Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1957 There Are No More Surprised Dragons in the World

In the You family's old house, the last person waiting to die was You Shirang, the youngest member of the You family's descendant generation.

His father died in the Jingmu War, and his uncle died in the Conquest and Defense War.

Several elder brothers have been in Tianjing City, and they are all mediocre.

And he is also mediocre.

Too strong self-esteem, and not enough talent to match self-esteem, often makes him chew humiliation. It also resulted in a narrower and narrower mind.

Now he is showing cowardice.

Under the merciless killing by the masked man, he burst into tears and kept retreating, retreating from the front yard to the middle yard, and back to the back yard, and even couldn't stand still and fell to the ground...but he didn't dare to attack the enemy!

He was holding a sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword was facing the masked enemy, but his hand was shaking all the time!

"What do you want...don't come here...don't come here!" he cried.

You Que stood quietly in front of him, looking at him indifferently.

You Shirang is fifteen years old this year.

This is not a very old age, but it cannot be said to be young, and it should not continue to be childish.

The fifteen-year-old Zuo Guanglie was already the leader of the Yellow River.

He himself was only sixteen years old when he became the leader of the Yellow River.

Time flies!

At such a moment, You Que thought of You Shirang's father, his own elder brother. When everyone has given up, there is still a stubborn persistence.

Sticking to the younger brother who made him proud can still return to the top.

At the beginning, it was encouraging and comforting, and later it was earnest persuasion.

Afterwards, there was a bitter trick, deliberately to provoke other families, and was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and came back to hope that the genius brother would cheer up.

And then there is the method of provoking generals, yelling curses in an attempt to arouse fighting spirit...

Over the years, it has gone round and round, exhausting all means.

He even brought his youngest son into the courtyard and taught him to swear.

You Que still remembers that at that time, You Shirang was still very young, four or five years old, stumbling over to recite his words, cursing in a childish voice: "Uncle, are really... useless... trash."

After scolding, he ran away: "If you are not convinced, come and beat me!"

As a result, he fell on his back, knocked out two of his front teeth, and cried heart-rendingly.

My brother is also dead.

War doesn't kill people.

After my brother died.

You Shirang will not come again.

No one from the whole Youjia came.

The ending of Youjia was preordained long ago. After he received the military order, he raised the butcher knife in Yewang City and personally ended periods of life that shouldn't have ended. Finally, he collapsed in front of a crying child.

It might have been doomed then.

Or maybe it was after Bei Tianshi Wu Daoyou's words?

At that time, Yin Xiaoheng's class teacher returned to the court, took the surrender form, the military flag, and the lord of the country, and greeted him in the clean streets of Tianjing City. Jing Tianzi asked, "Where is the solitary traveler who frightened the dragon?"

Yin Xiaoheng answered truthfully—"The mind of Dao collapsed, he turned back to his golden body, took off his armor and wandered around like a walking dead."

The whole court is silent.

Bei Tianshi Wu Daoyou said: "Is this son Sanjun trying to sell straight?"

That's it.

He came to his senses, voluntarily resigned from his title, resigned from his job, and returned home to prison.

But it couldn't stop You Shi's fall at all.

The process of falling into the abyss is always tormented. The ugliness squeezed out of suffering is more like an abyss than an abyss.

He was still very young at that time, he could see life, but he couldn't see people's hearts. Unable to accept life for a while, embarked on such a long dark journey.

If the time goes back to 3898, how would he choose?

You Que shook his head lightly, he didn't know the answer, but he couldn't turn his head back.

He just shook his head gently like this, as if denying something. He stepped on You Shirang's chest with his boots, and just looked down at this cowardly Youjia heir.

"Fear? Pain?" he asked. "Or do you want revenge on me?"

You Shirang was stunned, his face was covered with tears, but he didn't dare to speak.

You Que looked down at him, and said slowly: "It's useless to kill such a waste. Save your life and tell the world who did such a big thing! Remember my name, poor little thing, I am a hell without a gate King Biancheng!"

The voice fell, and the people dispersed.

In the entire Youjia old house, there was only one young man who was left in a daze for a long time, curled up on the ground, howling silently in pain.

You Que returned to his small courtyard.

The primordial spirit comes and goes without a trace.

He looked at the vegetables he had grown, and then at the corpses in the yard—the old dog's and his own.

Then he walked forward slowly, walked past his vegetable field, walked to his own corpse, and sat down alone like countless ordinary days before.

Sitting like a chair.

"If someone wants to watch a play, then act well. I hope this scene has met their expectations."

Thinking this way, You Que fell backwards into his own body.

In the autumn of 3922 in the Dao calendar, You Que died, and there will be no more You Jinglong in the world!



In the dense forest outside Taiping City, King Biancheng and King Qin Guang met again.

"You came very quickly." King Qin Guang praised.

King Bian Cheng was cold and silent.

Waiting here is Wuguan Wang, sitting under a tree, waiting for a long time.

King Qin Guang gave him a wink.

Having already prepared, he pulled out two rows of light curtains with a total of ten grids. King Chujiang, Emperor Song, King Taishan... the masks of Yama in the Ten Temples appeared in the light curtain one after another.

The task of assassinating You Que this time is extremely difficult and dangerous, and it can be said that it is the most difficult since the creation of No Door to Hell. Although the final result was a bit sloppy, You Que disappeared after a face-to-face meeting. But King Qin Guang had indeed prepared half a year in advance for this.

It was not until the final action that he and King Biancheng were decided to be the main attackers. Because this is the strongest lineup of Hell Wumen, the appearance of any other Yan Luo will only make King Biancheng unable to explode with full strength, thus weakening the overall combat power.

Even if You Que had already recast his Dao Xin and cultivated into a top-level god, the combination of him and King Bian Cheng was worthy of a battle.

The other eight Yan Luos did not appear in Youjia's old house precisely because they were all planning to escape from Jingguo.

From Taiping City of Fengtian Mansion to the outside of Jingguo, King Chu Jiang planned five escape routes, each of which buried many backhands as a guarantee. It can be said that the reward for this operation, the reason why the premium is so high, and the extra part is used for this.

For example, the city king of the Eight Palaces has locked all the straight roads outside Fengtian Mansion, which can cause collapses at the same time at the first time, and he is also responsible for cutting off communication methods such as carrier pigeons.

For example, the Wheel-Turning King of the Ten Palaces is going around in circles with the relevant members of Jing Shitai, and he can deal with them at any time to attract Jing Shitai's attention at a higher level. Or continue to carry them around, so that under the reflection of Jing Shitai, there will always be a piece of still water here.

For example, King Yama of the Five Palaces has already planted the dice of life and death in the Lord's Mansion of Taiping City, which can destroy the city's political center at any time and suppress the city's ability to respond to the greatest extent.

For example, the Emperor Song of the Three Palaces, the Taishan King of the Seventh Palace, and the Pingping King of the Nine Palaces are all in Heng'an City of Fengtian Mansion. As long as King Qin Guang gives an order, the government of the mansion will be shaken instantly.

But King Chujiang's task is particularly critical. She led the arrangement for the previous six months and bought a large number of people. When the time is right, it will immediately cause turmoil in the entire Fengtian Mansion!

In fact, there is another very important person, that is Jingguo Tianjiao Lou Junlan who came to Taiping City to patrol. If she is taken down, it will definitely cause a wider riot, and it is also a more important bargaining chip.

But apart from King Qin Guang and King Biancheng, no Yan Luo was sure to take her down silently. And no one wants to attract Lou Yue, so they can only let it go...

Assassinating a You Que who has faded out of people's sight for a long time may not cause any trouble, and it is difficult for a You Family who has long been in decline to respond resolutely. Really tied Lou Junlan, that's another matter.

Combining the above arrangements, as Qin Guangwang often said, the asking price for Hell Without Door is actually very conscientious. Apart from Hell Without Doors, which organization dares to enter the hegemony country to assassinate?

Of course, it now appears that that premium is simply not enough. His mother's You Que has already realized the truth!

As soon as the light curtain in the palm of Wuguan Wang appeared, Qin Guangwang said directly: "The target is dead, but things have some unexpected twists and turns. You don't need to make noise. Now listen to my order and leave the scene separately. How low-key can you be? How low-key."

After he finished speaking, he scattered the light curtain. The situation was urgent. He only issued orders and was not responsible for dispelling confusion.

King Bian Cheng turned around without saying a word.

King Qin Guang hurriedly stopped him: "The others leave separately, and King Wu Guan will come with us."

King Bian Cheng stood there coldly, noncommittal.

Wu Guanwang is so witty, seeing King Guang of Qin and King Biancheng like this, he knew that the so-called accident is not ordinary, so he said very considerately: "Otherwise, I won't drag you down..."

"If you want to waste our time, just keep talking nonsense." King Qin Guang pointed to King Biancheng: "He has a bad temper."

Wuguan Wang immediately shut up.

King Qin Guang took the lead to walk outside the forest: "If you have any questions, let's talk as we go."

But what he said was "we", but in fact he only communicated back and forth with King Biancheng.

Wuguan Wang followed them silently, but didn't hear a word. He stretched his ears open, and even used the ear knowledge secret technique, but there was only the whistling wind.

He felt the deep malice of the world.

Don't you mean talking while walking? How come I only have to "go" here?

He didn't understand why such a conscientious person like him would be excluded.

Obviously there are three people walking together, why do you want to form a small group? If you have the ability, don't take me! If you have the ability, let me go by myself!

He looked at King Qin Guang, but did not speak. He looked at King Biancheng again, but remained silent in the end.

never mind. The strong are always alone, and the cattle and horses like to be in groups.

In the receding scenery, sound transmission is indeed going on.

If he wanted to eavesdrop next to King Biancheng, Wuguan Wang's current skills were far from enough.

"You Que is definitely not dead. Although we can't tell the truth from the fake, and I tried the spell just now, there is still no response... But he is definitely not dead."

"If I can kill Dongzhen with a single sword, I can't wade into this muddy water with you."

"It's a little ungrateful for you to talk like that."

"Don't talk too far, let's talk about business."

"You did it first!"

King Bian Cheng didn't bother to pay attention, and said coldly: "What do you think You Que wants to do?"

King Qin Guang's voice was also very cold: "It's nothing more than feigning death to escape."

King Biancheng analyzed indifferently: "There are two possibilities. First, You Que has a big enemy in Jingguo. He has been depraved for twenty-four years and still refuses to let him go. Second, You Que has someone behind him. Very complicated involvement, maybe participating in a mysterious organization, which can also explain the origin of his cultivation resources after living in isolation for so long. But he has been traced to some kind of clue, at least it is also suspicious, so he needs to use this Way to leave. His strength lies here, and he cannot withstand scrutiny."

King Qin Guang said: "It doesn't matter if it's his arch-enemy, or just some big man who simply doubted him. In short, the identity of that person is not simple, even if You Que has realized the truth, he is not an opponent. You can only follow the plan , choose to cut and escape."

"Maybe it's not one person, but a group of people." King Biancheng said, "I don't know much about the political situation in Jingguo, let alone Youjia's grievances, so I don't want to speak nonsense."

Qin Guangwang added: "Whether it is one person or a group of people, the customers who hire us come from here."

"Is it possible that he hired us himself?"

"It's unlikely. Because if you just want to get away, there are many safer ways than hiring us to assassinate. It is not a wise choice to actively involve a third party in such an important matter."

"It makes sense." Bian Chengwang continued to analyze: "It is inconvenient for our customers to make a move on the bright side, and it is also inconvenient to make a move on their own. Because Youjia has fallen to this level, and Youque has been abolished for 24 years. I haven't heard that Youjia has any feud that can't be solved. It would be too bullying to target them under such circumstances, and it doesn't conform to the rules of the game for the nobles... It seems that our client is in a high position in Jingguo. "

"Whether he is alone or in a group, he still owes me a sum." King Qin Guang said viciously, "The price I asked for before was the price for You Que's return to God. If I don't pay this debt, I won't sleep at night! "

King Biancheng said coldly, "If you want debts, you don't want to die, don't take me with you."

"Do you want to share the money?"

"Of course, I paid for it!"

"Don't worry, I will ask for it slowly." King Qin Guang pondered, "We are a difficult customer to deal with."

King Bian Cheng said: "If it's easy to deal with, how can You Que use this?"

King Qin Guang said: "Facing such an enemy, even if You Que died by the hands of you and me, it is not so easy to leave Jingguo safely."

King Biancheng asked back: "So you let Emperor Song and the others stop making noise, because you think that You Que will have his own arrangements?"

"Under such circumstances, it is not a good thing that the water is too muddy." King Qin Guang said with a little regret: "Because we are the fish, we are easily taken away by the muddy water. When we make noise, we will leave clues. It will wrap around our necks. Since You Que must have arrangements, let the people of Jingguo find You Que."

King Bian Cheng was thoughtful: "You Que is probably waiting for us to mess up the pool, so that he can jump out of the game."

King Qin Guang sneered: "How can I make him fulfill his wish?"

King Biancheng had to admit that Qin Guangwang was indeed an excellent leader of the organization who could make the most correct decision at the first time and decisively abandon the hard-working ambush he had laid down before.

But this didn't stop him from complaining: "Interesting! The client will definitely come to us afterwards, because they want to confirm whether You Que is really dead. After You Que escapes, he will also come to us, because we know the truth. Jing Guo's reaction is nothing, The dignified Central Empire, only in the area of ​​public security, there are cases happening all the time, and there are tens of thousands of cases every day. It is not possible to spend too much energy on a killer organization or a marginalized wanderer... The real danger comes from Here it is!"

King Qin Guang said: "Escape from Jingguo first, and then think about other things. There is still some time now."

King Bian Cheng clicked his tongue and said, "We have to be careful about our targets and it so difficult to be a killer?"

King Qin Guang didn't turn his head back: "How can it be easy to make a living these days?"

King Biancheng said coldly, "That's not what you said when you lied to me to join Hell and No Door."

"Officer Wu." Qin Guangwang suddenly called out.

"Yes!" Wuguan Wang responded immediately: "Where do we start talking? I think this matter is very strange, this Youque him..."

"Throw a dead body here." King Qin Guang ordered confidently: "Interfere with possible tracking."

He also emphasized: "Don't use the cheap one."

Wuguan Wang opened his mouth, and finally said: "...Oh."

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