Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1942 All in Peace

"My fiefdom and the court will be taken back. The old mountain cavalry will belong to you in the future, and Xue Rushi has led the team to Mingkong Hanshan. You are smarter than me and better at fighting than me. They will have a future with you."

"Dugu Xiao entered the Desheng Firm. I have made an agreement with her. I will transfer 30% of my share to her, and the rest will belong to you. She is very reliable and hardworking. You can teach her more."

"My two marquis mansions in Linzi and Laoshan will be abolished. But the house that the emperor rewarded me earlier will still be kept as property that can be sold. Let Chu Yao and his son live in it. Xie Ping can still be a housekeeper , all the servants are retained, and I have paid the full wages. You can take care of things. When Chu Yao reaches the crown, he will be responsible for the family's expenses."

"Lianque is quick-tempered and hard-boned. You have to suppress him for anything. The craftsmanship of the Lian family is there. There is nothing you can't solve when you calm down."

"Before Sanfen Xianglou ranks among the four famous halls, you have to help solve the official troubles. This is what I promised. With Palace Master Huaying and Miss Liu here, the problem shouldn't be too big."

"For the 3,200 people who died in battle with me in the Lost Realm, you sold all the assets I could sell, and used the money to support their families. What the court gave was from the court, and what I gave was mine."

"Fang Yuanyou has been lonely since he was a child and has no family. I have buried his old armor in the Nanshan General's Tomb. Zheng Shangming said that the grave was reserved for my death in battle. Good family."

"Tianfu City's Taixu turret, please transfer my share to Lu Zongxiao. Although I rejected the Taixu Messenger's jade token, we built the building, how to operate it is up to you."

"The kabuki troupe in my mansion was sent by Princess Muguo Yunyun. Don't send them back and forth. If they want to, I can help them find a job. If they don't want to, they can keep them. It won't cost much... maybe Open a song and dance studio? You are very good at doing business..."

The plaque of the Marquis of Wu'an has been removed. The palace guards came in and out to put up seals.

The scene of ransacking the house was extremely peaceful, just like moving house.

Standing in the middle of the yard, Jiang Wang slowly wondered if there was anything he missed, talking while thinking.

Chong Xuansheng leaned on the recliner and yawned: "Is there any more? You are chattering! Manager Han has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Han Ling put his hands in the corner of the courtyard and said nothing. Quietly admiring this rather chaotic mansion, trying to capture Jiang's character fragments, and learn more about yesterday's Linzi upstart and today's Tianya passerby.

"Excuse me, get up." A palace guard walked up to Chong Xuansheng and said politely.

Chong Xuansheng's eyes widened: "This recliner is mine, mine! I bought it!"

"Sorry, Lord Hou." Gong Wei said with a serious look: "Everything in the Marquis of Wu'an's residence must be seized."

Chong Xuansheng stared for a while, but got up angrily, Gong Wei immediately put the seal on.

He glared at Jiang Wang viciously.

Jiang Wang had already turned his head and said to the handsome man standing at the Yimen: "Brother Bai, have you considered it? My opinion is that you stay here. The Great Qi Empire is inclusive of all rivers and rivers, and it can accommodate the world. Xiongzhu, the Eastern Kingdom is so big that there are many famous ministers. Your talent is far better than mine, and you can fully display your strengths here."

"I've thought it through very clearly." Bai Yuxia stood with her arms folded, facing the people in the courtyard, "I came to the Eastern Region to be an official, not an official."

Jiang Wang said earnestly: "I am still wandering, and I don't know where the road ahead is. It may be dangerous to follow me."

Bai Yuxia sighed, somewhat melancholy: "Where can I go without danger?"

Jiang Wang had nothing to say for a moment.

"Don't worry about me getting in your way, your luck is no better than mine." Bai Yuxia waved her hand: "I'll go get the car ready."

Fourteen, who was inseparable from Chongxuansheng, never said a word. She used to not like to talk, but today she hesitated to speak several times. She doesn't understand the world, in her past life, she only had Chong Xuansheng, and later she had Jiang Wang, half of her friends, and the family made by Jiang Wang. Jiang Wang, who is rambling today... seems to be confessing his last words.

She didn't know how to express it.

She was sorry for the feeling.

Everything in the Hou's mansion was seized, and the carriage was bought temporarily, and the carriage was also pulled by ordinary horses.

Jiang Wang's white cow is in Nanxia and Yanzhao is in Qingyang Town, both of which are left to Chu Yao.

But Bai Yuxia came out of the gate of the Hou Mansion, raised her hand and beckoned, releasing a little momentum, and beckoned the horse pulling the cart over. But he didn't realize that this horse was very bad, and had no spirituality at all. When it was stimulated, it would go crazy, pulling the carriage and running wildly on the street without thinking.

Bai Yuxia leaped forward, easily grabbed the rein, and strangled the horse in place, causing it to stand up and raise its hooves in the air!

The street where the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion is located is a first-class prosperous place in Linzi, and pedestrians are always indispensable. That is to say, the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion was raided today, and the Beiya just closed the street a little bit.

But there was a luxury carriage approaching, even though Bai Yuxia reined in the horse in time, the other side was also shocked.

The coachman was a good hand, he reined in the horse and stopped immediately, but the two horses pulling the cart were also superb horses, they were so frightened that they were so powerful, and they were going in different directions, the whole carriage turned upside down immediately, and a chubby baby flew out!

Bai Yuxia stepped on Yukong, reached out and hugged the baby in swaddle, and pressed back, stopped the overturning carriage, and turned it over.

The whole set of movements is smooth and flowing, with a graceful posture.

It was only at this time that I saw the ashen-faced coachman and the dignified and beautiful face in the carriage, which was still in shock.

I don't know if it's because she was overly frightened, or because she was in poor health, but her face was a little pale.

At this time, he hurriedly climbed out of the luxuriously decorated carriage, and ran towards this side with open arms: "Mirror, mirror!"

Bai Yuxia put the baby in her arms and calmed her down: "Don't worry, the baby is fine."

Jiang Wang, who had finished the final confession with Chong Xuansheng, just heard the movement, stepped out of the mansion, and said in surprise, "Madam Bao!"

The little woman who is holding the child nervously at this moment is Miao Yuzhi, the widow of Bao Zhongqing in Shuofangbo Mansion and the daughter of the sheriff of Cangzhu County.

She turned her head and saw Jiang Wang, with tears bursting from her face that was still startled. But still observing the etiquette, he bowed and said, "Master Hou."

As the saying goes, women should be pretty and filial.

She was dressed plainly, her face was pale, and she was pear-blossoming and rainy. I really felt pity for her.

"I'm no longer a marquis, Madam may as well call me by my first name." Jiang Wang waved his hand, and walked up to see the child. He smelled a faint fragrance at the end of his nose, which seemed to be golden feather impatiens. "Xiao Xuanjing is alright?"

Miao Yuzhi looked down at the child in his arms. Bao Xuanjing, who was less than one year old, didn't know what to be afraid of. He seemed to regard the danger just now as a fun game, so he giggled. Seeing Jiang Wang at this moment, he opened his chubby hands like lotus roots, eager to hug him.

"Hou...Brother Jiang." Miao Yuzhi said, "I haven't seen you for so many days, Jing'er still likes you very much."

Jiang Wang hugged Xiao Xuanjing, who was smiling innocently, in his arms, checked him briefly, and made sure that he was not hurt in any way. Only then smiled and said to the little guy: "Xuan Jing, do you like me very much?"

Xiao Xuanjing smiled so much that she showed her two deciduous teeth, stretched out her fleshy little hand, and grabbed his Adam's apple, as if she had found something rare, and scratched it hard.

The sore throat is usually not shown to others, but in the hands of a baby, it is harmless and has the right to scratch it.

Jiang Wang let him scratch, and asked Miao Yuzhi with a smile: "Where are you going, madam, with the mirror?"

Miao Yuzhi said: "He kept crying at home, so I told him to take him out to relax, and by the sacrifice to his father. Sure enough, he stopped crying when he went out. He has a wild personality."

Jiang Wangsurong: "This matter cannot be delayed."

He put Bao Xuanjing, whose little hands were never idle, back into Miao Yuzhi's arms: "The child is still young, madam can't let him stay in the cemetery for too long. It's better to go and come back quickly."

Miao Yuzhi lowered her head, hummed, and said, "I'm leaving today, I don't know when I'll see you again. Brother Jiang, you... have a good journey."

Jiang Wang nodded to express his thanks: "I hope that when we meet again, Xuan Jing can already run and jump, and see the glory of Shuofang again!"

Xiao Xuanjing grinned, as if she understood, and jumped twice in her mother's arms.

Miao Yuzhi bowed again, and carried the child back to the carriage.

The coachman had already been frightened half to death, but at this moment he forced himself to calm down, drove the carriage, and carefully left the street.

The carriage had only passed two streets, and Miao Yuzhi's voice sounded in the carriage: "Go to the left."

The coachman hesitated and said, "Ma'am, the left side is not the way to the General's Tomb."

In the carriage, Miao Yuzhi sat back in confusion, and the baby in her arms pursed her lips, no longer smiling.

Her voice was indifferent: "The child is frightened, today... no sacrifice."



Witnessing Shuofangbo's carriage leaving.

Bai Yuxia was thoughtful: "To sacrifice Bao Zhongqing, do I have to pass by your house?"

"I don't know." Jiang Wang said impatiently: "You don't mind me, you will disturb others when you go out! The future uncle Shuo, almost fell here... Where is the car you prepared?"

"Isn't the car just here?" Bai Yuxia turned her head, only to find that the slut was already kneeling on the ground, completely dead after being shocked by this. After he let go of the not-so-good carriage, it also fell to the ground and fell apart.

"Hey. You're really unlucky, what kind of carriage did you find." Someone Bai clapped his hands: "Forget it, I'll get another one back."

The reason why it is necessary to prepare a carriage is not that Jiang Wang wants to talk about pomp, but that he is no longer qualified to fly across Qi territory. Can't go out on foot?

"Don't look for it, let's go like this." Han Ling walked out at this time.

Jiang Wangdao: "I have won the title and resigned, and I can't fly around in the territory."

"It doesn't matter." Han Ling said quite gently: "I am ordered by the emperor to expel you. I will fly with you."

He glanced at Bai Yuxia and added, "You guys."

There were countless pairs of eyes in the palace staring at the surroundings of the emperor, and he, Director Han, didn't have so much time to waste.



Liang Shu came to Linzi in August 3919 of the Dao calendar, and was engaged in a garment business at Dongjiekou.

His craftsmanship is actually not bad, but in Linzi where competition is fierce, he can barely earn a living... He traveled all the way to Linzi, of course not just to earn a living.

He has a mission.

His task is very simple, just to collect all the information about Marquis Wu'an of Daqi (who was only Qingyangzi at that time). Even because he does not have extraordinary cultivation, the intelligence requirements for him are very low. It doesn't need how accurate or secret the information is, as long as it is the news that the people in Linzi City who pay attention to Marquis Wu'an can get the news immediately.

And the remuneration he got was very rich, enough for his wife and son in Zhongshan to have a good life.

Yes, he is from Zhongshan. A person who is very ordinary in every sense has no talent for cultivation. He was absorbed by the mysterious people very early and cultivated as a special talent.

He still doesn't know who his superior is, and he doesn't know what organization is behind him.

The Marquis of Wu'an was dismissed from his post and expelled from the country for the crime of disrespect! The news spread to Linzi, and of course he learned of it immediately.

Through the channel of feeding materials, I clipped a letter of chatting, added this matter to many gossip in Linzi, and sent it out on the same day.

He didn't know where the end point was, who would accept it, and whether Linzi still had his "friends". He doesn't need to know either.

The letter reached Xin'an City at a frightening speed, and of course there must be some extraordinary means in the middle.

This is a line erected by Zhuang Guoguo Prime Minister Du Ruhui himself, which cost a huge amount of money and traverses thousands of miles in the present world, just for Jiang Wang alone.

In the 3919th year of the Dao calendar, Jiang Wang appeared on the stage at the Yellow River Meeting and pointed his sword at Lin Zhengren, scaring the so-called Tianjiao of Zhuang Kingdom from taking the stage, and then won the championship in one fell swoop and became famous all over the world.

Since then, this name has become Zhuang Gaoxian's heart disease. The old things in Fenglin that should have disappeared with history have become a sore that can't be pulled out, a pus that can't be squeezed clean!

Even on the way back to the country, Du Ruhui had already started to prepare an intelligence line against Jiang Wang, until now!

These dense information supported their previous precise actions.

The first crime of cultivating demons, the whole world arrests him, and it is almost successful.

The second time, Zhuang Gaoxian took the risk himself, went to the demon world to make a move, successfully drove him into Frostwind Valley, and completed the plan almost perfectly.

The reason why we can only say "almost" is that Jiang Wang created the possibility out of the impossible and miraculously escaped back to the present world.

Then it's been fine until today.

Yes, it should have been all right.

Zhuang Gaoxian has given up taking risks. As the king of a country, the ruler of four thousand miles of mountains and rivers, he has inherited three generations of Emperor Zhuang Guozhengshuo. He failed to take such a big risk. up. If you do it again and again, the risk is too great, and the return is too shallow!

Jiang Wang, the Marquis of Wu'an of the Great Qi, stood with him in the torrent of the times, and was originally a member of the national system! It is the vested interests and the system itself.

If the emperor does not kill, the king killer will not be redeemed for a hundred generations.

Unless the society collapses and the emperor kills the emperor.

Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi could not kill Zhuang Gaoxian, the emperor of the Zhuang Kingdom without authorization. To punish the emperor without guilt is tantamount to challenging the mainstream state system in the present world, denying the concept of the emperor in the flood of humanity, and blocking the flood of humanity!

The torrent of humanity is rolling forward, and the national system is the general trend. Any existence that stands in the way of this torrent will be crushed mercilessly. Jiang Wangru, Qi is no exception.

Today the Marquis of Wu'an in Daqi dared to kill the emperor of Zhuangguo without authorization, and Jingguo will be able to punish Linzi in the future!

Unless he Zhuang Gaoxian committed a serious crime, or had the opportunity to punish him and kill him. But he is so wise, praised by the government and the public, he is so virtuous, respected by all people, how can there be such an opportunity?

Or, one day the Great Qi Empire will dominate the world, and even the Jing Kingdom will be wiped out—how is that possible?

So Zhuang Gaoxian had already given up on taking risks.

He is willing to live in peace in a distant time and space with a young man who keeps proving his potential, keeps creating miracles, and has more and more powerful people standing behind him.

He is willing to regard the peerless arrogance far away in the Eastern Kingdom as a wake-up call to wake him up, to echo every wonderful deed he has done, to urge him to accept advice more humbly, to be more diligent in governing and loving the people, and to lead the country to a higher level.

but now……

"He can kill you now." There is a high-hanging mirror in the temple, and the voice in the mirror said.

In the empty hall, Zhuang Gaoxian was the only one sitting on the dragon chair.

His face was in shadow: "Yes, that's fair. I could kill him now, too."

The voice in the mirror said: "He is not the Marquis of Great Qi, and is no longer under the protection of Qi. But he is still a human hero who brought back the news of the world of Shenxiao. If you kill him, you will damage your national dignity. Once exposed, you will not escape three punishments. "

Zhuang Gaoxian sat upright and majestic, closed his eyes lightly, and said: "So I need to be clean."

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