Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1953

In the eyes of many people from Zhuang Kingdom, going to Sheng Country as an envoy is really a hard job.

Since the meeting of the Yellow River in 3919, the relationship between the two countries has been tense.

Especially this time the messenger was Lin Zhengren who had defeated Jiang Limeng back then. It is almost conceivable what kind of cold reception he will suffer.

The recruitment of envoys was avoided by everyone.

In the end, the prime minister forcibly allocated a group of people from the Baiyu army.

But for Lin Zhengren, the matter of being an envoy to Shengguo is actually not difficult.

How can it be troublesome to deal with those self-righteous young masters and young ladies?

It's nothing more than swallowing some cynicism, nothing more than performing some regret and sincerity.

To put it bluntly, how could he keep these greenhouse flowers in his heart?

Especially that Qi Ya. His father was already dead, and he didn't want to think about how to practice hard and revive his family's reputation, so he just focused on running around Jiang Limeng and being jealous.

By Jiang Limeng's side, would there be no shortage of tail-wagging people?

But people like Sheng Xuehuai and Jiang Limeng who he was really afraid of would not intentionally embarrass him.

If he really wanted to see Sheng Xuehuai's cold face when he was on a mission on behalf of Zhuang Guo, he would just burn incense to himself, and there was nothing else to say.

The theme of this mission, "Zhuang Sheng Taoism Exchange", is actually not as ridiculous as Qi Ya and the others make fun of. Zhuangguo's Taoism system is inherited from Yujingshan, and Shengguo's Taoism system is mainly based on Penglai Island. The two sides have a lot of places to communicate.

Furthermore, Zhuang Kingdom has achieved great victories in recent national wars. What reason does Sheng Guo have to look down upon?

What is really difficult?

It was under this mission, the hidden mission of Emperor Zhuangguo.

The great and wise Emperor Zhuang actually sent Lin Zhengren, a peerless and loyal minister, to take the lead in setting up a plan to deal with Jiang Wang!

Do you feel that the gap between the Outer Building Realm and the Divine Realm is too small?

Still think that Jiang Wang is not fierce enough in the Qi Xia battlefield, strong enough in the demon world, and not cruel enough in the lost world?

Say what foolproof, good plans must be fruitful. What is the position of deputy prime minister, the fate of God's presence.

The emperor made it clear that Zhongliang was forced to die!

How could he, Lin Zhengren, be so rebellious?

"First of all, I don't hate you. I killed my whole family, and I have no relationship with my brother. I really can't find a reason to hate you. Although you thought about killing me, you didn't succeed after all."

Lin Zhengren analyzed very seriously: "You shouldn't hate me either.

"It was my irresponsible clansman Lin Zhenglun who lived up to his innocence and betrayed justice. It was my useless younger brother Lin Zhengli who bullied his clansmen with lustful desires. It has nothing to do with me!

"And they all died at my hands. From this point of view, I avenged you. They deserved to die, and we will cancel our grievances.

"Although I was also forced by Du Ruhui to ambush you outside the city of Buhuo, it was unsuccessful after all. Even if Du Guoxiang hadn't arrived in time, you would have dug three feet into the ground to find me and kill me."

He spoke clearly and logically, but Jiang Wang couldn't find a point to refute for a while.

At this time, Lin Zhengren had already retracted his ghost eyes, and with a gentle and dignified appearance, he said again: "Please allow me to recite the scriptures again. These days, I have been reciting the scriptures all night every day. If they suddenly stop, they will definitely Doubt what."

It turns out that chanting is his means of warning! It's really a simple but difficult way to deal with it. This person is really deep-minded.

Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking of Zhong Xuansheng's analysis - "If he is really a smart person, the moment Zhuang Gaoxian decides to send him to Shengguo, he will choose to cooperate with you!"

It came true perfectly!

Lin Zhengren had already started chanting sutras, continuing the sound of his reading, but this did not affect his conversation with Jiang Wang: "Could Brother Jiang show up to see you, Zheng Ren sincerely expresses his heart, why don't we sit down and talk about the past slowly? "

Jiang Wang closed the door casually, put Lin Zhengren back in sight, and then sat down opposite Lin Zhengren.

The two people who were also from Qinghe County in Zhuang Country met again in Sheng Country's ceremonial hall.

Wangjiang City and Fenglin City can be regarded as neighbors, but they are indeed people on two roads. Even if there was no matter about Song Ruyi and the disaster of bones, they should still fight each other in the officialdom of the Zhuang Kingdom in the future...

It's really a good thing in life to meet enemies in a foreign land.

"Senior brother Jiang is still handsome!" Lin Zhengren put on a smile on his face, and his tone was nostalgic and very sincere.

Jiang Wang was in a daze thinking that they were once very good friends.

"You can see my demeanor even with the mask on." Jiang Wang raised his eyes slightly.

Lin Zhengren said solemnly: "Jade lies in its quality, not in its luster. Although you don't show your true face, how many people in the world can match your demeanor?"

Jiang Wang smiled: "Honesty is your virtue."

Lin Zhengren was still very serious: "Brother, I just can't hide what's in my heart, I made my brother laugh at me."

Jiang Wang said meaningfully: "I remember that you were very honest when you hated me to the bone and wanted to kill me soon."

Lin Zhengren's sitting posture is stretched, maybe he knows that resistance is useless, maybe he is confident that he will not be killed.

He said: "I swear, I never took the initiative to seek revenge from Senior Brother Jiang. Every time, Du Ruhui forced me to act. I hate you only because they need me to hate you. I am just a knife. I really want to kill Senior Brother." Yes, it's Emperor Zhuang and Prime Minister Du. A thief who wounded someone with a knife is the fault of the sword? The fault of the thief?"

His tone was very serious: "I can also be Brother Jiang's knife."

"You hurt yourself and others with this knife."

"The strong hold it by themselves."

Jiang Wang found out that although Lin Zhengren in front of him showed weakness, although he was soft, although he begged for surrender, there was never real fear in his eyes.

He's just tackling danger, his way.

Jiang Wang said slowly: "To save your life, do you only think of these reasons?"

Lin Zhengren sat upright, as if he was stating his ideals, rather than accepting the test of life and death: "I live in the funeral home of Sheng State, and I represent Zhuang State as an envoy to Sheng State. I am the number one pride of Zhuang State. No matter what the reason is , I can’t even die here. If I die here, Sheng Guo must give an explanation. Jiang Ruyong, Meng Wuya, and even Li Yuanshe will all take action.

"I believe in Senior Brother Jiang's strength. But as soon as the chanting on my side stops, the people I bring will immediately notice the problem. At most half an hour, my death will be discovered, and the whole city will be under martial law." .

"If Senior Brother Jiang can solve this problem, then there is another problem—it is only half an hour before dawn, and half an hour later, I will go to the Shengguo Chaohui. That is to say, you need to Innerland, fleeing Shengguo silently. But this is impossible.

"If senior brother Jiang's friends in Shengguo are able to help you do this, then there is another problem - when I set off, Emperor Zhuang planted a bondage on me in the name of protecting the envoys. Lingsuo, once I am in danger, Lingsuo will mark the person..."

Lin Zhengren tilted his head, stroked a bulge on his neck with his fingers, and said with a smile: "Why don't Senior Brother Jiang take a look and see if he can get rid of it first? As you can imagine, this spirit-binding rope is still there." Kill my ability thousands of miles away, lest I escape the control of Dazhuang Shengtian."

Jiang Wang didn't try it hastily, but said calmly: "Aren't you Zhuang Guo's number one pride, the loyal minister of Zhuang Tingda? Why does Zhuang Gaoxian still distrust you so much?"

"I've done a lot of things over the years." Lin Zhengren smiled: "It's not that he doesn't trust me, he doesn't trust anyone."

Jiang Wang looked at the man in front of him.

He seemed to have said all about his life-saving conditions, revealed his vitals, and let the knife go, which seemed to be very sincere.

But Jiang Wang understood that Lin Zhengren must have some unspoken means.

"Are you sure I will come to kill you tonight?" Jiang Wang asked.

Lin Zhengren said: "I didn't know that you were in Shengguo, let alone that you came to see me tonight. I just made sure that if someone would come to kill me under such circumstances and make me powerless to resist, that person must be you."

Jiang Wang didn't speak.

Lin Zhengren then added: "You are in Zhuangguo, so you must have an eye. If you are as wise as you, you must have guessed that my mission this time is a move by Emperor Zhuang against you. Even if you don't come to Shengguo, after I will also go to Elephant Country. I think there are many opportunities for our brothers and sisters to reunite, and I am just preparing every day."

Jiang Wang's gaze calmly scanned the many hidden restrictions placed in the room: "You are not even sure that I will come, so you have prepared so many life-saving measures, and you still do this every day?"

Lin Zhengren only said: "Senior brother Jiang laughed at me, I am really afraid of death."

"Why didn't someone else come to kill you?" Jiang Wang asked again.

Lin Zhengren said: "Because I never take the initiative to make enemies with others, and I never put myself in danger. If I am not careful, I will solve it quickly, and if I accidentally enter a dangerous place, I will leave quickly. Only this time is an exception. I know that no matter how many means of escape I prepare, I may eventually die. Because what I have to face is Brother Jiang, and His Majesty the Emperor, whom I am loyal to, personally sent me out."

Naturally, Jiang Wang would not believe how loyal Lin Zhengren was to Zhuang Gaoxian, nor would Zhuang Gaoxian himself. But for Lin Zhengren's caution, ruthlessness, and insidiousness, he really has a deep understanding.

If you want to kill him, how can you retreat completely? How to strip away the life-saving conditions that have been put on the surface and those life-saving conditions that have not yet been exposed?

If you don't kill him, how will you deal with this person?

Ever since his presence, he never imagined that a cultivator in the outer building could be so troublesome!

Lin Zhengren said again: "What I said just now... If you can deal with all of them, then you can kill me. But even if you can perfectly solve those problems, I don't recommend you to do so."

"Oh?" Jiang Wang stared at him.

"Because I am useful." Lin Zhengren emphasized: "I can play a very important role in the match between you and Zhuang Gaoxian. If you kill me, he will send another person. I am not important .If you keep me, you will have the opportunity to predict his methods."

Jiang Wang said: "Continue."

Compared to Senior Brother Jiang's inhumanity, Junior Brother Lin appeared to be polite and polite: "This time I am on behalf of Zhuang Country, Sheng Country is only the first stop, and Xiang Country is just one of the many Dao countries that I want to visit.

"The name of the visit is 'Taoism exchange', but the core of the mission is to make good friends with the Taoist countries I want to visit, and to seek a higher status in the Taoist countries. Du Guoxiang has done a lot of homework in the early stage, and listed A lot of trading plans have been made. Once the interest relationship is reached, Zhuangguo's position in the western region will be more stable, and it will be more difficult for you to enter the village for revenge in the future.

"As for me, under the task of the mission, my core task is to deal with you. Don't you want to know how Emperor Zhuang planned you? And... what gave him the reliance, made him feel that the mere outside building How can Lin Zhengren, who is in the middle of nowhere, be able to deal with you?"

Jiang Wang is indeed interested: "Tell me."

Lin Zhengren spread his hands: "I don't know either."

"Really?" Jiang Wang's eyes began to look dangerous.

Lin Zhengren quickly explained: "With Emperor Zhuang's suspicion, how could he trust me? How could he let me know the whole picture with the means that can let me pry to kill you?"

"What you said is not unreasonable...then where is your role reflected?"

"At least, as the executor of the plan, or a certain link in the execution of the plan, I can help you figure out his layout. At the very least, I can help you avoid some dangers."

"for example?"

"For example, the place where I started to pose a real threat to you this time should be in Xiang Country. According to Zhuang Gaoxian's order, I will try my best to lure you away from Xingyueyuan when I get there. But after that What will happen, I don't know yet."

Xiangguo is right next to Xingyueyuan, and it is indeed an ideal place. If Lin Zhengren went to Xiangguo on behalf of Zhuangguo, it would be hard not to know that he was in retreat at Baiyujing Restaurant.

"How are you going to lure me away from Xingyueyuan?" Jiang Wang asked.

Lin Zhengren's expression became very cautious: "I need to declare to you first that these are all Emperor Zhuang's ideas. I am just an executor."

Jiang Wang said lightly, "But it's okay to say."

"I will hold a literary conference in Xiangguo to discuss the literary significance of the inscriptions on the life stele in Fenglin City, strengthen Emperor Zhuang's great achievements in the disaster in Fenglin City, and guide and spread your relationship with the Bone Dao." Lin Zhengren said: "If you still don't come to me, I will hold another puja to pay homage to the victims in Fenglin City. The names that are highlighted in the ceremony are all close to you..."

Jiang Wang's eyes were neither happy nor sad: "Is that all?"

Lin Zhengren lowered his eyebrows and his eyes were pleasing to the eye, and his voice was undetectable: "If all of these fail, Zhuang Gaoxian has thought of another way - the bones of your aunt have been revealed..."

At the beginning, Jiang Wang slashed his sword to seek justice for Aunt Song, but in the end Lin Zhengren killed Lin Zhenglun. Justice should be sought from Lin Zhengli, but he couldn't do it at that time.

Aunt Song was buried in Lin's cemetery after her death, under the name of Lin Zhenglun's wife.

Jiang Wang did not disturb the deceased at that time. Moreover, Aunt Song has remarried, so it is not appropriate to be buried back in Fengxi.

did not expect……

Zhuangguo's wise ruler and virtuous ministers are really good means.

Although the mask covered Jiang Wang's expression, this silence especially made Lin Zhengren uneasy. He gritted his teeth and cursed angrily: "Zhuang Gao envies the human face and animal heart, and he is shameless in vain being the king!"

Jiang Wang's voice was calm: "Leave it to me."

"Hey, good." Lin Zhengren stood up and carefully took out an iron box.

Jiang Wang glanced at it and motioned him to put it on the table with his eyes.

Lin Zhengren put the iron box on the table next to him, and sincerely reminded: "This iron box was given to me by Du Guoxiang, there may be some tricks on it, Brother Jiang, be careful, don't just take it away."

If Jiang Wang hadn't been so vigilant, I don't know if his reminder would have come.

"Open it and have a look." Jiang Wang said.

Lin Zhengren made a pinch, and slowly opened the iron box.

There is indeed a skeleton stacked in the iron box.

Jiang Wang took a quiet look, the gold, red and white flames flashed past, and the bones were already empty. The last remnant of Aunt Song in this world also returned to Yuanhai.

"Close it." Jiang Wang's voice showed no emotion: "You can find a sub-skeleton to replace it later."

Lin Zhengren closed the iron box obediently, without saying a word of nonsense.

"What does Zhuang Gaoxian plan to do after catching me?" Jiang Wang said slowly: "It won't be simply to find a real person to ambush me next to you, right? Once I kill you, I will protect the envoy of Zhuang Kingdom Kill me in name? As Jingguo is a Daoist kingdom, Jingguo Daoist has the right to do so."

Lin Zhengren said seriously: "Of course this is also a solution, but I don't think he will underestimate you so much."

"What other means do you think he has?" Jiang Wang asked.

Lin Zhengren's heart almost reached his throat: "I still need some time to verify."

Then he heard this sentence - "Okay, I'll give you time."

The person was no longer in sight.

That sentence also dissipated.

The room was still the same room, empty, as if nothing had happened.

Lin Zhengren leaned back in the chair slowly.

He knew that he once again jumped out of a mortal situation!

And the chanting continues—

"One mind produces righteous concentration, and all phenomena naturally change. Divide into five qi one by one, and the five qi conceive one spirit."

"One psychic changes, and it is true when it is refined. The truth is not a form, neither is it nor is it not..."

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