Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1925 Die first in the past, and die first

For a long time, Qi State and Diaohailou have been in a relationship of competition and cooperation in the offshore islands.

Facing the Sea Clan, fight side by side in the Lost Realm.

Compete with each other for supremacy in the coastal waters.

The advantage of Diaohailou lies in its history, that is, its ancestors went fishing from ancient times to the opening of the modern calendar. For thousands of years, they have always stood before the Lost Realm, becoming a specific symbol of resistance to the Sea Clan.

In this sense, the only one who can be compared with Diaohailou is Yanggu, who works harder than everyone else regardless of sacrifice. Wearing the afterglow of the Dayang Empire in the past, it represents a spirit of defending the sea frontier to the death.

And Qi's advantage lies in its strength. And getting stronger and stronger.

The so-called "Sunrise Nine Kingdoms", which inherited the legacy of the Great Yang Empire, either won a battle or surrendered to their ministers. No matter how great the Great Yang Empire was, it has long since been wiped out.

The flag flying in the Eastern Region today is the Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang Banner of the Great Qi Empire.

Especially in recent years, the sun has been destroyed and the summer has been destroyed, and it has been swallowed up for thousands of miles!

Only when the name and reality match can one grasp the world.

The Qi State has already freed up its hands, so why is it so patient and confines the struggle for offshore hegemony within the framework of the Zhenhai League formed by Wei Xun?

In addition to thinking based on the overall situation, in addition to wanting to win more hearts of the sea people, I am afraid that it is also because of the dragon fisher who has been fishing alone for thousands of years.

If it is said that Wei Xun, with the respect of a true king, is willing to take risks with Qi Xiao, and even lures away the two emperors before he dies, it is the embodiment of the pattern of the most powerful.

Then Qi Tianzi promised to support the dragon fisherman, which is even more open-minded.

On the side of the couch, a detachment is allowed!

Once Diaolongke takes the last step and truly achieves detachment, the status of Diaohailou in the offshore islands will be unshakable. Qi State will also forever lose the possibility of unifying the coastal waters. If it wasn't for the overall situation of the human race, how could Emperor Qi make such a choice?

The dragon fishers on the Tianyatai are moving towards detachment, and all the people sitting and watching are already supporting it.

At this moment, the letter of credence is handed over, the imperial edict is blessed, and of course it is even more supportive!

With today's present world pattern.

The Qi State dominates the Eastern Region and annexes the Southern Xia. The country's power has accumulated to the peak of all dynasties, and it will not be inferior to the Great Yang Empire back then. In other words, after Jiang Shu sat on that dragon chair...every year during the year of Yuanfeng, Qi State reached a new pinnacle.

With the blessing of such national power, Xuanyuan Shuo's fishing rod is already an indestructible peak supporting the sky.

At this moment, in the Lost Realm, the Big Sea, and the Near Sea, three terrifying powerhouses who are infinitely close to detachment are fighting in three spaces, and the meeting point of power lies in the "fishhook" and the bright moon in the sky.

Once Gao Jie is unhooked, the supporting group completes the final leap, and immediately takes the last step to prove greatness.

Once Gao Jie died, the Hai Clan's ascension failed, and Xuanyuan Shuo, the dragon fisherman, immediately achieved transcendence.

Only the old man of Tianfu, Ji Lanxian, was a human body that covered the sea in the past. Although he had re-climbed to the peak and had the vision of being close to detachment in the past, he had not yet shown the possibility of detachment.

At this time, the three competed in the bright moon, and they were at a stalemate for a while.

Could it be that the key to breaking the game lies in the outcome of the emperors of the sea clan and the true kings of the human race?

Of course not!

Not to mention that Zhongxi and the others are at the end of their battles, and it is impossible to compete against the true king of the human race. As far as Ji Lanxian himself is concerned, he will never place his hope in the hands of others!

It was the same when he was exploring the path of transcendence back then, and it was the same when Xuanyuan Shuo forced him to fight for life and death.

Abandoning the Dao body is not an easy decision, and walking to the peak with a human body is even more like walking on thin ice.

But he always firmly believes that the future is in his hands!

Yu Xianshi's great contribution, his dazzling talent in magic creation, ruthlessness, tolerance or greatness... The overwhelming sea in the eyes of all living beings cannot describe his eventuality.

Gao Jie has always entrusted the ethnic group and refused to let go. This is the reason why he was fished by Xuanyuan Shuo, and it is also the root cause of his difficulty in resisting.

Ji Lan first didn't expect Gao Jie to continue exerting his strength. Because Gao Jie entrusted not only the future of the Hai Clan, but also the possibility of their detachment, he definitely will not let go easily.

And he also knows Xuanyuan Shuo very well, or he is already the person who knows Xuanyuan Shuo best in this world, just like Xuanyuan Shuo knows him best in this world!

Xuanyuan Shuo knew him very well, that's why he was wary of him who had been dead for thousands of years when he was fishing for Gaodu. Xuanyuan Shuo had a hard-to-dispel resentment in his heart, that's why he failed to succeed 3,800 years ago, and that's why he dedicated himself to slaying dragons under the title of "Dragon Fisher".

But what about hate?

Xuanyuan Shuo used to fish for dragons alone, and killed too many dragons, oppressing his Dao heart, forcing him to take action. This is how the decisive battle of life and death was born. As a result, the road to detachment, which was originally a sure thing, was abruptly postponed until now.

How could he not hate Xuanyuan Shuo!

At this moment, he is bound on the crescent moon, in the cocoon, and the voice is outside the cocoon - "Overturning the sea and coming from the east!"


The sky shakes and the earth trembles, and the world of confusion trembles.

It is difficult to know below the truth of the hole, but it is all felt above the truth of the hole.

From the depths of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, a crystal palace jumped out. Seen by the moonlight, it appears before the eyes of all living beings.

Crystal clear and beautiful. Extremely gorgeous, carved like makeup.

At a certain moment, this crystal palace suddenly exploded, and a dragon body burst out from it!

Opening its teeth and dancing its claws, dragons chant in all directions, and they come month by month.

This dragon has complete beard and tail, shining scales and claws, eyes like red agate, and horns like coral bushes!

It has an extremely powerful physical aura, but there is no spirit of sitting in it in essence. Wherever you go, the Tao is like water ripples!

Xuanyuan Shuo on Tianya Platform let out a long sigh, as if waking up from a big dream: "So this is your way!"

The human body named Ji Lanxian is still fighting against Dao Ze's fishing line, constantly being freed and bound, but his voice is steady and calm: "Xuanyuan Shuo, you think that you are invincible under the transcendence, and you can't chase after me." She, but I don’t know how much preparation I have made to fight you!”

"It is indeed an extraordinary idea to raise it in the Dragon Palace and borrow the way of the Middle Ages." Xuanyuan Shuo's voice was also slow: "The reason why the decisive battle back then was delayed for decades was because you were preparing this Dao Body?"

"You forced me to do this!" Ji Lan shook her head first, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Heh... I didn't expect to wait for so many years. In the past, there were hundreds of battles, but now it's just you and me."

The human body corresponds to the dragon body, and the coherent, retrospective great power reverberates, making him radiant all over, making him show his head in the cocoon of the Tao, and the ink hair flutters for a moment: "Just let you and me... Come end it all!"

From intimacy to life-and-death struggle, until being driven to such a harsh environment as the sea to suffer and suffer. The hatred between the Sea Clan and the Human Clan is more than anything else. It can be described as the great enemy of the race, the eternal enemy, life and death at first sight.

For a long period of time, the Sea Clan regarded human civilization as the root of all evil, and believed that the blood of the human race was so dirty and poisonous that even a piece of cloth would pollute the sea.

This is certainly due to hatred, and it is also a need to help the Sea Clan quickly adapt to life in the sea and build up the confidence of the group. But in fact, it has imprisoned the thoughts of many Haizu Tianjiao.

And when Fu Hai was still very weak, he already had his own thinking. He believes that the human race must have its advantages in being able to drive the Hai clan to the sea and become the winner of the medieval war. To defeat your opponent, you must understand your opponent.

Therefore, we should abandon racial prejudice and learn from the human race...even in the end, we must become a human race!

Not only does he need to become a real person, but he also needs a talent that can match the Taoist body of Emperor Overseas.

Because this is the path of detachment that is unique to him that he has seen in the process of hard work.

He needs to understand the knowledge of the human race and the sea race, integrate the body of the human race and the sea race, and grasp the fate of the two generations of rulers in this world. In this way, take another step at the top of the extraordinary, and become detached!

But becoming a human race is easier said than done?

The source of the sea is unpredictable, not the sole emperor.

In order to achieve this, his layout is more than 3,800 years old!

Not to mention how he obtained a human body before being forced to kill by Xuanyuan Shuo.

Just talking about the hard work he put in after using Jilan first, it is not enough to describe in a few words.

For example, a major historical event such as the fall of the Yang Kingdom.

The towering buildings collapsed, and it was not just a moth-eaten place. Of course, it cannot be said that it is entirely responsible for the Yang Kingdom from its heyday to its disappearance.

But as a member of the royal family with the surname surname, he did make a contribution that cannot be ignored... In the end, he also plundered a wealth of merit and laid the foundation for the development of Taoism.

For example, in order to make himself a more perfect human race and gain more recognition from the human race, he worked hard to create achievements and publicize his reputation, and only then did he leave the name "Tianfu". Before him, supernatural powers, which had a lot to do with talent, would not be held supreme. After him, the human race's emphasis on supernatural powers has reached the point of fanaticism.

For example, how he peeled off the complete flower in the mirror, made it harvest into a seed, and turned it into the secret realm of Tianfu.

For example, how long have you waited for Zhu Suyao and Zhu Biqiong, the twin mirror flowers...

Including getting Zhu Biqiong to return to Diaohailou, and getting to know more about Xuanyuan Shuo by knowing everything that Xuanyuan Shuo left behind...

And how could Xuanyuan Shuo see all of these?

Xuanyuan Shuo was wary of him, but what he wanted to say was that this level of wariness was not enough!

Xuanyuan Shuo didn't know if there was anyone after his death, but as the one who was beaten to death, he always knew that Xuanyuan Shuo was still alive.

How many years of preparation he has made for today!

He has been waiting. He didn't step on the moon hook until Xuanyuan Shuo caught Gaojie. He waited until the book of the state of Qi was published before he summoned the dragon body.

Gao Jie seeks to ascend the clan, Xuanyuan Shuo seeks Gao Jie, and he seeks Xuanyuan Shuo.

In the past, you died first, and you die first!

Now he is going to step on Xuanyuan Shuo's crescent hook, and use the great flames from the collision of Xuanyuan Shuo and Gao Jie, two strong men who are close to transcendence-their transcendence road, to melt his two Taoist bodies and complete the human body Fusion with the dragon body.

Isn't Xuanyuan Shuo the detachment of the human race, isn't Gao Jie the detachment of the Hai clan, isn't he right now at the intersection of the fate of the human race and the sea clan?

There's never been a better time, there's never been a better place.

He is willing to take the bait, that is now!

With the right time and place, everything has come true!

The seemingly virtual and real power divides the great battlefield.

At this time, the dragon body that he had prepared for Jilan for a long time was flying towards him, and in the bright moon, the face of the former cover sea was reflected!

Fengshen is handsome and has boundless charm.

Xuanyuan Shuo and Gao Du's detachment roads are at a stalemate, and he will be the first to prove greatness. At that time, Xuanyuan Shuo will be wiped out with his palms turned, and Gao Jie will be sent off with his palms raised. The so-called general trend of the human race and the sea clan is just a flip of the palm.

This is the intersection of the three paths of detachment. The bright moon hangs high, so white that it cannot be looked directly at, as if hanging over ten thousand realms, as if shining through the past and the present.

At this moment, no matter Zhongxi, Ruichong, Xiyang, Zhanshou, or Cao Jie, Yuejie, Zhusui, Yu Liyang, Peng Chongjian, it is difficult to interfere any more.

Because they stand on the top of this world, and these three paths are all on the top!

The Jiyou Realm, where the emperors and true monarchs are entangled, is connected to the Sahalong Realm with broken mountains and rivers on one side, and the Futu Pure Land with complete frontier defenses on the other. There are also two boundary rivers that connect to small places that are not worth mentioning.

The power confrontation at the Yan Dao level almost washed this world several times.

And Gao Qiong's bright moon shines here, but not here.

"Jiang Wang!" Cao Jie yelled angrily at the top of Mount Taiyi.

The sound suddenly turned to the sky, and it was the bugle of Daqi. There are faint killing sounds everywhere, golden spears breaking through the formation, and there is the sound of banners and banners chasing!

The refreshing sound pierces through the ears.

Jiang Wang, who fell on the ground, was still lying on the ground, his body was still warm, but his breathing was stagnant, and his spirit was gone. Zhuo Qingru, who had been busy beside him for a while, had already stopped the futile rescue, with a rather sad expression. This body is already dead, even Cao Jie can't call the god back!

Who would have thought that the true biography of Diaohailou and Daqi Tianjiao's story would end so sloppily?

One has become a flower in the mirror, and the other is just a dreamer.

Cao Jie on the top of the mountain shouted, without wasting time, he took advantage of the trend and raised the general's horn, and then gathered the army!

He asked Jiang Wang to command the army earlier, but he just wanted to give Jiang Wang a chance to claim credit at the time of victory, with the intention of the whole emperor. It can also be regarded as adding blessings to his so-called blessings.

But misfortune happened to the elbow and armpits, and there was no smooth sailing.

Jiang Wang transferred power to Shang Fengchen, and faced Ji Lanxian who stepped out of the mirror. Touch and fall.

Shang Fengchen's military ability is naturally better than Jiang Wang's, but he also has no ability to immediately unite so many fighters of different backgrounds and different trainings.

At this moment, the power of the army must be really used, so Cao Jie regained military power.

As soon as the troops gathered, the phantom of an ancient battlefield instantly appeared behind him, but there were corpses everywhere, and the blade was still in front of him. But seeing the remnant flag stained with blood is like facing the setting sun!

His Taoism is in conflict with the Taoism of Xuanshen Emperor Rui Chong, and the one with the broken arm is also complementary to the one with the broken arm.

It's just that although there is Mount Taiyi at his feet, he is actually at a disadvantage in this confrontation of origin.

It was nothing at all, the Emperor Xuanshen is extraordinary, he had made a judgment from the very beginning. Soldiers are better than the overall situation, and the advantages of other battlefields will inevitably be fed back. He just has to wait.

It's like waiting for the Hai Clan to be strong and empty, like waiting for Gao Jie to make a move and sacrifice the imperial edict.

An outstanding military strategist must have outstanding patience.

But now he couldn't wait any longer.

Qi Xiao should have died in battle with Wei Xun, so now he is the supreme commander on the battlefield.

He must take responsibility and ensure victory!

The battlefield where the three paths of detachment meet is indeed difficult to interfere.

But it is difficult to interfere, not impossible to interfere.

Ji Lanxian, Gao Jie, and Xuanyuan Shuo, they all went to detachment, but they didn't achieve detachment.

There is still half of the body in the human world, this is the enemy's throat!

At such a moment, Cao Jie was still standing on the top of Taiyi Mountain, fighting against Rui Chong who was spread out in the sky.

But the phantom of the ancient battlefield behind him "lived" at this moment.

This is supernatural powers, autumn soldiers on the battlefield!

It is said that Cao is an unknown game, but there are not many people who have seen him attack with all his strength, because everyone who uses troops has never been trapped by the leader. There has never been any opponent who forced him to go to the end of the mountain to put on armor and fight bloody in person.

It is said that Cao Jie faces hardships, and there is no disturbance in the war. But every victory of his will decorate this battlefield. The more victories he gets, the stronger he becomes. What does he look like today?

With his military merits, he was made Marquis of Du, exterminated the true monarchs of Xia and Jin, his supernatural powers traced back to the principles of Taoism, and he mastered the pinnacle of military skills.

Under his command, despite the great battle, the human army's military capacity was preserved. There are Chongguang, Yang Feng, Qin Zhen and other powerful real people in the world who entered the battle, making the army even more powerful.

At this moment, the magic power is in hand, and the army is assembled at this moment. This is when a warrior cultivator is at his strongest.

The human army located in the Jiyou realm gathered into an army formation, and the soldiers soared into the sky, rushing into the phantom of the ancient battlefield.

Bingsha into supernatural powers.

The real battlefield and the magical battlefield are integrated.

The spring breeze blows, shaking the white paper lanterns. Yu Liyang and Zhu Sui also entered the battle.

Those remnants of flags will stand up one after another, and those lying corpses will stand up one by one holding bloody knives. Without saying a word, he helped up the horse, turned over and jumped on it. Without saying a word, he raised his saber high and looked at the battle flag.

The corpses and remnants of the flag on the battlefield were originally armed with millions of armor, and the flags were like forests!

And under the leadership of a team of armored warriors forming a frontal array...

charge! charge! charge!

There are only a few million talents in the world, and it's almost true that real people and kings are all in the battle.

Cao Jie's eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding.

But the cavalry of the army under his command stepped on mountains and seas, broke through barriers and cities, and blatantly rushed into the bright moon where the road of transcendence meets!

What is a master of military art, now known as the sea clan's know!

Friendship push book~

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