Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1945 thirsty to drink water from the gutter

"Very good, a new generation replaces the old ones." Jiang Wang nodded, half complimenting and derogatory: "Your organization is full of vitality, and the future can be expected."

"There is injustice in the world, there is injustice, there is high and low, but there are people who sit in a cold kiln, suffer a lot, have their flesh and blood squeezed out, and their bones are squeezed out...then people's belief in pursuing 'equality' will last forever." The fourth person who walked into the tent was a plump woman with a naive little pig painted on the mask, holding a flower in the pig's trotter, very enchanting and lovely, her voice was obviously distorted : "Wei Hai sends you hello."

"Everyone has their own 'right'. As long as they don't hurt others and don't force others to accept it, they can be called 'correct'." Jiang Wang said slowly: "I also send my regards to you."

His increasingly clear edges and corners have his own edge in front of the campfire, and also cut the shadow of his face into the long night.

Wei Hai stood still, and was faintly connected with the aura of the other three Pingguo guardians: "But if there is no bloodshed, how can we break the cage? If there is no harm, how can those with vested interests suffer? If there is no pain, those ignorant How do stubborn people wake up. Unless the iron curtain of the old world is torn apart, we will never see the glory of the new world.”

Jiang Wang asked: "How do you judge what is ignorance and stubbornness, how do you consider who should be hurt, how do you know that after the iron curtain of the old world is torn apart, you will be able to usher in a new world. How can you guarantee that your judgment, your The consideration must be correct?"

"History will eventually prove it." Wei Hai said.

Jiang Wang said: "The era we live in has already been proven by history."

"Yes, history has continued until now." Chu Xu, who was sitting opposite Jiang Wang and wearing a dog fur hat, reached for the tongs, fiddled with the firewood in the firepit, and picked out a piece of charcoal with excellent shape.

Before the flickering sparks, he asked: "Do you feel pain, in such a world?"

This is a good question.

The warm light flickering in the fire pond makes it easy for people to recall the past.

Today's human hero, has he experienced pain?

The answer is naturally self-evident.

And Jiang Wang replied: "Of course I have been in pain, but I also have moments of happiness. That bit of sweetness is enough for me to survive for a long time. Maybe I am in pain, but there are people in this world who are happy. So my pain , it does not prove that the world is wrong."

Chu Xu looked back at the other guardians, and then turned back, looking at Jiang Wang with some disappointment: "We thought you were someone with the courage to change the world, because you were able to let go of everything you won in Qi. But now It seems that you are still shackled by the rotten rules made by those corpses, you are trapped in the cage of the existing order, and you have no real courage."

His gaze was projected from behind the black visor, and he emphasized word by word: "This world needs to be changed."

Jiang Wangning sat quietly in front of the firepit, not wanting to refute something excitedly, nor did he want to admit that none of this was important.

He is twenty-two years old this year. He has dominated all important choices in his life and faced all the results.

Now he said: "I was originally from Zhuangguo. Many years ago, I saw the beast nest in Sanshan City, Qinghe County, and I saw the suffering of the soldiers and civilians in Sanshan City. I wanted to push down that mountain, but I'm not sure that they would be better off after I toppled that mountain. I did, and they weren't better off for what I did.

"To this day, I don't know if what I did was right or wrong.

"I didn't know what to do at the time, and I still don't know what to do now. I think my vision is too shallow, my wisdom is too thin, so far my life is just a narrow mountain road, and I don't know what the world beyond is. What it looks like, I don't know what I can see from higher places.

"Sometimes what I see right is just a side of what is wrong. Sometimes what I see wrong is just a shadow of what is right."

Jiang Wang looked at the fire: "Before I really understand some truths, see the world clearly, think clearly, and get answers, I don't want to do something rashly and use my stupidity to hurt the world."

"Is this your answer?" Chu Xu asked.

"This is my attitude." Jiang Wang said.

Chu Xu said: "You are just cowardly. You are escaping. You dare not draw your sword to stab the rotten everything, but comfort yourself to wait and see. Time is like an arrow, how many black hairs turn gray hair, how many heroes turn into loess! The way to change the world Daye, how can you wait and see?"

"I really don't dare to change the world rashly, and you can indeed name it with cowardice." Jiang Wang only said: "Could it be that your great ideals, the new world you broke behind the iron curtain of the old era, can't tolerate the cowardice of others?"

Chu Xu was speechless.

Wei Hai said: "The weak can be cowardly, but the strong can't. God has endowed you with extraordinary talents, and you should use them to feed back the world and make extraordinary contributions to this world. All things are born to support people, and what virtue does a person have to repay sky?"

"Let me ask you." Jiang Wang was as calm as still water, calm: "How many miles have you penetrated into the border wasteland? Where is your Haixun rank in the lost world? Which of you has suppressed disasters? Who brought back the news from the world of the gods? of?"

The reason why Lizhi can be strong is not because of his strength, but because of what he has done.

His eyes swept over the guardians of the equal country one by one, but he was not aggressive, he just said: "I will do what I should do, but it is not up to you to decide what I should do."

Wei Hai said: "You did save some people, but we are saving the world."

"I hope that your existence can make this world a better place!" Jiang Wang said lightly: "That's all, you should understand my will. Let's be more direct-several people who are visiting tonight, what exactly are you talking about?" Why?"

Wei Hai then said directly: "I invite you to join our organization."

"What if I say no?" Jiang Wang asked.

Wei Hai asked back: "The way is different, what do you think should be done?"

Jiang Wang smiled, his smile was peaceful, but his self was so clear under the peace, and after leaving Qi, it became more and more clear: "'Equality' is a very powerful word. But with the meaning of 'equality' To punish others arbitrarily, it is just words. In order to break the injustice, you become the other side of the injustice."

Wei Hai was silent for a moment, and said: "Maybe. But these pains are just an inevitable process, and we will eventually lead to the only correct result."

Jiang Wang said earnestly: "There is no single correct result in this world. Anyone who thinks he is the only one is wrong. A lesson from the truth is not far away."

At this time, Wu Si, who had been silent since he came in and gave his name, said, "You also know the truth?"

Jiang Wang said: "You may not know everything, just piece together one or two."

Wei Hai explained from the side: "Both Wu Si's parents died at the hands of Yizhendao, and he has been tracking down this organization. If you have any information, you might as well share it with him."

Jiang Wangdao: "I have never encountered Yizhendao. All I know comes from history."

Wu Si looked away again.

And Wei Hai continued to stare at him, the distorted female voice was slightly harsh: "It seems that you already have your 'right'."

Jiang Wang said: "Maybe I was wrong. But I have decided to go this way."

Wei Hai felt a little regretful: "People with lofty ideals in the world should know the value of 'equality'."

Jiang Wang spread his hands and said calmly: "I recognize equality, but I don't recognize you."

As soon as this remark came out, Feng Shen, Wu Si, Chu Xu, and Wei Hai all focused their attention on Jiang Wang, their Dao Yuan was surging, and they were ready to kill.

But Jiang Wang was still calm, he didn't even draw his sword, and Sauvignon Blanc lay across his lap, feeling the bonfire with him.

Under the light of the fire, his black hair also had a dark red.


Without raising his head, he said: "Unless Sheng Gong comes, King Zhao comes, and the hero is in person. Otherwise, it's up to you, one will come and one will die."

The four guardians of the Pingping Kingdom present are all masters in the presence of gods. To be able to survive under the siege and interception of all the countries in the world, and to be able to survive in the dark gap until now, who doesn't have a little bit of vicious means?

But when Jiang Wang said this, no one really dared to move first.

"Really?" Another voice came from outside the tent at this time.

The curtain was lifted again, revealing Zhao Zi's beautiful but world-weary face.

This mutton restaurant is like the old nest of Pingguo!

Putting his right hand on the hilt of the sword, Jiang Wang said sincerely, "Sorry...forgot to exclude you."

"You don't need to be too nervous." Zhao Zi walked slowly to the opposite of Jiang Wang, and Chu Xu got up consciously.

Zhao Zi sat down slowly, and took out a milky white jade pipe. At the right time, Chu Xu handed the piece of charcoal he picked up with the tongs to Zhao Zi's pipe. After the shredded tobacco was lit, he put back the charcoal fire, put down the tongs, and stood still behind Zhao Zi.

The milky white cigarette holder was close to the plump black lips. Zhao Zi took a puff of the cigarette slowly and said: "The art of controlling people is no better than the emperors of all countries. Mixing one mind is no better than the national system. You can leave from Qi. It can be seen that he is a very sober person. It is useless to talk about ideals, let me tell you something practical."

"How practical is it?" Jiang Wang smiled: "Fame and wealth? Status? Cultivation skills? I also know that I left from Qi State. Can you give more than Qi State?"

Zhao Zi said unhurriedly: "The speed of your development in Qi State is indeed comparable to a myth. The Chongxuan family, Li family, and Yan family all have good friends with you. Most of the Military Affairs Hall and the Political Affairs Hall have been completed. Knowing a familiar face, not many people are willing to ruin your affairs. All the palaces of the Dragon Fighter treat you with kindness. The Emperor Qi treats you very highly. As long as you are willing, the Nine Pawns Zhanyu is already within your reach... "

Smoke floated from her jet-black lips, and her sleepy voice had a contradictory charm: "Sometimes I wonder, what charm do you have that can make so many people trust you so much?"

Jiang Wang only said: "It seems that His Royal Highness Eleven did not break your roots that time. You still have a deep understanding of Qi Guo."

Just as he didn't answer Zhao Zi's question, Zhao Zi ignored his temptation, and just said to himself: "In this situation where the whole country regards you as a hero, all the traffickers and pawns are proud of you, and the future is clearly visible, Why are you still so resolute in leaving Qi? I just want to get a reason - what you want to do must be something you cannot do in your position in Qi. Even, it will go against the fundamental interests of Qi. "

There are so many smart people in this world!

Jiang Wang's expression was blank: "My way is not there."

Zhao Zi is obviously a very confident person, completely ignoring Jiang Wang's justification: "Now I can answer your question-what can the equal country give you? What you can't and inconvenient to do in Qi country, we are equal The country can be unscrupulous. Is such a condition realistic enough?"

Jiang Wang said calmly: "I have nothing inconvenient to do. What I want is the Tao."

He must kill Zhuang Gaoxian, but he will never sacrifice himself to Pingguo.

In order to gain the freedom to draw his sword to Zhuang Gaoxian, he can give up all his fame and status, and everything he has worked so hard to win, but there is never a bottom line that he can't let go of.

Otherwise, in the Wuyandu Mountain Range, he could have become a demon with a single thought, and learned the Qihen Demon Art, and asked those people who shouted at him to come and see, what is a demon, what is a real demon in this world!

Almost everyone in the equal country has ideals, but there is almost no bottom line. From the beginning of contacting them to the present, everything they do seems to be just creating chaos——to realize the delusion of changing the world, of course, the order of the world must first be broken. This process is bound to be a river of blood.

And they never ask whether anyone wants to live in the new world they want to create.

"I'm a little angry now." Zhao Zi said.

"Then calm down." Jiang Wang said.

"Do you still remember what I told you when we met last time?" Zhao Zi asked.

Before Jiang Wang could answer, she had already made a sudden move, slashing with one finger!

Jiang Wang's black hair was immediately shaved, leaving a bald layer on the top of his head.

"Don't grow it." Zhao Ziru said.

Jiang Wang didn't move, just looked at her calmly, without the slightest anger of being humiliated.

Zhao Zi slightly raised his eyes, and there was a little danger in his eyes: "Your eyes make me feel like a weak person."

Jiang Wang still didn't move: "You must not have such an illusion."

Zhao Zi looked at him quietly, the danger gradually dissipated in his sleepy and lifeless eyes, and he became a little curious: "Jiang Wang, Jiang Wang, what did you go through in the year of weak crown?" become what it is today?"

Jiang Wang replied calmly: "Everyone and everything I met made me who I am today."

The smoke in front of Zhao Zi curled away: "The way can be established!"

Jiang Wang said: "The road is obstructed and long."

Zhao Ziyan said: "I hope that when that day comes, you will be able to think more about this world. Think about why the road is long and difficult, not just where the road is."

"If I can live to that time, I will." Jiang Wang said.

"I will not kill you today." Zhao Zi said.

Jiang Wang still had that calm tone: "This doesn't mean you're showing mercy. Because I might not die either."

Zhao Zi looked at him: "Yuheng star is very bright tonight."

With his sword on his knees, Jiang Wang stood calmly and peacefully in front of the jumping bonfire, although his bald head was a little unsightly: "Actually, I'm also a little curious-how do you plan to change the world?"

"Join us and you'll know."

"Then my curiosity is not that heavy."

"Then you just wait and see."

Jiang Wang said: "I will wait and see."

Zhao Zi picked up the jade pipe, and besides being sleepy, he became more lazy: "You can call another roast sheep."

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