Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1936 Even though he died nine times, he still has no regrets

Late at night.

The square paved with white jade in Taiyitian looks even whiter under the moonlight. This also makes the shadows outside the square deeper.

Standing in front of the palace gate and standing in the middle of the square is the tall and straight figure, as if in the middle of the moon.

In the deep shadow of the palace gate tower, the palace guards wearing armor and hanging swords asked each other with their eyes, but no one could give a convincing answer.

It's really hard to imagine that the dignified Marquis of Wu'an would actually compete with them for a job today.

Although Su Wei will pay more money...but you are such a big Marquis, you can also like it? !

Their puzzlement and curiosity are all hidden behind the visor.

Just like the loneliness and scrutiny of this huge palace city, they are also hidden in the shadows.

But Jiang Wang didn't care.

He thought a lot.

When he left the Lost Realm, when he stayed in Ling Xiao's secret land, on the way from Yun Country to Qi Country...he kept thinking about it.

Now he is silent and independent, holding his sword in the long night, performing the duties of a pumpkin warrior, and not allowing anyone or anything that shouldn't appear to disturb the emperor this night.

On this night, nothing bothered him again.

His demeanor is very good, mighty and majestic.

He is always vigilant and doesn't miss any sign of trouble.

He stood there without even breathing, like a stone sculpture that has guarded the palace city for thousands of years.

In the case of Suwei, he did a good job.

He can do anything well if he wants to.

But how do you say it?

"The world is difficult if I want to."

No one knew what the well-known Great Qi Marquis Wu'an was thinking about that night when he was staying in the palace city of Daqi.

The palace guards wearing armor and hanging swords only knew that when the first ray of light appeared on the dome of the sky, breaking through the long night, the stone-like back moved for the first time.

The huge Taiyitian Baiyu Square has a lonely emptiness in the early morning.

All the light seemed to gather on Marquis Wu An.

And he turned around in the morning light, and cupped his hands again: "Chen, Jiang Wang! See the emperor!"

This time, the emperor didn't make him wait too long for his response.

In other words, Han Ling, the head of the internal officials, had been waiting quietly behind the palace gate for a long time.

"Confession!" he said, stepping out.

Jiang Wang silently followed behind Han Ling, his armor turned into a green shirt again, removing his cold and murderous aura.

The palace is deep and the corridors are tortuous.

Except for the palace guards in full armor standing on both sides, there were no other figures.

"Master Hou stood all night, do you have any ideas?" Han Ling's voice came from the front.

Jiang Wangdao: "However, the duty of the Golden Melon Warrior is lacklustre."

Han Ling led the way without stopping: "There is one thing that I think I should tell you."

"Just tell me." Jiang Wang said.

"There are not many people in Qi who can see His Majesty at any time. Does the Marquis know?" Han Ling asked.

"It's my honor." Jiang Wang said.

Han Ling continued: "In the past ten years, among those who were able to see His Majesty at any time, His Majesty said he didn't want to see them, only twice. Does the Marquis know when the other time will be?"

Jiang Wang said: "I also ask the manager to advise."

Han Ling said quietly: "At the end of last year, General Ji Zhaonan returned to Linzi alone and reported that you were lost in the Frostwind Valley. Marshal Zhen Guo came to see the emperor at the first time, and the emperor said... he didn't want to see him."

Jiang Wang was silent for a while.

The emperor of Daqi didn't see Daqi Junshen, and he was clearly angry because of Jiang Wang. It couldn't be clearer to ask Jiang Mengxiong to have an attitude.

It is true that since joining Qi, he has shed blood in every battle, hangs his head on the edge of the sword, and takes meritorious service time and time again, asking himself that he is worthy of everything he has won.

But he also had to admit that Qi Tianzi's favor to him was truly endless!

The emperor said he didn't want to see Jiang Mengxiong, what did Jiang Mengxiong do?

Went to the Demon Realm, broke through the Frostwind Valley, attacked Nantian City, fought against the Ape Immortal Court, and killed Xuannan Gong with his fists... He is still recovering from his injuries.

Therefore, Jiang Mengxiong is the God of the Great Qi Army and the Grand Marshal of Zhenguo.

And what about Jiang Wang who also faced this sentence?

What was he going to do after guarding Miyagi all night and doing his duty as a gourd warrior?

As the head of the internal officials and a close friend of the emperor who has been serving the emperor all year round, Han Ling only hoped that this young and ambitious Marquis Wu'an would not be too young and self-willed, and would not feel that he was wronged by standing outside the palace all night. . That's why he mentioned Jiang Mengxiong to let Jiang Wang think about the emperor's expectations.

The place where the announcement is made is in Delu Palace, where the Son of Heaven practiced.

Panlong pillars surround the stone platform, and jade smoke blurs the mountains and seas.

The emperor wears ordinary clothes and sits on a high platform, as if on the nine heavens.

His majestic gaze fell down, like the galaxy falling down the field, and the sun shining on the snow-capped mountains.

He asked in a voice that was not harsh, and could even be called gentle: "Marquis Wu An is in a hurry to see me, do you have something to play?"

The Great Qi Emperor sitting there is the unrivaled hero who personally pushed Qi to the position of overlord. He has fought all his life and never failed. Defeating Siyuan and flattening Lord Loulan created a great cause that will last forever. Now it is south and Xiatu, Dongping is near the sea, and its prestige is even higher than that of Qiwu! It's like a big sun surveying the sky, shining for hundreds of millions of miles!

Facing such an emperor who holds eight handles in his hands and can kill life and death, no one can not be nervous or apprehensive.

The prince of the East Palace is also cautious.

The Lord of the Heart-Cultivating Palace also said that walking on eggshells.

The once most favored lord of the Longevity Palace also used to hold the jade naked.

Even if his blood is like this, let alone his subjects.

"Minister, Jiang Wang! Greetings to the Son of Heaven!" Jiang Wang stretched out his robe sleeves, performing the impeccable etiquette of a prince seeing the Son of Heaven.

He has hardly practiced this set of etiquette since it was taught by the officials of the Ministry of Rites. It is really very complicated. Today's Emperor Daqi is not keen on these things, and has always been able to avoid it.

Today's Jiang Wang is so cautious.

Even though Han Ling whispered behind him: "The place where the Holy One practices, there is no need to follow great etiquette..."

He also performed the full salute in a proper manner.

Han Ling already felt the unusual atmosphere, and the emperor remained silent.

Jiang Wang went through the ceremony of the prince of the country, raised his head, and looked at the Qi Tianzi sitting cross-legged on the golden platform surrounded by dragons!

I don't know how many times he had entered the palace, but this was the first time he looked directly into Qi Tianzi's eyes, the first time he saw Qi Tianzi's appearance clearly in a real sense.

The emperor of the Eastern Kingdom, who holds the highest power in the world, does not always have a high-ranking look. On the contrary, his facial features will give people a kind feeling.

He is very handsome, the kind of handsome with clear eyebrows and eyes like a knife. Indeed, in appearance, Jiang Wuqi is more similar to him. But he is deeper, taller, and more ruthless than Jiang Wuqi.

Han Ling's breathing stopped.

Qi Tianzi didn't feel offended, but watched Jiang Wang with great interest, as if expecting his expression.

What do you dare to say, boy in front of the stage?

Jiang Wang took a deep breath.

He has always known that there are differences between him and the emperor in front of him.

Everyone has an opinion, and of course differences will always exist.

But regardless of everything else, he is a minister, and the emperor in front of him is a monarch.

How can the minister disagree with the king?

As a subject, you can have different ideas and opinions, and you can express them in many cases.

However, the direction of a huge empire still has to be attributed to a unified will in the end.

In such a huge state system, it is inevitable to need to erase a part of self.

The differences between him and the emperor in front of him have existed for a long time.

For example, the case of Concubine Lei, which has been covered in dust for many years, and Lin Kuang and Ulie who were involved in the case, he tried his best to restore the reputation of the two famous arresters, and he also wisely stopped in front of the black wall of history.

For example, in front of the emperor, he personally rejected the post of captain of the Beiya government.

And this time, he refused to kill Chen Zhitao, recruit Zhu Biqiong, and rejected the huge interests of the offshore islands. No matter how you say it, no matter what kind of thoughts Qi Xiao himself came up with, he issued various orders. In this lost world war, Qi Xiao was endowed with all the military power by Qi Tianzi, to some extent, she represented Qi Tianzi!

Qi Tianzi can tolerate Jiang Wang's digging into Lin Kuang's case, and he can also express his approval of Jiang Wang's stopping before the red line.

He can tolerate Jiang Wang's unwillingness to lose his independent will, and his unwillingness to become the coldest knife in the empire that can best carry out the will of the emperor.

But can he tolerate Jiang Wang's real disobedience to him?

Just like in the case of Concubine Lei, if Jiang Wangruo took a step forward regardless, what would be the result?

Jiang Wang knew it very well himself!

The reason why Chong Xuanzun was asked to bring him back was because the meeting was cold this time.

It's all because he, Jiang Qingyang, is touching, or has even touched the bottom line!

Qi Tianzi was very kind to him, as if he regarded him as a humerus, relying on it as a future city, and even became angry with the military god because of his safety. If there is no accident, this time it will still be held high and put down gently.

It's not like it's just a fine.

But will this be the last time for such a thing as Mijie, such a choice as Mijie?

Jiang Wang himself, is he willing to become more "smart" and "smooth"?

How to respond to the emperor's anger?

Han Ling has already hinted very clearly.

Jiang Mengxiong also demonstrated very clearly!

"But I am Jiang Wang." He said in his heart.

The whole world trembles together, and the waves reciprocate.

The five mansions of the human body are of the same light, resplendent and resplendent.

In Yunshen Temple, the manifested soul stands tall on the throne, with his head slightly lowered.

Lips moved, muttering to himself: "I might do...

"No, I will definitely do it.

"No, I've done it.

"I did a lot of things that I didn't want to do.

"Many times I have, it's not the real me.

"Here, I will never 'true'!"

The seated divine soul manifested body raised its head.

And Jiang Wang, who was standing in Delu Palace, bowed his head and raised his hands high, holding a jade crown in his hands!

"Minister Jiang Wang, remove the marquis clothes today, pick up the jade crown, and release the seal of the title...resign from the emperor!"

Han Ling, the chief eunuch who was used to wind and rain, was shocked!

He thought that Jiang Wang might be young and vigorous, might feel aggrieved, might argue with the emperor...

But he never expected that Jiang Wang would leave Qi!

Regardless of how high Jiang Wang's status is in Qi State today, and regardless of everything he has and will have. Just one question - does he want to die?

At only twenty-two years old, with a proud reputation in the world, is he already tired of living? !

Qi Tianzi did not speak.

Jiang Wang didn't do anything else.

The silence in Delu Palace seems to be extremely important!

Even with Han Ling's cultivation, he still finds it unbearable.

I don't know how long it has passed.

The Son of Heaven just spoke, his voice was high and thin, without any emotion: "Marquis Wu'an is tired, Han Ling, send him back to rest."

Han Ling hastily rushed to Jiang Wang's side, stretched out his hand and said, "Master Hou, please."

If it wasn't in front of the emperor, he wished he could tie up Jiang Wang and carry him away immediately!

"Your Majesty!" But Jiang Wang shouted.

He yelled heart-piercingly, with some genuine feelings, but he immediately suppressed the emotions in it, and said word by word: "The way of the not here!"

The emperor looked at him quietly.

And he didn't look up again.

He bent his back and exposed his neck, which is a posture ready to be killed.

This reminded Qi Tianzi of the child who was holding a white jade in his mouth outside the Ziji Hall, and of that autumn frost.

Was last night too long, was the wind too cold?

If the youngest military meritorious prince in the world is bent on defecting, no matter Jing, Qin, or Chu, they will all rush to take over. Don't look at some people who don't deal with Jiang Wang very much now, they can't wait to be charged with a crime and killed. If Jiang Wangruo goes to surrender, Daluo Mountain, Yujing Mountain, and Penglai Island can all open their doors!

After leaving the lost world, Jiang Wang has many opportunities to go anywhere, and he has never been bound by anything.

But he returned to the state of Qi honestly, honestly to see you, honestly...please resign.


"Please resign" is actually associated with "honesty".

Emperor Qi sneered: "It's only now that I figured out why you insisted on guarding the palace city last night. Jiang Wang, do you think that guarding the palace gate overnight is worthy of your position as a pumpkin warrior? Do you think that you will Clear with me?!"

As a man of Qingyang Town, Qingyangzi, and Marquis of Wu'an, he set up a flag in Yangdi, won the championship in the Yellow River, won Jing Tianjiao in Xingyueyuan, captured the flag in the Qixia battlefield, smashed the bloody tripod, sealed the town's disaster, and died in the demon world. Get back, and die in the lost world!

As a Qingpai headhunter, he pursued the case of Concubine Lei until Lin Kuang Wulie chased after him to become the uncle of Tianluodi. Before the red line set by the emperor, give everyone including Lin Youxie an explanation.

Even if it was such a vain job as a pumpkin warrior, he did his duty to guard Miyagi the night before he left.

Since he became an official in Qi, he has not been absent from all the battles in Qi. But to die effectively, he must be the first.

Everything he won in Qi State was in exchange for scars on his body. He is worthy of all his titles, all titles, and all salary.

But he just lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty's kindness and trust, Jiang Wang can't repay it, and it will never be cleared up. It is precisely because of this that I can no longer stay in Qi."

"Do you really know what you're talking about?" Qi Tianzi asked.

"I don't know what to say!" Jiang Wang said earnestly: "I just died in the Saha Dragon Territory, and I don't know where to go. I just admire the greatness of the dragon fisherman, but I don't know how to balance the interests of the country. I just I have fought side by side with Chen Zhitao, and I am a life and death friend with Zhu Biqiong. I don’t know how to be loyal... Chen! I just saw the truth in my heart, but I went further and further away. I just thought I saw the way, but people all pointed in the other direction. Your Majesty!"

Jiang Wang's voice trembled: "Could it be that the whole life of the minister is in such a dilemma?"

"You are too presumptuous, Jiang Qingyang! You have a lot of resentment!" Qi Tianzi pointed his halberd on the stone platform, pointed at Jiang Wang, and said, "Do you know that if I kill you, no one will be dissatisfied just based on your words? !"

The huge Delu Palace is like the cold winter in March and September.

The window is not covered with frost, but the heart is covered with snow.

Even though Han Ling was just watching, he still felt chills through his bones, and his blood couldn't flow.

In the emptiness of the whole world, there is only one word "kill" echoing repeatedly.

The former ruler and his ministers get along with each other, scolding and joking are all swept away.

At this moment, all Jiang Wang could feel was the majesty of the emperor.

Naked, grasping the majesty of life and death!

If the emperor of the Eastern Kingdom wanted to punish one person, the heavens and ten thousand realms would not be able to save him. This situation is far beyond ten thousand!

What can I do?

How can the spine bear it?

But Jiang Wang just gritted his teeth and said: "Today I am the subordinate of Daqi, and today the king is the lord of the people. Life and death are not given by God, and you are in control. The life and death of a humble minister is in your mind. But the minister can't deceive the king, let alone I would like to deceive you. I have already seen my own way, and a clumsy person like me can only walk on my own way. If your majesty wants to kill me, I will have no complaints. If you die in pursuit of the Tao, why do you regret it even though you die?"

Thanks to the book friend "How Much Time" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 451st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "2022 will be a cow" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 452nd alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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