Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1926 You go to the long night, I go to the bright moon

The sky is bright and the moon is bright and bright.

At this time, it was covered with shadows, and there were many shadows.


One word runs through the ancient times to the present.

The soldiers are rolling, and the battle flag is waving.

It's like dark clouds cover the color.

Jilan was half in the cocoon of Dao Ze first, half of her body was already outside the cocoon, and she was gradually decoupling away.

The process of the dragon body that will be raised for thousands of years, flying out of the Dragon Palace and approaching the human body is also the process of melting and casting the body of the human race and sea clan.

Reflecting his original appearance in Mingyue, it also means that he is already fighting for Xuanyuan Shuo's fishing rights!

On the two confronting roads of detachment, he paved his own way of detachment first, and he already grasped everything. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the evil spirit pricked the body like a needle.

Looking down on the battlefield of Cao Jie's supernatural powers, it seemed to be covered by heavy clouds, and he was also quite surprised.

But only by accident.

He praised him aloud and said, "You have some military demeanor!"

Then backhanded a bit, and pointed like a flag——

There are also bloody soldiers rising up around the body, circling like a dragon.

It is not known how many sea warriors have died in battle in the Saha Dragon Domain.

I don't know how many people have fought for the Hai Clan in the past and sacrificed to the Lost Realm!

At this moment, the fighting spirits are all returning, and they are here to be recruited.

The soul of war is not the soul, but also the residual intention. Those sea beast fighters who forcibly compressed their growth cycle and catalyzed their Dao bodies in advance are not qualified to leave residual intentions and join this formation.

The blood-colored soldiers were rolling like a tide, and warriors in armor poured out. Reining in the reins of the war beast, holding up the bones of the battle flag, shouting for life and death, full of evil spirits.

One person forms an army, one body is a thousand troops.

It's the so-called supernatural powers, soldier master!

The most famous person who has mastered this supernatural power in history is none other than Yang Zhen, the general of the world's soldiers and horses in the founding period of the Yang Kingdom, who is known as the soldier fairy!

With such supernatural powers, he is nicknamed "The General of Ten Thousand Armies, the Violent Man of the World!"

Ranked among the top supernatural powers of the military strategists, the evil spirit is unparalleled. Because those who hold this supernatural power are invincible, it has always been the proof of a famous general.

Jilan has evolved so many supernatural powers since she started her attack, it is already incalculable, and it is really frightening to be able to grasp such supernatural powers!

Others might be surprised by Ji Lanxian's many means, but Xuanyuan Shuo certainly wouldn't. In the struggle between life and death back then, Ji Lan first tried all means, but she was still beaten to death by him!

Almost when Jilan lowered his head to look down at the battlefield, he also raised his head on Tianya Terrace, with his bamboo hat tilted up, his face radiant.

In the bitter wind and rain, he dressed down and down, only showing his forehead and a pair of eyes, his innate nobility could no longer be concealed.

Fu Hai's face reflected in the bright moon was already a rare handsome man, but his complexion was even worse. It's just more heavy and depressed, and less soothing and free and easy.

When his eyes emerged from under the bamboo hat, a crack opened in the sky! It opens not only the space, not only the sky, but also seems to continue the ancient time... Goodbye greatness!

The aura of desolation and antiquity permeated the air, and ancient sacrificial songs resounded throughout the world.

Even before the rift is opened, there is a solid pressure, which makes people frightened physically and mentally, and wants to collapse.

And once the crack opened, in the lost world, regardless of the human race and the sea race, they suddenly collapsed like a dike, and large swaths of them worshiped.

That rift in the sky is still just a thin slit like a silk thread, and people can already see the golden color surging in it, carrying the supreme and majestic majesty, like magma rushing!

Supernatural powers, Emperor Lin.

In the whole world, is it the land of the king; on the shore of the land, is it the king's subject!

This is a descendant of a queen, borrowing majesty from ancient times.

The second human emperor in ancient times, Youxiong family, was one of the eight virtuous ministers of the ancient human emperor Suiren family. His name was "Xuanyuan", and he was respected as "Youxiong family".

After the Suiren clan disappeared, he inherited the responsibility of protecting the human race.

The sheltered human race has spent a long time in ancient times, and has made countless achievements in his life. Among them, there are two pieces that shine through the past and the present. One is that in the middle of the ancient times, the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters was built, and the hope of the Monster Race's counterattack was forever eliminated, ending the protracted bloody battle with the Monster Race. The second is to kill the demon ancestor at the end of his ruling career and end the demon tide.

"Killing the demon ancestor" and "ending the demon tide" can actually be counted as two things. Because when the demon ancestor died, "the world is full of demons". After the death of the Demon Ancestor, the tide of demons was far from subsided. The time span between these two events is as large as one hundred thousand years.

Even today, when the Dao calendar is newly opened, and the tide of demons is cut off by endless quicksand, who can say that all demons in the world have been killed?

What's more, it is easy to block the demons outside the sky, but it is difficult to get rid of the evil in the heart!

The ancient Human Sovereign overwhelmed all worlds, and was once a hero. His majesty shrouded in ancient times was "borrowed" into the present world. What kind of terrifying concept is that?

What a peerless famous general, what a million-dollar army, I will worship you!

But also at this time, the seabed of the Yongning sea area, tens of thousands of scaly eyes like lights of eternal night... all turned around! They are also entangled by regular fishing lines, so turning is a painful process, and the blood in the scaly eyes meanders.

But the pain must be surrendered to Gao Jie's will, and the fate should be changed by Xiong Tu!

All the scaly eyes looked towards Tianyatai, and saw the person wearing a bamboo hat and coir raincoat.

Thousands of pupils focus on each other, without moving an inch. The weight of sight is more than mountains, and the depth of obsession is more than sky!

Wherever there is water, Gao knows everything. He is not omniscient but near omniscient, Xuanyuan Shuo understands him, studies him, fishes him, he actually understands Xuanyuan Shuo.

To put it bluntly, if he gave up supporting the ethnic groups and calming the waters, he would be a real dragon swinging his tail to the sky, and easily fight against Xuanyuan Shuo, and it would not be clear who would live and who would die!

At this time, he would rather create his own and look at Xuanyuan Shuo, the blood lines in Lin's eyes are all across the sky.

The gap opened by Xuanyuan Shuo with the supernatural power of Emperor Lin was sewn up by Gao Jie's painful blood at this moment! The majesty of the ancient human emperor was blocked in the ancient times and could not come down!

The twisted blood line in the sky is like an ugly blood centipede.

Just like Gao Jie, who is riddled with holes and looks weird, with such unimaginable strength, he is buried in the deep sea and never sees the sun.

But who can say he is ugly?

At this moment, there is no more hindrance, Ji Lan first confronts Cao Jie as the master of the army.

Supernatural powers have different manifestations in the hands of different people. Although Ji Lanxian is not Yang Zhen, he can't reproduce "All armies benefit each other, life and death torrents", but as the leader of the two tribes of the Hai tribe and the human tribe, he has fought countless battles in his life, and he also has his own unique understanding of the way of war, so he won't lose when he is idle to people.

At this time, when the order is directed, there will be soldiers soaring into the sky.

The sky is opened, and the blood line is stitched.

Under the sky is the bright moon, and under the bright moon is the battlefield.

At this moment, Jilan pointed down with her halberd first, like a cloud of blood pressing down on a dark cloud,

If you wait for an idle military strategist, Ji Lanxian, who has reproduced the supernatural powers of the military master, can make the soldiers turn against each other with a single thought.

That is to say, Cao Jie is here, and his control over the formation is impeccable, so he has this chance of head-to-head.

The two army formations are charging!

"Bingxian?" Cao Jie only said: "Where are you now?!"

He has never been an arrogant character, but on the battlefield, he dares to face any enemy. Not to mention Ji Lanxian, who has the supernatural powers of the imitation soldier fairy, even if Yang Zhen, the real soldier fairy, is here, he wants to touch it.

The only way to win or lose on the battlefield is with swordsmen!

Not in the name, not in the tongue.

On the "battlefield" where Cao Jie ordered his troops, he didn't hesitate at all. He charged forward, advancing but not retreating, and killed the ten thousand troops that Ji Lanxian held alone.

He would not think about what would happen if the Spring Death Army was here, and what if the Tianfu Army were here. He only asked how to win at this moment.

In the Jiyou Realm, in the huge army formation gathered, soldiers kept falling down.

But the soldiers are soaring into the sky, how can they turn back?

The fight between supernatural powers and supernatural powers broke out the cruelty of flying flesh and blood.

The collision between the way of war and the way of war, all methods of change!

Above the dark clouds and blood clouds, Ji Lanxian still had a chic attitude.

He was clearly stepping on the cusp where two detached roads meet, but it seemed like he was walking on a bluestone path in the drizzle.

He is clearly instructing the Wanjun and fighting for life and death with Cao Jun, but it seems that he is sitting on the window sill of his own house, listening to the sound of rain and talking with his hands.

He is so comfortable, it is rare and natural to be in a cage for a long time.

This is really a brilliant person, a very charming person. Even in the identity of "person", there are still doubts.

He urged the "Master of War" like this, and reached out to make a move.

The dragon body that seemed to be far away from the sky suddenly erased the distance, and crashed into his chest... The endless fishing line has turned into ashes, and the dragon body of ten thousand feet has entered the human body!

The blazing light shines brightly, and the sky and the earth rumble.

At this moment, the moon is like a furnace and the body is like iron, and the dragon's body fits into the human body!

Mr. Ji Lan's body began to change, and in a very short period of time, every pore changed drastically.

His facial features began to integrate the two faces of Ji Lanxian and Fu Hai. But no matter how the shape and size of the eyes are fine-tuned, they are always deep and mysterious, containing infinite universe.

You can see his tall figure, with red horns as his helmet and red scales as his armor.

personal? Dragon body? Dao body?

Ji Lan first? Overwhelmed?

No need to tell!

On the three intersecting paths of detachment, Gao Jie held Xuanyuan Shuo back, and he was the first to approach greatness!

Cao Jie asked where Bing Xian is now. None of his business!

There is no relationship between Yang Zhen and Yang Zhen. They have been in contact with each other before, and they just borrowed their magical powers.

But now—looking at Cao Jie with a hard-faced face, while fighting against Rui Chong, he commanded his troops to rush into Gao Qiong continuously.

He realized that he did not have the upper hand just by commanding troops. The simulated military master is not as good as the real military master after all. Sitting in the secret realm of Tianfu for thousands of years, the concept of military strategists has been continuously innovated, and the art of military strategists has been changing with each passing day. After all, those who entered the secret realm of Tianfu all had mediocre cultivation. Although he watched from the sidelines, he couldn't get a full glimpse.

I can only sigh, the latecomers are formidable!

Of course, admiration is admiration, if you want to disturb this last moment of detachment...

He smiled: "Boy of the younger generation, dare to ask Bingxian. Now, for Yang Zhen, I will reward you with a punch!"

Casually raised the fist covered in the red armor...and smashed it down with one punch!


Between Ji Lanxian's fist and the Jiyou Realm, there is a huge space that has been punched into a regular hole!


The Taiyi Mountain at the foot of Cao Jie cracked on the spot, and the mountain was broken in several pieces!

This world-renowned general who stood upright as much as possible and disbanded the army in an instant had his breastplate shattered and his sternum collapsed.

The battlefield of his supernatural powers turned into thousands of fragments, and the origin of his Tao began to collapse!

But amidst the terrifying sound of landslides and broken rocks, there was a lonely bang. From the thousands of shattered fragments, a wisp of white flame jumped out.

The flames once shone, and this place regained its light even though it was night.

A crooked figure appeared in the white flames, lying in front of Cao Jie, causing Cao Jie to return to the fragments of the battlefield.

The night watchman of Daqi, the candle year with the lantern!


Pieces of peach blossoms have fallen, scattered before the spring breeze blows, and the real peak of fist has just fallen.

The red-scaled armored hand, the fist of infinite promotion, infinite chasing and detachment...

White flames scattered to the ends of the earth!

Zhu Sui's incomparably powerful Taoist body was first tortured and killed by the army for three days and nights, then participated in the battle of Tianfo Temple, then fought in the Jiyou Realm, and then fought against Jilanxian!

And shattered on the spot.

Broken into concrete and tiny "one".

No flesh and blood, no ruins.

The spring breeze rolled back again, and only a calm, old sentence was rolled back——

"The state of Qi can lose the candle year, but it can't lose the Marquis... Martial ancestors sew clothes, and the ministers can't guard them."

No passion, no generosity, closer to a statement than a rant.

As if it was just an ordinary night.

He's just an ordinary old man. At a certain moment, the bang sounded, and he understood that it was the last moment. Glancing at the home he guarded, he turned off the lights and walked into the long night without looking back.

Half of Mount Taiyi was shattered, and the newly promoted True Lord of the Blood River, Peng Chongjian, could only sigh softly, and spread the River of Blood across the sky.

Yanggu General Yue Jie, who had broken the seal, only slightly adjusted his charging posture, planted the "Yang" flag on his back, and once again charged towards the town of this world. It's hard to do what you want, just kill Zhong Xi with one blow!

How tragic!

The watchman who kept vigil for Daqi for a thousand years, the candle year that defines the limit of the legend of the night wandering god, the candle year when the white paper lanterns come out, and the evils retreat, the life has experienced countless fights, and sixteen clones gradually become the country Falling Candle Years...

Now, with the body of Yan Dao, he died in the battle in the lost world!

The wind in the Lost Realm was too strong and blew out his lamp.

Hoo, hoo...

The spring breeze is gentle and cool.

The peach blossoms fell, as if depicting the blood that he should have had but did not have.

With fluttering sleeves, Yu Liyang dragged Cao Jie back into the realm that was greatly nourished by Yan Dao's death.

This world, which was almost shattered in the battle of Yan Dao, is full of vitality because of it.

It is like spring rain nourishing fertile soil, and it is like falling red spring mud.

Cao Jie, one-armed, without armor, and with loose long hair, did not say a word, and the battlefield reappeared behind him.

This is war!

Every time you set foot on the battlefield, you have the consciousness of going to death.

Zhu Sui said that Qi State must not lose Duhou, that's wrong!

Soldiers who are fierce and dangerous can die, and Cao Cao can die!

The war is not over yet, as a general, he will never give up the possibility of winning.

Zhu Sui died for him, Yu Liyang dragged him to flee for his life, he only said: "The whole army—"

A glimpse passed in front of him.

Passing by the peach blossoms, spring breeze, and the blood-stained battlefield of the remnant flag.

Passing red clouds, mourning, and the lingering sound of broken last words.

Skimming the life and death line of several true emperors fighting...

Go straight to the bright moon.

Albatron is under your feet!

Cao Jie, who had always had a sad face, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment!

Peach Blossom Fairy, who couldn't hide her exhaustion after a long battle but still held her posture, opened her mouth slightly.

That azure battle armor, that tall and straight figure, that world-renowned sword, that legendary body technique inherited from the age of Xiangong...

Isn't it Da Qi Jiang Wu'an? !

Marquis Wu'an of Daqi, who had been dead for a long time, did not know when he got up from the pile of corpses. Wearing a battle armor, he is still as graceful as a frightened bird. Across the battlefield, still win the day. I don't know why, holding a vanity mirror in my hand, stepping on the clouds and going straight up, while looking at the mirror alone!

What a self-pity.

What a narcissist!

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