Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1927 Whose young man is raised in my boudoir


Jiang Wang felt his consciousness sinking, falling into the lightless and bottomless abyss.

Zhu Biqiong, printed as a silhouette of a flower in a mirror, is no longer visible.

For example, Zhuo Qingru, Chen Zhitao, Fu Yanqing, the densely packed human army, all disappeared out of the suddenly cut off field of vision.

He drew his sword without thinking, but after thinking he did it anyway.

Who is that person walking out of the water mirror, what he wants to do, how powerful he is...he doesn't know.

He only knows that Zhu Biqiong is his friend.

Then draw your sword!

Then get crushed.

The process was so fast that he didn't even have time to react.

He has experienced hundreds of battles like him, and he has already mobilized all his strength at the first time, but in front of that random slap, he didn't even have time to summon Xiannian!

The divine light goes out, and Dao Yuan returns to the sea.

To fall is to sink both physically and mentally, with empty hands.

Darkness is the source of annihilation, and of course hope is also included.

Jiang Wang didn't feel that he had died, because before he "died", he heard Zhu Biqiong's voice.

So sharp and crazy... it was Zhu Biqiong that he had never felt before.

Time has no meaning, and he doesn't feel pain. Because the "feeling" is also dissipating.

Then in the endless darkness, "color" suddenly appeared, and something other than darkness appeared-it was a pervasive white mist.

He seemed to be in a white mist, looking up, the smoke curled up like a streamer, and the higher place was dark and boundless.

The mist that can be seen is misty and misty, and gradually thickens like thick clouds.

Jiang Wang felt trapped in the clouds.

In other words, he was supported by the cloud bed first, and then he regained his senses.

The terrifying feeling of sinking dissipated, and he leaped forward, reaching out to hold the sword—only then did he realize that there was no sword beside him, and he realized that he was in a state of spirit, so he manifested the sword spirit in his hand.

He has a down-to-earth touch and calmly observes the environment.

At this time, he heard a voice, a beautiful female voice, with a hint of ridicule——

"Let me see... who is the young man who has been raised in my deep boudoir?"

Such a familiar voice!

Is it in the mirror?

The boundless darkness was expelled, and the pervasive clouds dispersed.

Green bamboo and jade screen, rouge animal incense burner.

The warm pearl is used as a warming lamp, and the carvings are illuminated, but it is a picture of outing.

The gilt amber forms an hourglass, and the broken beads are knocked on a jade bowl, trying to make a sound shyly.

Extremely gorgeous imagination, full of elegance of famous artists.

It is indeed a women's boudoir!

Jiang Wang appeared here, a little embarrassed. The armor is on the body, and the blood is fresh, which may disturb the sweet dream of the boudoir.

The green bamboo and jade screen stood behind him, and a dark fragrance floated in his breath. He looked ahead, and there was a figure in palace attire sitting by the window. She has a graceful figure, long hair reaching her waist, and is doing her makeup in front of the mirror.

From this angle, the woman's face cannot be seen.

But you can also get a little glimpse of the color from the mirror.

The eyes are misty rain and horizontal waves, and the eyebrows are beautiful peaks.

Although it is a glimpse, it has been engraved for thousands of years.

If we talk about the beauty of Yelan'er, it is the most exquisite meticulous workmanship. Her beauty is the most charming freehand brushwork. A strand of hair and a roll of clothes are all stretched out in a beautiful posture.

"Your" Jiang Wang changed his address several times, and bowed his hands: "Please let me out first!"

Although it was the first time for him to see this person in the mirror world, he had been mentally prepared to meet him after so many years with the red makeup mirror.

Especially in the world of Shenxiao, when this one attacked the eating dragon. He already had a feeling that this day would not be too far away.

Speaking of the unknown, the unknown is true. Speaking of fear, there is none.

He has never felt hostility in the mirror, on the contrary, many times, it was because of the red makeup mirror that he narrowly escaped death.

For the mysterious existence in the mirror, he often has a familiar feeling. Every time you go through a catastrophe, you will understand more. Accompanying me all these years, like a friend who has never met.

He also imagined how and when they would meet.

He also thought about whether he would be able to give some feedback at that time to soothe the pain of this old friend who had never met.

In the catastrophe of flying snow, the catastrophe of covering the sea, and the catastrophe of asking the heart... those feelings are too deep.

But never thought about it today.

Today he can't protect himself, today he loses his friends. He also didn't think that the one in the mirror could do anything in this detached situation.

He still believed in Yu Liyang more, and believed in the strength of Cao Jie at the age of candles.

"Don't worry." The woman in front of the mirror didn't turn her head, but used the pad of her little finger to carefully apply her rouge: "The time and space here are static, so you won't waste your time."

Jiang Wang looked around again, but didn't feel any difference.

"Whether time and space are still or not is a relative concept." The woman in front of the mirror smiled: "For example, just now, I took off your armor and put it back on for you."

Jiang Wang immediately lowered his head to observe, nervously touching his nails.

The woman laughed out loud, her flowers trembling with laughter: "Do you have to be this cute, little boy?"

"The junior is already twenty-two." Jiang Wang retorted seriously.

"I know, I know, Lord Baguo." The woman raised her hand, interrupting his explanation.

This hand is delicate and soft, crystal clear and jade-like, when it is held in the air, it immediately gathers brilliance, it is simply the most perfect work of art. It is hard to imagine what kind of craftsman can carve such works.

And her hand just fell down, buried in her long black hair.

The five fingers jumped nimbly, with the beauty of high mountains and flowing water playing a long piano, and with the crackling sound of ding dong, a flowing cloud bun was easily pulled out.

"My strength is limited. In order to stay young forever, I have to do it as a last resort... You should know that at this age, women can always do many things for the sake of beauty."

As she said so, she pressed her hair with her hands, turned her face slightly, and raised her chin towards the direction of the dressing table.

There was an open gilt red satin box, and a hairpin lay quietly in the box.

The color is brilliant gold, and the shape is a phoenix with spread wings.

Jiang Wang somehow understood what she meant.

She should have been understood, surrounded, and sought after.

Jiang Wang stepped forward, stood behind this beautiful senior whom he had met for the first time, and picked up the hairpin with his sword-holding hand...

After looking at it for a long time, I don't know how to place it properly.

God is sorry to see, even though he is a prince of the hegemony, he can be said to be successful and famous. But not counting Jiang An'an, it was the first time for a woman to hairpin her hair!

Even Jiang An'an is not willing to let him have hairpins now...

The woman seemed to see his embarrassment, and said in a relaxed tone: "Come naturally, beauty doesn't need to be deliberate."

Hearing this, Jiang Wang simply twisted his fingertips, pulled a hairpin, and put the hairpin horizontally in the bun in the way of a sword returning to its sheath.

After he let go, the tail of the hairpin trembled, and the body of the hairpin resounded like a sword.

The end is neat kung fu!

"...Not bad." The woman said it was good, and took out the hairpin again, and put it on again.

She looked in the mirror seriously for a while, wiped off a little rouge with her little finger, and trimmed the shape of her lips. Then she turned softly and looked at Jiang Wang: "Is it beautiful?"

So beautiful!

Because it is too beautiful, there is a sense of oppression that makes one feel ashamed.

Jiang Wang took a step back unconsciously and said, "It's pretty."

"It's not okay to praise a girl's lack of language." The woman shook her head, somewhat resenting the inadequacy of iron.

Jiang Wang didn't know what to say or what this senior wanted to do, so he just said, "I don't know what's going on outside."

"That little girl named Zhu Biqiong... is she someone you like?" the woman looked at him and asked.

Jiang Wang smelled a little hope from this question, and said seriously: "She is a very good girl, and my liking for her is the liking among friends. If you can..."

"This sentence is really cruel." The woman sighed: "You will not be liked by others."

She changed the subject: "But I like it, at least you are an honest person about your feelings."

Jiang Wang was silent, and then said: "Emotional issues are too far away for me. Romance is the business of those young masters and young ladies. I don't have time. My shoulders are also full, and the journey is also very long."

The woman sits peacefully on the embroidered pier, her beautiful silhouette is in the paper window. How Jiang Wang has lived in the past few years, although she cannot see all of it because of her deep sleep, but the occasional glimpse of it is enough to feel the hardship. There was a bit of pity in the tone: "You are young and already a prince of the overlord, you can also consider a peaceful life."

Jiang Wang said, "I'm still empty-handed."

"Is Zhu Biqiong not good enough?" the woman asked.

"She is very good, too good to be good." Jiang Wang said.

The woman said, "That's because the timing is bad."

Jiang Wang didn't continue this topic, hesitantly said: "Can you...can you save her?"

He added: "Or, what can I do?"

The woman shook her head: "No one can save her, unless Jilan is willing to let go... Oh, Jilan is the one who almost killed you just now, and his other identity is the legendary sage of the sea clan, Fuhai .”

"Jianlan first? Covering the sea?" Jiang Wang frowned.

"Where does this start?" The woman even sighed softly: "I already know you very well, but you need to know me, right?"

Jiang Wang tried his best to suppress his anxiety: "If senior thinks it's appropriate."

"Then let's get to know each other formally." The woman was still sitting there lazily, but just raising her eyes, she immediately had the aura of an empress coming to court, dignified and majestic: "My name is Yan Yanru."

The surname Ji is not common, so of course Jiang Wang has some guesses.

Yan Yanru added: "My elder brother is named Yan Yanqiu."

Yanqiu, the founding emperor of the Great Yang Empire!

That generation of heroes who can wrestle with Taizu Jing and personally defeat Taizu Jing's great cause of witnessing the emperor again?

Jiang Wang has been studying "The History of the Sword and the Sea" for many days, so of course he will not miss this name. In fact, when he heard the name Yan Yanru, he already had doubts, but he didn't dare to confirm it.

After all, the state of Yang has been destroyed for more than a thousand years, and the crazy shouts of the last Emperor Yang have not been heard, let alone the founder of the country!

And this one in front of her is actually the eldest princess of the founding period of Dayang?

Why is she in the mirror?

What happened to Fu Hai's other identity, Mr. Ji Lan?

With a lot of thoughts in Jiang Wang's mind, he just bowed and said, "Jiang Wang, junior, I will take care of you."

This is considered a formal acquaintance, although they have actually been together for a long time.

"Let's start with the overturning sea." Ji Yanru fell into memory with a little embarrassment: "Before him, I never thought that there would be a sea tribe who dared to sneak into the land and study everywhere... can not be found.

"It was a winter when I met him, and there was a lot of snow.

"At that time, I was troubled by a marriage contract. The object of the marriage contract was my good friend, Xuanyuan Shuo, a direct descendant of the ancient Emperor. A very proud person who has burdened too much. He did not fight with my elder brother first. We didn’t know each other, so we simply traveled around the world together with us. It was the time of Kazushin’s calamity, the world was in chaos, and there were many evil spirits. We slayed demons and demons together, and forged a deep friendship like this..."

One true!

This is not the first time Jiang Wang has heard the word "Yizhen".

But it was the first time I heard someone associate this word with the word "disaster".

He knew that there was a Yizhen era in history, which was at the end of the modern era. It was an ambiguous era in history, it was very short, and it seemed vaguely brilliant. But there are not many records.

He also knew that there was a one-true Daoist with peerless combat power. Sneaking into the battlefield of Heavenly Hell, assassinating Emperor Yuanxi of the monster clan in the position of thousands of troops, successfully repelling the monster clan. It shattered the demon clan's attempt to counterattack the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons.

He didn't know that there was such a saying as "one true disaster".

Is this "one truth" that other "one truth"?

He didn't ask, just listened quietly.

Yan Yanru continued to narrate: "My elder brother hoped that I would marry Xuanyuan Shuo in order to obtain the shadow of the ancient emperor and complete his hegemony. At that time, Ji Yusu was already preparing to establish a country. plans to build a nation.

"Unbeknownst to me, he agreed to Xuanyuan Shuo's marriage proposal and made a marriage contract for us.

"I know that Xuanyuan Shuo likes me, but like you said, he is very nice, but I only consider him a friend. I haven't figured out how to refuse, so as not to hurt this friend... A marriage contract actually appeared.

"I don't want to affect my brother's plan, and I don't want to hurt my friend, but I don't want to marry him. I was upset at that time, so I went out to relax.

"It was in that winter that I met Fu Hai. At that time, his name was 'Shen Lanxian'."

Hearing the story up to this point, Jiang Wang had already guessed about Ji Lanxian's identity. But what caught his attention was another name——

Ji Yusu!

Another almost mythical name.

It was the founding ancestor of Jingguo, the legendary figure who once defeated the Tiger Clan, defeated Chai Yin, established the national system single-handedly, and put Tianjing Town on the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons!

Thinking back to the era of chaos in Yan Yanru's mouth, it was at the end of the modern era, and the wind and the waves washed away the sand, how many heroes among them!

Jing Taizu Ji Yusu had already prepared for the founding of the country at that time, and had a complete understanding of the national system. Yang Yanqiu, the founding emperor of the Yang Kingdom, also saw the general trend, and with Ji Yu Suxiong in front, it was still "probable"!

There is also Ying Yunnian who competed with Chai Yin for the third life of Lan Yinhua and founded the Qin Kingdom, and Xuanyuan Shuo, the dragon fisherman who turned his hook into the moon and sat alone on the horizon...

There is absolutely no need for too many descriptions, as long as these names are put together, it is already thrilling to think about. It was also an era of heroes born in large numbers!

"Are you in love?" Jiang Wang asked, "You and Shen... Lanxian."

"It's very cliché, isn't it?" Yan Yanru's eyes were full of sadness: "But who can say for sure about emotional matters?"

"I have to admit that the days of getting along with Fuhai are the happiest time in my life. He can catch all my whimsical ideas, and has an aesthetic taste similar to mine. From poetry to astronomy Geography, we are very happy to talk about everything. From south to north, from east to west, we can find scenery and enjoyment wherever we go. With him, I feel unprecedented freedom and ease.

"Until... I found out that he is a Sea Clan."

Yan Yanru's voice lowered, like a string of silver bells falling from the sun.

Looking at her at this time, Jiang Wang felt that she was beautiful and lonely.

"I thought about killing him, but he also put a knife around his neck, saying that he was willing to be beheaded by me. He said he loved me, and he had never loved me so much in his life. He said he hated the identity of the Sea Clan, and countless The last time I dreamed back at midnight, I wanted to cut myself. He said that he wanted to become a real human race and be with me forever..."

"And I believed it." Yan Yanru laughed self-deprecatingly: "Love always makes people very stupid, and I actually believed in a sea tribe."

Jiang Wang didn't think it was stupid.

Not to mention love.

If he finds out now that Xiao Wu or Chong Xuansheng are actually from the Sea Clan or the Yao Clan. Could he really draw his sword so decisively? Can such a long relationship really be easily let go?

The sea people are also sentient beings, and love and hatred are equally real.

Racial righteousness is too high and too big, and sometimes it is very far away. And the love in my heart is so warm.

But Jiang Wang was not relieved.

After the passage of time, since Yan Yanru defined that period of trust by stupidity, there must be enough evidence for the stupid ending.

He is just a silent listener.

Yan Yanru continued: "I tried my best to cover it up for him, so that he could walk in the sunshine with me calmly. I made it clear to Xuanyuan Shuo that my heart belonged to me, and he didn't bother me. I broke the engagement and left. I I tried my best to help him complete the creation of a human body, and even used the blood of my concubine's family to endorse his human body so that he could be recognized in this world... But these were not enough, he still couldn't become a real human race.

"At that time, I felt that this matter was impossible. I also admitted it. I wanted to leave with him and search all over the world. There is always a place that doesn't care about our identities. We live in peace.

"But he said no, he said that true happiness cannot be achieved with my sacrifice. He said he would find a way.

"You know that Fuhai is a very smart guy. He learns everything very quickly. He is proficient in the art of war, ink, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. He is a sea clan, but I have never seen him who is more knowledgeable than him. people.

"I collected a lot of classics for him. He locked himself up and thought about it for three years. Then one day, he came out with disheveled hair. He told me that he had a solution."

"What way?" Jiang Wang couldn't help asking.

Yan Yanru smiled, this smile was extremely beautiful, but the voice was actually calm: "He tied me up and drained my blood. He took away my life and concentrated it on his human body."

Jiang Wang was silent for a while.

"And the reason why he can do this is precisely because I participated in the creation of this human body, and the blood of this human body itself is my willingness to let go." Yan Yan seemed to be smiling, but there was admiration The accent: "He is too smart. He used me a few years ago to plunder my fate a few years later. It is so seamless and natural."

She was about to applaud, but her jade fingers trembled slightly, and she didn't lift her palm.

Jiang Wang hardly dared to imagine the scene of being so ruthlessly deprived of his life by the object of his love, who was willing to give everything.

Together with the heart, the love of the past was broken piece by piece. Each piece is like a knife, cutting memories.

"Then you...later..." Jiang Wang opened his mouth, not knowing how to ask.

On the contrary, Yan Yanru was calmer: "Why am I still here, why am I here, right?"

Jiang Wang pursed his lips slightly, waiting for Yan Yanru's answer.

Yan Yanru said: "I have a mirror on my body, which was given to me by my elder brother. Because it is an ancestral treasure, it cannot be easily exposed, so I didn't tell anyone. Fu Hai doesn't know."

Jiang Wang looked at the room again, or felt the mirror world represented by this room again: "Red makeup mirror?"

"Its earliest name was the Demon Mirror."

Yan Yanru said: "In ancient times, the demon emperor used to imprison the true spirit of the demons and control those demons who refused to be disciplined. Over time, he was contaminated with the blood of too many demons, and gradually evolved into a strong suppressive force on the demon clan. It is also a treasure for the ancient demon emperor to maintain his rule.

"Later it was shattered in the long war of the Demon Court, although it was restored, it lost its original power.

"Later, the ancestors of our Yan family looted this treasure in the war against demons and passed it on to the family.

"In fact, it was through this mirror that I discovered that the so-called Shen Lanxian was actually a Sea Clan. His disguise is really unparalleled in the world. Apart from not daring to appear in front of my elder brother and the others, he didn't dare to meet those masters. Almost everywhere you go you won't be noticed.

"My elder brother loved me so much that he gave me the Demon Reflecting Mirror, but I am afraid that my elder brother did not expect that it is because of this mirror that I am able to survive till now.

"Fuhai drained my blood and robbed part of my life, but my remnant soul escaped under the protection of the demon mirror. Although he got a real human body, he was afraid that I was still alive and that I Expose his identity and dare not put it into use.

"Even if his dragon body was beheaded by Xuanyuan Shuo later, he disappeared without a trace, truly dead.

"It wasn't until he was sure that I hadn't spread any news, and that my brother was dead, that he activated his human body and started his path of detachment.

"But what he doesn't know is that for a long time, I can't actually do anything. Sometimes I fall asleep and sometimes wake up."

Yan Yanru's voice was calm: "I have been hiding in the deep sea for so many years. Whether I am awake or dreaming, I only do one thing—to turn the demon mirror into a dragon mirror."

This kind of peaceful hatred is as deep as scraping a bone.

Her beautiful eyes turned to Jiang Wang, and she smiled easily: "You will know everything after that."

Yes, of course Jiang Wang knew.

Ji Yanru knew that although Fu Hai's dragon body was dead, his body was still there, and he knew that Fu Hai would plot against Xuanyuan Shuo, and would definitely approach Diaohai Tower.

So the red makeup mirror was obtained by Hu Shaomeng in an abandoned sea building, and Hu Shaomeng was a disciple of Diaohai Building.

The reason why Hu Shaomeng got close to Zhu Suyao and Zhu Biqiong was probably because Ji Yanru realized that their sisters were the key mirror flowers of Ji Lanxian, so she secretly guided them.

So everything ties together!

But Jiang Wang was only silent.

In these matters, in the love-hate relationship between these big figures from the end of ancient times to the present, Zhu Biqiong... what is wrong with her?

Later, Zhu Biqiong took on many different looks, but in Jiang Wang's heart, she was still the same as she first met, innocent, innocent, weak and fragile. It is a small white flower blooming in the corner, it is obviously harmless to humans and animals, and it is obviously indifferent to the world, but unfortunately it is always in the whirlpool, blown away by the rain and the wind.

"The time has come." Yan Yanru said suddenly.

Jiang Wang probably figured it out, she was talking about the time to end the sea.

"What do I need to do?" he just asked.

"You don't need to do anything." Yan Yanru stood up.

Only then did Jiang Wang realize that she was extremely tall, standing there, almost looking into his eyes.

She walked closer, her face radiant, her manner impeccable, and she asked one last time—

"Look again, am I beautiful?"

Facing the splendid beauty, Jiang Wang nodded seriously this time.

Thanks to the book friend "Looking back with regret" and becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 429th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!


Chapter 6K+

One of the chapters is added for the leader "Liu Yuanbo".

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