Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1941 The mountains are high and the road is far away

When the Great Qi Emperor stopped the battle, the end of the battle had already appeared.

Although Jiang Wang was covered in injuries at this time, Chong Xuanzun was spotless.

Although Chongxuanzun still has two star wheels, although he is still full of fighting spirit and full of vitality...

But the outcome has been decided.

At least for now.

Chong Xuanzun, who was in the air, suddenly smiled. His black hair and white clothes were hanging down, and he spread the sun, moon and star wheels with his big hands. Turn around and step down to the sky, and walk out chicly.

The palace gate was naturally opened for him.

The eyes that have been waiting outside the palace for a long time, appearing or disappearing, all fell on him.

His breathing will be heard repeatedly.

He has long been used to the attention of the public, and he doesn't care what people think.

Under the majestic and tall palace, he walks willfully and laughs wildly——

"This is a long way to go, Jiang Qingyang, see you in the rivers and lakes!"

He just left so gracefully, just like when Jiang Wang saw him for the first time.

Qiu Ji, who was waiting outside the palace gate, glanced at Jiang Wang in front of the palace from a distance, without giving any glances, Xiaobu followed Chongxuanzun.

Now Jiang Wang was the only one standing in front of the Delu Palace with cracked floor tiles. There was only one door between him and the Emperor Daqi in the palace. But Han Ling, who was guarding the door, would not invite him in again.

He regards it as a blessing that Chong Xuanzun will meet again in the world.

Because life and death are unpredictable, and fortune and misfortune are actually unknown.

He won the second battle with Chongxuanzun, but he didn't feel comfortable in his heart.

He personally cut the way to leave Qi, but the way forward has not become clear.

But that's his choice.

The place where he started was a ruin, and all his efforts over the years were aimed at returning to that ruin.

No matter how splendid the grand scene is, it cannot make him rest in peace. Sometimes right and wrong can only be tested by time, or in other words, right and wrong are no longer important.

He once left the village and traveled thousands of miles alone, and now he has to walk back alone.

Facing the palace, he bowed politely: "I bid farewell to the emperor!"

"Leave the set of "Historical Knife Chiseling the Sea" that I gave you. You don't need to read it again." The voice of the emperor came from the palace: "I have read four thousand years of history, and I have written thousands of words, but I don't know how to protect my life with wisdom. It can be seen that reading is wise, but it cannot be taken seriously."

Jiang Wangdao: "I didn't carry this set of books with me. If your majesty wants to ask for it, I will ask someone to buy a set and return it to you."

Han Ling stared at Jiang Wang covetously, as if he would go up to search the storage box if he disagreed with him.

But the emperor just said: "Don't be a minister anymore."

The voice that contained everything was a little louder: "Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an, the crime is great disrespect! Now take away his title, demote his position, confiscate him, demote him to a commoner, and expel him from the land of Qi! Han Ling, you supervise this matter." .”

Before Jiang Wang could react, he had already appeared outside Delu Palace with Han Ling, and the palace gate was hidden in front of him.

He bowed deeply to the palace gate again: "I hope that Your Majesty will take good care of the holy body, and that it will prosper forever!"

Then he got up, and walked out of the palace with his wounded body and rags.

Han Ling, who was responsible for expelling Jiang Wang, a commoner, hurriedly followed, stretched out his hand, and replenished his blood and repaired the Ruyi Immortal Clothes.

As the head of the palace officials of Daqi, he has no personal likes and dislikes towards Jiang Wang. Love and hate are the same as the emperor.

At this moment, as Jiang Wang walked out of the palace, his eyes were blocked by him.

Both of them were speechless until they walked out of Miyagi——

Outside Miyagi, there are so many people!

This place has always been an empty square, restaurants and wine shops are not allowed, and hawkers are not allowed to gather. How did so many people gather?

So many people gathered together, but remained silent, showing good discipline. Obviously the vast majority of them are soldiers.

There were many familiar faces in the crowd, Jiang Wang couldn't help but stop.

He stopped outside the gate of Changlu, calmed down his mood, and smiled: "Are you here to eat?"

Now is the time of Chen, that is, the time of "courtesy", and many people get up and have breakfast at this time.

The former Marquis of Wu An said hello to his former subordinates.

But the crowd in front of them was silent.

It was as if he could be left with this silence.

Jiang Wang stopped for a moment, then walked forward. Han Ling silently followed behind him.

The crowd also made way in silence.

Jiang Wang walked slowly among the crowd. He knew the weight of his eyes, and he had already borne the weight of his eyes.

His determination was conveyed in this silence.

Suddenly, a man knelt down on one knee and stood in front of him, looking up at Jiang Wang with a sad face: "Master Hou! Do you still remember me? You saved me in the Minxi Corridor of Xia Guo! You...why did you leave? ah?"

Jiang Wang looked at him. In fact, he didn't have much impression of saving him, but this face was indeed familiar, and he had fought with him in Xiadi.

At the Minxi Corridor, General Yan Po of Yi State and Zhou Xiong of Xia State fought to death, and the aftermath of the battle affected many Qi soldiers.

While waiting for the opportunity to join the battle and help Yan Po, he rushed to save people, and because of this, Yi Shengfeng, who was lurking beside him, saw the opportunity and welcomed Bo Xinglang's sneak attack.

This man was probably one of the soldiers at that time.

As a general, it is stupid to focus on the life and death of one soldier and not to protect oneself and play a greater role. But it has also become a reason why people miss him.

Jiang Wang reached out to lift the man up, patted him on the shoulder and planned to leave. But the crowd knelt down in unison.

Shouting all over the place.

Which city this one fought with him, which general he killed with him, who raised the flag with him, who shared wine with him... In the end, they all asked him why he left.

Jiang Wang had no choice but to raise his palm and make a downward movement, so that these bloody soldiers could be silent.

"The imperial court has its own announcement on this matter, so I won't go into details. The specific situation is subject to the announcement by the imperial court." He glanced around one by one, and said sincerely: "But everyone, I will never forget to fight side by side with you!" Days. Farewell today, not forever, see you in the world later, I should respect everyone!"

"Let me toast you first!" Li Longchuan, with a jade belt on his forehead, came out of the crowd, holding a jug of wine in his hand, and two wine glasses between his fingers.

As he walked out, he kicked people with his boots: "Get up, everyone, you've made up your mind, and if you say goodbye, you'll be satisfied."

The soldiers got up one after another.

This heroic young general did not hide his dissatisfaction at all, and his walking posture was already very resentful.

"I didn't want to come, my sister insisted that I send you off for her, and make a drink for you..." He said, poured a glass of wine casually, handed it to Jiang Wang contemptuously, and said: "Sigh! !"

Jiang Wang could fully understand his friend's emotions, so he just smiled and said, "Drink the old wine today!"

He took the glass and drank it down.

Putting the cup down, he said with a smile: "Say hello to Sister Fengyao for me, I hope to have the opportunity to make amends in person in the future."

On the contrary, Li Longchuan was a little embarrassed, and he had a drink with him rather coyly.

After drinking the wine, I felt ashamed when I sank, and worried when I floated up.

He said seriously: "I hope we don't meet each other on the battlefield."

In today's world, nations are constantly competing with each other. The emperor chooses his ministers, and the ministers also choose his emperor. It is common for talents to exchange. Daqi's current Prime Minister, Jiang Rumo, was also brought by his grandfather when he was a child, and moved here from Shen.

However, it is different for each individual. For example, Jiang Wang, the pride of the country and outstanding military exploits, the more the emperor valued him, the less he would let him be the sword of other countries.

Jiang Wang promised not to play in other countries. The reason why this promise is believed is not only because of Jiang Wang's own character. It was also because of his actual act of resigning face to face when he came back to Qi State.

The reason is very simple - if he wants to go to any hegemony country in the world, he will go directly, and the pressure of Qi country will be borne by those hegemony countries. There was no need for him to go back to the state of Qi to test the mood of Emperor Qi with his own life and death.

There are not many people who know what Jiang Wang wants to do next. In Jiang Wang's cognition, besides Chong Xuansheng, there should be only the present day.

Because he almost never mentioned Zhuang Gaoxian in front of others, during this long and difficult journey, he remained silent, swallowing blood in his stomach.

So Li Longchuan doesn't understand the weight of the phrase "I hope to have a chance in the future" that he said with a smile.

But he understood the weight of Li Longchuan's sentence "Don't meet each other on the battlefield". He gave up all his fame and fortune in Qi, and showed a ruthless pursuit of Taoism. Li Longchuan still regards him as a friend.

So he solemnly said: "Never."

Walking out of the crowd after Li Longchuan was the most popular brother Yan Fu Yanxian in the Linzi aristocratic circle.

"I won't drink with you anymore, there will be things to do later." He explained casually, as if Jiang Wang simply went out for a long distance, and casually took a stack of house deeds into Jiang Wang's hand: "There are some houses here. , there are several major countries in the Five Regions, and you can live wherever you see it is convenient. You don’t need to buy it yourself.”

This dazzling light of wealth forced Li Longchuan back again and again, and by covering his mouth and nose lightly, he showed his dislike for A Duwu from a famous family.

Jiang Wang stuffed the stacked house deed back, and said earnestly: "Brother Yan Xian's kindness is appreciated, but I wholeheartedly seek the way, and I should be in the deep mountains, old forests, wilderness and dangerous places in the future, and I don't need these many properties."

Yan Fu glanced at him thoughtfully, then patted a storage box on Jiang Wang's hand with his backhand: "You keep this box of talismans for self-defense. If you live in the deep mountains and old forests, snakes, insects, rats and ants are quite dangerous." trouble."

Jiang Wang was afraid that he would see something else, so he put it away carelessly: "Then I will be disrespectful, and I will bring you some local products from deep mountains and old forests later."

At this time, a black and thin boy came out from the crowd, and immediately hugged Jiang Wang's thigh, before he could speak, tears flowed down his face.

Then he suppressed the cloud with a loud voice, shouting terribly: "Master!"

Jiang Wang looked at him helplessly.

He raised his teary face and said, "Master, I will go with you. I will hold the sword for you!"

"Little bastard! Is that what I taught you?" The contemporary Bowanghou stepped into the arena angrily: "What did I teach you? Tell him not to leave!"

Chu Yao hugged her master's thigh tightly, crying very sadly but expressing clearly: "My master is number one in the world, but he is not happy. If he leaves, I will be happy. I will go with him."

Jiang Wang knew early on that there was no one but Chong Xuanpang who could organize so many old departments in such a short period of time. But he knew it in his heart. It is not so much that this best friend wants to play the emotional card to keep him, but in fact, it is more to let him say goodbye before leaving Qi, and leave without any worries.

He rubbed Chu Yao's forehead, and said in a gentle voice: "Master can't take you away now. You are my Jiang Wang's disciple, and you can understand the truth, so I will reason with you. First, your mother is here Linzi, you have to stay and take care of her. Second, you are still young, your body has not yet matured, and you have not reached the time when you can let go of your practice. What you need now is to settle down and study hard, not to travel thousands of miles. Third, I will put all the sword skills you are going to learn next with your Uncle Chongxuan, and I will check them when we meet next time... Can you pass my inspection?"

Although Chu Yao is clever, but he is still young after all, he only thinks what the master said makes sense, and he Chu Yao is indeed a person who understands the truth. The last question to be heard also nodded subconsciously: "Yes!"

"Good apprentice." Jiang Wang praised: "It really looks good to me!"

Chu Yao wiped away tears and seemed to be proud.

Chong Xuansheng rolled his eyes.

He ran out after Chu Yao, but Yi Shishi and Yi Huaimin stood together in the crowd. The two brothers and sisters are simply two extremes.

Shisi just watched all this, quietly and silently, while Yi Huaimin yelled: "Brother Jiang! Do you still remember our agreement? It's better to meet by chance than to invite each other, or today..."

Jiang Wang had no choice but to cup his hands and apologized: "Next time."

Yi Huaimin was still about to make a fuss, when he saw Jiang Wuyou, the Mistress of the Huaying Palace striding forward, he closed his mouth wisely, retracted his stretched neck.

Jiang Wuyou didn't have any entourage around him today, he was simply wearing a military uniform with a ponytail tied up, and he came here from Huaying Palace just after morning training. Judging from the dense sweat on the forehead, the intensity of the early work is very high. With the strength of her own martial arts, it is not easy to sweat.

Adhering to her usual concise style, she only asked, "Jiang Qingyang, do you have no attachment to Qi Guo?"

It's not just her problem.

It is also a question that many friends want to ask but fail to ask——

When your friend says that he will let go of everything he has and pursue his own path with great courage, as a friend, how can you block his way in the name of friendship?

So Li Longchuan just felt aggrieved, so Yi Huaimin just yelled "promise".

At this moment Jiang Wang looked at Jiang Wuyou, the morning light was streaming on her wheat-colored skin, giving her a vigorous vitality that was different from other crown princes in addition to her nobility. And her eyes are so heroic, so sharp at the moment.

Your Highness, I am nostalgic for everything in Qi, and this is the reason for my resignation. Jiang Wang murmured in his heart.

But he could only answer like this: "Your Highness, my way is not here."

Jiang Wuyou looked at him quietly.

He also looked back calmly.

Finally, Jiang Wuyou said: "Remember you agreed to Gu's request?"

Jiang Wang smiled bitterly. "certainly."

He will always remember that he still owes Jiang Wuyou a promise, that he will help Jiang Wuyou with all his strength without reservation, in order to repay Jiang Wuyou's help in rescuing Zhu Biqiong.

If Jiang Wuyou asked him to stay, he would definitely stay.

Even if his heart is already very hungry and needs to swallow the pain of hatred, he can no longer hold back even when he was in the demon world!

"Forgive Qi Shuai." Jiang Wuyou said, "Although she doesn't need it, it's Gu Wei's request."

Jiang Wang was silent.

Jiang Wuyou looked into his eyes: "You're right, that's not a deal."

Then he turned around and walked away in the morning light.

She knew that Jiang Wang intended to cut away, so she took the initiative to unravel the cause and effect.

This trip is high and the road is long.

Don't worry.

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