Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1950 Make Sedum Jiao Conquer the World for a Hundred Years

Ling Wufeng is the third Song emperor since the establishment of Hell Wumen.

He joined this killer organization with the cultivation base of God's presence.

Judging from the seating position of Yan Luo in the ten halls, he thinks he is the third master in Hell Without Door, maybe more than the third.

Because although King Chu Jiang, who was ranked second, was powerful, he didn't give him enough suffocating pressure. In a life-and-death fight, no one can win without seeing it.

Of course, he still maintains the necessary respect for the boss Qin Guangwang.

It has been less than a year since he joined the organization, and he has only seen King Qin Guang make a move once, but that one time was enough to convince him. Tell him not to move in the slightest.

Having said that, before joining the organization, among these Yamas in No Door to Hell, which one was not a vicious person? If it weren't for King Qin Guang's real means, who would have obeyed whom?

He never imagined that the King Yanluo Biancheng of the Sixth Temple, who never sees the end of the dragon and hardly does the task, would be so arrogant.

He was just a little bit dissatisfied, but he didn't really make a move.

It's a small matter that can be passed with a soft heart. This guy is so tough, he dares to provoke in turn!

He even provoked not only him, but all Yamas at the same time!

But what he didn't expect was that none of the vicious "colleagues" around him stood up to such a provocation.

Everyone looked at their noses and their hearts, as if they hadn't heard anything.

your grandma's. Is this still Yama? Let's all go back and raise chickens!

Emperor Song glanced around for a week with his peripheral vision, and everyone was avoiding his peripheral vision.

Yama present, except for him, all participated in the Battle of Youguo and Pulling Out the City, which made Hell No Gate famous all over the world.

What a big deal it is to kill the Zhengshuo emperor of a country.

If it weren't for Yin Guan himself coming from the lower city of Youguo, everyone would know about his grievances with the upper city of Youguo, it would be a muddled account that no one can explain clearly. No Door to Hell has long been on the most wanted list of all countries in the world, and the intensity of the encirclement and suppression is far more than what it is now.

But even so, Hell has no way to dare to step into Jingguo again. This battle also made Hell No Door come into the eyes of the people of the world.

In fact, the grievances and grievances between Yin Guan and Youguo Shangcheng can be explained clearly. The reason why he was confused was because Jing Guo was involved. So Jing Guo's wanted arrest is also muddled, so far there is no very clear statement.

That giant tortoise is still kept there, and is still drinking the blood of the people of Youguo, how can I be sure?

And in that battle, King Biancheng used his own power to suppress the huge turtle beast that almost crushed King Wuguan.

Regardless of King Taishan, King Zhuanlun, King Yama, or City King, who dares to underestimate the power of Wuguan King, and who can't feel the terror of Biancheng King?

That is to say, Emperor Song had not been here for a long time, and he really thought he was the third in the organization.

"Hmph." Emperor Song snorted coldly, how did he release that monstrous murderous aura, and how did he withdraw it: "My sword, I don't want to be stained with the blood of my colleagues, so do it yourself."

He's not stupid either.

Even if he is really stupid, seeing the attitudes of so many senior Yan Luo, he can still guess that he hit an iron plate. Can it really hit it?

If you don't have steps, just draw one yourself, how can a killer have no special skills.

King Biancheng didn't care too much about Emperor Song's obedience, or he was so cold that he didn't care about anything. He just looked away casually.

From the beginning to the end, King Qin Guang watched them fight with a smile, as if he didn't care about the internal strife in the organization.

At the moment when the dust settled, he opened his mouth and said, "It's all over?"

His eyes looked at Emperor Song: "The operation will start soon, why don't you kill one first to add to the fun?"

Emperor Song felt very wronged, he was not the one who was late, and he was not so arrogant. Two people are having a fight, why do you just stare at me?

But no matter what, the first Emperor Song died in Qi State, and the second Emperor Song was killed by King Qin Guang personally because he betrayed the organization to Jing State. He didn't want to be the third Song Emperor who was erased from Hell Without Door.

So he said, "Just a little misunderstanding. I forgive him!"

Only then did King Qin Guang move his eyes away from him, turned around all the other Yan Luos, and said slowly: "I know that some of you are not convinced by each other, and some of you are disgusted by each other, and even each other hatred.

"It doesn't matter. That's your business.

"Hell to Nowhere does not require you to be united and fraternal.

"But one thing, I'll just say it once, I hope you can remember - don't bring your personal grievances into the task."

He does not threaten anyone's personal safety, because when you go against his will, your life has nothing to do with safety.

"Don't worry, boss." Wuguan Wang's unusually stiff voice sounded: "I firmly support your leadership and firmly obey your orders."

The Eighth Palace City King is a well-dressed old man with a stick in his hand. Maybe it's not the old man, and the deep wrinkles under the mask may not be true.

But his voice is indeed old, with a sense of decay in the past: "Boss, this is my life."

There was a dice spinning at the fingertips of King Yama of the Five Halls. He grabbed it suddenly and spread out his palm. The upward side of the dice was a six. The laughter was bright: "You are old, of course I listen to you."

The taciturn King Jiudian Pingping just stroked his heart with his hand, bent down and bowed to show his obedience.

The rune chains on the Tenth Palace Wheel-Turning King's body were like snakes, and he stood there lazily. The rune itself became his language, and it manifested itself as a clear and flat voice: "I am a peaceful man just like the leader. People, have no opinion on anyone."

King Taishan of the Seven Palaces is sitting on his cast iron glove with a big horse and a golden sword. His whole body is embedded in a cave on the cliff like a stone. Seriously: "What the boss says is what it is."

King Chujiang didn't speak, and he didn't have to express anything. Everyone knows that she has always been the one who supports King Qin Guang the most.

"Let's talk about the mission." King Bian Cheng said indifferently.

His time was precious, and he wished that every breath could be used for cultivation. I'm really not interested in appreciating how other people show their loyalty to King Qin Guang. Hearing this patiently is already very tolerant.

King Qin Guang didn't take it seriously, and said on the high cliff: "The organization has been preparing for this mission for half a year, and I asked you to reserve time one month in advance. The rewards of the mission are beyond everyone's imagination, and of course the benefits will always come with you." If you can’t participate, you can leave now. Once I start to describe the details of the mission, no one will be allowed to quit except King Bian.”

Emperor Song tactfully did not ask why King Biancheng could be excluded, but took the initiative to say: "How can you not dare to go to the mountain of swords when you are in the business of licking blood at the knife's edge? Just say it!"

King Qin Guang smiled inexplicably, and said, "The goal of this mission is You Que."

Many Yan Luo present were at a loss, because the name seemed a little strange.

But the city king who was leaning on a stone platform suddenly raised his head, and said in a surprised voice: "In the past, the leader of the Yellow River in Jingguo was famous all over the world. The head of the inner government in 3896, the wanderer from Jingguo?"

King Bian Cheng's eyes were cold, but his heart moved.

The leader of the Yellow River, Jing Guo Tianjiao, has too many reminiscent factors.

"The king of the city is indeed well-informed, and he is indeed the most educated person in Hell Without Door." Qin Guangwang praised: "You still remember the leader of the Yellow River two years ago."

Obviously, not everyone can agree with the evaluation of "the most cultured in Hell without Door", but no one refute it.

All Yan Luos have already realized the difficulty of this mission. After Youguo's action that time, Jingguo has become a restricted area with no door to hell! It's not about You Que's own strength, the fact that a killer without a door to hell enters Jingguo is extremely dangerous in itself. Moreover, Youjia is also a well-known family in Fengtian Mansion, and Jingguo is a well-known family. Once the action is detected, there will be a crazy counterattack immediately.

"But..." the Metropolitan King said in a deep voice, "Didn't You Que already have his Dao Xin collapsed in the battle against the guards and became a useless person?"

"There is nothing wrong with the information." King Qin Guang said calmly.

The Metropolitan King was even more puzzled: "Then why do people still want to kill him? And after so many years, and they still ask us to do it?"

"This is not something we need to consider." Qin Guangwang said: "We just use money to do things, and we don't need to investigate the customer's intentions, and we don't need to care about the customer's details."

King Taishan had a headache and knocked on his head: "Wait, what are you talking about in the battle of defending? Why did Jingguo want to attack Weiguo? Isn't that its vassal state?"

King Qin Guang took a deep look at him: "Don't worry, it's not important."

Compared with those reckless men who only knew how to kill people, King Biancheng was familiar with history books, so of course he knew the importance of the battle against guards.

Since the founding of the country, Jingguo has been the most powerful country in the world. Dominating the central region for many years, it can be said that it has created an era of great prosperity of the national system, and to some extent has dominated the flood of humanity.

But not all nations obey at all times.

In the past, there was "only Chu but not ministers", and later there was "the emperors of the five countries will meet in Tianjing".

There is no corpse left in the original city, and the battle between Jingmu and Jingmu is fierce; Jiang Shu puts on armor at the court, and wants to win the country with the emperor Ji Fengzhou... These things are not too far away.

Even Zhongyu, which has always been regarded as the basic area of ​​Jingguo's back garden, is not always calm.

The battle of Jingguo's defeat of the guards may be regarded as the epitome of Jingguo's dominance in the central region for so many years and the challenges from all sides.

The state of Wei at that time was not like it is today. It could be said to have strong soldiers and horses, and the talents were at their peak. The national strength is so strong that it is proud of the world. There have even been heroes like Mei Xingju who resisted the demons in an isolated city.

What's more, there are three behemoths standing behind it - Muguo, Qinku Academy, and Renxin Hall.

The rise of Weiguo is Muguo's strategy to spread the grace of the gods in the south, and it collides with the intention of the two top sects of Qinku Academy and Renxinguan to expand their influence. All parties hit it off, and Wei Guo soared into the sky.

The rapidly expanding Wei State, of course, is not willing to be just a Daoist, and is not willing to pay tribute to the Zong Kingdom every year. Not only did he have the heart to break away from the Daoism, but he also began to encroach on Tianmayuan for a time.

In this case, the war broke out.

Jingguo took Yin Xiaoheng as the commander, and the Demon Slayer Army as the main force, and directly marched the army to Weiguo, and even attacked Tianmayuan.

In the end, the capital was built and the city was massacred, and the corpses were spread across the fields, blood staining the plateau, killing only 40% of the population of Weiguo.

Mu Guo was silent for a while, and failed to send troops out of the grassland.

At that time, the most famous medical practitioner of Renxin Hall committed suicide.

Diligence Academy was also closed for three months.

That is already the year 3898 of the Dao calendar.

In just twenty years, Wei State has changed from a regional power with the ambition to get involved in Tianmayuan, to the weakest group among the small countries in the Central Region. beast.

Speaking of which, the time difference between the Jingguo Conquest and the First Qixia War was only ten years. When it comes to killing people, Yin Xiaoheng is much more cruel and bloody than Chongxuan Chuliang. But the latter got the name of murderous butcher, while the former took off his armor and was still a personable Daoist Daoist.

This is the embodiment of Jing Qi's momentum in the past, and the right to speak in the world is in the hands of Jing Guo.

"This task is very difficult." King Biancheng commented without emotion.

"That's why the price is very high." Qin Guangwang patiently explained: "This You Que kills people like hemp, and his body is full of blood and debts. Although your rules are very troublesome, but he does have a way to kill him, right?"

As we all know, there are two rules of King Biancheng.

First, he only accepts the tasks he is willing to take, and only kills the people he wants to kill.

Second, he felt that a killer should have the restraint of a killer, and he didn't like his colleagues killing people without taking money.

The first rule is easy to say, after all, it is only freedom won by one's own strength. The second article is a bit too much, it is not enough to care about oneself, and it even restricts other Yamas. We all come to be killers, is it to be educated and disciplined by someone?

But King Qin Guang also said long ago that he respects anyone's hobbies. Allow everyone to have their own rules - as long as you have the strength to stick to them.

In the final analysis, it was still the law of the jungle where the weak preyed on the strong, but King Biancheng's rules were rather weird, and he was considered a maverick in the killer business.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat King Qin Guang, King Wu Guan would still want to make a rule that anyone should give him an arm.

"I can't judge black and white, and I'm not responsible for distinguishing the truth. Whether it's someone I want to kill is purely subjective." King Biancheng's voice seemed to have no emotion: "Military law is independent of criminal laws. People's usual moral values ​​don't apply on the battlefield either. I don't see how you can kill yourself."

King Chujiang was a little surprised: "I thought you, King Biancheng, wanted to be a good person and punish evil and punish crimes like the Sanxing Palace. I didn't expect you to do whatever you want."

"Assassins, how can there be a good person?" King Biancheng's words made Yan Luo laugh, but he didn't laugh, and said coldly: "The Sanxing Palace never said that they were good people. They acted according to the law and never Heart."

"What about you?" King Chujiang asked with great interest.

"I am no different from you." King Bian Cheng said coldly.

He seems to have the same attitude towards everyone, or in other words, there is no such thing as 'attitude' in him.

"In these days, don't be a good person in whatever you do." The Metropolitan King stroked his cane and smiled oldly: "If you want to be a good person, people will ask you to be a saint."

King Qin Guang said indifferently: "The massacre of Jingguo people was after the war ended. The emperor of Weiguo had already bound himself and surrendered, but Yin Xiaoheng still ordered the massacre of the city to deter the nations. Among them, Youque killed the most viciously. "

"Then let's go." King Bian Cheng turned around and walked out of the canyon indifferently.

King Equality looked at his back, and felt that his sight seemed to be sunk in the mud, and he couldn't help himself for a while. And when he cast the golden flame in his eyes, he suddenly noticed the long sword on King Biancheng's waist, and felt that there was a sharpness that was about to come out, which could not be covered by the scabbard.

It must be a very cruel sword, he thought.

Thanks to the book friend "Early Morning Sunrise" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 459th alliance of Chixin Sky Survey!

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