Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1951 Future Future

Speaking of the practice during this period of time, Jiang Wang's main focus is "The Canon of Seeing Immortals".

He has the true biography version of "Mu Jian Xian Dian" in his hand, and he has the method to directly reach the Immortal Mu.

Of course, because of the lack of technique introduction, it is just a castle in the air for many people, like a tasteless existence.

But it was different in Jiang Wang's hands.

He has cultivated the sage-hearing fairy state early on, and he has the Rumeng Ling in his hand. He should be said to have the most authoritative explanation for the cultivation of five-sense immortals in the human body ten thousand immortals method, especially how to continue in the age of no immortals.

Especially after he broke Ruyi Immortal Clothes, obtained the inheritance of Ruyi Immortal Palace, cultivated Immortal Thought, combined with his accumulation in the Shravaka, he became an Ear Immortal in the Wuxian Age!

This matter was not taken seriously, and even Jiang Wang himself did not realize the significance.

For example.

The Dharma-ending Era was mentioned in the practice philosophy of Ancient Nan Mountain in the Demon Realm and Heilian Temple. And according to the sayings of Mount Sumeru in this world, the one who became a Buddha in the Dharma-ending era is the future Buddha, and it is called "Maitreya"!

This is no ordinary Buddha, he is an existence capable of taking over the authority of the World Honored One, and he is the real savior of the heavens and the world.

Jiang Wang's cultivation of the Ear Immortal in the Age of No Immortals, of course, cannot be compared with becoming a Buddha in the Age of Declining Dharma, but it also has a certain great significance in the retrograde era.

Of course, Jiang Wang's process of becoming an ear fairy had too many chances and coincidences, and it was largely based on the foundation of his predecessors.

The inheritance of Yunding Immortal Palace, Ten Thousand Immortal Palace, and Ruyi Immortal Palace, the Rumeng Token created by the founder of the Five Immortals, and even his practice of Avalokitesvara and the Vajra Thunder of the Heretics...

Take the first stage of the sound-hearing fairy state as an example, if he did it all over again, he might not be able to reproduce it completely.

Perhaps it is because of these fragmentary reasons that although he has accomplished such a thing and possessed great power, he has not really grasped its meaning.

But when he goes back step by step to the age of Asgard, sooner or later, it will trigger the echo of history.

At that time, it will be a landslide and tsunami, or the sky will collapse, and it will have to wait for time to verify.

With the experience of becoming an ear fairy, it will undoubtedly be much smoother to become an eye fairy than when the blind man touched the elephant.

Perhaps the only problem is that Jiang Wang's visual consciousness is not accumulated enough, far less powerful than his ear consciousness.

To put it more directly, a single dry yang red pupil is not enough to compare with the many secret arts of the Shravaka.

But when Jiang Wang was in the Lost World, he also got a new chapter.

Although Yan Yanru left forever, she left a gift for the boy who was raised in her boudoir——

The full version of the secret biography of the royal family of the Dayang Empire "The Eye of Qianyang"!

Jiang Wang also discovered this gift after trying to repair the red makeup mirror.

Yanyan, as left behind, is the true biography of the imperial family of the Yang Kingdom. It fully records the chapters starting from the Youmai Realm, all the way from Zhoutian, Tongtian to Shenlin, to Dongzhen, and even to the Daoyan Realm!

Each chapter has a corresponding refining method and killing method, and each chapter is extremely detailed, far better than the fragmented chapters collected in the Daqi State Treasury.

That is to say, the gift bequeathed by the beautiful and perfect Founding Princess Da Yang is enough for Jiang Wang to go all the way to the level of Yan Dao, and there is no shortage of pupil skills.

The only problem is that the pupil of Qianyang is a method practiced by the royal family of the surname Dayang, and it has certain requirements for blood. Foreign surnames can also be practiced, but they must not be able to reach the extreme level.

Moreover, Jiang Wang has already integrated his supernatural powers, and he has cultivated Qianyang's pupils into Qianyang's red pupils. He didn't intend to abolish retraining. The plan is to transform every chapter of Qianyang's pupil into his own Qianyang's red pupil.

The efforts in the cultivation of Immortal Eyes are reflected in many aspects. It is only one of them that it is difficult to see Yukiro hanging from his waist.

It's even easier to get King Equality's sight stuck in the mud.

When King Pingping's eyes lit up with golden flames, he finally saw the long sword hidden in its sheath, and felt the hidden cruelty, King Biancheng turned his head slightly and glanced at him indifferently.

King Equality was shocked.

King Biancheng just took a glance and continued to move forward, but King Pingping waited for a moment before he calmed down. His eyes were like a fish swimming on the shore jumping back into the water, and he was like a person who was rescued from drowning, taking a few gulps of breath.

The gap reflected in this is simply incalculable.

Emperor Song couldn't help feeling a little thankful for his reining in the precipice.

There is actually quite a long distance between Duanhun Gorge and Zhongyu, and Yama of the Ten Temples will of course sneak in in batches.

According to the usual practice, King Qin Guang would always bring Wuguan Wang with him, but this time he was released directly and let him form a team with King Biancheng, which can be said to have given him freedom.

On the contrary, Wuguan Wang looked a little reluctant, but he couldn't refuse. After hesitating for a long time, King Bian Cheng said, "Don't waste my time", and he hurriedly followed.

In the entire Hell Without Doors, the only one who knows the identity of King Biancheng is King Qin Guang himself.

For King Biancheng, the first Yan Luo he came into contact with, besides King Qin Guang, was King Wuguan. I still remember that it was outside the city of Linzi. At that time, the official king was very oppressive... and very impatient.

"Hurry up!" Bian Chengwang hurriedly walked in the forest, his voice was indifferent, and he didn't turn his head.

Wuguan Wang was about to cry, but his voice was so anxious that his voice became smoother: "We will gather in seven days, can we finish slowly? This body can't keep up."

King Bian Cheng only said: "Huh?"

Wuguan Wang gritted his teeth, pulled out his coffin, and quickly changed his own two legs in the air.

But King Biancheng in front of him was getting faster and faster. Although he kept a low profile as much as possible against the ground, he pierced through the wind and fog like a tornado.

In order to keep up with the pace, Wuguan Wang had no choice but to keep "renewing" himself, and in the end he even took out his divine body that was under the coffin...

And Shengguo has arrived.

King Bian Cheng himself didn't want to worry about the official king and was not trustworthy, so the two of them strictly followed the route planned by the organization, which was to enter the scene from Shengguo.

The person in charge of planning the course of action and arranging all the countermeasures is the King Chu Jiang of the Second Palace.

She is also the only one who knows all Yama's routes except King Qin Guang.

From Shengguo to Jingguo, there is almost no card, so if you get a suitable identity in Shengguo, you can easily mix into Jingguo, and it is not easy to be noticed by Jing Shitai.

That night, King Biancheng and King Wuguan put on cloaks and black robes, and walked in the capital of the Sheng Kingdom, "Weicheng". I didn't see the prosperity of the legend that "the lanterns are like the day, and the galaxy is given gifts", but I feel a sense of depression.

The evening wind blows the night, and the stars disperse. High-rise hanging lights, not full. Although there are pedestrians on the street, they are all in a hurry. The footsteps of King Biancheng and King Wuguan also became more hurried.

The so-called first vassal state is known as the existence of "Dao Feng Grassland". After colliding with the cavalry of the Mu country in all directions, the world finally saw the difference between a hegemonic country and a non-hegemonic country.

Although the end of the war is that Ying Jianghong, the southern heavenly master of Jingguo, personally led the four armies of miraculous strategy, slaying disasters, killing disasters, and destroying disasters to the north, driving Muguo back to the grassland, and leaving behind the former gods of the Cangtu God Cult forever. Beigong Nantu, the high priest of Mian preaching, collected all the land lost in Shengguo, and won a brilliant victory in the engraved grassland.

But before Ying Jianghong officially participated in this war on behalf of Jingguo, Shengguo had been fighting Muguo for more than a year!

The wounds suffered by Shengguo will not heal within a hundred years. The blood shed by the people of the Sheng Kingdom in Liyuan City has soaked in the mourning of thousands of families!

The place where I met the responders was a restaurant called "Thousands of Lights".

Just after entering the restaurant, King Bian Cheng saw an acquaintance——

Jiang Limeng, with bright eyes and kind eyes, was going upstairs surrounded by a group of people. Hearing those people yelling seemed to be celebrating someone's birthday.

King Bian Cheng did not squint, and cut off King Wu Guan's sight in advance.

This Yellow River Tianjiao has mastered Si Yao's supernatural powers, so he can easily be ignored.

Their boxes have been booked long ago, just follow the instructions. It's just that two people who are so tightly covered enter the restaurant, it is inevitable that they will be a bit conspicuous.

"You're not afraid of showing your face, so why are you covering up so tightly? It just arouses suspicion." King Bian Cheng voiced his dissatisfaction.

"I don't remember where I got this face... What if it's from the Sheng Kingdom?" Wuguan Wang replied in a dull voice.

So he didn't speak.

The two went upstairs one after the other, and entered the private room that they had booked long ago.

Here, King Biancheng saw another acquaintance—Su Xiuxing who had attacked him twice, assassinated him once, and held him hostage once.

It was only when he was in front of his eyes that he remembered that this person named Su Xiuxing used to be an assassin in Yangguo Tiantianxia, ​​and later he turned to Hell without a Gate.

His cultivation has not improved much, he is still in the Soaring Dragon Realm, and he has not been able to open the inner mansion, but he has gained a lot of momentum.

It is true that life does not meet!

"Flowers before the moon." Su Xiuxing said.

Wuguan Wang said stiffly: "The dead cannot be brought back to life."

What kind of broken code, thanks to them to think about it!

"My humble servant, Su Xiuxing, is in charge here, and I have met you two." After exchanging the code, Su Xiuxing got up very sensiblely: "I am in a busy city, and there are many people, so it is inconvenient to go out to greet you, please forgive me."

He didn't think he was secretive just because he was in a private room, and he yelled "Yan Luo" and "Hell has no gate" at will.

"Ho ho." Wu Guan Wang laughed a few times in a friendly manner, and it was considered a resignation.

King Biancheng sat down grimly without saying a word.

The sound and hearing fairy state quietly opened, and soon traced back to the box where Jiang Limeng and the others were located on the third floor up, and easily captured their voices—for the time being, they were all worthless words that were joking with each other.

And Su Xiuxing had already made a gesture, and sat down cautiously opposite the two Yan Luos.

"I've already ordered the dishes in advance, and they are all the signatures of this restaurant. Let's see if you want to order something else?" He said, and handed over two menus.

A menu stated that there would be a caravan transporting wine to Jingguo tomorrow afternoon, and the two positions in the wine barrel car for viewing wine were already in operation.

Another menu stated that Jing Guoli Tianfu's convoy that came here to buy wool the next morning was about to return, and two guard positions had already been vacated.

Wuguan Wang remained silent, this time it was not his turn to make the decision.

King Bian Cheng pointed at the first one, "The night is long and dreams are many, the sooner the better."

The commotion in Jiang Limeng's box grew louder. A group of young nobles from the Sheng Kingdom couldn't control themselves after drinking two cups, and they were yelling at the people of Jingguo.

King Bian Cheng listened with great interest.

The resentment of the Sheng people is obvious.

Take the current Thousand Lights Restaurant as an example.

It is said that the original ideal of the owner of the restaurant was to do business in the north and south of Changhe River and open a thousand branches.

As Shengguo was hit hard by World War I, this ideal was never brought up again. Dozens of branch buildings that had already opened closed down one after another.

This is the epitome of the overall social outlook of Shengguo during this period of time.

Yu Xi, the Celestial Master of the West, has been sitting here for more than a year and closed the gate of Chaotian in Shengguo.

Who can not complain?

Thinking back to the Yellow River Meeting back then, how unrestrained and unrestrained Sheng Xuehuai was. Even though he lost to Ji Zhaonan, he was also very coquettish, no one dared to underestimate him.

Meng Wuya, Deputy Prime Minister of the Sheng Kingdom, hard-headed Namo Duo, the golden-crowned priest of the Mu Kingdom, how tough it is!

In the end, the scenery will never come back...

Su Xiuxing put away the two "menus" and ate them as if nothing had happened. Then, without mentioning business affairs, he poured wine and enthusiastically introduced the scenery of Shengguo.

Wuguan Wang is cruel, indifferent and quiet, but the Biancheng King next to him is even more ruthless, so he has no choice but to respond to each other, so that the conversation can continue and the box looks normal.

King Bian Cheng sat there quietly, with cold eyes, listening to all directions.

Looking at the eloquent guy in front of him, he suddenly remembered that Su Xiuxing seemed to be from Jiaoheng County of Weiguo, but he went to the Eastern Region to develop. And back then in the Frostwind Valley of the demon world, the person who was controlled to attack him seemed to be called Mei Xuelin, who was also from the Kingdom of Wei.

Do people in Weiguo generally harbor hatred towards Jingguo, which hasn't been watered down over the years?

The target of Hell Wumen this time is the person who committed the blood debt to Weiguo at the beginning. Will the murderer have something to do with Weiguo?

I have some questions in my mind to ask Su Xiuxing.

But King Biancheng is cruel, and the danger of King Wuguan cannot be ignored, so he didn't ask a word.

At this time, I heard some interesting conversations in my ears——

"What? Lin Zhengren is coming to Weidu? He still dares to come?" It should be the man in the tall hat.

"Why don't you dare. He is on behalf of Zhuang Guo as an envoy this time, and he will live in the funeral hall tomorrow. What can you do with him?" It should be the round-faced woman walking on Jiang Limeng's left.

In King Biancheng's heart, everyone and their voices corresponded one by one.

"What is Zhuang Guo?!" It was still the one wearing the tall hat.

"It was nothing in the past, but it is more or less a thing now. At least their envoys can no longer be insulted by you and me." This is the man in the robe.

"At the beginning, he was servile and servile, and he wagged his tail like a dog outside Huangliang's secret land. I thought he was a good gentleman, but he deceived us so hard!" This is the fat man in Confucian uniform.

"Li Meng, what do you say, do you want to teach him a lesson?" This is the man who is walking to the right of Jiang Limeng, who is obviously of good status and quite handsome.

"Qi Ya, don't join in the fun. I'm just inferior to other people on Guanhetai. What is there to teach him? What should I teach him? Shouldn't he win against me?" This was Jiang Limeng's voice.

Qi Ya? The son of Qi Hong, the famous general of the Sheng Kingdom who was beheaded by Cao Shuai?

Of course, for King Biancheng, all the people sitting in the box on the other side did not have the three words Lin Zhengren to attract his attention.


He is very aware of the horror of Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui, the monarch and his subjects, and he fully understands that the first time he leaves Qi, Zhuang Gaoxian will be alert.

Zhuang Gaoxian is definitely not someone who just sits and waits to die!

So, under the premise that Master Kujue and Zen Master Zhaohuai blocked the door, what is the meaning of Lin Zhengren's mission to Shengguo at this critical moment?

King Bian Cheng leaned back on the seat quietly, without saying a word.

He understood that Zhuang Gaoxian had already started to act. But I don't know when and how this storm will break out.

Thanks to the book friend "Xingkong·Xuyu" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 460th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Flowers Sleeping by the Wind Pond" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 461st alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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