Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1937 The World Is Such a Cramped World

"Jiang Wang." Qi Tianzi's voice seemed to come from Jiutian: "Are you really not afraid of death?"

"I am afraid of death, I am terribly afraid!" Jiang Wang said: "I still have a lot of things to do, I still have a lot of concerns in this world, I still owe a lot... a lot!

"If you want to return to Yuan Hai now, I will not be reconciled!

"But I don't know why, but I have a kind of trust in His Majesty. People say that the heavenly family is ruthless, and people say that the emperor has tricks, but I always feel that the emperor treats me very kindly and sincerely. I will also repay the emperor with sincerity!

"I once heard, 'All kinds of entanglements become evil, and if you are unwilling, you will be imprisoned!'.

"How can a stupid person like me deceive myself? Is it possible to deceive for a while, but for the rest of my life? Is it possible to deceive my heart, but can I deceive the king?

"Your Majesty, I have realized that my way is not here, not in the national system. After leaving Qi, I will not join any country. From now on, the world is far away, and I will seek the way alone."

"It's like 'all kinds of entanglements become evil, and if you are unwilling, you will be imprisoned!'" Qi Tianzi stroked his palm and said: "I didn't know that you are so unwilling to be in Qi State!"

"Your Majesty." Jiang Wang kept bending his body and didn't straighten up again: "The minister's reluctance is not because His Majesty treats me badly, but because Qi is not great enough. The minister's reluctance is because His Majesty treats me too well, and I can't fully repay you." !

For Your Majesty's grand plan, I would like to take up the sword and bathe in blood, wear a thousand wounds and never retreat. But the three thousand soldiers of the minister, the two hundred guards of the minister, Fang Yuanyou, the commander of the personal guard of the minister... When the minister was parting, he was very sad. Killing Chen Zhitao is beneficial to the country, but the minister wants to save him. It is said that dropping bamboo and Biqiong is beneficial to the country, but the minister dare not face it.

Your Majesty treats his ministers with heart and soul, and there is no more kindness. I really want to devote myself wholeheartedly to your Majesty's great cause, by all means, and by all means. But the minister...couldn't do it! "

In the huge Delu Palace, everything is frozen. Only Jiang Wang's voice was still beating.

Anyone in the whole world will show their loyalty in front of the emperor. They will all say that they are willing to die for the emperor and the country. Some of them are true and some are not.

But there should be no second person who would speak out his heart in front of the emperor, saying that he could not do anything for the emperor's life.

How stupid!

Qi Tianzi said slowly: "I believe this is what you have in mind, but I'm afraid it's not all."

Jiang Wangdao: "The minister's heart is open, His Majesty can see it at a glance."

"It's really... insensitivity! Ignorance! And lack of knowledge! I told you to study, told you to study history, what did you read?" Qi Tianzi casually picked up a jade lamp next to him, and smashed it on Jiang Wang's body Front: "You read it in the dog's stomach!"


The jade chips exploded evenly, and a flower spread out on the ground. The water of broken cups is like a river, and some tea leaves are like boats. meandering, precarious.

Han Ling's eyelids twitched.

This Xinghe cup is the emperor's favorite tea cup. All morning dew tea is drunk from this cup.

Now that it is broken here, you can see its anger.

But even so, he didn't want to kill Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang remained silent, but lowered his head even lower.

Emperor Qi looked at him quietly for a while, and said, "Stand up. The world is so cramped that you can't stand up straight?"

Jiang Wang straightened up: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you very early!" Qi Tianzi sneered: "Everything you have gained in Qi State, you have put in corresponding efforts. Your achievements cannot be erased. My magnificent Eastern Kingdom can also allow people from all over the world to come and go freely , there is no shortage of you, Jiang Wang. But the honor and honor given to you by the Qi State, you can't just let it go."

Jiang Wangdao: "I know that I am reckless and reckless, stubborn and short-sighted, and hurt the heart of the emperor, and I am also sad! I am willing to accept any punishment, in order to have consolation in case."

"I own the world, and you, Jiang Qingyang, are not the only one!" The emperor flicked his sleeves: "Fight with the champion. If you win, I will let you go without any worries. If you lose... I will cut your title and seize your title." Your position, your fiefdom will be revoked, and you will be imprisoned for self-reflection!"


"I haven't said the rules yet."

"Your Majesty holds the heart of heaven alone, so he is naturally impartial. No matter what the rules are, I will accept them."

"Are you still a vassal?"

"At least for now."

"No more surrender?"

"The minister regards His Majesty as an elder. Although he is no longer in the court, he is in his heart."

"There is only one rule." Qi Tianzi said: "You can't kill him, because he is the Marquis of Great Qi...he can kill you, because you don't want to do it again!"

Jiang Wang bowed deeply: "Even though Jiang Wang died without complaint!"

"Go to declare the champion." The emperor said: "Tell him, I want him to go all out and kill the killer."

Han Ling saluted and walked out.

He walked out of the Deer Palace, walked up to the tall pillars, supported the pillars with his hands, and was able to catch his breath. He beckoned and ordered the little yellow gate not far away to come over.

"Have you heard what His Majesty said?"

Xiao Huangmen moved his stiff body, took a step forward, nearly staggered and fell, and simply knelt down on the ground: "Sir Qi, you all... heard it."

"Send the eunuch..." Han Ling paused after saying this, "Who is Bingbi?"

Xiao Huangmen took out the roster from his pocket, searched frantically for a while, and then said: "Today's shifts are Managers Qiu Ji and Manager Zhong Liwen."

"What a coincidence." Han Ling thought for a while, then waved his hand and said, "Let Church deliver the decree."

The reason why he said "coincidentally" was that when the Marquis of Wu'an and the Marquis of Champion were honored, it was Qiu Ji and Zhong Liwen who held the seal. Today, the two Marquises were fighting each other, and the eunuchs on duty happened to be two of them who were on good terms with each other.

As for who to deliver the decree, it was obviously a choice for Han Ling.

Sometimes I have to sigh, it's a coincidence!

Xiao Huangmen firmly remembered the words of the emperor, bowed his head and got up, and went to the imperial study. I found Qiu Ji who was sitting in the same room with Zhong Liwen, practicing calligraphy over and over again.

He glanced vaguely, and it seemed that the "Drunken Chapter" was approaching.

Wu Zu's work after drinking in the past, discusses the situation of the world, and it is full of wild grass and wind and clouds.

It is perfectly normal for a eunuch with a pen to read the characters of the emperors of all dynasties.

"What orders does Boss Han have?" Qiu Ji asked first.

Xiao Huangmen repeated the emperor's oral order, not daring to add a word, nor did he dare to miss a word.

"I see." With a calm face, Qiu Ji put down the brush in his hand, got up, and left the imperial study room.

He was on duty today, and he was wearing the internal official uniform representing the eunuch Bingbi, so there was no need to make other preparations, he went to get the travel jade card, and then left the palace.

The place Chongxuanzun went to is easy to find, and Fusheng Wine House is also there.

Many people know that the most frequented place of Zhongxuanzun is Yundu Restaurant, which is known as "the first wine restaurant in Linzi".

Of course, that place is now owned by Zhong Xuansheng.

After the property rights were given to Chongxuansheng, Champion Hou would go to drink from time to time, which shows that he really likes it...

After Yundu Restaurant, there is Fusheng Restaurant.

This wine house was created by Linzi's noble uncle Xuan. At the beginning of its opening, a large group of celebrities were invited to stand on the platform. After two months of official opening, it was on the verge of bankruptcy due to poor management.

In the end, it was taken over by the mysterious bully who paid a huge sum of money. Uncle Chongxuan asked someone to settle the accounts, and finally made some money. At one time, he was ambitious and prepared to create another glories, but thinking that opening a store would be a troublesome thing, let it go.

Uncle is too lazy to earn hard money.

Of course, this wine house went round and round, and finally it was in Chongxuanzun's hands.

Therefore, many people secretly said that it should be called Fusheng Wine Bag...

Qiu Ji left the palace, got into the carriage, and went straight to Fusheng Wine House. When the carriage arrived at the destination, the communication had already been made in advance, so he went upstairs by himself, walked to the drinking room exclusively for Wang Yiwu, and knocked lightly on the door.

"Please come in." Wang Yiwu's cold and arrogant voice sounded.

Churchill moved the door lightly, and saw the two people drinking each other.

Wang Yiwu sat upright, his military uniform was crisp, without any creases. The wine glasses and jugs in front of him were also neatly placed, as you can imagine, every time he raises a glass and drops it, the bottom of the glass is in the same position, exactly.

But Chong Xuanzun, who was dressed in white, was sitting carelessly against the wall, holding a jug in one hand, drinking with his head on his back, even if Church came in, he didn't tell him to stop.

The Adam's apple was beating vigorously, drinking like swallowing the sea.

"Your Majesty has an oral order," Churchill said.

Chong Xuanzun drank the last drop in the silver flagon, shook it again, and after confirming that it was all drunk, he casually put the empty flagon beside him. Drunk and authentic: "Xuan!"

The smell of wine belonging to 'Qianqiu' was so strong that it seemed to ignite the air.

As a eunuch holding a pen, he was ordered to go out of the palace to deliver an edict. Although the edict was not as formal as the imperial edict, the posture of this champion was a little loose.

But Qiu Ji turned a blind eye and said: "Your Majesty ordered the champion to enter the palace immediately, and fight with Wu'an Hou Yuqian, and have a fight."

'Qianqiu' is really a first-class strong wine, Chongxuanzun's mountain roots are faint with wine red, which makes his coldness even less. In the cold star-like eyes, there is a rare myth.

Just leaning against the wall like this, drunkenly said: "It was fine before entering the palace, why... Your Majesty is so elegant?"

"Marquis Wu'an please resign..." Qiu Ji only said this, and then said: "Your Majesty has emphasized that the champion should go all out and kill the killer."

Hearing this, Wang Yiwu, who was sitting like cast iron, also frowned into the word "Chuan", apparently unable to understand Jiang Wang's decision anyway.

Chong Xuanzun didn't say much, just sighed subtly, put his hands on the ground, stood up, and walked out staggeringly: "Let's go!"

"Can I watch the battle, Eunuch Qiu?" Wang Yiwu asked from behind.

"No." Churchill nodded to him as farewell, then turned around to lead the way for Chong Xuanzun.

Wang Yiwu sat quietly for a while, only to feel the smell of alcohol. As a soldier, serving the army and the country is a choice engraved in his bones. He couldn't understand Jiang Wang's decision, but he knew how much courage this decision required. The duel between Chong Xuanzun and him was not just a martial arts show. What the emperor asks for is to be killed by pain, and it must not be just talk.

After thinking about it, he still got up, walked to the window sill on the second floor and looked out, just in time to see Chong Xuanzun getting into the carriage, only the hanging curtain was still fluttering slightly.

He was about to look away, but a hand came out from under the curtain of the car and waved it lightly, signaling him not to worry, just sit back. By the way, he grabbed a ray of light and put it back in the carriage.

Please resign in front of the palace of Marquis Wu'an.

The champion Hou entered the palace drunk.

The two great Qi military lords are about to confront each other in front of the imperial court, and this time the Imperial Shuangbi will divide life and death.

Although the news was forbidden, it still grew wings and quickly flew to the ears of qualified audiences. All of a sudden it spread to Linzi, and everyone who heard about it was shocked!


Inside Bowanghou Mansion.

Fourteen opened his innocent and bewildered eyes: " he going to leave all of a sudden?"

"Suddenly?" Chong Xuansheng squeezed into the special big chair, pressing his forehead with some headache: "He has had this idea for a long time."

"Why didn't he come to ask you first? It feels... very dangerous now." In Shisi's heart, Chong Xuansheng is omnipotent. No matter what knots in Jiang Wang's heart that cannot be solved, Chong Xuansheng always has a way to solve them.

"Don't feel it, it's just very dangerous. He has already walked on the cliff cableway, and there are abysses on the left and right. One wrong step, and there is no redemption." Chong Xuansheng sighed: "And this is the reason why he didn't come to ask me. He knew that I would be able to stop him...he made up his mind."

"Then what's the reason?" Fourteen became more and more puzzled: "Is it impossible if we don't leave?"

"Where do we start..." Chongxuansheng lay down on his back and looked at the sky: "When Fayang was defeated, my uncle was the coach. He was just a disciple of Chongxuan's family, and he was only at the Tenglong realm. Uncle killed Jiang, saying that those Jiacheng city guard soldiers were his captives, and he promised to save them from death... You must know that what he faced was a murderer! At that time, uncle didn't know who he was. A Who cares about his commitment to a soaring dragon-level monk who just came to Qi and hasn't proven himself? He cares.

"He was also very confused when he was fighting Xia. I convinced him that you were there. In that war, we were very restrained all the way, and almost no innocent civilians were harmed, nor was it killed once. I actually don't care. How to win, but I care about his feelings.

"It's just that the world doesn't revolve around him, Jiang Wang. Not everyone cares about his feelings. This is not the first time what happened in the Lost Realm, nor will it be the last time. The further you go, the more conflicts you will get. Big. The higher he goes, the more irreversible he becomes.

"But why did I keep persuading him instead of persuading him to leave early? Because staying in Qi State is the most beneficial choice for him, provided that he knows how to choose. We all had a soft heart at the beginning, Rolling through the gravel and gravel, my heart is slowly becoming as hard as iron. I am waiting for the process of his heart being armored, waiting for him to become a real high-level empire, and he can face everything he shoulders more calmly, and he can no longer bear it .

"You can say that he doesn't know the heights of the world, or that he has no brains. He is such a person. There are always some... inappropriate stubbornness. He is out of tune with this world."

Fourteen seemed to understand, but she cared about Jiang Wang's friend: "Then what should we do now? How can we help him?"

"It's useless to do anything now." Chong Xuansheng sighed: "We can only wait for the result here."

He slowly held fourteen hands, letting each other hear each other's heartbeats.

"In your heart, your husband is the smartest person in the world, and he must be able to think of a way to get the best of both worlds. But sometimes, the way to get the best of both worlds...doesn't exist."




ps: All kinds of entanglements become evil, and if you are unwilling, you will be imprisoned——Why is the love "Untitled Part One"

Thanks to the book friend "I only want to fight with very short sticks" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 453rd alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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