Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1924 Er Qiqinzai

Xuanyuan Shuo is a name that is quite unfamiliar to most of the powerhouses present.

But in this situation, no one can guess where it belongs from the mouth of this man who stepped on the moon.

It can only be the name of a dragon fisherman.

There are not too many people in the world whose surname is Xuanyuan, but it is not unique.

As for the person named "Xuanyuan Shuo", after looking through Xuanyuan's genealogy, there is only one core. It is located in the middle meridian, and others dare not agree with it.

without it.

In Tianyatai, a town in Duzhen, the dragon fishers who fish for dragons with one pole and one person are the direct descendants of the second generation of Emperor Youxiong!

Although the emperor is great, his descendants may not be virtuous.

It can even be said that among the current human race, which one is not the descendant of the emperor?

But as a direct descendant of the Xiong family, Xuanyuan Shuo's bloodline is undeniably noble.

But for thousands of years, this name has never been widely spread.

People in the world only know about the dragon fisherman, but not his name, let alone Xuanyuan's double surname.

With such a bloodline, such a cultivation level, to be able to bear the loneliness of thousands of years, is really peerless!

But who can stand on the moon with one foot, confront such a dragon fisherman, and even invite a fight... Who is this man who walked out of the water mirror?

At this moment, the bright moon hangs upside down.

The inexhaustible Taoist fishing line was entangled in an instant, making it a mess. The body of Gao Jie, who had been fished off the ground at the bottom of the Yongning Sea in the Canghai Sea, was frozen in place all of a sudden, and refused to be pulled up again!

The infinitely expanding terrifying vortex on the sea surface was also stopped on the spot and stopped expanding. Countless sea creatures finally got rid of the terrifying suction and fled desperately.

At this moment, a voice sounded from within the crescent moon——


This voice is closer to a hangover drinker, a down-and-out poet, and a frustrated wit. Rather than a legendary figure who stands on the top of the extraordinary, strides towards transcendence, creates the world's great master, and bears the supreme blood.

Because it is so lonely, so depressed.

The voice of the dragon fisherman passed through the crescent moon and spread throughout the vast ocean of the lost world.

He was still sitting alone on Tianya Terrace, holding a fishing rod, and said sadly: "I remember I killed you with my own hands."

Indescribable terrifying forces are fighting on the bright moon.

The several Human Race True Monarchs and Sea Clan Emperors who were present were also capable of participating in the battlefield, but none of them were enough to become a decisive force.

The blazing sun colliding with the crescent moon, the iron lance colliding with the prison, and Cao Jun's use of Tao to kill the sun god are not grandiose, but just like the attacks of Zhu Sui and Yu Liyang, the collapse of the sky is like a phantom flower.

The power of the world's unparalleled, it is difficult to destroy the terrifying existence of touch and detachment.

Especially people like Dragon Fisher, whose half of their bodies are outside the worldly level, and they only need one jump to completely detach themselves.

The man stepping on the moon stepped on the hook and tangled the fishing line, and responded calmly: "You have indeed killed Fu Hai, very cleanly. And I am Mr. Ji Lan. Or you can call me I—the old man of Tianfu!"

The whole world is shocked!

Fu Hai, the legendary sage of the Hai Clan, and Old Man Tianfu, how can this be connected?

The old man of Tianfu is a legendary figure engraved in the history of human cultivation. He once became famous in one fell swoop by forcibly killing three masters who were strong outside the building with his internal cultivation.

These legendary achievements were not broken until Jiang Wang, the leader of the Yellow River, was born and fought against the four demons in Duanhun Gorge.

Later, all the way to Wailou, Shenlin, Dongzhen... Although there were no outstanding achievements that shocked history, they still maintained a strong posture. Until one day, the secret realm of Tianfu was left behind and disappeared out of the sky.

It is said in the world that he has gone to roam the void.

His glorious time was short, but the prestige of Tianfu was widely spread because of him. People in the world call the monks of the five palaces the magical powers of the five palaces, and it is from him.

The human race does not determine their life by aptitude, and unfortunately, monks who fail to obtain supernatural powers are not necessarily weaker than monks who are born with supernatural powers. A cultivator who has obtained one supernatural power is not necessarily weaker than a monk who has obtained two supernatural powers.

It's nothing more than one person holding a knife and the other holding a dagger, what is congenitally deficient and acquired later.

But the old man of Tianfu is known as "the first mansion in heaven and earth"! It is the combination of unreasonable supernatural powers that has built his dominance at the inner palace level.

Such an existence has attracted too much attention, and it is absolutely impossible to be a dragon.

No matter how clever his disguise is, can he hide from the eyes of the world in such a glorious place?

If the old man of Tianfu was a dragon, how could it be possible to keep his secret realm in the territory of Qi?

How could it be possible for a domestic talent to experience so many years?

Although it has not been regarded as a top-level secret realm and is not the first choice of top-level families, but the last time the secret realm was opened, people such as Li Longchuan and Wang Yiwu also entered it! Even the current No. 1 Tianjiao of Daqi has made his name from this secret realm.

Now saying that Fu Hai is the old man of Tianfu is simply a challenge to the common sense of practice.

Especially candle year.

As the night watchman during the period of Emperor Wu of Qi, he witnessed how the Qi State in that period conquered the north and south, and conquered the territory. In the era when the Yang Kingdom had just collapsed, other countries were busy competing for the prosperous land in the Eastern Region, carve up the old Yang heritage, and feasted on the corpse of the great empire. product.

Only Emperor Wu of Qi, with the newly restored Qi State, developed towards the coastline, chose to garrison the frontiers, occupy the coastal territory, and took the initiative to assume the responsibility of guarding the sea.

Linhai County belonged to the State of Qi at that time, and Zhu Sui also watched Tianfu City develop from a small fishing village to a large city in Linhai County by virtue of the advantage of Tianfu Secret Realm.

Although he has no intersection with Old Man Tianfu, when Qi State occupied Linhai County, Old Man Tianfu had already disappeared.

But now it is not easy for him to accept that the old man of Tianfu is a covert sea.

The reason is very simple - it's just that he doesn't have enough eyesight and is not sharp enough, what a great person Wuzu is, if the old man of Tianfu is a dragon, how can he hide it from him?

Among the 50 quotas that Tianfu Secret Realm opens every time, Qi directly takes out 10 quotas and shares them with people from other countries, so as to show that Daqi is tolerant to the world. This rule was set by Emperor Wu of Qi, and it has not been changed for so many years.

That is to say, Emperor Qi Wu has been in charge of the Tianfu Secret Realm!

How could this Tianfu old man be able to hide the dragon body?

Compared with these, what Zhu Sui cared more about at the moment was the name of this old man from Tianfu.

Mr. Jilan...

"姞" is the surname of the royal family of the Dayang Empire in the past!

Since the collapse of the Yang Kingdom and the massacre of the Da Yang clan, many people changed their surnames one after another to avoid disaster, and the surname "姞" is very rare.

This Ji Lan first, is that "Jian"?

The other true masters present, including Zhu Sui, were still doubting whether the words of the man who claimed to be the old man of Tianfu were true or false.

The dragon fisher far away in Tianyatai has already made the certification first.

His voice sounded through the crescent moon: "As expected, you have become a human being, a complete human being. It seems that you have had enough of the days of crawling in the stinky trench. The cheap skins of the Sea Clan are simply unbearable for you... ...Fu Hai, who are you fighting for now?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the emperors of the sea clan in the lost world were furious.

The old man of Tianfu, who called himself Ji Lanxian, just responded calmly: "The sea masters are the ancient demon species, the masters of the veins, and the sons of destiny. The human race is just the creation of the day after tomorrow. I'm afraid it's hard to agree with you."

"The present must overcome the past. I thought you would understand this truth." Diaolongke said: "What is the destiny? I am the destiny. You can be your sons and grandchildren."

"That's right, the present will prevail over the past." The old man of Tianfu said, "Just like the newly born sea masters, they will definitely rule the present world."

"But who are you?" asked the dragon fisherman's voice.

"Didn't you notice my name?" Tianfu Old Man said with a smile on his lips, "My name is Ji Lanxian."

What the dragon fisherman asked was his essential existence, whether it was the sea race or the human race, so he fundamentally denied his way. But he avoided talking about it, and instead reported his name meaningfully again.

"I'm finally sure, you are indeed Overturning the Sea." The voice of the dragon fisherman said.

Standing on the bright moon, the old man of Tianfu bowed politely: "I'm really sorry that you have remembered so much hard work. But you should remember me. You stopped my path of detachment three thousand eight hundred and twenty-five years ago. As a newborn human race, I have put in a lot of effort to re-cultivate to the peak step by step."

"Very well done." The dragon fisherman said slowly, "This way I can kill you again... relieve my hatred."

His voice has never been turbulent, only at this moment, a ray of unforgettable emotion burst out.

And Ji Lanxian couldn't tell whether it was pain or resentment!

When he came out of the water mirror, it was the critical moment for Xuanyuan Shuo to catch Gao Jie. The success or failure of the Hai Clan's ascension, the detachment of Gao Jie and Xuanyuan Shuo all depended on it.

He avoided Yu Liyang and Zhu Sui's offensive, and he didn't interfere with the duel between the other emperors and the real kings of the human race to reverse the situation of life and death.

The battle of detachment and the life and death of Yan Dao, which is more important? Just like he could easily crush the will to resist of Jinghuazhu Biqiong and Zhu Suyao, but he didn't crush this one.

All his strength, spirit, and will must be poured into this moment.

Xuanyuan Shuo had waited a total of three thousand eight hundred and twenty-five years for this fishing.

Why isn't he waiting?

After the Taoist body that belonged to Fuhai was smashed into a cloud in the First World War, it took him a long time before he dared to use the human body of Ji Lanxian. It took a lot of hard work to reach the peak of human cultivation.

He will never allow himself to miss the fleeting opportunity, and this crescent moon in the sky is the key to this fishing.

So his first step was to set foot on the moon.

But this bright moon is like a hook... He stepped on the hook, although Xuanyuan Shuo's fishing was temporarily suspended, why didn't he himself have taken the bait?

As the dragon fisherman's words fell, his human body, which had already reached the peak of transcendence and was close to detachment, had 36,000 pores all over his body, all of which were painful, like wearing a silver hook!

His body instantly blurred, but whether it is a flower in a mirror or a moon in the water, the moon hook is still there, like a lock away from people's worries!

at the same time.

The moonlight shining all over the near sea, the lost world, and the vast sea all came to an end in an instant.

The uncountable rays of moonlight bound the unrestrained and calm Ji Lanxian into a cocoon in an instant.

At the same moment, Ji Lan first changed into thousands of postures, suddenly breathed wind and thunder, suddenly covered with Brahma flames, suddenly surrounded by water dragons, and suddenly became like a vajra...

However, those fishing lines followed each other like a shadow, and finally bound him resolutely.

This is an entanglement at the level of Taoism, a bondage in an absolute sense, beyond the top line, not affected by any power that is not the limit of the world... Bind this legend to the moon!

But seeing the bright moon hanging high, Ji Lan first became a cocoon sitting on the crescent moon. Although his "cocoon threads" are constantly breaking and connecting, his Taoist body also appears and disappears from time to time.

But this crescent moon is still resolutely turning back.

The endless regular fishing lines between the sky and the earth were all entangled by Ji Lan first, which allowed Wan Tong to escape from the deadly gap, to launch a resistance, and to stay in the sea. It was able to draw strength to protect hundreds of millions of creatures in Yongning sea area.

But after Ji Lanxian's power was restrained, countless slender regular fishing lines became tangled together, and thus twisted into a stronger rope, which can have a greater burden!

The fishing line can still be broken, and the rope can tie billions of junctures.

On the Tianya Terrace, Xuanyuan Shuo was still sitting alone, the sky was still raining blood, and his face was still not visible under the bamboo hat. But at this moment, he suddenly raised his fishing rod, and the near sea was overwhelmed like a mirror, and the whole maze was clear and turbid, and the violent waves rolled back in the sea!

With infinite mighty power, give the whole maze world, the whole sea... give them the terrifying pressure from the dragon fisherman!

Shen is his line, the moon is his hook, Wan Tong and Fu Hai are the dragons he wants to catch!

How arrogant it is to catch two "detachments" with one pole alone!


The violent wind rises from the sea, blows mighty in the lost world, and roars in the near sea.

It was a strong wind, and it was also the exhalation of the thousands of miles of dragon body at the bottom of the sea.

He has never watched everything silently, and has always quietly supported the sea clan. Even when the dragon's body was fished, he did not give up the sea clan's creatures, and even when the dragon's horn was cut off, he never made a sound.

Such Gao Jie spoke for the first time.

No, it wasn't he who was speaking.

It is Emperor Rui Chong of Xuanshen, Emperor Zhongxi of Great Prison, Emperor Zhanshou of Wuyuan, and Emperor Xiyang of Red Eyebrows...all the Sea Clan in the entire Lost Realm and the entire Yongning Sea Area.

Hundreds of millions of tongues, make a sound.

His voice said——

"This wish of hundreds of millions of sea people, Xuanyuan Shuo, do you think you can stop it? We will fight for the sake of hundreds of millions of people. We will die so that those who come after us will not have to die! We will be born in a prison of suffering, and we will leave the sea of ​​suffering when we die. .Hundreds of millions of people must be of one mind. Before this great ideal, even detachment is insignificant, and the arms of a mantis are overwhelming!"


From the bright moon that day to the dragon's body on the bottom of the sea, the extremely terrifying fishing line suddenly tightened at this moment. There was a booming sound that shook in all directions.

That is a great power that cannot be described, and it is impossible to counteract it at all.

The great power was instantly fed back to Tianyatai.

The fishing rod in the dragon fisherman's hand made a painful cracking sound, and he had to hang down the fishing rod a few inches to avoid the danger of breaking the fishing rod.

But the crack has already appeared, and it is only a matter of time before it breaks.

Gao Jie is not an ordinary dragon king who allows him to fish, Gao Jie is also a terrifying existence that is infinitely close to detachment!

One against two, extremely reluctant!

At this moment, Cao Jie, who was still fighting against Taoism with Taoism, raised his single arm high, held up a scroll of purple and precious imperial decree, and shouted: "We will guard the sea and calm the wind and waves, isn't it a hundred million? Is it the wish of all races?!"

This imperial decree jumped up in an instant, leaving a noble glimpse on the bright moon, and the real Daqi imperial decree had already landed in front of Tianyatai, tightly wrapping the gap between the fishing rod.

Endowed this fishing rod with extremely heavy national power!

With the hearts of hundreds of millions, against the hearts of hundreds of millions. With the momentum of hegemony like a mountain, the momentum of counter-jumping is like a tide.

The fishing rod, which is inconspicuous in appearance, is distinguished and extraordinary because of the winding of purple silk. The majestic Qi characters fly out one by one, and flow around the pole, like a layer of character armor on the outside of the fishing rod!

And there is a sound that shakes the sky and the earth——

"Jiang Shu, the emperor of the Eastern Kingdom, worships greatness, with the power of thousands of miles of land and the hearts of hundreds of millions of people, he orders the sea to calm the storm!

Er Qiqin! "

This is the letter of credence exchanged between Zhenjun Shendu and Qi Ting!

Diaohailou is fully cooperating with the war of mazes launched by Qi State, and is willing to sacrifice everyone from the landlord to the disciples, and is willing to risk everything in Diaohailou.

I just ask Qi Ting not to interfere with, or even support Xuanyuan Shuo's path of detachment!

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