Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1938

The palace garden is deep, and there are no geese in the sky.

The empty sky and the continuous palace spread endlessly in the field of vision.

All the way, the carriage turned into a sedan chair and then walked.

Walking on the desolate floor tiles, there are weeds growing in the gaps.

The prince in white passed by the Qingshi Palace.

Green eaves form cobwebs, red tile sparrows fly.

In the grand scene of Qi Palace, this is a withered corner.

Church Ji explained earlier: "The less people know about your duel with Marquis Wu'an, the better...although we can't hide it anymore."

There are many ways to enter the palace, and he is explaining why he walked here.

Chong Xuanzun didn't care.

He hasn't sobered up yet, so he might as well let the world be confused for a while.

It has been fifty-eight years since today's Zi Yuji, and during these fifty-eight years, his will has always shrouded this sky. What the sword points to, what the army steps on. As far as the eye can see, the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. But not everyone will follow his wishes.

People call the Holy Son of Heaven, but their hearts are different.

For example, Jiang Wuliang in the Qingshi Palace insisted on making peace, for example Chongxuan Mingtu refused to lead the army, for example Lord Loulan raised the flag of rebellion in Ming...

But without exception, all those who disobeyed the will of the emperor did not end well in the end.

Whether you are the best lord, or a peerless handsome talent, or even the prince of the country.

History has repeatedly proved today's correctness.

History has also repeatedly explained how to win back the heart of the emperor and how to make the right choice in the face of today's emperor.

For example, Chongxuan Mingtu went to the sea to liberate himself, Chongxuan Yunbo put on armor in his later years, Chongxuan Mingshan died in battle, Chongxuan Chuliang became a murderous massacre in the first battle... until Zhongxuan won the plan to decide the east line, Chongxuan Zun traversed the Xia soil. Only then did the sentence "Protect the famous family of the country and honor the generals, it is called Chongxuan!"

But the reason why this world is magnificent is precisely because everyone is different.

Jiang Wang is Jiang Wang.

He is not Lord Loulan, and he will not wait until his wings are full enough to embrace soldiers and treason before leaving. He even wants to take away everything he owns in Qi State and crack the soil to become King Ming. He dropped his armor, crown and seal, gave up everything he had won, and resigned alone.

He is not Jiang Mengxiong either. If you can't become the Great Qi Army God, you can't succeed not only in military strategy, but also in specific choices. Even between the government and the opposition, they all have great expectations for him as the future military god.

very funny.

Zhong Xuanzun only thinks that this world is really interesting!

He can always see the way ahead at a glance, so he is very happy about accidents.

He indulged in drunkenness, but also indulged in insanity.

Now he can't wait to see the expression of the emperor, can't wait to see Jiang Wang's strength.

But his steps are still loose.

The more interesting the scenery, the more you have to slow down and watch it.

He and Church didn't say a word, just the clink of boots on the bricks. One front and one back, like Zen sounds.

No matter how long the road is, it will eventually end.

No matter how deep the palace garden was, the deer was already ahead and Han Ling was outside the palace gate.

He stopped in front of Church Ji's Palace and was about to leave after paying his respects.

"Eunuch Qiu, just wait here." Han Ling said, "You will have to send Champion Hou back later."

Church then paused and nodded slightly, expressing his obedience.

All the powers of internal officials come from the Son of Heaven.

The emperor rewards officials and honors, all need meritorious service. Appreciate another person, this person must also have enough performance to match the honor name. No matter how much you hate someone, you cannot be punished without guilt. This is the necessity of a healthy government system.

But the internal officials are different. Inside the palace city, it is the emperor's family business, but according to his preferences, he will be honored and demoted.

As long as one thing is in line with the emperor's heart, he will immediately rise to prosperity.

However, in the palace city of Daqi, truly smart people would never take the initiative to approach the emperor... because that was Han Ling's position.

At this time the sun has risen.

Han Ling stood in the shadow of the palace eaves and lowered his head to report to the palace: "The Champion has come..."

Chong Xuanzun then heard the voice of the emperor - "Get out."

Immediately afterwards, he saw Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi, oh no, the commoner Jiang Wang, "get out".

Indeed, it should be said that he is a commoner, because after this battle, no matter whether he wins or loses, this person will not be restored to the state.

He was in good condition, with no expression on his face.

Walking out from under the high and wide palace gate, the whole person is persistent and determined, walking from the shadows to the sunshine, the steps are still a bit chic.

The dignity of the hegemony, the nobility of the prince, the name, the power, and the status are all the weakest men in the world, who won so much only after a narrow escape, and let it go if they say it... Of course it is chic!

Make a choice that will do you no harm but no benefit, and face the wind and rain that has been hidden in the shadow of Da Qi before with a state of divine cultivation and a fledgling state. Before that, he faced Pingping Kingdom because of Daqi, Jingshitai who offended because of the leader of the Yellow River, the remnants of Yang Kingdom, the remnants of Xia Kingdom, the taboo of Yaozu, the hatred of Haizu... and so on, but he didn't think about anything. . From the step of stepping out of the palace gate, and even every step after that, one has to face the danger of life and death, yet one can still be so determined, so resolute... Really chic!

Chong Xuanzun then understood that the square in front of Delu Palace was the platform where they fought. As for Daqi Emperor, it seemed that he didn't intend to come out.

It is true that with the cultivation base of the emperor, sitting inside and outside the palace does not affect the examination of this battle. But he couldn't capture the emperor's expression... It's a pity.

Jiang Qingyang seemed to be a person carved in wood, and walked slowly to the opposite side, his face showing no emotion at all.

"Champion Marquis..." Han Ling shouted respectfully, approached, and whispered to Chong Xuanzun the rules of this duel.

As Han Ling narrated, the drunkenness in his eyes gradually faded away. A pair of shiny black eyes, as if washed by water, have become black pawns embedded in this chess-like world that cannot be ignored.

The son falls on the chessboard and cuts the dragon.

"I have to play!" Chongxuanzun quietly listened to the rules described by Han Ling, waved his sleeves, and bowed his hands to the palace.

"Speak." Qi Tianzi's voice was deep and majestic, as if the mountain rain was coming, and there would be thunderous anger.

The eunuchs and maids of Delu Palace did not dare to breathe.

But Chongxuanzun said to himself: "My minister... please cut Jiang Qingyang!"

Churchill's footsteps trembled, and Han Ling was taken aback.

The pride of Qi's generation is really unexpected!

Jiang Wang is as silent as a stone sculpture.

The voice of the emperor in Delu Palace only said: "The reason."

"There is no need to start a battle that must be lost." Chong Xuanzun spread his hands and his sleeves fluttered. At this moment, his looseness and casualness were all swept away, and dissipated with the alcohol. Instead, it is crowned with Jinghua, full of power in Linzi, and unparalleled self-confidence: "It has been nearly two years since I came to God's presence without regret! There is no one in the world who can bind his hands and feet and fight on the same ground as me. "

"Bold!" Han Ling hurriedly stood up and scolded: "What the champion means is that this duel is a waste of your time?"

The Chongxuan family is a thousand-year-old family, a top-notch family. Now it is even more of a family of three princes, Xuanhe Linzi... But these are not the confidence of Zhongxuan Zun.

His confidence comes from himself.

At this moment, he took a look at Han Ling, and said indifferently: "I am the Marquis of Da Qi, I am diligent in my studies, and I never let go of the book. Time is so precious, how can it be wasted? If you only want a definite result, it is better to kill him directly! Why let Ben How much trouble did Hou spend?"

Hearing "study diligently", Church, who had just found him out of the wine house, couldn't help lowering his eyes.

Han Lingdu's eyelids twitched when he heard "I can't put it down".

But the voice of the emperor only said: "What is the intention of the champion?"

"Allow him to kill me!" Chongxuanzun said directly: "Faxia's first battle has lasted nearly two years, and Jiang Wang and I have never seen life or death. If I were to draw my sword, it would be difficult to quench my thirst by fighting, and only by dying can I drink sweets."

He looked at Jiang Wang: "I also want to see, what makes Jiang Qingyang arrogant and thinks that he can come from behind?"

Jiang Wang opened his mouth and explained intentionally that this duel was completely arranged by the emperor, and he had no autonomy at all. But after thinking about it, he still didn't say a word.

After a moment of silence, the emperor only said: "Quite!"

"Clear the venue!" Han Ling ordered at the right time: "Everyone leaves the palace!"

The eunuchs and maids filed out with their heads bowed, and the gate of Delu Palace was slowly closed, and Qiu Ji also stood guard outside the gate.

In the entire Delu Palace, apart from the two who were about to face off to the death, only Han Ling and the emperor remained. The emperor is in the palace, and Han Ling is outside.

There were not many spectators in this duel, although countless pairs of ears were crowded outside the palace gate to listen to the result.

"When I walked up the steps, the duel began!" Han Ling said, taking a step back and standing directly beside the pillars of Deer Palace.

Just as he took this step, swords rang out from the sky and the earth!

No one in this world can perceive the power of Chongxuan Zun more deeply than Jiang Wang. He once tried the sword to the world, established the fourth floor, and realized the true self. He was smashed to the ground by the sun in front of the army and missed The post of Xia Xianfeng.

At that time, he had tried his best, but he really couldn't find any opportunities. Chong Xuanzun won the first place, and he never let go, and if he pressed the first line, he was crushed to death.

He has fought countless times along the way, and there is no lack of defeating the strong with the weak, victory in desperate situations, and survival in the face of death. There were only two people who were in a head-to-head confrontation, and he deeply felt that even if their strengths were similar, the battle would be difficult.

The fighting talents of these two people are the best in the world. There is no flaw in the heart and will.

One is in the state of Chu, named Dou Zhao.

There is another one, right in front of you.

Today's battle is a battle of life and death for him.

It is true that he cut his heart out and asked Qi Tianzi to give him a chance to walk away with his whole body. But if he can't grasp it, and unfortunately dies at this time, he will die at this time.

Whether it was out of pride or out of sympathy, Chong Xuanzun helped him untie the bondage and gave him a real chance to fight fairly. But Chongxuanzun will not die no matter what, even the emperor will take care of him personally.

As the Son of Heaven said, he is the Marquis of Daqi, and you, Jiang Wang, don't want to be any more.

For Jiang Wang, this only means one thing - he can liberate himself without any scruples, and truly show his full killing power.

He will do his best!

Really use your own sword and walk your own way!

When Han Ling's boots stepped on the steps, it was also when he drew his sword.

The green shirt is gone, and the sword is screaming and the king is full of Qi!

The sound of the sword sounded——


The sky was suddenly covered with clouds of thunder, and terrifying pillars of thunder covered the entire square, forming a forest for a while!

The thunder light hit the ground like a python, cleansing all of Chong Xuanzun's maneuvering space.

And he just took a step forward and stepped into the Sun God Palace.

Lei Yinzhongxuanzun, the descendant of the heretics, has seen it before, and he didn't expect it to be so majestic today...but it's nothing more than that!

In the face of his emphasis on Xuanzun, how can Jiang Wang use the old tricks to fight for the lead?

What caught his attention was the sword that Jiang Wang slashed from the front.

Glazed tiles, gold bricks, white jade railings, and pearls shining on the king of gods.

The glorious palace walks through the thunder net, and the divine light contrasts with the thunder light.

Chong Xuanzun stood in the shrine with his hands behind his back, his hair dancing lightly, his star-like eyes were like pieces on a chessboard, directly embedded in Jiang Wang's eyes!

Pupil techniques are scattered all over the world!

I know that Marquis Wu'an's pupil technique is superb, try it today!

Jiang Wang's eyes have been completely transformed into pure gold. Under the roaring thunder, beyond the brilliant divine light, it is still so conspicuous, exuding an immortal and bright light.

But around the red gold, there are clusters of black, like a game on a chessboard. There are only two sons of red gold, but the sons of pitch black are infinite.

Immortal Light was quickly strangled!

Jiang Wang turned his eyes lightly, ignoring the approaching murderous intent, but looking for Chong Xuanzun's eyes in the starry chess game.

In the red-golden pupils, there is a crystal-clear thought, spinning gently.

There were tens of millions of chess pieces before.

Looking at the dust at a glance, looking for stars in the night sky.

found it!

Chaotianque descends!

Boom boom boom boom!

The ancient and noble Tianque came to Chongxuanzun's soul world.

The world Jiang Wang sees is so vast, the universe is boundless, and the starry sky is dreamy. The tall and mysterious Yun Temple is located in the center of the universe.

But as soon as Chao Tianque was pushed open, a round of scorching sun was right at the door.

An incomparably radiant and golden figure stepped out from the scorching sun. The eyebrows are faint, and the elegance can be seen.

Before Chongxuan Mingtu went to sea, he recorded everything he had learned in the ancestral hall.

This is the spiritual sense killing method created by himself, the heavenly martial spirit!

Dedicated to fighting with spiritual consciousness, invincible, and it is impossible to achieve anything except in the presence of God.

At this moment Chongxuan Zun walked to the door.

The god king came to the world, wearing white clothes on the front.

The colorful Buddha's palm sticks out, the six desires are confused, and everything will fall.

Chong Xuanzun just raised his hand, the sword was as bright as the Milky Way!

The waterfall of sword light smashed the palm of the Buddha of Six Desires back into the sky.

Chongxuanzun raised his sword and wanted to cross the door, and the light flashed behind the door, and the face of the Bodhisattva of Six Desires appeared!

Jiang Wangbao's face was solemn, and his light turned to six desires, but a golden flame jumped out of his eyes.

The Divine Fire of Samadhi!

Samadhi True Fire was the first supernatural power that Jiang Wang took off, and he grew up with him all the way, from the lonely boy who drew his sword and stood in front of Chongxuansheng, to the human hero he is today.

It's going south and north, conquering east and west, fighting all the way in the desert, disaster, water, obsession, and demon world. Seeing the real demon, the sky demon, seeing the transcendence, and seeing all living beings. .

The same supernatural power has different manifestations in different people.

For Jiang Wang, the core of this supernatural power is "Samadhi", which is the essential and true meaning of everything.

Seek outside before flowering, seek inside after flowering.

If we use Jiang Wang's current knowledge to explain it, it is "widely heard" and "I heard".

Having seen the samadhi of the human world, let us return to the samadhi of the original mind.

It is precisely because of this that I can see my true self so clearly and define my own way forward.

The king fire of the heart is also called the fire of the gods, and its name is Shangmei.

At this moment, Jiang Wang ignited the divine fire of samadhi on the battlefield of the soul, and the power of spiritual consciousness has grown unparalleled.

His spiritual consciousness has manifested, thus he has the qualifications to go out of the gate and challenge the martial spirit of the imperial edict.

He really stepped over the threshold!

If it is said that Chaotianque suppressed Chongxuanzun's soul world, it wiped out Chongxuanzun's home court advantage.

The fire of samadhi is to let Jiang Wang know the true meaning of the soul.

The expansion of spiritual power happened in an instant, and at this instant, Jiang Wang stepped out of the ancient stone gate and held the blade horizontally with one palm! With a backhand, he pulled up the sky tower upside down, and smashed Chong Xuanzun head-on in an extremely outrageous way!

Thanks to the book friend "Zhen and Shibaojie Battle Robe" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 454th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "The Waves Over the Blue Clouds" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 455th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Another book is called "The Last Mecha Valkyrie".

A steampunk rebirth article in the style of the Republic of China, "Once upon a time, this land was called Jiangsong, and it was the city with the most foreigners. Teahouses, racetracks, and martial arts halls were everywhere. At that time, this country was just beginning to welcome the new wind of the times. The empire The fleet is equipped with new-style warships equipped with qi metal engines and ship guns all the way to the sea, looking at the capital city”

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