Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1968

What Yan Shaofei asked was whether Zhang Shoulian could be regarded as a "talent", whether he was within the scope of Wei Tianzi's only talent.

But it is even more asking-

In this chapter, it is possible to act wantonly by keeping the integrity and harboring evil, so it is impossible to establish rules? Is it the fault of Emperor Wei that this chapter is honest and has no virtue and can do harm?

When he met the emperor, he remonstrated against him face to face.

Has always been regarded as a model of a minister.


It takes a lot of courage for Gein to "offend" in front of an existence in charge of life and death!

Even facing the emperor who has great ambitions and is often willing to accept advice, there is still a charge of "shaming the king and selling straight" waiting.

There have always been those who seek fame and do not hesitate to live or die. But there are also some examples where life cannot be saved and fame cannot be obtained.

Don't you see that the upper reaches of the Guanhe Terrace startled the dragon, making Sedum Jiao surpass the world for a hundred years. Once he went to the wild, he was silent and unknown for many years, and now the whole family is being punished, who will say it?

Yan Shaofei dared to ask this question, and if he sneered at the king's name lightly, he already had a way to kill him.

Especially what he was facing was an emperor like Wei Xuanche who was known for his "arbitrary leadership".

Martial arts were once promoted across the country, and there were many opponents from the ruling and opposition parties, and the world was full of dissatisfaction. He held up the dharma sword, saying that those who contradict him are innocent, and those who act against him will be killed.

At one time, in the Temple of Apocalypse, there were no more than half of the people standing in the court. He still insists.

Such a son of heaven, how can he allow himself to offend his face?

But at this moment, facing Yan Shaofei's questioning, Wei Tianzi's voice was still calm: "The value of Zhang Shoulian does not lie in his talent. But if you can't see his talent because of this, I can only say, I Wei Guo’s number one is too proud of its name.”

Yan Shaofei said: "In today's world, there are many people who deceive the world and steal their names, and many of them exaggerate their names. Of course, Wei Guo's number one pride should not be exaggerated, but when it comes to the three words Yan Shaofei, of course it can be one of them." .”

Wei Tianzi put his hands behind his back and looked at him: "Zhang Shoulian has the meaning of his existence, but it's time to die. I originally wanted to give you this reputation. Without evil, how can there be goodness? If there is no lawlessness, you How do you get the name of a hero? If you don’t offend my face, how do you call it a "straight"? But I didn’t expect that your business skills are not very good, and your trouble-making skills are not small. In the past few years of traveling abroad, you have offended capable people in the court. If you don’t want you to soar into the sky, hire murderers to kill Zhang Shoulian before you return to Beijing.”

Raise an uncle of the country to be killed by Ai Qing, in the name of Yang Qing! It is hard to see in history books that such emphasis is placed on the law.

Yan Shaofei finally understood why he happened to know about Zhang Shoulian's evil deeds on the way back to Beijing. In ancient times, the heart of a king is like the heart of heaven, so it can naturally make all kinds of coincidences happen.

He didn't ask Zhang Shoulian why the emperor didn't say anything when he was about to die, since the matter was very secret. The emperor didn't say anything, he had already given many clues to not say anything, but he didn't try to guess the truth.

The ranger under Majesty Dan only said: "If Yan Shaofei needs the name of the emperor to be famous in the world, how can he be worthy of His Majesty's waiting, and how can he be worthy of being 'satisfied'? In the past, I will go, and Zhang Shoulian will be better than others. The knife; today I come back, your majesty will climb up to see the red lotus even if it is long night!"

Emperor Wei looked at him for a while, and said slowly: "It seems that Yan Qing has not wasted the past few years of traveling abroad."

Yan Shaofei said: "In the past, the grassroots made an appointment with the emperor to take back the first leader for Wei Guo. Seeing that the wish was not fulfilled on the river platform is a pity, so I dare not idle."

Wei Tianzi waved his sleeves: "Is the name of the leader picked up according to my wishes? Don't worry about it! If you want to take it, take the number one leader who will subdue the world and dare not resist."

Yan Shaofei bowed his hands and said: "The grass people should follow the order."

Emperor Wei then laughed: "I am proud of Yan, such as Ji Fengzhou winning You Jinglong, Jiang Shu winning Jiang Wu'an, but the beginning is similar, and the ending will not be the same as them!"

Ji Fengzhou was the supreme emperor who ruled the world's number one empire, and Jiang Shu was the unrivaled hero who led Qi to secure the throne of hegemony without defeat in his life.

Compared with himself, Emperor Wei is really very strong.

But compared with You Jinglong and Jiang Wuan, Yan Shaofei is still an undisputed leader of the Yellow River.

Compared with Ji Fengzhou and Jiang Shu, Wei Xuanche is still one step short of Wei Guo becoming the hegemony of the world.

Yan Shaofei shook his head, and said seriously: "I don't know what You Jinglong's ideal is, and what Jiang Wu'an's ideal is. My path is not outside Wei State, and I don't plan to travel further. Yan State is already dead. , died for many years. I am just a ranger in Wei who happened to be surnamed Yan, and I don’t shoulder the glory of the old Yan. If I have to say anything about it, it’s probably because of this supernatural power on my body, which made me feel responsible for the disaster. .”

The living source of disaster is the negativity of this world. The reason for the formation of the so-called "evil view" can also be called... "karma".

In the past, when the Yan State was strong and prosperous, the red lotus of industry and fire bloomed all over the rootless world, which is a wonderful scene in the world.

Wei Tianzi looked at the ranger in front of him, and said meaningfully: "Every real strong person is responsible for the disaster."



Sometimes luck is really a wonderful thing.

Yan Shaofei chose a route at random, just missed Wu Guan Wang, and bumped into Bian Cheng Wang.

I don't know whose luck is worse.

Fortunately, at that time, the King of Biancheng was already close to the border of Wei State, and he decisively stopped him a little bit with his killing intent. The sword did not kill the enemy. With a sword that escaped from the senses, it flew through people's vision and hearing at extremely high speed, and escaped directly. Wei Guo.

Successfully rendezvous with King Qin Guang who is guarding outside the border.

He told Yan Shaofei not to chase him any more, which was considered a good word.

If Yan Shaofei had tracked him down to this point, King Qin Guang would definitely not show mercy.

"How did you kill Zhang Shoulian, who was in the Inner Palace, and made such a big noise?" King Qin Guang sat on a high embankment, facing the waves of the long river, and from time to time, there were high jumping waves that shattered on the soles of his boots. .

And the long hair is draped behind.

"I'll have to ask King Wu Guan about it." King Bian Cheng walked up to the embankment and brushed off his sleeves, as if to shake off his bad luck.

Say bad luck, bad luck will come.

Wuguan Wang dragged his weak body, languid in his black robe, and swayed under the embankment. There is a feeling that the body and mind are resisting to be close and have to be close.

He was below the embankment, looking up at the heights. With the slowly setting sun as the background, King Qin Guang and King Bian Cheng sat and stood, looking back at him at the same time.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Wuguan Wang laughed three times dryly: "The task has been successfully completed, and our organization's brilliant record has added another stroke!"

But King Biancheng didn't smile, and neither did King Qin Guang.

boom! boom! boom!

The waves of the long river collided with the embankment, and the sound was magnificent, like a drum beating in the sky, which made people nervous.

"Ha! We moved thousands of miles in Wei State, and made such a big commotion!" Wuguan Wang began to care about his colleagues, and carefully created a gratifying tone: "I think Jingguo has already heard the news, and I won't If the country is sealed off again, King Taishan and the others can safely evacuate!"

King Qin Guang watched him gently: "You really care about King Taishan."

The official king opened his hands and said frankly: "We are all colleagues. We should unite and love each other and help each other. Just like when I was in danger today, King Biancheng also took the initiative to save me. I am very grateful to him."

He looked at King Bian Cheng, trying to make his cruel eyes sincere: "Brother Bian Cheng, I am very grateful!"

"You're welcome." King Bian Cheng said coldly, "If you hadn't told people everywhere that I was also in Wei, I probably wouldn't have had a chance to save you."

"Is there such a thing?" Wuguan Wang expressed his shock by widening his eyes: "You two know me, Wuguan Wang. I have always been taciturn and brave to take responsibility. I die in silence and live without singing. Wei The people of the country make up and make up, there is really no bottom line!"

King Bian Cheng did not speak.

King Qin Guang looked back at Chang He with a smile.

"Speaking of this mission, the Wei people seem to be waiting for Zhang Shoulian to die, and they reacted very slowly. If it wasn't for that Yan Shaofei who shot me for no reason..." Wuguan Wang began to seriously analyze the situation: "We have recently accepted the job, it seems I have been involved in all kinds of complicated situations."

"There is no need to complain." King Bian Cheng said indifferently, "This is part of the money we earn."

Choose to be a knife, driven by money.

So no matter how other people use it, or where it is driven, this knife needs to bear it.

"Okay." King Qin Guang suddenly smiled softly, and it turned into a ray of green light, which disappeared in a flash.

Only the voice of the second half of the sentence remained, still floating in the river wind—"This mission is over, we will contact you next time."

King Wuguan looked at King Biancheng again, and found that King Biancheng had also disappeared from sight, and he didn't know where he was going.

He stepped onto the embankment, looked around, heaved a sigh of relief, and looked forward to getting up again.

I thought I was going to be shaved! Fortunately, King Bian Cheng didn't care too much, he is really a good man. Next time I dare.

Standing alone on a high embankment, watching the long river, there is boundless freedom.

Just as he was thinking about which mass grave to go to to recuperate for two days, he suddenly felt an extremely fast approaching aura that made him uncomfortable, like the scorching sun shining on the snow! There is also an extremely dangerous premonition that appears before this breath.

The sky was quietly covered with a layer of red clouds.

Thirty-six literary spirits with green blood and heart!

Who is coming? Which great Confucianist from Mugu Academy?

At this moment, a question came to King Wuguan's mind—during the few days when he stayed in Weidu and collected information, what bad things did King Qin Guang and King Biancheng do? !

Dog things run faster than dogs!

Wuguan Wang was startled and angry for a moment, but it was too late to react, he could only return the body to the corpse, and fell into the long river with a plop.

Crash, the dead body is divided into fish and shrimp.



I haven't been back to Baiyujing Restaurant for a few days, and the business is getting better and better. Almost every floor that is open is full of drinkers.

Perhaps the owner's brief departure only proved that the restaurant would be the same with him or without him.

In the next few days, Jiang Wang devoted himself to practicing, and often competed with Bai Yuxia and Lin Xian.

These two are the Yellow River's arrogance, and they each have good ideas in practice. Although their cultivation is not as good as Jiang Wang's today, when they discuss with each other, they can often inspire some inspiration.

"What do you know about Changhe Longjun?"

It is night, and the stars are like water. Jiang Wang, who took off Yan Luo's mask, sat alone on the top floor and started a dialogue with Senhai Laolong after a long absence.

As a true dragon roaming the stars, the years experienced by Senhai Laolong are themselves huge treasures. But Jiang Wang, who has experienced the story of Senhaiyuanjie, has the greatest caution towards this old dragon.

For a long time, I have rejected any pictures from this old dragon, and I can only listen to or not believe all the words. Only use him as a backup source of power, a "super-large star power stone" locked at the base of Yuheng Xinglou.

Since his arrival, the value of Senhai Laolong has also dropped rapidly. When he achieves Dongzhen, he can instantly suck the old dragon into a mummy.

Although the old dragon was anxious, after so many years, he had gotten used to this kid's heart as hard as iron.

From persuasive words to persuasive temptations, from strategizing to manipulating emotions, from self-defeating and cursing, to being listless and too lazy to speak out.

In just a few years, it is not worth mentioning in the long life of a real dragon. But the torment of not being able to see hope has made life a punishment...

Tired, what are you doing?

Now I am used to drawing blood!

Of course, say so. Once this human kid finds out with his conscience, he will give him a chance. It's not like he, a senior true dragon, can't get up and struggle again. The ancient dragon emperor still suffered the death of his nine sons, and the ancient demon emperor still suffered the collapse of the heavenly court. So what if he, a little dragon, suffers a little setback?

Just like this moment...

How can you not behave well? !

"Mr. Changhe Long, um... you can say you understand it, but you don't understand it very well." Senhai Laolong first put out a nonsense that can't be wrong, and then tried in an unpredictable tone: "Why, Got revenge?"

Jiang Wang said indifferently: "I can't talk about it, I'm just a little curious. It's fine if you're not familiar with it."

The voice of the old dragon of Senhai suddenly raised its voice: "Nubiyan humble bone, a river of dog ears! How come I don't know him well!"

Jiang Wang's soul manifested, paced slowly in the Yuheng star building, while outlining the road and carving the star building, he said casually: "Tell me about it."

The old dragon who was locked at the base of the star building also curled up in the cell, with his left paw resting on his right paw, and said cautiously: "What do you want to know?"

"You can say what you understand, and you don't need to say what you don't understand." Jiang Wang said casually.

Of course, he didn't deliberately circle the range, because in many cases, the question is the answer of the questioner. This is the profound lesson Chong Xuanpang left for him.

For an old and cunning person like Senhai Laolong, the more information he gets, the easier it is to make some targeted guidance.

Usually he is isolated from the star building, and it is easy not to let the old dragon of Senhai know the situation in the world, so he hides as much as he can at this moment.

The old dragon of Senhai has to think carefully about which answers are valuable and which nonsense is unnecessary.

"In the history of your human race, the ancient human emperor chased the dragon clan in the sea and split the water clan in the long river. That is a great achievement. But for us..." Senhai Laolong said excitedly: "It was a vicious betrayal, premeditated It ended the covenant between humans and dragons in ancient times, and was shamelessly trampled on!"

He was excited and aware of his situation: "Then what, the winner is the king and the loser is the enemy. Covenant is something like a god's decree. It's not as good as toilet paper. It depends on who can tear it up quickly. It's over. For so long, there is nothing to say."

"Let's talk about Changhe Longjun." Jiang Wang said calmly.

"Ao Shuyi was just a low-ranking dragon descendant who was not taken seriously in that era of bright stars. The nine sons of the ancient dragon emperor, the prisoner was lenient and kind, and he was fond of killing and fighting. Although His Highness has different personalities and different talents, which one is not better than him?" Senhai Laolong said viciously: "He can become the Dragon King only because he cries the loudest and kneels the fastest!"

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