Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1967 Red Lotus Returns to Wei

The sword rises from the red lotus, and bears the fire of evil.

The Guanhe Terrace is the third outer building in the world, Wei Guo's number one proud Yan Shaofei!

Compared with the owner of the world famous Deyi Sword, it is not surprising that Wuguan Wang, who said that he went to the south, also appeared in the east of Anyi City.

Even he, who was about to leave the border to the east of Wei State, could grasp the sword intent of this triumphant sword. Is there any surprise for those high-level powerhouses in Wei State?

Wuguan Wang said that there is nothing unexpected...

King Bian Cheng glanced from a distance, saw the situation clearly, then immediately lowered his figure, quickened his pace and walked away without saying a word. As we all know, Yan Luo Biancheng King of the Sixth Hall of No Doors to Hell is soft-hearted, and he really can't see his former colleague's death in such a miserable state, so he simply walks away.


Of course, Wuguan Wang would not be really dumbfounded.

He didn't know that he had become a "former colleague" with King Biancheng.

It's just his habitual escape method, which is to leave a corpse in place, find an opportunity to collide with the opponent for a short time and die, and flee away with another corpse early. If the enemy catches the trace and goes after the fleeing one, the corpse left in place will "come alive" and leave. If the enemy sees the corpse in front of him, he will think that the hunt is over, and the escaped corpse is the real Wu Guanwang.

In past experience, almost everything is unfavorable.

Because what he left behind was a real corpse, not a fake death. Even real people in this world can't see a word "fake".

But he didn't expect to meet Yan Shaofei.

While chasing after the trace of another corpse, he returned the sword to Honglian, destroying the corpse he left in place with such a terrifying killing move.

What a waste!

He didn't want to throw away this corpse easily, but under the red lotus karma fire, he had nowhere to escape, and after a useless resistance, he was instantly burned to ashes.

The fleeing corpses were fleeing westward.

What is it that separates from King Biancheng and makes noise at any time to distract Wei Ting... Once King Biancheng is discovered by Wei Ting, he will help King Biancheng distract Wei Ting's attention.

Task requirements are task requirements, and actual actions are actual actions. Unless King Qin Guang supervises him all the time, he will never be united and friendly.

As for feelings of guilt and apology, he never felt them.

But the thought of never seeing each other again was gone, and he wanted to see each other now! At this moment, he really needs King Biancheng to block this Yan Shaofei and create more intense commotion.

Just the chase and escape with Yan Shaofei is not scary, what is scary is that this chase and escape happened in the territory of Wei State!

The silent assassination of a certain person is not the same thing as provoking a country's criminal arrest system with great fanfare. Zhen and Wei Ting face to face, the whole hell is not enough to fill in.

God is sorry, he just spent too much time in the process of monitoring the special situation and waiting for the task to be carried out when he was wandering outside Anyi City. He couldn't help it for a while, and wanted to buy some goods. Unexpectedly, he took out a boning knife and was greeted with a proud sword.

You are Yan Shaofei, you didn't say it earlier! The travel-worn servant looks like he has traveled far and returned to his hometown, full of vigor and blood but not showing his cultivation, who is he tempting there!

How presumptuous you are!

However, King Wuguan wandered for a long time in the west of Wei State, and faced with increasingly intensive and ferocious siege and interception, he did not find any trace of King Biancheng.

What's the matter?

You are the first to bully your colleagues.

If your colleague is in danger, you can't save him at all.

Is there any human taste left!

Seeing that Yan Shaofei behind him was approaching, another general of the state of Wei flew up not far in front of him.

Wuguan Wang couldn't care about that much, and immediately let out a loud cry: "King Biancheng, don't worry about me, after I come here, you go first!"

And Yan Luo is here? And it was King Biancheng who slaughtered all the families of You family in Fengtian Mansion of Jingguo?

Jing Guo and Wei Guo looked at each other across the long river. Even if Jing Guo deliberately suppressed his voice, the high-ranking generals of Wei State would not be able to hide such a big event of extermination of a famous family.

General Wei, who was blocking the road, suddenly became nervous, and quickly ordered all checkpoints to be sealed off, and let go of his spiritual sense to search the world.

But Wuguan Wang turned around and took out a boning knife, facing Yan Shaofei and going away.

A face to face, turned into fly ash.

General Wei, who is on the scene, is still searching here, not daring to relax.

Yan Shaofei turned in the air and headed east.

On a cemetery in the eastern part of Wei State, there is a tomb that has been in disrepair for a long time. Suddenly the loess loosened, and a pair of pale hands dug up the soil and stretched out. After a few breaths, a man covered in yellow mud came out of the rotten coffin.

The moving eyeballs showed the cruel and indifferent eyes of Wuguan Wang. He casually tore off a few writhing maggots from his mouth, brushed off the damp dirt on his body, and made himself a little more "normal".

After this body certificate came to God, he has a lot more choices.

However, there is still a certain distance limit for "moving gods" between different corpses. Moreover, in a powerful country like the Wei State, within and outside the country, the gods will be blocked, and the gods will not allow the body to cross the border. The backhand buried in this cemetery is already the limit of his choice.

Long before he joined Hell No Door, he was good at killing people, and even better at saving his life.

First east, then west, then east, if there is no accident, all the pursuers can be thrown into a daze.

But Yan Shaofei was obviously that accident.

After getting out of the tomb, Wuguan Wang flew close to the ground. Although he didn't dare to fly high in the sky as an arrow target, he no longer cared about hiding.

After two corpses were burned in succession, he knew that Yan Shaofei must have locked onto the position of his body, but he didn't know how to do it, and he didn't know how to crack it. We can only hope that we can quickly escape from outside the country of Wei, and let King Qin Guang, who is responding from outside the country, help solve the problem——

Solve this lock, or solve Yan Shaofei.

This time, he jumped to the ground, like a bird flying out of the forest, and a black shadow pierced the low sky. Just bumped into another person who was also walking fast on the ground.

The four eyes met, all of them were furious.

Hello, King Biancheng!

Tricked me to go west, I chose east! You don't even trust your colleagues, you deserve it for running into me!

"Well, you scumbag king! Trick me to go south, and go east, then west, and then east!"

Both Yan Luo were indignant at the ruthlessness of their colleagues.

But Wu Guanwang's indignation was in his heart.

But King Biancheng scolded directly, not only scolded loudly, but even raised his foot and kicked him away.

Wuguan Wang resigned himself: "The enemy is now, let's scold us later. Someone named Yan Shaofei has locked us. If we don't get rid of this person, we will not escape the Wei net. Brother, I suggest that we deal with him first. Already!"

King Qin Guang is the boss, and King Biancheng is the elder brother, so there is no conflict.

With King Biancheng's spiritual practice today, he can see the problem with King Wuguan at a glance, and pointing at him with a sword, he cuts him from a distance: "I've cut off the thing that is holding your spirit, let's go separately."

Wuguan Wang dared to leave: "Brother, I want to follow you, so that I can protect you personally!"

King Bian Cheng's eyes turned cold, forcing him to stop instantly.

"Follow me and I'll kill you." After leaving these words, King Bian Cheng glanced at his body and walked away.

Wuguan Wang cursed a few words in his heart, then turned and left from another road. But this time the movement was more or less controlled, and he didn't fly around again.

Not long after, Yan Shaofei flew across the sky, hovered here, paused at the place where "karma" was cut off, and intuitively made a choice between two forked roads.

After flying so fast for a while.

Suddenly he felt a huge danger, as if the sky was coming. The indescribable and terrifying killing intent condensed into substance, like a sharp needle piercing his altar!

The extremely tyrannical spiritual consciousness was stimulated.

The proud sword is raised out of thin air, and the majestic karma turns around the body, turning into countless blood-colored lotus petals, secretly turning yin and yang, and rotating life and death. While guarding against unknown dangers, it also creates unlimited counterattack possibilities.

But there was only one ruthless voice in the air——

"Stop chasing."

Accidentally bumped into a really big fish!

Yan Shaofei felt that his opponent had drawn his sword, but the sword's edge did not reach him.

There is no sword energy in the field of vision, and there is no sword sound in the ears.

But he saw, heard, and felt the roar of killing intent!

One thought of this sword is far away.

Under this sword, all karma will disappear!

Yan Shaofei was silent for a while, put away the flame and turned around, put the sword back into the sheath, and returned to Weidu without any nostalgia.

It's not that I dare not chase, it's not that I can't fight, it's already too late.

Unless he didn't choose to defend at the first moment he felt the killing intent, but drew his sword to fight against it. Otherwise, it would be impossible to catch up with the sword that went away in an instant.

This sword is silent and formless, escapes the senses, travels a hundred miles in an instant, and is already outside Wei State at this time!

It is obviously a sharp and unparalleled sword, and it clearly pierces through the void like a thunderbolt. But none of the Wei people along the way could notice what happened.

There is no shadow when people go, and there is no trace when the sword goes.

Such a sword, such a Biancheng King...

In the world of great controversy, even the threshold for killer organizations is getting higher and higher.

The hero of the world, if the fruit is not often, he will sing proudly.

He was dressed in a simple and unadorned military uniform, walking with a sword hanging.

In the capital of Wei, Zhang Shoulian's death has not yet been discovered, and Zhang Shoulian's eight-carried sedan chair is still running rampant in the city.

The news that the karmic fire red lotus burned Hell Wumen Yama in anger has spread, and many people are wondering who the target of Hell Wumen this time is. There were also people who were furious and demanded that the country's borders be immediately sealed off and that the inside and outside of the country be thoroughly investigated so that those killers could come and go.

It was in such an atmosphere that Yan Shaofei came to the Tianqi Hall where the Emperor of Wei discussed matters.

As the emperor of Wei who unprecedentedly concentrated the power of the ruling and opposition parties, and dedicated to promoting martial arts throughout the country, Wei Xuanche was born with a majestic face, which was different from his childhood. Not only is he born with Dao veins, but he is also the best of his peers in all subjects of civil and martial arts, and his courage is even more incomparable.

His grandfather, Emperor Wei Ming, had talks with Emperor Jingguo in Changhe when he was in power. Emperor Wei Ming took Wei Xuanche along with him at that time, Jing Tianzi saw that the young boy was born extraordinary and wanted to tease him, so he pretended to be angry and asked why he didn't worship the central emperor.

Wei Xuanche, who was only six years old at the time, said—"You are also the emperor, and my emperor is also the emperor. How can the prince of Wei worship the emperor of Jing."

This matter can be seen in "Wei Lue".

Because of his love for Wei Xuanche, Emperor Wei Ming even tried his best to abolish the prince, and after smoothing out all the unstable factors with his own hands, he passed on to the third son who was not very talented, that is, Wei Xuanche's biological father, Wei Qin emperor.

The first thing that Emperor Wei Qin did after he ascended the throne was to make Wei Xuanche the crown prince. After he had not been in power for many years, he took the initiative to pass on the throne.

Some people are born different. It should be said that Wei Xuanche has carried out his legend every step of the way.

Since he ascended the throne, the national power of Great Wei has been flourishing day by day. Even if the century-old national policy was forcibly reversed and the whole country promoted martial arts, it did not cause too much turmoil, and passed the most painful period safely... The future is enough to look forward to.

At this moment, he was standing on Pill Pill, looking at his dragon chair with his hands behind his back, and the magnificent relief of Wei Jiangshan behind the dragon chair, only showing Yan Shaofei, who unloaded his sword and entered the palace, a lonely and stern back.

"Yan Shaofei is incompetent, there are no assassins left behind..." Yan Shaofei said politely: "Please come down from the emperor."

"Didn't you stay here?" Wei Tianzi's voice was very indifferent: "You burned the corpses of two assassins."

Yan Shaofei said nothing.

His proud sword was originally given by Emperor Wei. He is very familiar with Emperor Wei, and he knows that the words of the emperor are the truth itself. Now that the words of the Son of Heaven are spoken, no matter how the facts are sectioned, they must be cut into such a shape in the end.

So he did leave two assassins behind.

At this time, a voice from outside the palace said: "Your Majesty, the Criminal Prosecutor is still investigating who was stabbed, or who was going to be stabbed... There is no news from anywhere."

"Tell them not to investigate. The power of the Criminal Division is limited, so don't waste it on pretending." Wei Tianzi said: "Send someone to prepare a coffin and send it to Zhang Shoulian's residence. Also go to the queen and tell her condolences .”

Yan Shaofei's eyebrows, which were like swords, raised slightly. Because of the name Zhang Shoulian, he was originally the first person he wanted to kill when he returned to Weidu this time.

The voice outside the hall took orders, but Wei Tianzi did not continue the topic, and changed his voice: "You go on a long trip to the country and leave for a few years, do you want to understand anything?"

Dressed simply and plainly, Yan Shaofei stood in his own posture in the majestic and majestic hall: "I don't have anything to understand, but I still don't understand."

"Do you still want to think about it?" Wei Tianzi asked.

"Forget it." Yan Shaofei said.

Emperor Wei turned around and looked down at him on top of Majesty Pill: "You are also a royal bloodline, an orthodox emperor's descendant. Although you have been scattered for many years and lost your inheritance, after all you have awakened the supernatural powers of your bloodline, and you have such talents... No Have you thought about recovering Dayan?"

In the past, there was a great country named "Yan", who ruled across the southeast of the present world, suppressed disasters, and overwhelmed its neighbors. But it was overthrown once, the dynasty changed four times, and it disappeared like a cloud of smoke.

At the time of Xia Li, Yan was no longer known. Now Xia is also dead.

Yan Shaofei said calmly: "If I have had such a dream of spring and autumn, can your majesty be relieved?"

"What is there to worry about?" Wei Tianzi smiled lightly: "Wei State is a very fair place, as much as you can do in Wei State, you can win as much for yourself.

"You Jinglong's talent is peerless, his heart is broken, his future is self-destructed, and his family is still affected. Jiang Wu'an is famous all over the world, he has made great achievements, and he still needs to fight for freedom after giving up everything. I don't do it for this!

"If you can use the power of the Wei State to revive the Yan State, that is your ability. If you have the ability, I will use you. The greater the ability, the more I will use it. There are only four words for me to rule the world—"Wei Cai" It's lift'!"

Yan Shaofei said: "It is said in the book that there is no harm if there is talent but no virtue."

"The words of rotten Confucians!" Wei Tianzi waved his big sleeves: "The world is so big, and there are billions of living beings, how can everyone be a sage? Those who harbor evil and can do it wantonly are rules that cannot be established; those who have no virtue and can do harm are my ideals." Pass!"

Yan Shaofei suddenly had a strong feeling - Sima Heng renewed Wei Lue in "The Sword of History" decades later, and today's performance may be recorded in the annals of history.

Emperor Wei Ming ruled the country with virtue, and Emperor Wei Qin ruled it with virtue.

And the Emperor of Wei in front of him is really not the same as the previous dynasties!

He thought and thought, and finally followed his heart, and asked slowly: "Your Majesty said, "Only talents are promoted", and Caomin wants to ask... Does the word "talent" include Zhang Shoulian?"

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