Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1952 My Junior Brother Can't Be So Sincere

After all these years of experience in Hell without Door, and struggling all the way to become the leader of the organization's foreign affairs, Su Xiuxing has grown up already.

Although King Biancheng didn't say a word, and King Wuguan was neither salty nor dull, he chatted endlessly by himself.

He didn't know what kind of big business the organization was going to do, but sending people into the scene, and even sending them off would be the two Yamas, one can imagine the importance of the task.

Being able to participate in such a task, even if he is only assisting on the periphery, he, Su Xiuxing, can be regarded as a core member of the organization!

Fortunately, he jumped from Tianxialou quickly!

That Ah Ce man is not bad, but his ability is obviously limited, and the space is not enough, he can't show his talent of Su Xiuxing at all. It has to be Qin Guang Wang Yin Guan!

All his life, he admired two people. One is Yin Guan, king of Qin Guang, and the other is Jiang Wang, former Marquis of Wu'an. One takes the path and the other takes the avenue. They all started from scratch and became famous all over the world. A man should be like this!

Let alone the leader, King Qin Guang.

The former Marquis of Wu'an, Jiang Wang, he fought against Jiang Wang twice, but he retreated completely. Looking around the world, how many people can do it?

After he has accumulated enough resources, he may knock on the door of the inner palace at any time. Now that the organization's recruitment standards are getting higher and higher, it is hard to count on Yan Luo in his life, but maybe he can think about it for a judge or something?

Just as he was talking, Su Xiuxing suddenly noticed that King Bian Cheng's gaze moved over... It was as if a sword was on his neck!

He felt cold all over his body, and subconsciously closed his mouth.

Then I heard King Biancheng's cold voice: "I thought about it, and suddenly I'm not interested in the dish just now, let's change to another dish."

The itinerary for entering the scene has been changed from tomorrow to the day after tomorrow. It is reasonable to look at the opinion of Wu Guan Wang for such a major event, but the cruel and cold Wu Guan Wang in the past will sit down really well.

Su Xiuxing swallowed: "No problem, I'll arrange a chef to do it right away."

Jiang Limeng is Jiang Ruyong's direct daughter, the famous general of Sheng Kingdom who publicly said that Mu Kingdom only has three armies.

This does not mean that Jiang Ruyong is an arrogant person. His outrageous words are not without the intention of building the confidence of the people of Shengguo.

Just like Xian Nankui publicly despised the grassland many times, saying that only the Cangtu cavalry in Muguo could be called his opponent, and it was more just to provoke the struggle for theocratic power in Muguo—I don’t know if the current situation in Muguo counts as his wish.

Jiang Limeng's friends are also nobles from the Sheng Kingdom. All of them are talented and well-off. But cursing this and that behind closed doors is no different from the people in the market, at most the words are more elegant.

After scolding the people of Jingguo, scolding Lin Zhengren, and scolding Lin Zhengren, scolding Zhuangguo, they showed mercy to Grassland, who had fought bloody battles with them for more than a year. Then he began to worry about the situation of the country, scolded Fang Qiu, and looked for a way out for Shengguo. Only then did he look like an elite... But Shengguo's current predicament has nothing to do with Shengguo at all.

Think in vain.

King Biancheng listened to it for a long time, but he didn't get any useful information except for the admiration of several princes from the Sheng Kingdom and the opening of the peacock.

The route to the scene was arranged by Su Xiuxing, but it was up to them to decide where King Biancheng and King Wuguan stayed these two days. Yan Luo's whereabouts will not be fully grasped by foreign affairs personnel. The killer organization that grew up on the tip of the knife has already formed its inherent logic of survival.

The two Yan Luos will show up again and join the convoy directly when the convoy for purchasing wool from Litianfu departs the day after tomorrow.

"It's too conspicuous for two people to be together, why don't we go separately?" Walking out of Qianzhandeng Restaurant, Wuguan Wang cautiously asked to act separately.

Traveling along the way is like being in prison, you can't do anything, and you won't give me a few parts if you want. If he wants to go to jail, based on his evil deeds, which prison in the world can't sit in, and he has to join Hell without Door to experience it?

The thought of spending two nights inseparable with this Biancheng King in a certain inn made him feel tired. This borrowed heart is tired!

He has a bad temper and has many things to do, but he is too strong to beat him.

King Bian Cheng looked over with calm eyes.

Wuguan Wang trembled inexplicably, and explained in his inherently difficult voice: "Sometimes I need to let the corpse out to dry, for fear of fuming you..."

After a depressing silence, King Bian Cheng only said: "Don't be late the day after tomorrow, I'm not very patient."

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree...Huh? Ah, good!" Wu Guan Wang was stunned, took a big step, and ran away in a hurry.

King Biancheng turned around slowly, and walked alone in the night before the capital of Shengguo.

He walked a lot that night, when there were fewer and fewer pedestrians, he turned into an inn, Shi Shiran walked into an empty guest room, and began to meditate on his own.

He thought a lot about this action.

Facing an opponent like Zhuang Gaoxian, he couldn't help but think about it.

The reason why Wu Guan Wang was released for a few days was because he had the need to act alone.

Mei Xuelin, Wei Guo, You Que... It's such a coincidence.

Is it possible that the mission to assassinate You Que this time has something to do with Zhuang Gaoxian, or is it simply another plot set up by Zhuang Gaoxian to kill himself with the help of Jing Guo?

The odds are slim.

First of all, Hell No Door received this assassination mission before he left Qi, and he was in Hell No Door, almost just occupying a seat, except for the operation to protect the country, he had never taken any missions. Issuing a mission to No Door to Hell does not guarantee that King Bian will be caught.

Furthermore, the identity of King Bian Cheng should only be known by Yin Guan. Yin Guan has no reason to betray himself, or in other words, if Yin Guan wants to betray himself, there are too many ways and too many opportunities, and he doesn't have to wait until today.

So what kind of move is Lin Zhengren's mission to Shengguo?

King Biancheng thought for a while, and decisively entered the realm of illusion.

With a thought, the door was opened, and the fat paper crane came thumping. When I opened the letter, there were only two simple lines on it——

Zhuang Gaoxian sent Lin Zhengren as an envoy to Shengguo.

Zhuang Gaoxian visited Changhe Dragon Palace as an envoy from Qingjiang Water Lord Song Qingyue.

Dugu Wudi immediately initiated an invitation from Galaxy Space, but Zhen Wudi did not respond.

He was not in a hurry, and silently deduced Taoism for a while, and went to the Sword Discourse Arena to play a few times.

The official way is the most suitable path for Chongxuansheng. At the beginning, it was also the existence that suppressed Jiang Wang on the Sword Discourse Arena, but later in the competition with Chong Xuanzun, he decisively gave up his personal combat power and focused on the development of power. By the time he succeeded in attacking the Marquis of Bowanghou, he had embarked on a smooth road to heaven. With his wisdom, he fully knows how to make his practice more perfect.

Before he left Qi, the fat man was seeking the presence of the God of Perfection, and things would inevitably be complicated, so he just waited.

About two hours later, Zhen Wudi arrived late, and the two sat in the Xinghe Pavilion.

The fat man was probably a little tired. He leaned on the transformed recliner when he met him, closed his eyes and asked, "Have you received the information?"

After the Yellow River Meeting in 3919, Du Ruhui created an intelligence line specifically for Jiang Wang.

But before this Yellow River Meeting, Chongxuan was better than Zhuangguo's intelligence work, and he had been doing it. It's just that he and Jiang Wang were weak at the beginning, not as good as Du Ruhui's ability to easily mobilize national power, so the start was very difficult, and no useful information could be sent back for three to five months.

Chong Xuansheng didn't ask this line to play any role immediately, he just let it take root and develop slowly within the scope of Zhuanguo.

As the status of the two of them continued to rise, and even both of them became princes, the standard of this intelligence line became higher and higher.

Up to now, not to mention being able to capture Zhuang Gaoxian's every move, his grasp of the situation in Zhuang country has definitely surpassed most of the officials of Zhuang country.

Dugu Wudi smiled: "The information came a bit slowly, I knew it before you."

Zhen Wudi didn't even raise his eyelids: "You are in Shengguo now?"

Dugu Wudi couldn't stop laughing: "How do you know?"

"Zhuangguo's information line is in my hands, and the source of your information is only yourself. Well, there may be another Zuo Guangshu, but he will not be faster than me, and I even suspect that he may not know the two pieces of information. Importance... Combined with the time when you got the information, it is easy to deduce your location. Lin Zhengren should not have arrived in Shengguo yet, so who did you listen to talk about this? Jiang Limeng? You should only know She." Zhen Wudi said, looked up at Dugu Wudi: "It seems that I guessed right."

Dugu Wudi suspects that there is a heavy eyeliner beside him, but at the moment he is indeed alone.

"Oh?" He said blankly, "What else did you guess?"

"You shouldn't be so stupid as to expose your identity and make friends with Jiang Limeng at this time, so your information comes from eavesdropping. You can't be sure that Jiang Limeng will talk about the information you want, so there is a high probability of meeting by chance. The Jiang family It's not so easy to sneak in, and Lin Zhengren will be talked about, it should be a crowded but relatively secret place, after all, it is impossible to publicly insult envoys from other countries, so the place where they chat should be in a restaurant, teahouse, or some private courtyard. But you should be in a restaurant. Why are you sneaking around in Shengguo’s restaurant and eavesdropping on other people’s conversations?” Zhen Wudi paused for a while before saying, “ have nowhere to go to hell again got mixed up."

"Ha." Dugu Invincible laughed dryly.

But Zhen Wudi is not over yet: "Hell Wumen is developing very well now, and you, Jiang, do have some tricks, so you can't be so cautious about the idle task. Go to Shengguo... let me guess, the destination is Jing Guo, right?"

"Almost, almost." Dugu Wudi didn't want him to guess any more, so he changed the question, "What do you think Zhuang Gaoxian wants to do?"

"I want you to die soon, what else can I think about?" Zhen Wudi rolled his eyes: "You made it clear that you want to kill him, but he still wishes you well?"

"Then what should I do?" Dugu Wudi asked.

"You should continue to develop in Qi State. You should be in charge of the Zhanyu Army and enter the military hall. One day, you will go west to Tianjing City, lead the army to destroy Xin'an, and kill him as you want." Zhen Wudi choked deeply. him.

Dugu Invincible shrugged his shoulders and let himself go.

Zhen Wudi shook his head helplessly: "You have won the title of a hero of the human race, and your golden body has already been molded. You should sit in Xingyueyuan to retreat, and no matter what happens, you will not show your face. Whatever medicine he sells in his gourd, he will not buy it. Don't guess... It seems that you want to kill Lin Zhengren, does he really make you so afraid?"

Dugu Wudi said: "He is very smart but also very dangerous."

Zhen Wudi thought for a while, and said affirmatively: "You can go, no matter how precise Zhuang Gaoxian's layout is, it is impossible to expect that you are in Weicheng now. But..."


Zhen Wudi beckoned: "Come here with your ears."

Dugu Wudi leaned forward.

"Did you pay attention to the Taixu Scroll recently?" Zhen Wudi said, "There are some interesting tasks on it."

Dugu Wudi opened the Taixu Scroll, looked at it carefully, and asked in surprise, "Why are there so many tasks?"

"Did you find anything?" Zhen Wudi asked again.

"There are many tasks."


"Otherwise? There are thousands of missions, do I still have to watch them one by one?"

"...It's okay. Let's continue talking about Lin Zhengren."



The name of the funeral hall is simple and clear, it is the place where the Sheng Kingdom receives foreign envoys.

It occupies a vast area, and the houses are sprawling, mixing the styles of many countries in the world—after all, the Sheng Kingdom once thought that it was close to the Jing Kingdom, and had the extravagant dream of a kingdom under heaven and all nations coming to court.

One night after another was enough time for Jiang Wang to figure out the situation of the funeral parlor.

Although Weidu is full of masters, it is impossible to release a real person when they are assigned to the funeral hall. There is a monk who is in the presence of God sitting in the middle of the building, which is already a high standard.

At this time, the bright moon is in the sky, and the frost is flowing in the house.

The tall archway serves as the gateway to the entire Waifu Hall complex, and it is magnificently built.

On the plaque, the three big characters "Waiyiguan" written by Emperor Shengcheng himself, like a phoenix with wings, show the greatness of a great country.

The armored soldiers in front of the archway are as solemn as a forest of steel, which is daunting.

Jiang Wang was wearing an ordinary military uniform and a mask he bought casually on the street. He simply walked over and walked into the funeral hall.

A whole team of soldiers, no one is aware.

The point of their sight is dominated by Jiang Wang. The voices they heard were all controlled by Jiang Wang.

When one's practice has reached Jiang Wang's level, let alone some soldiers in the Dragon Realm, it is difficult to compete with him for the autonomy of voice and sight, even if he is waiting for God to come.

In this way, he walked in the funeral hall like no one else, found the residence of Zhuang Guo's envoy team, and walked outside the room of envoy Lin Zhengren.

He had... heard Lin Zhengren's voice. Like reading a book?

Jiang Wang remembered. What he recited was the classic of preaching in Yujing Mountain, "The Sutra of Yuqing Supreme Interior Scenery".

Different from the "Zixu Gaomiao Taishangjing", which only teaches the true teachings of the foundation of practice, the classics of preaching are written for preaching, and the more widely they are spread, the better.

The Taoist disciples of Zhuangguo, of course, need to study this sutra.


Lin Zhengren devoted himself to learning tirelessly, and never forgot to study the classics when he was sent to other countries?

Jiang Wang pushed the door open, still distorting all sights and sounds.

Theoretically speaking, Lin Zhengren, who is in a mere building environment, should not be able to find anything abnormal.

But Lin Zhengren's eyes still "looked" over.

Those were Sen Sen's eyes looking forward, with blood flowing from the corners of the eyes and extending downwards.

Like the eyes of a ghost who died unjustly!

Of course Jiang Wang is not afraid of ghosts, he can even make ghosts invisible, so he raised his hand calmly.

Today, if he wants to kill Lin Zhengren, he doesn't need to draw his sword at all. It is not an exaggeration to say that he can be killed with a snap of his fingers.

But Lin Zhengren suddenly shouted: "Senior Brother Jiang, don't do anything yet, you might as well listen to my sophistry!"

It's been a year since we parted, and the junior has become a senior.

Jiang Wang can also be regarded as a person who has experienced many battles, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment before such a reaction.

"Can you see me?" he asked slightly surprised.

If Lin Zhengren could take back the sight and voice controlled by him, then Lin Zhengren shouldn't be so cultivated!

Lin Zhengren said: "I just know who will kill me."

He couldn't see Jiang Wang, and even in his field of vision, the door was still closed and there was no one in the room. He just sensed the danger, and then tried his best to look straight ahead, using his ghost eyes.

Jiang Wang let out an "oh" and pointed with a sword, intending to give him a good time.

Lin Zhengren shouted again: "I want to cooperate with you!"

Jiang Wang looked at him incomprehensibly: "Why do you think I can cooperate with you?"

"Why not?" Lin Zhengren also had an unbelievable expression on his face: "There was no grudge between you and me in the past, and there is no enmity in the near future. If we can achieve both benefits, why kill me for nothing?"

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and then said with complicated emotions: "Don't we have any hatred?"

Lin Zhengren asked sincerely: "I killed my whole family myself, so what does it have to do with you?"

Thanks to the book friend "Qianbi" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 462nd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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