Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1946

The bonfire in the firepit has been extinguished for a long time.

The people of the equal country have already left.

Jiang Wang sat quietly in his seat, slowly growing his hair.

He wasn't really angry.

Standing on the side of Qi State, he has been on the opposite side of Ping Ping State many times, and even killed a guardian of Ping Ping State. Zhao Zi has unquestionable strength again.

It's just a haircut, and it's just two extra roast sheep. That's hardly a price to pay.

He had indeed expected what happened that night.

What will happen after leaving Qi, what will he face, although he is not as smart as Chong Xuansheng, but he can probably imagine it when he thinks about it slowly.

He didn't make a hotheaded decision.

If he was really hotheaded, he wouldn't have stopped outside Yuncheng when he left the demon world.

He really thought about what he was going to do.

So he will come to Xingyueyuan first, this place can contact Senior Guanyan as quickly as possible, if Senior Guanyan and Grandma Xiaofan are traveling in ten thousand worlds in time, this place is also very close to Xuankong Temple...

Its daybreak.

The bill has already been paid.

Jiang Wang lifted the curtain and came out, the sun bathed his body, and he walked to Xingyueyuan alone.

One night, plus the time he spent walking slowly, an outstanding talent like Bai Yuxia should have already arranged everything... right?



"I do not quite understand."

In the dark cave, the other guardians have already left, only Wei Hai and Zhao Zi are still there.

Hearing the faint howl of a ferocious beast, Wei Hai said puzzledly, "Since he is so against us and has such a terrifying talent, why not kill him now?"

Zhao Zi said calmly: "We are challenging the entire old era. We have so many enemies. Can we kill them all?"

"But he is different." Wei Hai said: "His powerful speed... scares me."

Zhao Zi only said: "The things he has experienced and the people he has met have slowly made him what he is today. We will also be one of the reasons for changing him. If you really believe, our ideal."

"Of course I believe it!" Wei Hai became a little excited: "This rotten world, only we can save it!"

In front of the two of them was a huge furnace. The upper part of the furnace should have penetrated to another floor of the burrow.

In front of the blazing flames, Zhao Zi said slowly: "A long time ago, Zhang Yong told me that Jiang Wang and we are the same kind of people. Now I think so too."

Wei Hai obviously knew about Zhang Yong.

After thinking about it, she still asked, "Who is Zhang Yong's true identity?"

Zhao Zi bent down to pick up a piece of firewood, and put it into the fire: "That's not important anymore. Let's call him...Xin. So is Yan Tu, and so is Zhang Yong. All those who sacrificed for their ideals will not be spared. Disappearing without a trace in the wilderness only makes the flames hotter."

Wei Hai was silent for a moment, and said, "Qi Xiao over there..."

Zhao Zidao: "You don't need to worry about this matter, King Zhao has sent people to make arrangements, and it will take at least three to five years before we start contacting."

Wei Hai was puzzled and said: "She is already a useless person, with no cultivation at all, and she can't even live for many years. Is it worthwhile for King Zhao to personally arrange to win her over?"

"Cultivation is abolished, but the ability to use soldiers is still there. We need such talents too much. Ideals are not trees without roots, not castles in the air." Zhao Zidao: "One day there will be troubles, the more famous generals like this in Pingguo, the better."

Wei Hai said: "If she is an important talent for us, then why wait three or five years before contacting her? After a long time, other changes will inevitably occur."

"Now she is still a famous general of Qi who has led the war in the lost world and won a huge victory. The emperor of Qi has given her special care and care." Zhao Zi said indifferently: "I will give her three to five years to let her see the world. give her some time in the dark, to let her see the true darkness of this world."

Wei Hai was silent.

There was a faint voice coming from the upper floor——

"How about these beasts?"

"Well bred and all strong."

Wei Hai looked to the side again, Zhao Zi had disappeared.

She took off the cute mask of piggy holding flowers on her face, and changed the clothes she wore only once, and threw them all into the flames.

And she herself reverted to a cold-faced woman with evil eyes.

Her posture became indifferent, her steps became graceful.

So silently walked to the upper floor of the crypt.

Along the way, there were constant greetings——





Dingyuanhou Mansion in Linzi.

The fat Bowanghou moved his huge body again, excitedly coming here to eat.

Marquis Dingyuan didn't say anything on the face, but he didn't eat very much, and he almost didn't even use spiritual food, but he still took a bowl and sat down, pawing with his fat nephew.

Sisi sat quietly on the side, focusing on the spiritual vegetables that Xuan Sheng had picked for her, chewing slowly.

The uncles and nephews at the same table were all smiling, looking more kindly than the other.

There was not a single servant serving in the dining room, because Marquis Bowang liked to chat while eating.

And these words are often not suitable for people to hear.

"In the end it was Qi Wen who took back Xia's corpse." Chong Xuansheng chewed a large piece of meat, and said bluntly: "The Son of Heaven is really cruel."

Chong Xuan and Chu Liang said without any disturbance: "The Qi family has never been in decline. Qi Wen himself is good in terms of cultivation and military strategy, but he has been overwhelmed by Qi Xiao. These years, who can hide their strengths and bide their time?" Have you underestimated him? Qi Huaichang is the deputy inspector of Beiya, and Qi Lianghua and Qi Song are both young talents... It is only logical for such a Qi family to get Xia's body back."

Chong Xuansheng smiled: "It was not so logical for Qi Xiao to take Xia's corpse back then. It's really hard to express the feeling in this."

Chongxuan and Chuliang said: "The military power returned to the Qi family, and it was Qi Xiao who took the initiative to report to the emperor. No matter how she is not angry at the partiality of the old sincere uncle, she does not want to let Xia's corpse have a different surname."

Chong Xuansheng only said: "She understands the Son of Heaven."

As he spoke, he shook his head again: "Jiang Wuxie is so happy now, the cold stove is set on fire by him, and nine soldiers are worthless! In the past, the army was all under the influence of Palace Master Huaying."

"The young people of the Qi family are close to the Yangxin Palace, but Qi Wen has never expressed his opinion." Chong Xuan and Chu Liang coughed lightly: "Don't rely on your own cleverness to get involved in everything. "

"Of course I won't get involved! Jiang has left, and I have no reason to get involved." Chong Xuansheng smiled on his face: "It's just chatting with uncle."

Chongxuan and Chuliang sipped the porridge: "Since it's just chatting, don't speak so loudly. I thought I was sitting in the military hall with you."

Chong Xuansheng's skin is rough and thick, and he can't beat it at all, but he is still in high spirits: "There is another interesting thing. The post-war ruling on Huai Island has ended. The fourth uncle and Li Fengyao have produced key evidence, showing that Xu Zeming Both Du Hou and Dong Tianshi have recognized the need to bear the responsibility for the loss of the offshore islands...but Xu Zeming has disappeared."

Dingyuanhou Shi Shiran said: "Your news channels are very wide."

Chong Xuansheng smiled and said nothing.

Chongxuan and Chuliang finally concluded: "A fool, why mention him."

Chongxuan said: "I heard that Xu Jingxuan, the current head of the Taixu Sect, thinks highly of this talent."

Chongxuan Chuliang continued to comment: "A person who closed his door to practice and practiced himself. He has sealed the mountain for a long time and sealed his mind."

Chong Xuansheng was thoughtful: "Then he is very suitable for dealing with the sect affairs of the Taixu sect."

"What are you thinking about?" Zhongxuan Chuliang asked.

Chong Xuansheng just smiled: "I still have a Taixu turret in my hand, can't I estimate the price?"

While talking, a servant reported outside the hall that a man named Dugu Xiao came to Bowanghou.

Chong Xuansheng let people in.

Not long after, Dugu Xiao walked into the dining room and saluted politely.

Helping Jiang Wang manage Qingyang Town, and later in charge of Nanxia Laoshan fief, now Dugu Xiao, well-informed, and exposed to all kinds of religions, is not as cramped as it was before. In front of the two princes and the wife of a prince, he is also generous.

Chong Xuansheng smiled and waved: "Have you eaten yet? Sit down together."

Dugu Xiao said respectfully: "Thank you, Lord Hou, I've already eaten."

In front of Jiang's confidants, Chong Xuansheng was also more casual. While picking up vegetables for Shisi, he said casually: "You came from Nanxia, ​​it was very hard. Go to the mansion to rest first. Your master has Make arrangements to send you to Desheng Commercial Bank tomorrow."

Dugu pursed her lips in silence.

Chong Xuansheng glanced at her: "What's the matter? Tell me something."

Dugu Xiao said very seriously: "Master Hou, I don't want to join Desheng Firm, nor do I want to be a shareholder."

Chong Xuansheng is very polite to everyone, but that doesn't mean he is a polite person. The chopsticks have stopped, but there is still a smile on his face: "Then what do you want?"

Today, the development of Desheng Commercial Bank has steadily entered the top ten among all major commercial firms in Qi. The dry stock that Jiang Wang gave was already a huge amount of wealth, and it was impossible for a person like Dugu Xiao to reach it in a lifetime according to the original trajectory.

How can you still be greedy?

But Dugu Xiao just said: "Master has left Qi, and will no longer enter the official career. Then what he needs is a sword, not a housekeeper. The meaning of my life is to exist for him. If he doesn't need me, I won't know how to live."

As she spoke, she knelt down without crying bitterly, without any emotion, and her voice could even be called deserted.

She was just stating a fact and expressing a request: "Master said, you are the smartest person in the world, please show me a way."

Chong Xuansheng was a little moved.

The reason why Jiang Wang gave her the business of Desheng Firm was probably because she wanted her to have her own life.

But if Jiang Wang doesn't need her, she can die immediately.

It is a monstrous emotion, bordering on fanaticism and uncommonly ruthless loyalty. She doesn't mix any emotions, she just describes her life.

If such a person cannot become sharp, who else can?

He thought about it seriously, and then said: "Don't think about other things, go back to Qingyang Town for a while."

Dugu Xiao didn't know why: "But that place is no longer the master's fief."

Chong Xuansheng looked at her: "But that's your hometown—can it be your hometown?"

"If the master admits it, it is my hometown." Dugu Xiao said: "I died there, and I was born there."

She is not stupid: "Then what do I need to do?"

Chong Xuansheng said meaningfully: "Don't do anything. Just go around and tidy up the house, just like you did before."

Duguxiao still doesn't know Bowanghou's intentions, but she believes in the master, and the master believes in Bowanghou.

So she kowtowed and said, "Thank you for your advice."

Then he got up and left the Marquis Mansion, and headed for Qingyang Town again.

"Okay, I'm already full, thank you uncle for your hospitality." Chong Xuansheng said with a smile on his face, "This porridge is good, ask the kitchen to cook another pot for me to take away."

Chong Xuan and Chu Liang glanced at him: "Champion Marquis never comes to my place to eat and drink, even to eat and take."

Chong Xuansheng had a hippie smile on his face: "How about talking about the tiger father and son, the present is not as good as it used to be! He doesn't understand how my uncle Mingguang managed to win my grandfather's favor."

Chongxuan Chuliang said lightly: "You don't understand how Jiang Wang pleases the emperor."

"He can cut his heart, but I can't." Chong Xuansheng smiled and said: "My heart is black."



"These damned bald donkeys, they want Gu to die here! Wait until Jiang Wangdong is real!"

Not majestic but very deep in the depths of Zhuangwang Palace.

Emperor Zhuangguo lowered his voice and roared in the bedroom.

As the emperor of Dazhuang Zhongxing, the hero who showed his sharpness in the western region, he hadn't lost his composure for a long time.

The last time probably dates back to the time of Han Yin, when Yong State repeatedly violated the border.

The voice in the mirror was very calm: "You don't need to worry about the truth of Fenglin City being exposed. The inside of Mount Sumeru doesn't know the grievances between you and Jiang Wang. They just guessed from Ku Jue's actions, for the purpose of protecting Jiang Wang. .Similarly, there is no sound inside the Xuankong Temple, so far it is all the actions of Kujue autonomously."

"Is the news reliable?" Zhuang Gaoxian asked.

The voice in the mirror said: "Our power is beyond your imagination."

"Then use this strength to help me pinch this person to death!"

"Not yet. It's not time for us to stand up and lead the world again."

"When is the time!" Zhuang Gaoxian showed a kind of restlessness when his life was threatened, and his voice only echoed in the hall: "I risked the world's enemies to cooperate with you, but you didn't even have one Can't even the little god come crush me to death?!"

The voice in the mirror, Furui Wubo: "Don't forget, you took the initiative to find us and cooperate with us. If you don't want to cooperate, it's very simple - we will send you back to Yuanhai immediately."

"Hahahahaha!" Zhuang Gaoxian laughed maniacally: "Kill a Jiang Wang, you are afraid of being exposed, kill a Zhengshuo emperor, but you say 'immediately'?"

"Because you know our existence and contacted me smartly. And Jiang Wang knows nothing about us." The voice in the mirror was emotionless: "Killing you is not difficult, how to choose is just a consideration of pros and cons. "

The fleeting tenderness that was never real, and gone, is now the cruel law of interest.

"Hehe." Zhuang Gaoxian quietly sat back on the chair, looking at the mirror coldly.

His mental state is worrying.

But the voice in the mirror shows nothing.

"You need me." Finally Zhuang Gaoxian said.

The voice in the mirror only said: "I hope you keep your value."


The mirror shattered under the pressure of Zhuang Gaoxian's gaze.

And the last sound also spread brokenly until it disappeared.

Zhuang Gaoxian who was sitting there, his manic emotions subsided in an instant.

Sitting on a chair in his normal clothes, he was so gentle. The corner of his mouth curled up inexplicably: "Time is really your friend?"

He cut off his words, put away his smile, and said indifferently: "Zhi and Du Xiang will meet alone tomorrow morning. Besides, call Song Qingyue to see me immediately."

After thinking for a while, he said, "Let Lin Zhengren come too."

Song Qingyue, the lord of the Qingjiang River, and Lin Zhengren, the eight handsome men of Xin'an!

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