Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1916 the death of the true king will benefit the sky

huh huh~

There is a hurricane between heaven and earth.

This wind is huge and has no friends, howling for thousands of miles. It connects to the sky above, and rolls the earth and rocks down.

Rolling up from the foot of the mountain, pulling out thousands of old trees, lifting huge boulders, swinging soldiers and strangling the enemy. As a result, Longchanling, which was covered by clouds and fog, had to reveal its true face.

It was really under Cao Jie's manipulation that Jiang Wang realized what the military formation killing technique was, and only then did he have a deep understanding of what "gathering the crowd into an formation" is.

The army under Cao Jie's control comes from different forces and different sects, so it's hard to call it a tacit understanding. Although those who came to the Lost World to conquer must have received certain military training. But Yanggu, Cassia Island or Diaohailou did not have overlapping formations for training.

But Cao Jie turned decay into magic, turned chaos into order, and forcibly combined the messy and different military formations into a whole. In a way similar to putting together a puppet body from parts, the great integration of military power has been completed.

Three thousand miles away, there are watchtowers armed to the teeth, and there are terrifying beasts that are tens of feet high.

Strange thorny vines, evil moss ponds, evil soul beehives... it can be said that danger is everywhere.

However, under the command of Cao Jie, the human army just moved across. Like a ruthless boulder, it just keeps rolling forward.

More than just a series of hurricanes?

Isn't it more than a rain of arrows like a canopy?


The magnificent world that was rolling with thunder was actually pierced by a blood-stained battle flag.

Taiyong, who was as strong as the dragon emperor, had to give up the defense line and retreat again.

The battle flags are hunting, and the sky is full of light from the sky.

The Yang character flag that Yue Jie is in charge of is the last flag of the Great Yang Empire.

The great empire that once ruled the Eastern Region only had its last rays of light floating in today's Longchan Ridge.

Today people still wear Yangjia, and iron spears play the best of cold fronts.

The old Japanese military prestige seems to be visible.

"I will not retreat one step! Those who stand in my way will die!" Yue Jie climbed the mountain on foot, holding a spear, and said, "Longchan Ridge is three thousand miles wide, and we will march three thousand miles today!"

Jiang Wang was in the army formation and became part of the human race's fury to engulf the ancient high mountains.

There is really no remaining thoughts in my heart, and there is no self at all. Only feel the grandeur, only capture the killing. As a soldier, one of thousands of soldiers, the only thing to do at this moment is to go to every most appropriate position under Cao Jie's clear and accurate instructions.

Five Yan Dao Zhenjun, attacking Longchan Ridge together, what is this concept?

The big formation is like paper paste, and the Xiongshan is like a mud ball.

How can there be any iron wall!

Cao Jie controlled the entire army, and the general's power was almost turned into a sea of ​​anger, without a single gap at all. Obviously it is to attack the mountain and knock on the pass, and there should be a tug-of-war, but it is like culling mayflies and crushing ants.

There is only one Great Prison Emperor Zhongxi on Longchan Ridge, who can compete with him in the military formation.

But there are also Yue Jie, Zhu Sui, Yu Liyang, and Peng Chongjian, the four Yan Dao true monarchs who are in charge, and Cao Cao dispatched them all. With Xiyang and Taiyong the two emperors alone, how can they defend it? Which line of defense can not be penetrated?

Yue Jie's statement that he marched three thousand miles today is not all absurd.

The human army has rushed into the battle until now, and the tide has not receded once!

From the evil soul hive to the meditation cave, it took less than half a cup of tea.

This cave is a famous meditation place for the Hai people. Among the twelve clean lands of Longchan Ridge, it ranks third.

If there is a means here, it is the murderous aura.

But the candle year is just to send out the lanterns - the ambush inside has not yet come out, the formation has not been opened, and the Sanskrit sounds are moving... The candlelight in the white paper lanterns has already filled the cave, burning everything inside.

It's too late to see what the Sea Clan is hiding inside.

The huge Saha Dragon Domain has been in operation for an unknown number of years. Longchan Ridge is a sacred place in the hearts of many sea people.

But once the human race invaded, it would be overwhelming.

Peach blossoms bloom all the way up the mountain, and Taiyi Mountain bumps into Longchanling.

It cannot be said that the defense formation on Longchan Ridge is not strong enough, it cannot be said that Zhong Xi is not good at defending, it cannot be said that the Hai Clan fighters are not tenacious enough. Even Xiyang, Taiyong and the others are fighting against the torrent and taking the lead.

However, the strength of the human race and the sea race here in the Saha Dragon Territory is indeed very different. And it is all-round crushing from high-level combat power to army power. And it will be Cao Jun, who never makes a mistake, will preside over the war!

As long as there is a slight advantage on the chessboard, Cao Jie will be able to maintain the advantage until the end, let alone such a great advantage and wealth right now.

Famous Tianjiao, elite soldiers and strong generals, everything you need. There can be two more Yan Dao combat powers!

He didn't play any formation changes with Zhong Xi at all, they split up and joined forces, just crushing nakedly, endlessly washing the ground with military formation and Taoism.

If the military array Taoism is not cleaned, Zhenjun will wash it again.

Wash Longchanling into Bald Dragon Mountain!

Just push it up like this.

The crowds are like a sea, and the flags are actually messy.

But every flag is the flag of the human race. And it can't be swaggered down, and it can be lifted higher and higher!

Longchan Mountain is majestic and powerful. It has always been unattainable and has never been captured by humans.

It is not a simple mountain, it is the core of the Saha Dragon Realm, and it is also the sustenance of many sea people, with great significance. There are twelve pure places, such as sitting meditation caves. There are eighteen evil prisons, such as evil moss ponds and so on. There is Zhenshan King Kong, there is Huling Jialan...

But all useless.

The Saha Dragon Territory is almost a world of its own, and until now there are still many sea tribes fighting in it.

But the human race has already killed the absolute vital point in this domain.

The human army was crushing all the way. Although it was the way up the mountain, it was like a knife breaking a bamboo, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

When the Yang character flag held by Yue Jie was finally planted in front of the "Tianfo Temple", the core of Longchan Ridge, it meant that the war against the Saha Dragon Domain had come to an end.

At least this is the case in the Saha Dragon Domain.

Tianfo Temple is said to be a temple, but in fact there are no bricks and stones. It is a vibrant and towering tree tens of thousands of feet. The trunk was hollowed out and carved. There are Buddha sculptures on the bark, and Bodhi on the branches and leaves.

There is a clean air under the tree, but it has been washed away by the blood.

The Emperor Zhongxi of the Great Prison, the Emperor Xiyang of the Red Eyebrows, and the Emperor Taiyong who was born in the Dragon Clan...the three supreme powerhouses of the Sea Clan are all wounded at this moment. Standing side by side in front of the Tianfo Temple, looking past the flags that were fluttering, I saw human warriors rushing here one after another.

The tributaries all over the mountains finally converge into such a majestic sea.

They have tried their best, exhausted everything, finished all the arrangements on Longchan Ridge for a long time, and filled all the heavy soldiers stationed in Longchan Ridge to death, but finally there is nothing they can do.

What's more, Zhong Xi, the emperor of the great prison, was on the verge of death, and Xi Yang, the emperor with red eyebrows, also escaped from the gate of hell several times! Even Taiyong, who is the strongest among the three emperors, was pierced through the world of Taoism?

They have all seen the end, and they all remain here. Not only the regret of this battle, but also the hatred of the Sea Clan!

Zhu Sui, Yu Liyang, and Peng Chongjian walked to Yue Jie's side and watched the three emperors of the sea clan calmly.

Cao Jie, with his armor and arms broken, also stepped out of the army formation and stood among the four true kings.

At this time, it is only necessary to avoid the battle of trapped beasts and pay less. With five enemies and three, there is no need to consume the lives of soldiers.

If the Yan Dao powerhouse is used as the front, Dongzhen and Shenlin will also come forward.

Ji Keyi, the left envoy of Guduer, the king of the East, who was nearly killed and is still recovering from his injuries, Qin Zhen from Diaohailou who came from unknown where to recuperate, and Chongguang and Yang Feng who came from the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

Shang Fengchen, Chen Zhitao, Fu Yanqing...

Of course, it also includes Jiang Wang, and Zhu Biqiong who is closely following Jiang Wang...and Zhuo Qingru, who is everywhere Jiang Wang and Zhu Biqiong are.

Seeing Jiang Wang walking towards Yu Liyang, her ears pricked up even higher.

"Tianfo Temple?" Jiang Wang walked behind Yu Liyang without any blood stains, with some doubts.

He once studied in the Jixia Academy and learned the "Bodhisattva Sutra", which records the words and deeds of the World Honored One. The school gave lectures on Yan Zen and was proficient in Buddhism, especially the "Bodhi Notebook" written by the Buddhist venerable Xiru Nian, and the lectures were very good.

Because of this, he had some impression of the word "Heavenly Buddha".

The "Bodhi Sitting on the Way Sutra" mentions the disciples of the World Honored One, and among them there are indeed those who are honored as "Heavenly Buddhas"! It’s just that later, for some reason, he didn’t spread his honorable name widely, unlike the other personal transmissions of the World Honored One, who either established the orthodoxy by themselves, or passed down the Dharma for thousands of generations.

Such a magnificent title of Buddha disappeared in the end.

Of course, history is always like smoke. It is not surprising what kind of hero has what kind of ending.

It's just that when you encounter a temple named after this in Longchan Ridge, you will inevitably have associations.

"Curious?" Yu Liyang seemed to fully understand Jiang Wang's thoughts, looked at the Tianfo Temple in front of him, and smiled in a relaxed tone: "The Heavenly Buddha is the Dragon Buddha."

Heavenly Buddha is Dragon Buddha! ?

Is the most spiritual disciple in the personal biography of the World Honored One, the mysterious existence with the title of "Heavenly Buddha", turned out to be the Dragon Buddha in the middle ages?

The Dragon Buddha who inspired countless dragons and made them convert to Buddhism?

The Buddha who followed the World Honored One and helped the human race win the battle between humans and dragons?

In the Dragon Subduing Courtyard of the Xuankong Temple, the "Buddha's Palm Subduing the Dragon" still stands today, which is a commemoration of this glorious history.

But the name of Longfo is of great merit to the human race, but it is a heinous crime to the defeated race!

The so-called "Dragon Buddha" should be a traitor of the Dragon Clan, who was hated by the Dragon Clan. How could a temple be built here? It has to be commemorated! ?

It doesn't make sense at all.

But what kind of person is Yu Liyang, since he gave the answer in public, he can't be wrong.

So, is there any hidden secret in the history of the Middle Ages?

For example... Long Buddha inspired countless dragons, not an act of treason, not to help the human race?

Is it possible that when the Dragon Buddha conferred a large number of Dharma Protector Heavenly Dragons under the title of Buddha, he did not fall for the human race, but thought that... Buddhism fell for the dragon race?

In other words, as a disciple of the World Honored One, Nagar Buddha has followed the Way of the World Honored One!

This can also explain the cause of the dragon's breath sandalwood tree!

According to Chen Zhitao, a long time ago, the dragon's breath sandalwood was the most precious sandalwood, which was of great benefit to Buddhist monks. This seems to prove the period of closeness between the Dragon Clan and Buddhism. But now, every wisp of miasma emitted by the dragon's breath sandalwood tree is highly poisonous for Buddhist monks. The more profound the Dharma, the more difficult it is to swallow the poison.

Who can understand Buddha so well and hate Buddha so much?

If it is as Jiang Wang speculated, only Longfo!

The dragon race and the human race had a period of intimacy, and a time when they ruled the world together, although the human race no longer recognizes the latter point.

But in the traces of history, Jiang Wang has already seen something.

It is precisely because the dragon race and the human race were once so close that the dragon race worshiped under the name of the World Honored One and became the "Heavenly Buddha". At that time, thinking about it, the teacher was kind and the apprentice was filial, and the same family lived in harmony. Later, the races fought against each other.

And think about it one more level... Was the World Honored One's acceptance of the Heavenly Buddha back then just for the later battle between humans and dragons?

Such a plan is worthy of the World Honored One's handwriting!

After experiencing the trip to the demon world, knowing the ancient secrets, and looking back at the history of the human race from another angle, Jiang Wang has already learned two-phase verification and exploring the truth.

Yu Liyang's sentence "Heaven Buddha is Dragon Buddha" made him think too much.

The fog of history keeps blowing away, revealing the reality of the world!

And if the Heavenly Buddha is the Dragon Buddha, the Heavenly Buddha Temple in front of him, the Longchan Ridge under his feet, and even the entire Saha Dragon Realm may have greater significance. That's why the military commander of the human race with Qi Xiao and Cao Jie as the core is betting heavily on this place!

But these are only in Jiang Wang's mind. He was silent and did not speak again.

Cao Jie and other Yan Dao powerhouses are obviously no strangers to the Tianfo Temple in front of them, and they didn't have any extra reactions when they heard Yu Liyang say "The Heavenly Buddha is the Dragon Buddha".

Maybe they already understood it when they were in Dongzhen.

"My lords, today's outcome has been decided, why do you bother to do anything unnecessary—" Cao Jie spoke, but suddenly he gritted his teeth again!

Because at this moment, he has already noticed the great shock that has spread to the entire lost world.

You Yan Dao died!

All the mighty power is gone, returning to the vitality of heaven and earth.

The control of Taoism has been let go, like a caged bird returning to nature.

The body of the Tao disintegrates, filling the gaps in the sky.

This is what is recorded in "Chao Cangwu", "The death of the real king will benefit the sky!"

Regardless of whether the supreme powerhouse dies in this world or in the sea, it can create a short-term blessed land. With the blessing of special means, it is often possible to persist for a longer period of time.

So why do you say that the Heavenly Demon Altar, which the Heavenly Demon self-raised, can help the Yaozu open up a new sky? In essence, it is the strong man of Yan Dao, who spends his whole life practicing, returns to the world, and feeds back to the ethnic group.

The Heavenly Demon Dharma Altar is the great creation that can best exert the value of self-destruction.

And in the confusing world of rules, the biggest change that can be brought about by the death of a Daoist is to give great support to the confusing world and let the confusing world give birth to a new realm!

It's not like the human race camp or the Huangtai boundary, slowly transforming the lost world into the rules of a certain race. Rather, it regenerates the realm beyond the existing realm.

In other words, in fact, the scope of the maze has been expanded.

The lost world cannibalize corpses and make up for it!

Who is this fallen True Monarch powerhouse?

Indeed, there is no need to ask any more...

"Jiang Wang." Cao Jie's voice fell from the gap between his teeth.

He has been ASAP! soon! But the Sea Clan did their best.

Zhu Sui, Yu Liyang, Peng Chongjian, and Yue Jie all remained silent.

Chongguang Daoist's divine light was dim, and Daoist Qin Zhen's complexion was pale.

Jiang Wang held the long sword in his hand, raised his eyes in confusion: "What orders does the commander-in-chief have?"

"There are some occasions that you will never get back..." Cao Jie only said this and stopped talking.

With one arm and broken armor, he was the first to kill the emperor of the sea clan.

Why talk? !

Either kill the three emperors in front of you on the spot, overturn the Tianfo Temple, and level the Longchan Ridge.

Or wait for more emperors of the sea clan to escape and come to support, so that the East China Sea Dragon Palace will die in vain!

Cao Jie will never allow it!

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