Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1949 Beifeng knows what I want

There was a din of voices in the restaurant, and there were two people sitting opposite each other by the window.

Yin Guan said sincerely: "It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that I have to respect my profession... By the way, I heard that you left Qi, congratulations!"

"Why do you like it?" Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows.

"I'm so happy for you!" Yin Guan hinted crazily: "You left Qi State, took away a lot of wealth, and you can pay back any debts. From now on, you will be debt-free and light-hearted. You are really a free man in the world!"

"Oh." Jiang Wang said indifferently: "I am separated in vain."

Yin Guan clicked his tongue: "This kind of thing sounds outrageous, but when it comes to you, it somehow makes sense."

"Your appearance fees are too expensive!" Jiang Wang complained, throwing a cloth bag in front of Yin Guan: "Repay a little bit first."

"There are also cheap ones, can that help you? What we do is word-of-mouth, and you get what you pay for!" Yin Guan grabbed the cloth bag, weighed it slightly, glanced at him and said, "You are still so honest, say A little bit, really just a little bit."

"Then we'll be together next time—" Jiang Wang came over with his hand.

Yin Guan had already put the purse into his bosom, watched Jiang Wang withdraw his hand embarrassingly, and said, "I really can't take any more?"

Jiang Wang said: "Or I'll give you Bai Yujing."

Yin Guan said leisurely: "It's almost as good as a white jade flaw."

Jiang Wang expressed deep regret: "Unfortunately, I don't have this power."

Yin Guan leaned back in his chair and looked at the restaurant rather lazily: "When the killer plans to stop in one place, that is when he will accept the judgment of fate."

"Do you also believe in fate?" Jiang Wang asked.

Yin Guan smiled inexplicably, and asked again: "I see that you have a strong army here, do you plan to stay here permanently?"

Jiang Wang's voice was calm: "Time is my friend, I just want to find a place to meditate and practice."

"I'm afraid that the tree wants to be still and the wind won't stop."

"It's okay, I'll take my roots a little deeper."

"Deep roots can make the leaves flourish. It's true! But you need to eat more resources." Yin Guan said meaningfully: "Although the restaurant business is good, don't forget to work hard on the sideline."

Jiang Wang only said: "You know my rules."

Yin Guan got up and was about to leave. Before he left, he glanced at the wine on the table: "Did Boss Jiang invite you for this pot of wine?"

Jiang Wang spread his hands to show his innocence: "I didn't drink a sip."

Yin Guan gave him an expression of "you are amazing": "Deducted from the debt."

Jiang Wang smiled and said, "Chenghui has two ten-thousand-dollar stones."

Yin Guan slightly raised his eyebrows: "Ten thousand stone?"

"How about it, isn't it a good deal? This wine costs ten Daoyuan stones in the place of origin in Snow Country. We transported it all the way here, and the price is only a little bit more." Jiang Wang said kindly: "Otherwise, you can bring a few pots of fairy wine Drunk away? This wine is very good, we are in short supply."

"Keep it and sell it slowly." Yin Guan smiled contemptuously: "I searched your wine cellar, and there are dozens of jars of this thing left."

Then he turned around and walked out of the restaurant a few steps before disappearing into the crowd.

Jiang Wang was still sitting alone by the window, the glass of wine on the table rippled, and then six words appeared——

"Three days later, Broken Soul Gorge."

The handwriting appeared and disappeared.

He quietly took the glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

Can't help frowning.

Voice transmission to Bai Yuxia: "Xiaobai, is the top wine in our store mixed with too much water?"

"No." Bai Yuxia was busy doing the calculations, and replied without raising her head, "One altar is worth ten altars."

Jiang Wang clicked his tongue.

"People who are drunk with immortals, are they drinking wine? It's the extremely cold years, the scenery of the snowy country, the story that was transported from thousands of miles away, it's that kind of indescribable feeling. It doesn't matter whether you mix it with water or not, what matters It was really brought over from the Snow Country, and even the water mixed with it is snow water from the Snow Country.” Bai Yuxia explained in a hurry: “Boss, I know you are a good person, and we don’t cheat the poor.”

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment, then sighed: "Good wine!"

Satisfied, he picked up the flagon and went upstairs slowly.

But when he reached the stairs, his footsteps stopped.

Because at the door of the restaurant, a new customer came.

This person is in excellent shape, but his face is covered with several layers of cloth, making it difficult to see his face clearly. Even the complete outline of the eyes is concealed and cannot be fully displayed.

The clothes on his body are made of excellent materials, with a clear prairie style, which must have been very luxurious in the first place. But obviously it has not been cherished, it has been ravaged by the harsh environment, and it is so dusty that it has long lost its nobility.

It's more like picking it up from somewhere and putting it on.

Bai Yujing's running hall greeted him warmly: "How many guest officials are there?"

But the man didn't speak, he just looked at Jiang Wang at the stairway through the huge lobby of the restaurant.

Jiang Wang also looked at him.

After a pause, he said, "Don't worry, he's my friend."

The waiter then backed away.

And Jiang Wang continued to walk upstairs, and the man followed behind Jiang Wang.

Bai Yuxia who was holding the account book was thoughtful, he was vaguely familiar with this back. But he shook his head again, there was a reason to hide his face.

The two walked up to the twelfth floor one after the other.

Upstairs, there is a huge practice room.

It's so empty here, there's nothing but a futon.

The rest of the study and tea room are behind the secret door.

"Sit." Jiang Wang pushed the only futon over with his foot, and sat on the floor by himself.

The visitor didn't sit on a futon, but sat opposite Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang reached out to help him take off the cloth covering his face, and dusted the dust off his body: "Why are you here?"

After the cloth towel was removed, there was a face that could not be described in words.

Not a single detail is perfect, even the dust and dust along the road, falling on this face, has become a beautiful embellishment!

It will destroy all your ideas about "beauty".

It makes you feel that there should be a little dust on the face, and a little roughness that is not modified!

The meeting of the Yellow River in the 3919th year of the Dao calendar determined the number one inner palace in the world, and there was no limit to the number one in the world under the age of thirty. And a most handsome man in the world was chosen!

It made Huang Sheli saddened by it, and Helian Yunyun was obsessed with it... "It makes people think of Emperor Huai of Qin!"

That is the appearance of the legendary Qingtian.

It is said that when Qin Xuandi Yingzhang raised his troops and surrounded Xianyang Palace, he sent three waves of people to kill Qin Huaidi, but he couldn't bear to do it. In the end, it was Ying Zhang himself who drew his sword and entered the palace to behead the head.

And in "The History of the Sword and the Sea · Qin Lue", there is another thing recorded.

After Yingzhang killed Emperor Huai, he hung his head at the Zhengyang Gate and declared his thirty-six crimes, which attracted thousands of people to see him.

The intention is obviously to erase Emperor Qin Huai in the hearts of the people.

It is true that Emperor Huai did not have talent, and his virtues were rather weak. He often had bad policies during his reign. But the people of Qin who had witnessed Emperor Huai's true face all questioned the thirty-six deadly crimes one after another.

What to say "I don't look like a faint king."

Ying Zhang had no choice but to remove his head overnight.

This kind of record is very similar to unofficial history anecdotes, but this matter is recorded in Sima Heng's pen, so it has undoubted credibility.

It is a stunning beauty that can be recorded in history.

Deng Qi on Guanhetai, Qinggui on Liyuan battlefield, brave man on Borderland battlefield, Zhao Rucheng from Erdemili, and Ying Ziyu, a descendant of Emperor Huai of Qin.

Now sitting in front of Jiang Wang, he lowered his eyes and said, "I just finished the frontier trial. I heard that you left Qi, so I rushed over here."

He still had the dry feeling unique to Bianhuang. It was true that he didn't drink a sip of water, didn't stop to rest for a while, and came straight to Xingyueyuan when he left the desert.

He never wanted to be late again in his life.

Jiang Wang handed him the jug in his hand: "Drink something?"

Zhao Rucheng took the jug, gulped down a few gulps, wiped his mouth, looked at Jiang Wang and said, "Are you going to kill Zhuang Gaoxian?"

Jiang Wang smiled softly: "Actually, if you miss third brother, you can just write a letter, or when I go to Muguo to see you, there is no need to be in such a hurry. If you come here like this, if you don't know Princess Yunyun, I'd think you're not doing well."

"Some things are inconvenient to say in letters." Zhao Rucheng said.

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and then said: "Then have you ever been in contact with the Illusory Realm? In the future, you can talk directly through the galaxy space of the Illusory Realm, which is very convenient."

Zhao Rucheng said flatly: "I don't trust that."

Although the six major powers have expressed their support for the Illusory Realm, there are still many people who do not trust the Illusory Realm.

For example, He Guo also rejected the laying of too illusory realm. And in Yunguo, several major core cities including Yuncheng are not allowed to be covered by too illusory.

There is no right or wrong to say that although the Taixu faction such as Akira Xuze constantly preaches that this is the general trend of the human race and the torrent of humanity, which should be supported by everyone, but everyone's ideas and choices are different.

Even Jiang Wang himself had reservations in the illusory realm. What's more, Zhao Rucheng has been in exile since he was a child, fleeing all over the world, precarious, he would naturally doubt everything.

Jiang Wangwen said: "Since you are here, please stay for a few days. I will take you to Xingyueyuan. This is indeed a very beautiful place."

Zhao Rucheng looked at him: "You haven't answered my question yet."

Jiang Wang knew that he couldn't avoid it. The person in front of him was too smart and knew himself too well, so he said, "Now is not the time."

Zhao Rucheng stared into his eyes, and said word by word: "I also have a share in the boss's hatred, and I also have my home in Fenglin City. Third brother, if you don't call me when you kill Zhuang Gaoxian... I will Hate you forever."

Jiang Wang could fully feel his seriousness, was silent for a while, and finally patted him on the shoulder: "I won't make you hate me."

Zhao Rucheng handed back the jug in his hand to Jiang Wang.

Then he got up and walked out while wrapping a cloth towel around his face. "There are still things to deal with on the grassland, third brother, I'll wait for your letter."

With that said, he went downstairs.

The whole journey was filled with anxiety, and the journey was full of dust, and the meeting was only two or three words.

Jiang Wang sat alone in the room, raised the jug, and took a big gulp.

Although the wine has been mixed with water, the spirit is still very strong.

Maybe Bai Yuxia was right, the water wasn't mixed too much!



The wind in Duanhun Gorge has never been gentle.

There are traces of Lin Xian's sword practice thousands of times, Jiang Wang's fight against human demons, and Yu Beidou's town of blood demons. And what's even less known - it's the birthplace of the killer organization Hell Without Door.

Although Yan Luo, who founded the organization with Yin Guan at that time, is running out.

Today's Yan Luo gathered together, and the people came very neatly.

The king of Chujiang and the king of Wuguan have never seen the king, but this time they also appeared at the same time.

They are the only two Yan Luos who have lived from the beginning of the organization to the present except King Qin Guang, and they can be regarded as the elders among the elders.

But I don't know if there is any conflict in private, and they almost never go on missions together.

At least in King Equality's memory, the only task to get these two guys to stand together was the time when they hunted Youguo.

He put on the mask of the King of Equality and entered Hell without Door, performing numerous tasks of various sizes. After going through life and death, he killed emperors and dragons in Yuguo, plundered the power of Yuguo for his own use, and finally achieved God's presence in one fell swoop, reaching the realm he had dreamed of.

But I still feel that the water in the organization is very deep.

With the current strength of No Door to Hell, the judges and pawns on the periphery of many tasks can handle it. Troublesome tasks can be easily solved with one or two shots from Yan Luo.

Being able to see King Chu Jiang and King Wu Guan standing together today is enough to show the importance of this mission.

But this was not what surprised King Equality the most.

When the nine Yamas gathered, King Qin Guang, who was wearing a mask around his waist, did not speak for a long time. He knew that the most mysterious and least-appearing King Biancheng would also participate in this mission.

All Yan Luo was silent. What other people are thinking, King Equality doesn't know, but he has long been used to silence, almost forgetting that he was a flying and jumping person.

Until a certain moment, the sound of extremely light boots stepping on the gravel rang very clearly in my ears, and a slender and tall figure walked out of the strong wind.

He was wearing an ordinary black military uniform and a Biancheng mask of the same standard as that of Yan Luo present.

He stood at the bottom of the long gorge, looking up at the Yamas standing at different positions on the cliff. But those eyes were so calm, at least King Equality would feel that he was actually the one being looked down upon.

King Bian Cheng's voice was also calm, without any emotion or original tone - "Sorry, I seem to be late."

King Equality guessed that the identity of King Biancheng in reality must be quite prominent, at least a well-known character in a certain domain.

The only man in the ten halls of Yama with a mask hanging around his waist stood alone on the top of the cliff in the Duanhun Gorge. Hearing the sound, he just said: "It doesn't matter. I only talked about today. I didn't know what time it will be. I'm just afraid Some Yan Luos are too far away, and they won't be able to make it back in a while."

Standing alone at the bottom of the canyon, King Bian Cheng had no intention of approaching any Yan Luo, and said indifferently: "Let's talk about the specifics of this mission first, and I'll see if I can take it."

His voice was so cold, as if the previous sentence of sorry, there was no apology at all.

"Why are you so troublesome?" Emperor Song suddenly said with an epee on his back, and his voice was as brave as his burly figure: "I usually don't see you when I am on missions, but I only run out when I have a big job, and I still pick three Picking a bunch of things! Where do you rank among the Ten Halls of Hell?"

The third-ranked existence among Yama of the Ten Halls, the more he talked, the more he couldn't suppress his anger: "All Yan Luo was informed of this operation a month in advance. Even if you are in Snow Country, you can get there early. You are so procrastinating, and you are the last one to come here, do you take King Qin Guang seriously?"

"Hey." Standing on the top of the cliff, King Qin Guang raised his hand: "You can just lose your temper. I am a very peaceful person, but I don't have any opinions. Don't bring me in."

King Bian Cheng didn't explain that he really only received the news three days ago, but just looked at the Song Emperor indifferently: "Do you have an opinion?"

Emperor Song moved half a step forward, and the stone platform under his feet cracked suddenly, and the cracks spread like spider webs on the treacherous cliff!

On the heavy sword, there was already a roar of killing intent. And Emperor Song looked at the bottom of the valley coldly: "Answer me after you think it through. Yan Luo's gathering is a major event in the organization. You are so slow, do you take our other Yan Luo seriously!?"

King Bian Cheng tilted his head, as if he was seriously understanding his question, and thought about it seriously.

Then he said, "Oh, let me ask again."

Under the mask, his eyes were so indifferent, he glanced at all the Yan Luos present except King Qin Guang: "You guys, what's your opinion?"

Thanks to the book friend "Brother Feng himself" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 458th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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