightly, with the palm down, covering Wei Xun from a distance.

Even though he has the sharpness to cut Gaojie's dragon's horn, the heroic strategy to form the Zhenhai League, and the courage to fight the wind and waves, he can't move at this time.

No matter how many chances and coincidences... the overturned egg cannot be saved.

And in Zhan Shou's eyes, the blue color suddenly turned blue.

Sudden tide!

This water is not simple water, it is taken from the sea, refined from the nether world, a drop of ten thousand tons, a ladle of heaven.

The waters of the vast ocean surged up from all directions in the upside-down chaos, and instantly submerged the entire Daoze City. It will also submerge danger in it.

This powerful True Monarch who had been in the Lost World for hundreds of years finally fell.

Grasp his sword tightly, and lie on his back in his city.

The sea sinks the capital.



With the ingenuity of Wei Xun's supernatural powers, he only has the longevity of an emperor. Although his strength is superior, he may not be able to keep him. So Xuanshen Emperor Rui Chong also chased after him immediately.

For the Sea Clan transferred to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, after killing more than half of the elite of the Xia Corpse of the Nine Soldiers, the most valuable war target is of course Shendu Zhenjun Wei Xun himself.

Wei Xun escaped by chance with the supernatural power of "divinating the number of evens", but stopped Fuze's warship in place.

This is essentially a multiple-choice question for the Sea Clan.

At the end of the day, only in this way can he and Qi Xiao have more vitality.

Of course, this chance is also slim.

While the two emperors of the Hai Clan were chasing each other away, the battleship Fuze was still fighting.

There were no more than a thousand soldiers on the warship, still relying on this number one warship in the Qi State, to make the final struggle—these were the last human warriors on the Dragon Palace battlefield.

The densely packed army of the sea clan surrounded this giant ship, and the true king was among them.

And it was the ancestor of Shui Ying Rong who fought against Jiang Wang, Shui Ying Jizo known as "Wing King".

He prudently surrounded the warship with the standard soldiers that treated Zhenjun, constantly consuming the reserve energy of this terrifying warship that represented the highest achievement of Da Qi's craftsman, and wasting the lives of those stubborn guards on the warship.

He was not surprised by the tenacity of these human warriors, because his own army also had the same will. Just watching the ending process of this famous human general who has represented "danger" for a long time, I feel somewhat apprehensive like a traveler.

And the other strong army, under the leadership of King Nian, rushed to the aid of the Saha Dragon Territory - King Nian Jinghua was supposed to be the one who stayed behind, but he had suffered from Qi Xiao's losses before, so he was afraid that he would be taken advantage of by the enemy.

So it was up to him to make the final call.

The Fukuzawa warship that once overwhelmed the fandom is already riddled with holes. The armor of the hull has been removed.

Bloodstains were mottled, and corpses were everywhere.

At this moment, Qi Xiao was lying on her back on the deck of the Fuze battleship. The auspicious battle armor on her body had been pierced, and a huge blood hole opened in her abdomen, flowing with decaying vitality.

Jiarui's five spirits all died, and Jing Xingqingyun was completely shattered.

But at this moment, Jizo Shui Ying saw that the commander of the Xia Corpse Army who was dying on the deck weakly raised her palm.


Jizo Shuiying instantly jumped up and fled away, never giving the trapped beast any chance to fight back.

However, the horror that accompanied danger did not come.

King Yi, who had almost rushed to the end of this world, watched the Fuze warship vigilantly from a long distance away, watching the ship finally break apart from the middle with a painful crack.

Seeing Qi Xiao lying on the bow deck, the smile showing from the blood stains!

He didn't know why, and felt lost!

In the void, a door with black on the left and red on the right opened.

There is no way to fortune or misfortune, but people call themselves.

This is Qi Xiao's supernatural power - the gate of fortune and misfortune!

And Qi Xiao just smiled like that, and said weakly: "I will be lucky in this battle, and I will accomplish everything in one battle!"



"Did you hear anything?"

In front of the sea of ​​the sinking capital, Zhan Shou was about to turn around and leave to support the Saha Dragon Territory, when he stopped suddenly.

"What sound?" Xuanshen Emperor Rui Chong frowned, looking back at the Taoist body that was dispelling and inspiring the world, he hesitated: "It seems... I heard something."

So weak, but so strong.

There is a voice saying...

"I give this luck and coincidence, and it will definitely come true!"

Zhan Shou and Rui Chong looked at each other, speechless for a while!


A man who goes east does not need to return! If the sea wants to bury me, I will bury me.

"I will be lucky in this battle, and I will accomplish everything in one battle."

"I give this luck and coincidence, and it will definitely come true!"

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