Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1948 under the door

Not to mention that a total of seven high-level executives from Xiong Bochen and others from Changlin Racecourse were hanged in the meeting hall for a full three days, and there is no need to mention that the entrance of the Yongxing Gang collapsed overnight, and Heihu, the town sect of the Black Tiger Hall, disappeared mysteriously... …

In short, the opening of Bai Yujing Restaurant was very smooth, and the business exploded very quickly, and the many means prepared by Bai Yuxia were useless.

A mere restaurant is not enough for Bai Yuxia to display her talents, even if Bai Yujing quickly becomes the number one restaurant in Xingyueyuan, it is nothing at all.

It's just that Jiang Wang put on the posture of staying here permanently, and he has made a long-term development posture. As for who Jiang Wang wanted to catch, Jiang Wang didn't say, so he didn't ask.

To put it bluntly, if the diplomatic relationship with Qi Jing can be handled well, he is fully capable of establishing a national system in Xingyueyuan immediately.

Of course, a small country that is destined to have no room for development is not something that Bai Yuxia can fancy.

Marquis Wu'an has already gone to Jue, so of course Marquis Bowang is also a good choice. With Jiang Wang's friendship and Bowang Hou Chongxuansheng's help to intervene, he certainly has no shortage of opportunities in Qi. Weighing the pros and cons of intrigue, he has also been trained in a prestigious family since he was a child, and he is not afraid of not being successful in the officialdom of Daqi.

But the reason why he chose to leave Yue country at the beginning was because people were weighing the pros and cons, didn't he see the slightest chance of defeating Ge Fei?

He followed Jiang Wang in order to get closer to the legend, to witness the legend with his own eyes... and to become a legend.

Skywind Valley is not small, and the reason why there is such a rare development on this plain is mostly due to human factors. The valley below is like a huge block, spreading out cobweb-like canyons.

Of course, Baiyujing was built on the main "street", leaning on the cliff.

Bai Yuxia looked out from the building, and just saw a young man in a short-breasted sackcloth with a hatchet hanging on his waist, walking in the wind and dust, coming from the crowd.

His eyes stopped, and this person also stopped in the middle of the street.

Now the flow of people has become a tide, and this person has become a reef.

The person was fixed there with a reef-like posture, and raised his gaze to the tall building.

The hustle and bustle stopped for a while, and the wind stopped flowing.

The gazes of the two met before their swords.

Bai Yuxia recognized this person.

Anyone who has been to Guanhe Terrace in 3919 of the Dao calendar will recognize Lin Xian.

Unparalleled sharpness, unrestricted supernatural powers.

After a few years, the childish look of the past is gone. The current Lin Xian is silent, determined and persevering. It faintly gave Bai Yuxia a familiar feeling.

After staring at each other in silence for a while, Bai Yuxia realized where the sense of familiarity came from—the current Lin Xian is a bit like the former Jiang Wang.

It's just that the current Jiang Wang is a little more princely and romantic, a little more of the majesty that once stood at the pinnacle of power, and a little more of the tranquility that the world looks up to. And these, maybe Lin Xian will have them in the future.

"Brother Lin, please go back." Bai Yuxia said, "Immortals don't see visitors, and they are far away from ordinary things."

Jiang Wang has been in seclusion for a long time, and the twelfth floor of Baiyujing is completely isolated from the inside and outside. All things are presided over by him alone, and there is a reason why Lin Xian is rejected from the door.

It was the second day after Bai Yujing Restaurant opened.

Prince Rong Guo came to Xingyueyuan in person, prepared ten chariots of gifts, and asked to see Jiang Wang.

He was also rejected on behalf of Jiang Wang.

In the past, when Jiang Wang and Chongxuan Zun made gifts at the Grand Temple of the State of Qi, the prince of Rong State went to pay homage in person in order to obtain more support from the Qi court.

In the first battle against Xia, Ouyang Yong, Minister of Rong Guo, died in battle. Rong Guo lost the pillar of the country, and also lost the only monk in the country.

After the war, the State of Qi gave Rong the corresponding rewards and compensation, and also promised to protect the country of Rong until the next person who could provoke the leader of Rong appeared, or until the expiration of a hundred years.

Now the Crown Prince of Rongguo came to see Jiang Wang with great gifts, and Bai Yuxia could know what he was thinking without opening his mouth.

It's nothing more than the same thing that the whole country worships, worshiping the Shangzhu Kingdom, or just any Jiang Taishi, and using Jiang Wang's name to town the country.

But Jiang Wang even gave up his status in Qi, so can he still go to Rong?

In order to prevent the crown prince of Rongguo from showing his sincerity and selling miserably, which would waste Jiang Wang's practice time and give Jiang Wang a cold reputation, Bai Yuxia refused Jiang Wang first.

After Prince Rong Guo left, Lin Xian came again on the first day of Rong Guo. It can be seen that his heart is not dead.

Although he admired Lin Xian very much, Bai Yuxia still responded with a firm attitude.

Just as Bai Yuxia remembered Lin Xian, Lin Xian of course also remembered Bai Yuxia, remembering his pride and cleanliness on the viewing platform.

When the stars shine, they are all in them.

Standing in the middle of the passing crowd, he raised his head lonely and said slowly, "I am here to visit, not representing Rong Guo, but Lin Xian."

This time, Bai Yuxia couldn't make a decision for Jiang Wang.

"Please go to the eleventh floor." Bai Yuxia said.

Lin Xian nodded his head, walked straight into the restaurant, and climbed up the stairs from floor to floor.

The entire eleventh floor was divided into many different sections by Bai Yuxia, including quiet room, tea room, study room, weapon room, boxing room...

He asked Lin Xian to take a seat in the tea room: "When Brother Jiang's evening class is over, we usually discuss the issue of spiritual practice, and then you can see him."

Lin Xian nodded his thanks and said nothing else.

Bai Yuxia ordered tea gracefully, and said casually: "May I ask first, Brother Lin said that this trip does not represent Rong Guo... What is the reason for that?"

Lin Xian looked up at him.

This young and hard-working boy seemed to have turned into a thick man overnight. Line of sight is very important.

Bai Yuxia added: "Although Wang Jun is no longer a prince, I am still his disciple now."

Lin Xian said, "I'll be his lackey."

Bai Yuxia was silent for a while.

This sentence is like a joke on any Yellow River Tianjiao, but from Lin Xian's mouth, it is very tense.

Back then on the Xingyueyuan, Lin Xian said "I would like to be Jiang Qingyang's lackey", which was well known in the Eastern Region.

Some people take it for granted.

Some people think it is exaggerated and treat it as a joke.

Some people laughed at him for being too flattering and flattering big countries.

But when Jiang Wang became a marquis in the first battle in Xiadi, breaking the record of the youngest military marquis in the contemporary era, when people talked about the events of that year, they could only admire Lin Xian's vision.

Because of Yu Beidou's publicity, everyone knew that Jiang Wang fought the four demons in the Inner Palace, creating the most terrifying record in history. But no one knew that Lin Xian watched the whole battle from the sidelines. Since then, I have looked up at the mountains and regarded it as the goal of life.

Bai Yuxia drank a cup of tea without taste, and waited quietly for Jiang Wang to finish his practice.

Not to mention the end.

Because although the evening class has been completed, Jiang Wang's palms still have the light of Taoism, and he hasn't stopped practicing-this is also the case when he discusses cultivation issues with Bai Yuxia on weekdays.

Seeing Lin Xian who was brought up to the twelfth floor by Bai Yuxia, Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Why did Brother Lin come in person?"

He had already heard from Bai Yuxia about Crown Prince Rong Guo's visit. He will never get involved in Rong Guo's affairs. Even if he is offered to be the Supreme Emperor, even if Lin Xian invites him in person, and he and Lin Xian are already very familiar.

He thinks that Lin Xian should also be familiar with him, and the things he has decided will not be changed.

But he obviously wanted to go wrong.

The purpose of Lin Xian's visit here is not the same as that of Prince Rong Guo.

As soon as he saw Jiang Wang, he bowed down directly: "Today, Lin Xian is visiting in his own name... Please allow me to follow your practice!"

Jiang Wang held him by the arm and did not let him bow down.

I only listened to one sentence, but it was enough.

Lin Xian also had a companion in the battle against Xia.

Jixia School Gong Linxian was also a classmate.

Even Ouyang Yong, Prime Minister of Rongguo, died on the Eastern Front where he fought.

So of course he understands Lin Xian's plight and can understand why Lin Xian bowed down.

As an arrogance who once participated in the Yellow River Meeting, Lin Xian is now in the realm of the Outer Building, facing the gap between man and nature.

But Rong Guo no longer has God...

No one can preach to him.

With Lin Xian's aptitude, even if he just searched through old scriptures, or groped alone, he should be able to cross the gap between heaven and man.

But it is obviously not what Lin Xian wants to wait for the gods to come.

"If you follow, don't say any more." Jiang Wangwen said: "Brother Lin, if you don't dislike it, you can stay here. When the road is long and everyone is confused, everyone may wish to go together."

Bai Yuxia was waiting to see how Jiang Wang would refuse, but he didn't expect Jiang Wang to agree so simply.

Even Lin Xian wants to live in.

A mere restaurant in Tianfeng Valley, is it a rare industry?

"What do you think, Xiaobai?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Oh, oh." Bai Yuxia seemed to be distracted for a while, and was awakened very naturally, and said with a very graceful smile: "Of course! Brother Lin is a great talent, willing to condescend to our restaurant, I personally welcome it."

He looked around and said, "Brother Lin, just live on the eleventh floor. I'll ask someone to separate a few rooms for you later."

Lin Xian nodded to him in thanks: "Brother Bai, you don't need to worry too much, Lin's life is used to being simple. There is a space of three feet, and a futon is enough."

It’s a step further than being a doorman, and you want to be a lackey, and you don’t want anything, just a futon. He is also the pride of the Yellow River.

Bai Yuxia somehow felt a sense of crisis.

"That won't work. Bai Yujing must have the respect we deserve."

He hooked Lin Xian's shoulder: "Come on, let's go downstairs and talk in detail, don't let such trivial matters affect Brother Jiang's cultivation."

The two went down to the eleventh floor and planned a room for Lin Xian. Bai Yuxia said nonchalantly, "Do you know why this restaurant is called Bai Yujing?"

"Because it's the residence of immortals?"

"Because my name is Bai Yuxia."

Lin Xian understood: "You are the chief, and I am the second."

Bai Yuxia patted his shoulder, without saying a word.


The head guest, Bai Yuxia, didn't expect at first that Jiang Wang went to Xingyue to hide his strength and bide his time, and the obscurity was so unsuccessful.

Lin Xian's investment is not the end, but rather a beginning.

From this day on, many people came to Baiyujing Restaurant and asked to pay homage to Jiang Wang's door.

It is generally believed that Jiang Wang, who is well-known all over the world, chose to leave Qi alone because he wanted to achieve a great cause by himself. In today's world situation, it is almost impossible to become a hegemon again, but with Jiang Wang's reputation, strength, and a clearly visible future... If we really want to build a country, a regional power is still very hopeful.

And Jiang Wang was unscathed after leaving Qi for so many days, which shows that he has survived the counterattacks of the dark and dark forces that he offended when he was a military marquis of Qi, and he will be able to fulfill it in the future.

Therefore, those who think they are talented but do not appreciate their talents come to vote one after another, and all of them want to be the "ministers of the dragon".

Fortunately, Bai Yuxia remembered that he and Jiang Wang did not come to recruit soldiers, so they all stopped Jiang Wang.

Some people quit.

Another group of people took this as a test, took advantage of the opportunity to stay in Baiyujing Restaurant, came to eat and drink regularly every day, and wanted to let Jiang Wang see their sincerity.

Bai Yuxia didn't go to chase him away, she had the right to support the restaurant business.

Until one day, a man with a handsome face and long hair shawls walked into Bai Yujing.

Although this person didn't show any imposing manner, his distinctive and dangerous temperament still alarmed Bai Yuxia, who was working hard behind the counter to settle accounts.

He took the initiative to walk out of the counter: "What do the guests want to use? This store has fine wines from the five regions of the world in cellars, and has gathered top chefs from the six countries. There are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing you can't eat."

The drinkers nearby all looked sideways, wanting to see who it was that the shopkeeper named Bai Yujing was treating seriously.

The visitor was obviously surprised by the strength of this restaurant: "Which six countries?"

Bai Yuxia's expression remained unchanged: "Xu, Zhao, Chang, Yi, Rong, Shen."

Good guy, each of these countries is smaller than the other.

The handsome man's eyelids twitched: "If you don't go into details, I even thought your store was the royal chef of the six overlords."

Bai Yuxia said calmly: "This shop is innocent."

"But what other people think is none of your business?"

"You can ask me." Bai Yuxia smiled.

"Very good, it's a material for business. If you can't get along in the future, you can come with me." The visitor said, and found a vacant seat by the window and sat down: "There is no need for food, a pot of wine is the most expensive of."

"Take a pot of immortals to get drunk!" Bai Yuxia ordered, then looked at the guest and said, "Your Excellency has an extraordinary temperament, you are definitely not a vulgar guest, and you also come to vote for our host?"

The handsome man looked at him with a smile that was not a smile, and said concisely: "Come to ask for a debt."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Yuxia suddenly became solemn, and her energy and blood suddenly stopped.

At the stairs on the second floor, Lin Xian also appeared without saying a word, with his hand on the handle of the hatchet.

But the handsome man's gaze just swept over them lightly.

That cold touch was so real that Bai Yuxia seemed to smell a decadent smell.

At this tense moment——

"Do not be nervous."

Jiang Wang came out with a smile, patted Bai Yuxia's shoulder to dispel the cold aura that approached him, and then sat opposite the guest. "haven't seen you for a long time."

The handsome man smiled and said, "I thought you were afraid to see me."

"Why don't I dare to see you?" Jiang Wang asked back, and frowned again: "Why is the murderous intent so strong? You have surprised you to come back from Shenyou Xingqiong."

Seeing their familiar faces, Lin Xian silently disappeared again, and Bai Yuxia walked back to the counter and continued to settle the unfinished accounts.

And the waiter in the shop came out with a jug of wine, wondering if he should continue to offer it.

With a volley, Jiang Wang summoned the jug of wine and placed it flat on the wine table.

Yin Guan also took a wine glass and turned it over very naturally, raised his finger and pushed it lightly, waiting for Jiang Wang to pour him wine. He said in his mouth, "I'm sorry, I just made a deal. It's a bit difficult to accept."

Jiang Wang filled his glass and put the jug aside.

Yin Guan was about to drink up in a gesture of licking blood with a knife, but the cup stopped by his lips, and suddenly looked at Jiang Wang vigilantly: "Why don't you drink?"

"Oh, I don't want to drink." Jiang Wang said casually.

Yin Guan looked suspiciously: "You didn't poison the wine, did you?"

"What good does it do me to poison you?" Jiang Wang asked back.

"Forgive a large debt." Yin Guan said.

Jiang Wang spread his hands and said regretfully: "The main reason is that I am not good at this."

Yin Guan put down the wine glass.

"Hey, once it's opened, it won't be returned or exchanged!" Jiang Wang emphasized.

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