Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1971 Jun King Kong

No third party knew about Jiang Wang's conversation with Yan Xiao.

In theory, it is impossible for Senhai Laolong to know what Yan Xiao told him about the old dragon's hidden treasures in the gaps in the world.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to suddenly enter the battlefield at the beginning. With the establishment of the Yuheng Star Building, it has added weight to the struggle of Yuheng Xingchen for senior Guan Yan.

And so far, this so-called hidden treasure is likely to be the treasure of Heaven and Buddha, which is also his own speculation.

The layout of Senhai Laolong obviously lies in the legacy of Wu Hangong's skills, and there is no mention of hidden treasures at all. It should be to use the treasure of heaven and Buddha as a bargaining chip.

This is the information gap brought by Yan Xiao.

The old dragon thought that Jiang Wang didn't know anything about it, but Jiang Wang actually guessed it.

So it shouldn't be a risky thing to go to the world gap in Senhaiyuan to search for the treasures of Heaven and Buddha.

But how dare Jiang Wang be self-righteous?

The old dragon locked at the base of the star building has never been a good person. The depth of the city and the ruthlessness of its intentions can be proved by the countless people who died in vain in the Senhaiyuan world.

Senior Guan Yan has great supernatural powers, and before he became a star king, he came from behind, and suppressed the old dragon of Senhai in all aspects in the all-round struggle in the Senhaiyuan world.

With the ability of senior Guan Yan, if he knows the target in advance and is vigilant, nothing will go wrong.

As for how precious the Heavenly Buddha Noble Phantasm is...

He doesn't have any greed for taking everything, he always believes in himself and is better than any utensils.

Take ten thousand steps back and say, the treasure fell into the hands of senior Guan Yan, can't he borrow it?

After writing this letter, press it into the starlight and scatter it into the distant sky, so Senior Guan Yan can see it when he is free.

Jiang Wang got up and went downstairs.

What happened in Bai Yujing restaurant was simple.

As the former Marquis of Great Qi, in the process of step by step towards the peak of MG, he inevitably offended some people and hurt some people.

When he was the overlord, no one dared to stroke the tiger's beard. After he got out of the way, he confirmed his whereabouts, and even monsters and monsters dared to turn around.

Those with malicious intentions come from various backgrounds. Both the adherents of the Xia Kingdom and the adherents of the Yang Kingdom appeared. There is no lack of bloody courage, no lack of tricks, and no lack of temptations from other people.

Of course, it is basically impossible to pass the level of Bai Yuxia and Lin Xian.

Today there was a helper who had the audacity to poison the wine cellar, but was caught by Bai Yuxia on the spot.

Normally, Bai Yuxia would take care of it by herself, but when Jiang Wang came back these days, he asked. Jiang Wang also took the opportunity to interrupt the conversation with the old dragon of Senhai—he had thoughts about the legacy of Wu Hangong, but decided to let the old dragon hang out.

Walking all the way down from the top floor, when they reached the tenth floor, they heard someone shouting drunkenly in the hall: "Is the Sword Immortal Jiang Qingyang in person?"

All the drinkers in the lobby on the tenth floor turned their heads to look at it.

Jiang Wang froze for a moment, feeling a little dazed.

The past few years of struggling in Qi State are memories that he will never forget in his life.

The title can be discarded, the seal can be hung, the crown can be removed, and power, fame and fortune can be let go.

But some marks are hard to erase.

For example, although he left Qi, many people still used to call him Jiang Qingyang and Jiang Wuan, and he didn't feel that he needed to erase that experience.

And the title of "Sword Immortal" is really a long time ago. It was also when the Yellow River won the first prize, someone shouted a few times. Then there is Huang Sheli from Jingguo, who always likes to call "Fairy" and "Fairy".

In fact, after Guanhetai, people often call him the leader of the Yellow River. After defeating the four devils with a sword, it will be the number one inner palace in history. After that, it will be Master Hou.

"I haven't heard this name for a long time."

He followed the sound and found that the one who stopped him was a man with good features and a little cold feeling.

Of course it can be described as handsome, sitting by the window, holding a glass in his hand, and resting his elbow on an overturned wine jug.

Although he drank a lot of wine, his tone was a little frivolous, his posture was a little loose, and his slightly drunk expression was very real. But you can feel that this person is not half-drunk—especially if he is drunk.

"It is said that Baiyujing Restaurant is the residence of immortals, so of course you are that immortal." The man was not restrained at all, and while sipping his wine, he replied to Jiang Wang's words.

What this person eats and drinks is the most expensive in Bai Yujing.

For big customers, Mr. Jiang's family is always more enthusiastic. He chuckled lightly and said, "Thanks to everyone's respect and willingness to come to the shop to join us, happiness is the most important thing. It doesn't matter what you call it, you can call it whatever you want."

But then another voice sounded——

"It doesn't matter what you call it, but you have to call it right!"

The speaker was sitting in a corner, and was not noticed at first, until he opened his mouth and took off his bamboo hat, revealing his shiny bald head, and all of the eyes in the lobby on the tenth floor were gathered at once.

In front of him was only a bowl of clean water and a fat white steamed bun.

There is also a roll of bedding on the back.

With a handsome and clean appearance, he said in a serious manner: "What kind of sword fairy Jiang Qingyang should be called Jun Jingshen Jingshen."

Jiang Wang looked happy when he saw him, and smiled wryly when he heard Lao Shizi'Jun King Kong'.

But this monk just turned his head and looked at the man who drank a lot of fake wine, and said very seriously: "Don't mess with my junior brother, I will beat you up."

The man sitting by the window put down his wine glass and spread his hands to show harmlessness: "Did the little holy monk misunderstand somewhere? I am just an ordinary businessman. This time I came to Xingyue to do business... It’s just a greeting from the famous club.”

Jingli is the existence of the so-called "Liu Li Buddha Son" in the Eastern Holy Land of Buddhism.

How can someone who can make him vigilant and keep an eye on him serious?

But when he said that, Jiang Wang listened to it.

"Speaking of which, I'm still a businessman now! Our businessmen pay attention to a 'harmony makes money'!" He smiled and said humanely: "I have encountered something recently, my friend is simply too nervous about me, and it doesn't matter to you. Malicious, don't take offense."

Monk Jingli was called by him by letter.

Counting the time, Lin Zhengren, the envoy of the Zhuang Kingdom, will almost arrive in the Xiang Kingdom.

According to his previous deduction, Zhuang Gaoxian had an extremely difficult plan to unravel—that is, to kill Lin Zhengren and plant Jiang Wang on him. Then in the name of the killing of the envoy of his country, avoid the aura of the hero of the human race, and take revenge on him openly.

At that time, it is a very feasible choice to invite real Jing Guo to make a move, or Zhuang Gaoxian to make a move by himself.

In the final analysis, Kujue of Xuankong Temple and Zhaohuai of Mount Xumi blocked the gate of Zhuangguo, which only blocked the possibility of Zhuang Gaoxian's sneaky tricks. It is not possible to seal off the border of Zhuangguo in a grand manner, and cut the Jiedao on Zhuang Gaoxian's neck-Yujingshan will never sit idly by.

Once Zhuang Gaoxian succeeds in framing Jiang Wang, no one can say anything else.

The most difficult part of this game is that I don't know what kind of weird tricks Zhuang Gaoxian has. But judging from the fact that Mo Jingyu died without redeeming the city, and the sinful king was taken away by the Momen, Jiang Wangchuu could be planted successfully if he didn't appear next to Lin Zhengren.

So is this situation unresolved?


There is no unsolvable situation in the world, as long as it is predicted, there will be a solution. This is also the reason why Zhong Xuanpang wants to keep Lin Zhengren.

There is the simplest solution to this game—that is, during Lin Zhengren's mission to Xiangguo, Jiang Wang can prove that he has never met Lin Zhengren and has no time to kill at all.

According to Zhongxuan Fatty's idea, he originally planned to visit Xingyueyuan in person in the name of Grand Qi Bowanghou, live here for ten days and half a month, and personally witness to Jiang Wang. Let's see if Zhuang Gaoxian dares to say that Daqi Bowanghou is lying!

However, considering that Chongxuan Fatty's cultivation was at a critical juncture, Jiang Wang chose to write to Jingli and asked him to stay at Baiyujing Restaurant for two days.

Firstly, the identity of Jingli is also very convincing.

Secondly, in terms of secular cognition, Jingli is more credible than Chong Xuansheng. Almost no one will believe that Jeongyee is lying, and probably no one will believe that Chong Xuansheng is honest...

"It's okay." The man sitting by the window was very self-cultivated: "I came here uninvited, and I spoke rashly. The little holy monk should be more vigilant."

"Opening a restaurant welcomes guests from all over the world, and everyone is welcome to come uninvited!" Jiang Wang wanted to say that I bought the order for your table, and I bought it for you, so I thought it was a friend. Considering the high price of this table, I decided not to pay it for now. Friend, said with a smile: "I don't know your name? We know each other today!"

The man by the window lowered his head slightly, and said politely: "My name is Xi Ming."

Jingli was wandering around Xingyueyuan, secretly protecting his dear junior. After receiving the letter, he rolled up his bedding, and Pidianpidian came to the door. It was because he felt that the guy by the window was threatening that he silently kept an eye on it for his junior brother.

Now Gulu Gulu drank the bowl of water, picked up the steamed bun and got up and said, "Okay, okay, you guys know each other too."

He walked towards Jiang Wang quickly: "Brother, do you have something to do? Do your work first."

Jiang Wang bowed his hands to the businessman named Ximing: "Then I will take a step first, Brother Xi, please take it easy, Bai Yujing welcomes you to come every day."

Xi Ming smiled and raised his wine glass without saying anything else.

Jiang Wang and Jingli walked downstairs side by side.

"Why did you bring your bedding?" Jiang Wang asked a little funny.

Jingli bit the steamed bun gracefully, like a bald hamster, and blinked: "Didn't I say I want to stay with you for a while?"

Jiang Wang said arrogantly: "I open such a big restaurant, and I am making a lot of money every day. I am so rich, how can I shorten your bedding?"

Jingli just chuckled, leaned into his ear and transmitted the sound: "Master said, those who sneak up on you are all bad guys. If you tell me to beat up casually, you can't make a mistake. The one who is called joking is definitely not a good person. You You have to be careful, you are too simple!"

Jiang Wang Shi ran downstairs: "Don't worry, I will pay more attention. You should also be more careful, don't listen to everything, your master is always lying to you."

"What are you talking about!" Jingli stared at him: "Master will not lie to us!"

"Okay, okay." Jiang Wang quickly apologized and begged for mercy: "I made a slip of the tongue and said the wrong thing."

Jingli was not really angry with his junior brother, and said with a smile: "Junior brother, your restaurant is so big, you really have a business mind! Which room do I live in?"

Jiang Wang said casually, "You live with me."

Jingli smiled brighter and brighter: "Okay!"

The two went down to the first floor.

Bai Yuxia sat behind the counter and settled accounts, ignoring the glances of a group of big girls and young wives.

Lin Xian was chopping firewood in the backyard. His exposed muscle lines had a solid aesthetic feeling. Combined with his young and energetic face, he had a contrasting charm. A wooden sign was erected behind him, and it was written, "The latrine is not here, there is still space upstairs. Please ask the back kitchen for the dishes, and the drink will be delivered by the waiter."

Some aunts who are full of jewels always go to the backyard by the wrong way. He couldn't be bothered.

The cook who poisoned him was tied up in the firewood room, waiting for Jiang Wang to deal with him.

Jiang Wang was about to go and have a look at the poor killer, but he didn't know what day it was, and another visitor happened to come to the door—or, this person had been wandering the streets outside the building for a long time, and when he saw Jiang Wang, he immediately walk in.

This is a woman with an oval face and a very delicate face, wearing a corseted military uniform, like a picked jade lotus, which perfectly explains what is slim and graceful.

But the twin swords hanging from her waist and the firmness between her brows gave her a beautiful murderous look.

"Wu An...Mr. Jiang!" She greeted.

Jiang Wang turned to look at her with a puzzled expression: " are?"

The delicate-faced woman didn't show any hurt expression, but she took the initiative to walk forward, ready to introduce herself with a correct attitude.

Of course, she was deeply impressed by Jiang Wang's appearance, because they once went to the same battlefield, standing on two opposing sides, and Jiang Wang's performance was the most dazzling on the entire battlefield.

Jiang Wang naturally did not remember her.

Because she is not qualified to fight against him.

That battle was the Battle of Xingyueyuan.

The prides of the two countries, Qi and Jing, fought with Xiang Guo and Xu Guo as their weapons.

She is the daughter of Dazhu Guolian Jingzhi of Xiangguo, Lian Yuchan, the Tianjiao of Xiangguo.

She walked forward, but a clean and handsome monk with a roll of bedding on his back stopped her, with a very vigilant expression—"If you have something to say, just stand there and say it."

Jingli was facing a formidable enemy, and at the same time said to Jiang Wang behind him: "Junior Brother, Master said, you must be especially vigilant with women, especially beautiful women, she will break your Buddha's heart!"

Bai Yuxia behind the counter was still looking at the account book, but the writing brush had stopped.

Jiang Wang was a little helpless: "I didn't have the heart of a Buddha, Senior Brother Jingli."

Lian Yuchan was very confused, but Xiangguo was close to Xingyueyuan, and she had heard the name of Liuli Buddha to some extent. Then he stood still and said to Jiang Wang: "I am Lian Yuchan, and my father is Xiang Guolian Jingzhi. I met my husband on the battlefield."

Jiang Wang let out an 'oh', and said casually: "According to the Xingyue agreement, people from Xiangguo are not allowed to set foot in Xingyueyuan, right?"

"So I'm no longer from Xiangguo." Lian Yuchan pursed her lips, perhaps thinking about everything in her heart, but finally said directly: "I came to Bai Yujing today to worship under Mr. Zhang's family and serve Mr. sincerely. "

Lin Zhengren, the envoy of the Zhuang Kingdom, has arrived in the Xiang Kingdom. This is an exchange within the Dao Kingdom. Moreover, the ranking of the Zhuang Kingdom in the Dao Kingdom is now higher than that of the Xiang Kingdom. With Yujingshan's permission, the Xiang Kingdom cannot refuse this kind of exchange.

However, before the envoy of Zhuang Kingdom arrived in Xiangguo, he first proposed to hold a literary meeting in Xiangguo to discuss the literary significance of the inscription on the life tablet in Fenglin City. And hinted that in this literary meeting, we should strengthen Emperor Zhuang's great achievements in the disaster of Fenglin City, guide and spread the relationship between Jiang Wang and Baigudao...

How dare Xiangguo make this knife! ?

Today's Jiang Wang, even if he is alone, is already a person who needs to be feared by Xiangguo. Because he can completely destroy the country by himself!

Xiangguo does not have the ability to build a national defense formation covering the entire country, and it is difficult to make Jiang Wang fall into the siege of the army.

In the entire Elephant Kingdom, the only thing that can pose a threat to Jiang Wang is the giant elephant holy spirit "Song Shan" that is enshrined in Wanhe Temple. This holy spirit has the power to approach the real powerhouse of the cave.

But with Songshan's clumsiness and meekness, can he really stop Jiang Wang's destruction?

The failure of the battle of Xingyueyuan made the people of Xiangguo still chewing on their wounds, unable to get out of the pain.

And in that war, it was Jiang Wang who ran to Xingyueyuan to open a restaurant that almost dominated the outcome of the two countries!

The arrival of Lian Jingzhi's daughter, Lian Yuchan, undoubtedly shows Xiangguo's attitude.

They couldn't refuse Zhuang Guo's pressure in the Dao vassal system, but they definitely didn't want to be an enemy of Jiang Wang—and Lian Yuchan had this sincerity.

This is the daughter of Dazhu Kingdom, the number one arrogance of Xiang Kingdom!

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