Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1958 This pass crosses Chongluan Lake

If the husband rises at sunrise, the forest will bloom, and the cloud will return to Fengtianyin.

King Qin Guang said, "Throw away a corpse."

It's the day, the sky is bright and the air is clear, the wind is breezy, and the Three Yamas are walking in Shuntian Mansion.

King Qin Guang said, "Throw away a corpse."

Yu Guanfu's Taoist mausoleum is in a grand shape. It is in a lake in Chongluan, holding distant mountains and swallowing long rivers. Fish swim like shuttles and passenger boats like arrows.

King Guang of Qin stood on the deck of a tall building ship and said, "Throw away."

In just one day, he fled from Fengtian Mansion to Shuntian Mansion, and then to Daoling Mansion... The cruel King Biancheng remained silent, and the cruel King Qin Guang kept his words concise.

The official king, who worked hard without complaint, finally couldn't let him go any longer. Considering the cruelty of the target, he decided to be more tactful: "When Biancheng Wang Zisheng and I entered the scene, we got into a convoy to buy wool. I heard from the people in the convoy that wool is generally only cut twice a year, and once in April. to May, and once in September to October."

Probably because the journey with King Biancheng was too boring. He seemed to have studied shearing seriously. At this time, he talked eloquently: "Shearing sheep too early can easily make sheep catch cold and get sick. Shearing too late is not good. Shortness cannot protect the body from mosquito bites and makes the sheep uneasy. When the length of the wool is not enough, the wool cannot be sheared. The shearing of pregnant sheep should be done after delivery as much as possible to avoid premature death of fetal sheep..."

"It doesn't matter if you talk nonsense to me, you know that I have a kind heart." King Qin Guang said indifferently: "It's King Biancheng who has a bad temper."

Wuguan Wang tightly shut his mouth.


A walking corpse has dived into the bottom of the water and started to swim upstream, vowing to spare no effort to contribute to the safe escape of the members of the organization.

It has to be said that Qin Guangwang's early preparations were very adequate. Fengtian Mansion, Shuntian Mansion, Daoling Mansion, all the way from the mountain road to the waterway, all of them are natural, and they have been supported long ago.

These supporters are not the peripheral members of Hell Wumen, but the locals of Jingguo, living a normal life. Outings, business trips, friends visits, study tours...they are all here. They are entrusted to friends, or simply pay for money and goods. They just pick up a few people by the way, and they don't know who they are picking up or what they are doing.

Only in this way can it be difficult to leave traces and show the methods of King Chujiang.

The three Yan Luo joined various teams without a sound, and left without a sound.

This Chongluan Lake is directly connected to the Changhe River. After passing the Chiwu Water Pass in front, it can be said that you have escaped from the Central Dajing Empire.

Now they are already on the boat on the Chongluan Lake, rafting the rapids with the Taoist students of the "Tingzhu Society", and they are about to pass the pass to enjoy the scenery of the long river.

Chongluan Lake used to be the place where Qingluan played in the water, and now there are also leftovers of Qingluan's bloodline alien beast, named "Frost Warbler", but they only fly here in the winter moon, the specific time is from the 17th day of the winter month to the 26th day of the winter month between days. Usually these nine days are also the "Lake Sealing Day" of Chongluan Lake.

Listening to these young students of the Bamboo Society, they want to take a dip in the long river and enjoy their youth before the lake is closed.

As for the identities of the three Yan Luos at the moment, they are Taoist students of the "Black Mountain Society". Everything is available.

The only problem is... It is not clear whether this Black Mountain Society really exists.

The three students from Montenegro lived alone and watched the lake from the fence, which eventually attracted attention.

It can be said more clearly - it is Qin Guangwang, who has long hair and shawls, is handsome and is talking calmly with a smile, attracting the attention of several female students.

As for those two people in black robes and cloaks, with masks under the cloaks, hiding their heads and showing their tails, they are not worthy of young people's attention.

The female students walked over with smiles, arm in arm.

The youthful and beautiful body exuded a charming smell, which made Wuguan Wang move his feet involuntarily, and sniffed greedily. But the cold gaze of King Biancheng next to him made him wake up immediately. He stared blankly at the lake without squinting, his body like a stone.

"How are you guys?" The female student with an oval face walking in the front was still quite polite. Although she came towards King Qin Guang, she also said "we": "I didn't have time to talk before. I want to ask you guys." , why is your society called 'Black Mountain'? The name is so strange."

Although King Biancheng was ruthless, he could only stand up at such a time. After all, the other two are used to being rough and only know how to kill people. How can they understand this kind of morality?

"This Black Mountain..." He pondered.

But Qin Guangwang has already said leisurely: "The black one, Xuan Ye, the door of all wonders. That's how it got its name."

King Biancheng glanced at him indifferently, the look in his eyes was very obvious - you also read?

King Qin Guang had a charming smile on his face, noncommittal.

The oval face was about to continue the topic with a smile on it, when another voice came, very impolitely—"What's the meaning of the word 'mountain'?"

Along with the sound, walking onto the deck was a handsome-looking man in a black Taoist uniform, who somewhat clashed with the third student from Montenegro.

Not to mention the two masked ones, they immediately paled in comparison to the plain-faced King Qin Guang.

Behind him, Hulala followed a group of students, showing his extraordinary status in Tingzhu Academy.

Because this group of people came aggressively and had bad expressions. The goose-faced face immediately stepped forward to stop him: "Xiao Linzheng, aren't you reciting poems and drinking wine, why are you here?"

Xiao Linzheng was full of sorrow, the most beautiful girls were all gone, what poems should I sing, what wine should I drink? Do you really think I like this thing? Normal people who write poetry!

But I can't say this on the face: "The lake and water are like poetry and painting, so why should I dip in ink? It's not like a few friends from the Black Mountain Academy, discussing Taoism and gaining knowledge!"

He looked at King Qin Guang politely, and continued to ask: "What is the meaning of the word "Mountain?"

This momentum of shouting and embracing is really a bit bluffing.

"If you really want to know..." King Qin Guang smiled, and calmly pulled King Bian Cheng aside: "Let me, my junior, tell you."

The ruthless King Biancheng wanted to draw his sword very much now, but of course he didn't want to kill these young men on the opposite side.

"Why don't you talk? Could it be that I, Senior Brother Xiao, is not worthy of discussing the Dao with you?" Seeing that the third student from Heishan was silent, he had his own dog leg to speak out for Xiao Linzheng: "My Senior Brother Xiao is only nineteen years old this year, and he has already opened a house. Master supernatural powers! If the water level of the Changhe River gives you face, you may be able to participate in the next session of the Yellow River Meeting without restrictions! Is it okay to discuss the Tao with you in this Chongluan Lake?!"

This person speaks with full momentum, as if Xiao Linzheng is the next Li Yi. It was as if he was Xiao Linzheng's second again.

Wuguan Wang grabbed the fence hard to keep himself from laughing.

King Qin Guang looked at King Bian Cheng with a smile, his eyes full of encouragement.

King Bian Cheng glanced silently into the distance, Chiwu Water Pass was still some distance away. I had no choice but to look back at Xiao Linzheng: "What did you just ask?"

Xiao Linzheng also had self-restraint, and repeated with a smile: "What's the explanation for the word "Mountain?"

King Bian Cheng said coldly: "Slay the Immortal."

Cut off the fairy and you will get the mountain!

Who is the one who will overturn the Immortal Palace?

One truth!

But how to describe the one truth?

Heretics? The rebellious thief?

no no.

Yizhendao has never been a heretical cult.

Yizhendao is an orthodox branch of Taoism! ! !

No matter how people evaluate Yizhendao today, no matter how history is written, it cannot change the fact that Yizhendao is the orthodox Taoism.

It was Yizhen Tao that ended the Asgard Era and opened the Yizhen Era.

It is also the demise of the Yizhen era, announcing the end of the modern era.

This Montenegrin student's simple word "Zhanxian" reveals his touch of the historical truth of modern times, and his extraordinary Taoism accomplishment!

Xiao Linzheng suppressed his underestimation, and said politely: "Linzheng is being impolite, you can't see the mountains with a single leaf. Dare I ask your name?"

The third student from Heishan came up to rub the boat. As the leader of the boat, he actually glanced at the name card, but he didn't read it carefully, so he couldn't remember the name. This is the moment when I really want to get to know each other.

No matter what other people's attitudes are, King Biancheng is cold: "Zhang Chengqian."

Xiao Linzheng said: "My lord, Xiao Linzheng, is a member of the Shuntian Mansion, who inherits Yujing's orthodoxy. Pei Hongjiu is my cousin. Sincerely befriending Your Excellency, I don't know if I can show you face and see you face to face?"

The Pei family of Zhengtianfu is the top famous family in Jingguo. Pei Hongjiu has such a good background, extraordinary talent, and is extremely handsome. He is a famous handsome man, so he has a great reputation in Jingguo and is very sought after. Xiao Linzheng has always been successful in moving this cousin out.

But King Biancheng was still indifferent, and didn't even say a word.

King Qin Guang quickly came out to make amends: "I'm sorry Lin Zheng, my two juniors are ugly and don't want to see people, so they wrapped themselves up like this. But why do you need to touch your skin when you make friends and talk about it!"

King Bian Cheng looked at him coldly, as if nothing had happened.

Wuguan Wang also looked at him, but was stared back.

Others didn't want to have a close friendship, Xiao Linzheng didn't bother, he just took a deep look at Zhang Chengqian, said "Excuse me", and left with others in a mighty way.

This building ship is three stories high and has all kinds of facilities. It is a luxurious ship that can withstand the wind and waves of a long river, and it also has a certain degree of force. Being able to travel on this boat can be seen from the financial resources and influence of these students in the Bamboo Society.

The oval face was able to stand up to stop Xiao Linzheng before, and it was obvious that his family was also extraordinary. Now he still looks at King Qin Guang's reluctance to leave: "We know the name of this brother Zhang, how about you?"

"Oh, I also believe in Zhang, look around." King Qin Guang said with a sincere face, "Did you ask the girl's name?"

The oval face covered his mouth and smiled: "My surname is Wu, and the double character is Minjun."

Several female students who came with her also introduced themselves in a hurry.

Even if Xiao Linzheng was convinced by the masked King Biancheng, he was ignored. Of course, he ignored them. Watching Qin Guang Wang being surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan with cold eyes, his ear recognition was ahead of everyone on board, and he caught a piece of news——

The Chiwu Water Pass has been closed, and ships are not allowed to come and go!

This pass crosses Chongluan Lake, and after exiting the pass and going back to the upper reaches of the Changhe River, you will find the Baxia Bridge of the Nine Towns of the Changhe River. This section of waters also belongs to the section of the Yellow River.

He ruthlessly passed the message to King Qin Guang, and King Qin Guang talked and laughed freely, his expression as usual.

Not long after, the ships in front of the lake were seen returning one after another, and there was even a warship with the flag of the Lijing National Water Army coming from the direction of Chiwu Water Pass to drive away the ships heading for the Changhe.

I heard that there are all powerful young masters and young ladies in Zhuxue Society, so of course they are not willing to leave immediately.

Xiao Linzheng even directly negotiated with the Chiwu Navy on the top of the building boat: "I am Xiao Linzheng from Shuntian Mansion, and I am about to go to the Changhe River with my classmates to collect wind and study for further study. Why are you retreating before the 'Lake Sealing Day'?"

A general on the warship said: "Received the order from the superior, a murder has occurred in Fengtian Mansion, Chiwu Water Pass will be closed for three days, and no traffic will be allowed."

King Bian Cheng and King Qin Guang looked at each other, they both knew Xi Rou was coming, and You Que's body had been found.

I originally thought that it would be best to wait until I escaped from Jingguo before revealing it, but it turns out that extravagant fantasies can only be extravagant fantasies. No matter how neglected You Que was in the past, after Lou Junlan visited, the You family's old house would also gather some attention. Not to mention that someone in Jingguo's senior management was already watching You Que.

"What does the murder case in Fengtian Mansion have to do with Daoling Mansion?" Xiao Linzheng couldn't understand it. Jingguo is so big, and so many things happen every day, how can it be locked once every murder case occurs?

Can't help but ask: "Who has an accident, such a big fight?"

The general was a little embarrassed.

Xiao Linzheng said again: "My cousin is Pei Hongjiu, but it doesn't matter!"

The general said: "There is an assassin organization called Hell Wumen, which assassinated You Que, the leader of the Yellow River Association in 3896, and slaughtered 137 people in You's old house! There is only one fifteen-year-old You Shirang left, who was left to report."

King Qin Guang and King Biancheng looked at me and I looked at you, and at the same time had the urge to scold your mother.

Wuguan Wang couldn't help but glanced at them - don't you, King Biancheng, dislike killing people without taking money? Didn't you King Qin Guang respect the rules of King Biancheng? Why did they team up to complete a massacre? My cruelty is only on the surface, and you are still ruthless!

Xiao Linzheng will have ideas about the next Yellow River Festival. Of course, he knows about You Que very well, but his biggest feeling is still surprise: "Where did this killer organization come from? It's so expensive that you don't want to kill it. Dare to pick up our Jingguo?" List? Are you crazy?!"

The oval-faced Wu Minjun said on the deck: "I seem to have a little impression. Is it the killer organization that caused trouble in Youguo before? Is it the name?"

"Cough." King Qin Guang coughed lightly: "It seems so, I have an impression. I heard that their leader is very powerful."

"Strong what?" Xiao Linzheng sneered: "That's a wanted list that hasn't been on the mirror world, otherwise it would have been wiped out!"

"Yes, yes, our Jingshitai is naturally very powerful." King Qin Guang smiled warmly.

Wu Minjun is also from a famous family, and the genius monk Wu Jiangchen who once went to the battlefield of Xingyueyuan is her cousin.

This will see Zhang Wang being so gentle and appreciative, what a humble gentleman!

In other words, this Zhang family is not very famous, and the family background does not match. But for those of us who practice, there is no need to pay too much attention to those. So he said: "Brother Zhang, don't mind, Brother Xiao is not targeting you. He just likes Jing Shitai very much, and he always wants to join it in the future."

The more Xiao Linzheng heard it, the less he liked it. He looked at the general and said, "But no matter how you try to catch the killer, you can't stop us, right? We are all serious students of Taoism, with reliable character and clean family background. Can we open a small door?"

The general just shook his head: "This is really not good. The superior has issued a death order, and no one is allowed to pass through."

King Biancheng still maintains a ruthless image, standing on the boat, quietly arousing the power of the Bodhisattva of Six Desires, giving these lovely young people some anxiety.

Xiao Linzheng became irritable: "Orders are dead, but people are alive. Do you still want to treat me, Xiao Linzheng, as a prisoner and forbid freedom?"

The general also suppressed his emotions: "Young Master Xiao, don't make things difficult for a certain family."

The Bodhisattva of Six Desires at this time is even more different from the past.

Sitting cross-legged above Yuanshen Sea, the treasure looks solemn. And the two compassionate Buddha eyes, each with a ray of samadhi fire. Turn left for jealousy, turn right for anger.

The divine and enlightened King Biancheng, in the process of penetrating samadhi, constantly combs himself and builds his understanding of the world.

The secret technique that was not considered high in the past has been sublimated in the divine fire.

The emotion-inducing power belonging to the Bodhisattva of Six Desires is spreading more and more, and under the laying out of the fairy thoughts, it dances silently and invisible in the entire Chongluan Lake!

Immediately, a merchant ship started to riot: "I'm going to ship a full ship of fresh goods to Wei, and they will all rot in at most six days. It has been two days since they were shipped here from Chaotianfu. You didn't even say hello, and the customs was suddenly closed. Three days! Don't you care about my father's life or death?"

There were also people on the passenger ship who were heartbroken: "I'm going to Longmen Academy to take the exam. If you had said to close the customs earlier, I would not have taken this path! What should I do now that it's too late? I've been in poverty for ten years, who will make up for my future?" ?”

"His grandma, there is a murder case in Fengtian Mansion, Chiwu Water Pass is going to be closed! What is Jing Shitai doing?!"

"Bump it, bump it!"

Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire lake was in turmoil.

The big ship crushed the small boat, the merchant ship collided with the warship, the sound of drawing knives, roaring, crying, chaos! !

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