Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1966

The conscientious Wu Guanwang waited for four full days in Anyi City.

After repeatedly smearing the secret mark, it was finally determined... Maybe, maybe, maybe, King Bian Cheng didn't remember the secret mark.

You can't blame me, the king of officials!

It wasn't his fault, he relaxed all of a sudden.

He doesn't care whether the task is completed or not.

Walking all the way with King Biancheng, what else can we do? His task this time is just to assist, so that King Bian Cheng can't make mistakes at this time, and King Qin Guang can't catch up with the responsibility afterwards.

Whether that guy is lost or in distress...what does it have to do with me?

He went to the restaurant to wait regularly, and he didn't expect to be able to wait for someone. Enjoy the time alone, drink whatever blood you want, and chew two bags of raw chicken bones at a time.

Who dares to say more? !

"What the hell are you eating every day?"

Suddenly a familiar scolding sound came from his ear, and King Wuguan raised his eyes, facing the indifferent eyes of King Shangbiancheng.

Although I didn't wear the iconic Biancheng mask, this so kind!

Wuguan Wang immediately put away the raw chicken bones and raw cow blood, and squeezed a smile on the borrowed face: "I, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

If it wasn't for his ugly voice and sluggish speech, he would have been a little more sincere.

King Bian Cheng didn't sit down, nor did he drink the wine on the table, he just stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the information."

"It's all in my head." Wuguan Wang said through voice transmission with a correct attitude: "I will report to you slowly."

King Bian Cheng walked straight out of the restaurant without saying anything else.

Wuguan Wang followed suit step by step, and kept transmitting voices.

King Qin Guang was right. In terms of being a killer, Wuguan Wang's ability is very trustworthy.

During the past few days of wandering around in Anyi City, he has already figured out the situation of Zhang Shoulian's guards, including the uncle's mansion and Zhang Shoulian's four other courtyards, including the places Zhang Shoulian most often goes to, and the routes he often takes ...

As for the city defense situation of Anyi City, there may be places where strong people are stationed, as well as which direction to choose and how to escape.

It also emphasized that the general Wu Xun was patrolling the border and would not return to Weidu in a short time.

Gua Dao Master Dong Fang is teaching at the Dragon and Tiger Altar, and the altar will be closed for at least two months.

The more King Biancheng heard it, the more he felt... This opportunity is really great!

How could it be such a coincidence, such a suitable time to kill Zhang Shoulian?

The client who placed the order to kill Zhang Shoulian must be in a high position in Wei State, so that he can grasp the opportunity so accurately, and even...create the opportunity.

But then again, what reliance does Zhang Shoulian have to make that high-ranking client unable to use positive means to fight him to death despite his notoriety?

Is it just the status of an uncle?

"Has Zhang Shoulian's cultivation been confirmed?" King Bian Cheng asked again.

Wu Guanwang said: "It is indeed the cultivation of the inner mansion. I have observed it three times."

"Okay, you can go out of the city. Get ready to respond." King Bian Cheng said calmly.

"I have a new way of responding." Wuguan Wang thought for a while, and said carefully: "You and I are not going in the same direction. In this way, if something happens to you, I will be on the other side." Make noise and attract Wei Ting's attention for you. Although there are many strong people in Wei State, once they are scattered, they will be mediocre. If you leave the border of Wei State, this mission will be over, and we will cooperate next time!"

"Yes." Although King Biancheng was cold, he was able to listen to his colleagues' suggestions.

"Then where are you going to retreat?" Wu Guan Wang asked.

"Let's go to the west." King Bian Cheng said a direction casually.

Wu Guanwang said, "Okay, I'll go to the south to meet you!", and walked away without looking back. Don't say goodbye, I really don't want to say goodbye.

King Bian Cheng just gave him a cold look, and then he merged into the sea of ​​people alone.

Wei Guo is indeed a powerful country.

Whether it is the current Emperor Wei, or the great general Wu Xun, or Dongfang Shi, the host of the Dragon and Tiger Altar, they can easily crush him to death.

And under the circumstances of borrowing the power of the country and mobilizing the army, the number of people who "could crush King Biancheng head-on" could increase by two to three.

Coupled with the hidden powerhouses and secret royal methods of the Wei court, there may be two or three more.

But that's all.

Looking at the whole country of Wei, there were no more than ten people who could pose a threat to him.

And the state of Wei is already one of the most powerful countries in the world!

This is his current strength.

I have been in contact with too many Dongzhen and Yandao, and I have even seen a lot of detached and semi-detached ones. So much so that he often doesn't have a sense of presence in terms of personal force.

But in fact, with the size of this world and the vastness of the universe, he is already enough to dominate in too many places.

Of course, when it comes to the identity of King Biancheng, he has to keep a low profile.

"Sharpen the scissors! Cut the kitchen knife!"

"Get out of the way, out of the way!"

"Guest officer, what do you want?"

"You're stepping on my new boots!"

"Master, let's play~"

Once the ear consciousness is opened, thousands of voices come to court.

Bustling and noisy.

King Bian Cheng strolled among the crowd, his eyesight was slightly released, and he could see the faces of everyone approaching him.

Old or young, happy or sad, they are experiencing all kinds of faces in life.

Practitioners climb all the way, cross the gap between heaven and man, and finally come to the world like a god, they still have to see the reality, and understand that people are human beings, and people walking in the world are real people in the world.

He created his own Humane Sword Style. From the illusory concept of the vast sea of ​​people, to the humane sword with reference, veterans, celebrities, young and frivolous, involuntary, lovesick... to the last sword that can reach the gods and achieve the indomitable herringbone sword.

But he still dare not say that he understands "people".

He saw that everyone had their own long journey, and he was on his own difficult path.

He is the building outside the way, and the tree star building spreads this way in the universe.

He is the divine presence with a flawless path, golden body without omissions, and no regrets in his heart. Once he enters the divine presence, he will prove it strongly.

But that bit of "truth" should not be taken lightly.

Everyone can "be themselves", but how to get "I am true" with "world truth", how to know the world and then know oneself?

All the famous schools in the world have the method of anchoring the star field and walking along the road. Many people establish their way only when they come to the gods, and very few monks can get it outside the building.

However, after crossing the gap between heaven and man and experiencing the state of being enlightened by the gods, the monks are also contaminated by the world of mortals in the process of understanding the world.

Power, fame and fortune, love and hate, karma... There are thousands of threads in the world of mortals, entangled like a cocoon.

Buddhism seeks to get rid of the sea of ​​suffering, Taoism seeks to be at ease, Confucianism does as one pleases and does not exceed the rules... What you are fighting against is the line of mortals.

In the process of proving the heart of heaven with one's own heart, one breaks one's self to experience the world deeply, and finally finds the broken self, piece by piece, in the sea of ​​mortals, and sees its "truth" again.

How can this be an easy task?

People are constantly changing and experiencing. How could it be the same me from one moment to another.

How difficult it is for a real person!

The luxurious sedan chair carrying Zhang Shoulian walked slowly along the long street.

Carrying a large sedan chair eight times can be called arrogance, and this arrogance has only started a few years ago.

Being able to become the head of the four evils in Anyi in such a short period of time is also considered a skill, but it also shows that there are probably no villains in Anyi City—not that there are no villains, but that they are bad and stupid, so bad that they are famous It is difficult for people who are far away to survive for a long time in an aggressive regime.

Zhang Shoulian's unscrupulousness can also be regarded as a strange scenery in Anyi City. On the one hand, other people must be punished for committing crimes, and the legal system of Wei State is sound;

It can only be said that the wind blowing by Queen Zhang's pillow was severe, and the Holy Son of Heaven was also deceived.

The memorial to the impeachment of Zhang Shoulian can almost be stacked as high as several people, but he still sits back and relax.

Last month, he even beat up a censor who scolded him, threatened "I am a prime minister in white clothes", and left swaggeringly. There were many onlookers on this matter, and there was no punishment afterwards.

Since then, he has become even more rebellious, often doing evil things, hating gods and ghosts.

As soon as Uncle Guo's sedan chair arrived, the bustling crowd diverted instantly. Everyone avoids it, like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

King Biancheng, who was wearing a hood and a black robe, was also a drop of water in the crowd. While passing by the big sedan chair of the uncle's mansion with the crowd, he deviated from the direction of the crowd and walked towards the big sedan chair alone.

At the moment, there are thousands of people at least in this busy street.

Zhang Shoulian's sedan chair was ostentatiously passing through the market, at least hundreds of people stared at it with disgust or hatred.

But no one saw or heard King Biancheng!

Sight is important, and it is also a challenge for King Bian Cheng to manipulate so many sights and change so many ear consciousness at the same time.

He did it flawlessly.

The uncle's mansion or a room in a secret courtyard, the cold night or the early morning when no one is there...the time and place where the assassination is most likely will not be the choice of King Biancheng.

He walks in the dead corner of vision, outside the limit of hearing, transcends the common sense, and is not bound by rules.

He opened the sedan chair curtain, walked in front of Zhang Shoulian calmly, and sat down slowly.

But Zhang Shoulian didn't realize it at all. Sitting alone in the spacious sedan chair, Wei Guo’s uncle was concentrating on observing the window through the spy tube—according to information, this object can adjust the angle and clear the image, helping him to select beautiful women from good families in the crowd, so that He came to the mood at any time, and robbed and returned home. Opening the window to look is not an option now, those good families will hide when they see Zhang Shoulian.

King Bian Cheng's red eyes flashed like lightning, and he scanned all the arrangements in the sedan chair, carefully avoiding those formation patterns that could warn, and when he sat down, he raised his sword fingers and lightly crossed in front of him.

Before Zhang Shoulian realized what had happened, he suddenly became ignorant and ignorant, and fell into the process of disappearing that was originally extremely short but was stretched extremely long by death!

As the capital of a strong Wei state, Yicheng is unquestionably safe.

He is the uncle of the country, so he didn't expect someone to be so short-sighted—no, it should be said that he had expected a short-sighted person to appear a long time ago, but he didn't expect to come so late, and at this level In an unobtrusive way.

There was no power struggle, no testimonials, no deprivation of titles and prisoner interrogation, but directly hired murderers to assassinate!

The means are so low-level!

But he immediately realized why.

Damn it, damn it. He knew early on that he was in danger, so he let go of the evil. Know early or die, so indulge. But the self-help of the mediocre is so powerless. And death is... so long!

King Bian Cheng sat quietly opposite Zhang Shoulian, quietly waiting for him to die. At this time, he noticed that there was a hidden compartment on Zhang Shoulian's right hand, and he manipulated Zhang Shoulian's right hand with Yuanli to pull the hidden compartment apart.

Inside lay an account book.

Zhang Shoulian's hand slowly opened the account book, and there were all kinds of material dispatch records inside.

It can be seen from this that Zhang Shoulian seems to control a large amount of military materials, and all of them are circulated from abroad to the country. The number is so huge that it is absolutely impossible to hide it from the military. Unless Wei's military is trash. But the army of Wei State is Wu Xun, a famous general in the world, so how is this possible?

So this is the reason why this Uncle Wei Guoguo can be so rampant? At the same time, it was also the reason why he couldn't be defeated by official means, so that he was hired to assassinate him?

King Biancheng felt that this account book was very important, so he controlled Zhang Shoulian to keep turning the pages and engraved it with Rumeng order.

The more I turned back, the more interesting things appeared - this account book also recorded a lot of building materials for the Taixu turret!

As a former Taixu envoy, he dominated the existence of a Taixu turret. Although King Biancheng had never done it himself, he could fully see the amount of these building materials exchanged, and more than one or two Taixu turrets could be built.

Wei Guo and Taixu faction, is there any unknown cooperation?

This Zhang Shoulian is by no means simple.

In other words, Zhang Shoulian's position in Wei State was by no means simple.

Of course, he had simply been killed.

At this moment, his consciousness has completely disappeared, leaving no trace.

King Bian Cheng controlled Zhang Shoulian's hand and restored the account books and hidden compartments one by one.

Then he got up silently, exited the sedan chair, and took steps, like a drop of water, re-merging into the sea of ​​people. There are no ripples, and the waves are calm.

From the beginning to the end, the bearers who carried the sedan chair did not feel the slightest change in the weight of the sedan chair, and of course they could not hear any sound, let alone the smell of blood.

Pedestrians on the side of the road are in a hurry, let alone aware of it.

This is an ordinary day in the capital of Wei State.

No one thought that the assassination would happen in public.

No one would have thought that the assassination that took place in public... was silent and unnoticed!

The perfect cooperation between the Ear Immortal and the Eye Immortal, coupled with the sword that hides from the senses, made King Biancheng's assassination ability jump to the forefront of the industry.

He is better at killing than managing.

He is indeed more suitable to be a killer than to open a restaurant.

Now he is following the direction of the flow of people, flowing in this prosperous capital of Wei State.

After turning around a few streets, he got into a carriage that had been prepared long ago, poured half a cup of tea, closed his eyes and rested his mind calmly, and let the carriage drive out of the city.

The thoughts in his heart could not be stopped.

What is reflected in Zhang Shoulian's account book is the in-depth cooperation between Wei Guo and Taixu Sect?

Is this kind of cooperation not visible?

In today's era, the Taixu sect creates the illusion of Taixu and promotes the flood of humanity, and the countries under the world have the power and responsibility to supervise it. Apart from this, as far as King Biancheng was known as the prince of a country, there is no other cooperation between the countries and the Taixu Sect.

Oversight itself requires a detached stand.

Wei Guo is also one of the supervisors, and Wei Guo also checks and balances with other supervisors.

But if we say that Wei Guo also deeply participated in the illusory realm, and secretly participated in the torrent of the times, with the help of the development of the torrent of humanity, is it possible that in the era of the six hegemony countries, where the world structure has been established, a sudden army will emerge, on the south bank of the Yangtze River, Establish hegemony in the land of four wars! ?

No, no, if you want to achieve the seventh hegemony, that alone is not enough.

Since the development of the Illusory Realm, the structure has been stabilized. It is impossible for the six major powers not to be vigilant against the Illusory Realm, and it is impossible to leave such a large so-called "room for progress" to other countries.

The problem is even more... If it is such an important matter, such an astonishing grand plan, how could the Wei State entrust Zhang Shoulian to do it, and how could Zhang Shoulian be so presumptuous and eye-catching?

Unless Wei Guo is unwilling to admit this matter, so use a seemingly important person who is actually irrelevant. And Zhang Shoulian himself is not willing to be pushed to this position, and most of his evil deeds are self-defilement. Only in this case, there is a reasonable possibility of Wei Ting's connivance with Zhang Shoulian.

Maybe more than that.

King Bian Cheng opened the curtain again, got out of the car without a trace, and walked eastward. It's not that he doubts anyone, as Qin Guangwang said, it's just professionalism.

While hurrying, he also began to read the account book carefully in his mind. Before, it was just re-enacted in a hurry with Rumengling, but now it is interpreted line by line. He intuited that the information he had dug up was not enough.

The more he looked at it, the more surprised he was, and he couldn't help but want to discuss it with Zhong Xuanpang immediately, but he realized that it was inconvenient to communicate through the illusory realm. At this moment, I suddenly felt an astonishing sword intent!

He used the Immortal Eyes to clear the line of sight that might fall on him, and then he pulled it up to a high place, looking for a distant view——

There was only a huge red lotus blooming among the mountains and forests.

And Qianyang Chitong, under the control of Immortal Mu, narrowed his field of vision infinitely, and when he saw the flames and red lotus, he was dumbfounded... King Wuguan!

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