Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1972 Mysterious structure of the star map

"I don't agree!" Jingli said loudly.

This woman is too vicious.

He made it clear that he wanted to destroy the buddhist heart of the junior brother and hinder the brother's way, how could he stand by and watch as a senior brother?

But he heard the voice of his junior brother behind him saying: "If Miss Yuchan doesn't dislike it, I can stay here for a while."

"Junior brother!" Jingli turned around and cast hurt eyes.

How could he not understand the painstaking efforts of his senior brother?

Jiang Wang reached out and patted Jingli's shoulder: "Okay, little brother, let me handle this matter."

The voice is gentle, but the attitude is very clear.

Unlike Bai Yuxia, Lian Yuchan is really determined to abandon the country, and unlike Lin Xian, she has no one to lead the way. It is not appropriate to take her into the sect, but it is not a problem to stay to be a witness. Xiang Guo didn't want to offend him, and he didn't have the idea of ​​making enemies everywhere.

It is good to maintain a tacit understanding with each other.

Jingli blinked, and said slightly aggrieved: "Okay."

"Meng Jun will not give up, Yuchan can—" Lian Yuchan originally wanted to say that she could be a guard, but after thinking about it, no one in this restaurant seems to need her as a guard, and she wanted to help with cooking, but she really didn't have that skill , and finally said: "Duan Duan dishes or something."

Jiang Wangwen said: "If this is a job that makes you more comfortable, then it's okay."

Before coming to Xingyueyuan, Lian Yuchan was actually quite nervous.

She had seen the demeanor of Daqi's number one genius, and heard about those glorious deeds, but she had never really come into contact with this person. I don't know what it's like to get along with each other, and whether I will be overbearing.

This trip is very humble, and it is humble for the country.

She, Lian Yuchan, had a pure heart and lingered outside the building for a long time, but she had to come here for the sake of the country's stability. I don't know what I will face.

But at this moment, he suddenly let go of his heart. This peerless arrogance who sets off waves in the world when he rises, and moves in all directions when he hides, is not all-round, long-sleeved and good at dancing, and his words and deeds are quite casual, but he has a kind of calming power.

Inexplicably believable.

"From now on, I'll work with my boss." She smiled, blooming like a lotus flower, and looked dumbfounded at many drinkers.

"You can discuss the salary with Shopkeeper Bai later." Jiang Wang smiled and walked to the backyard.

The big owner of Bai Yujing Restaurant is going to deal with that poor killer.

Let's see which killer it is, with such a rough professional level.

Jingli followed behind his younger brother step by step, and even Yuchan followed curiously.

Bai Yuxia beckoned, and asked a waiter to sit behind the counter for him, then Shi Shiran got up and went to the backyard.

There was a constant sound of chopping firewood in the backyard.

The interval, volume, and timbre of each sound are exactly the same.

A knowledgeable person knows how rare this is, because there are no identical woods in the world. This means that every knife of Lin Xian needs to be adjusted just right the moment it touches the wood, so that everything can be so unified.

He is so focused, every knife seems to be cutting the enemy for life.

In this nearly constant crackling, the mental stress of the little assassin locked in the firewood room can be imagined.

When the door of the firewood room was opened, the light from the outside suddenly hit the inside and hit the face. Han Shao, who was full of flesh, suddenly closed his eyes tightly, and then slowly opened them.

As the time of his death approached, he had to look at his enemies and curse or something with resentment.

Then he saw an unusually young, gentle and delicate face.

Behind this person, there is a beautiful woman with a delicate and beautiful face, and a handsome man with white skin like jade. But it is obvious that this person is the main one.

This is Jiang Wang, right? he thinks.

Then he heard the man ask - "Why did you come to stab me?"


Han Shao thought for a while, then suddenly became angry, and rushed up: "How dare you ask why!?"

But at all... can't move!

Even the person in front of him didn't move at all.

It's just that the man who was chopping firewood in the yard cast a look.

One look made him unable to move!

Han Shao froze there.

Then Jiang Wang slowly squatted down and looked at him: "Shouldn't I ask why?"

Han Shao gritted his teeth and said, "I'm from Wu Xing Mansion in Daxia, my surname is Han and my name is Shao. Do you know now?!"

Jiang Wang naturally knew.

Now it is the year 3922 in the Dao calendar, and Xia Kingdom no longer exists in the world.

Qi's defeat of Xia was a battle of annexation of the land, seeking long-term peace and stability, not to say to the people that Qiu did not commit any crimes, but also to not use swords and soldiers. Those who surrender will be exonerated, and those who resist will be lenient.

But there is one exception, that is, Tian Anping's department. He doesn't even care about the lives of the Qi army, so how could he care about the lives of the people of Xia? Tian Anping fought against Gongyi, and 90,000 of the 100,000 Qi soldiers died. Who should I relieve the hatred of the people of Qi?

After the war, the Wuxing Mansion was devastated, and it was the most completely destroyed mansion among the Xia Kingdom's mansions. If the city of Guiyi hadn't been destroyed in time and Emperor Xia had surrendered quickly enough, Wu Xing Mansion would have been even more tragic.

Although it was not seen in the military newspaper, the news was blocked in Guxia territory.

But what Han Shao, who is a member of the Wuxing Mansion, has experienced, can be roughly imagined.

But the problem is... During the Qixia War, Wu Xing Mansion belonged to the northern battlefield, and the former Marquis of Wu'an was galloping on the eastern battlefield, which is simply unbearable!

Jiang Wang didn't say that.

Qi has already destroyed Xia, and the Xia people who don't forget their homeland come to seek revenge, he agrees with this truth.

The people of Xia who had experienced pain, blamed him, a person whose military achievements in the Qixia War were only inferior to Cao Jie, and he did not protest.

He only asked: "Then Han Shao, for whom are you seeking revenge? For Xia Guo, or for yourself?"

Han Shao gritted his teeth and said, "What about Xia Guo? What about yourself?"

Jiang Wang said in a low voice, "Who can represent Xia Guo today? Emperor Xia, King Min, or you? Now Emperor Xia is An Lebo, and King Min is Qi Shangqing. Where are you for Xia?"

Han Shao was speechless for a moment.

When An Lebo was Emperor Xia, he was so frenzied that he caused disaster and flooded the country. When Anlebo was Anlebo, he couldn't think of summer. How do Xia people read Xia? In today's southern Xinjiang of Great Qi, not to mention singing and dancing, it can also be said to be politically clear. Su Guanying was a master of civil and military affairs, and governed Nanxia very well. Xia people don't miss Xia.

Han Shao has always understood that he is one of the very few. What he missed was not Xia Guo, but his own life that was destroyed together with Xia Guo.

Jiang Wang asked again: "If you are looking for revenge for yourself, there are so many Faxia generals, why did you find me?"

Han Shao said bitterly: "You are the most famous. And you are not in Qi, I still have a chance to escape if I kill you."

Bai Yuxia couldn't help laughing: "It makes sense."

"I really don't know if it's better to say you're stupid or smart." Jiang Wang shook his head, "If you say you're stupid, you come to assassinate me. If you say you're smart, you come to assassinate me."

Han Shao said angrily: "If you want to kill, kill it, don't say something I don't understand!"

Jiang Wang smiled, stretched out an index finger, and swiped lightly.

Han Shao's blood stagnated immediately, his breathing stopped, and his consciousness sank!

In the terrifying abyss of infinite fall, his sorrow, pain, regret, but all dissipated. Just like that, just like an ant—

He opened his eyes suddenly and took a big mouthful of breath, only to realize that he was still alive!

The ropes on his body were also cut, and the restraint imposed on him by the one look of the woodcutter has also dissipated.

He saw Jiang Wang shake his head and said casually, "Let's go."

Han Shao froze there, at a loss.

"Everyone has his or her own role on the battlefield, so I don't need to say what my heart is. When I take off my armor, I just want everything to go well, and I don't bother to hold any old grudges. I happen to be in a good mood today, so I will let you go." Jiang Wang stood up: "You I have already died once, so cherish your new life. I am not a soft-hearted person, so don't come to die again next time."

He no longer cared about this old Xia survivor, and left here with Jingli and Lian Yuchan.

Lin Xian continued chopping firewood, Bai Yuxia yawned boredly, and went to inspect the back kitchen.

For a while, no one paid any attention to Han Shao. As a captured and released assassin, he sat blankly on the floor of the firewood room, stunned for a long time.

Speaking of solving this trivial matter, Jiang Wang took the two of them to the top floor again, and said casually: "Go upstairs and see where we live. For the next few days, we will all practice together."

He looked at Lian Yuchan intently: "When the matter is resolved, you can go back."

Lian Yuchan naturally understood that the so-called settlement of the matter meant that the envoys of the Zhuang Kingdom left the Xiang Kingdom.

She wanted to ask why the boss didn't cut the grass and kill the Xia people, but in the end she only said "hmm".

The three of them went upstairs, and the sound of their footsteps gradually converged.

When I got to the fourth floor, it happened that the checkout called Xi Ming went downstairs and nodded to Jiang Wang.

The staircase is very spacious, it can accommodate five people in parallel, and they almost have to miss their positions.

Jiang Wang smiled gently, his eyes slightly drunk.

Jingli looked at Ximing seriously.

Lian Yuchan didn't know who this person was, the two swords around her waist trembled for some reason, and she raised her hand to hold it down.

Jiang Wang suddenly asked: "Brother Xi, why not talk upstairs?"

Xi Ming stopped walking downstairs, quite surprised: "Is it convenient?"

Jiang Wang raised his finger and pointed at Jingli, and said with a double meaning smile: "This is the door of convenience."

The word "door of convenience" originally meant the way of Buddhism to guide people into Buddhism, and later it evolved into a way of convenience for people.

Xi Ming smiled slightly: "Then respect is worse than obedience."

So the four of them went upstairs and went directly to the top floor.

Jiang Wang found some futons and asked the three of them to sit down. The room where he usually meditated and practiced was empty, without any decorations, and there were four people sitting in a group, and it was not crowded at all.

"Brother Xi, does this business need to be in Xingyueyuan in the near future?" Jiang Wang asked.

Xi Ming sat cross-legged in a very orthodox posture, upright and meticulous, and said with a smile, "Almost."

His smile gave people a feeling that he obviously didn't like to smile but smiled very standardly, and the curvature of the corner of his mouth seemed to have been measured with a ruler.

Jiang Wang said unexpectedly: "Then you might as well live in Baiyujing during this time, and we can discuss cultivation together."

Xi Ming was surprised: "Does Brother Jiang know me?"

Jiang Wang said: "Before today, I didn't know each other."

"Since you don't know each other, then you..."

"That's why I invited you."

Zhuang Gaoxian sent Lin Zhengren as an envoy to catch Jiang Wang. There are three steps in the plan - first hold a literary meeting to discuss the inscriptions on the stele of life, then open a ceremony to worship the dead in Fenglin, and then practice the remains of Aunt Song.

This was revealed by Lin Zhengren.

As long as Jiang Wang can hold back his breath, these things will not hurt him.

And the situation he inferred that Zhuang Gaoxian used the life and death of Zhuang Guo's envoys to frame the situation, as long as there is enough evidence to prove that he has no time to kill Lin Zhengren, the situation will be self-defeating.

The Liuli Buddha disciples of Xuankong Temple are inseparable for twelve hours a day, is that enough proof?

The daughter of the Dazhu Kingdom of the Xiang Kingdom, whom your envoy from the Zhuang Kingdom is visiting, is inseparable for twelve hours a day. Is this enough proof?

A businessman who has never dealt with before and who can arouse the vigilance of Jingli, comes to Bai Yujing to meditate and practice from time to time. Is it enough proof?

Under such circumstances, even if someone saw Jiang Wang kill Lin Zhengren with his own eyes, that would not count!

If Zhuang Gaoxian wants to forcibly frame him, it will be useless except to expose himself.

As for why this man came here and what his purpose is, Jiang Wang doesn't care now.

Xi Ming smiled: "Don't you worry, am I as worried as the little holy monk?"

"Are you really here for business?" Jiang Wang asked.

Xi Ming replied: "I'm really here to do business. An ancestral business."

Jiang Wang said gently: "We have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in the present, and we can discuss everything."

"Should we get to know each other formally?" Xi Ming asked.

Jiang Wang said: "When you think it's appropriate."

Xi Ming was thoughtful, and finally said: "Then wait."

"How? Have you decided?" Jiang Wang said, "The rent can be cheaper for you."

Xi Ming probably didn't expect to pay the rent, so he froze for a moment.

Jiang Wang added: "Where do you live?"

This makes sense.

Xi Ming then politely said: "That's troublesome."

"No trouble." Jiang Wang said softly, with sincere eyes: "Your room is next door, turn right when you go out, and if you need anything, you can ask shopkeeper Bai to buy it. He is a fair man."

"...Okay." As expected of a big shot with unknown background, Xi Ming got up and went without hesitation when he heard that he still needed to make purchases.

Jiang Wang was calm, and said to Lian Yuchan: "Your room is on the left, you might as well go and have a look first, if you need anything, just tell shopkeeper Bai, he will prepare it for you."

Even Yuchan thanked him politely and got up to leave.

In the huge quiet room, only Jiang Wang and Jingli were left.

The two looked at each other.

Monk Jingli gave a questioning look.

Jiang Wang nodded.

Jing Li immediately untied the bedding from behind, and started to make the bed neatly, it seemed that she was not the kind of pampered one. That's right, Kujue didn't even know how to clean himself up. He was dressed in rags all day, so it was really difficult for him to coddle and purify himself.

Jiang Wang stretched out his hand and said, "What are you doing, little brother?"

Jingli wondered: "I asked you if we live here, didn't you nod?"

Jiang Wang snorted: "I thought you asked me about the arrangement of the drama... This is the room where we meditate and practice, and the shopkeeper Bai will clean up the place where we live. Put your bedding aside first, and turn around Do you want to bring it back to the Hanging Temple?"

Jingli corrected: "It's Sanbaoshan. Our things, not a stitch or a thread can be taken advantage of by others, this is what Master said."

Jiang Wang nodded in praise and said, "It's not unreasonable for Kujue Daoist to be able to tell the truth!"

It was only at this time that Jingli realized: "What is the arrangement for Ximing? Shall I go and trap him?"

Jiang Wang hurriedly stopped: "No, no, forget it, it's okay! Just treat him as a passerby. We should eat, drink, and practice."

The two looked at each other, sat upright, and practiced as they said.

Finally a tacit agreement.



In the past few days, Jiang Wang has always manifested his spirit and meditated in the Yuheng Xinglou, and the old dragon of Senhai has always come to chat.

The two parties seemed to have become much closer and friendly because of the opening of their hearts last time. The grievances and grievances in the past are like clouds and smoke, and the two of them have big stomachs, so they don't care about it.

What is it if the chance of enlightenment is destroyed? Wouldn't it be nice to give it up to Guan Yan!

What is it to be almost taken away? Didn't it fail?

One person and one dragon talked very happily, and their friendship gradually became stronger.

Is it not a tacit understanding?

But what is not tacit is that Jiang Wang doesn't seem to care about Wu Hangong's inheritance, and he never mentioned it. I just care about some historical allusions, the secrets of the dragon clan, the love and hatred between the ancient dragon emperor Xihun clan and the human emperor Lieshan clan...

My old dragon is not a storyteller!

After all, he is concerned about the growth of the human race's genius and looking forward to Jiang Wang's future. Senhai Laolong once again took the initiative to mention it with enthusiasm: "Speaking of the inheritance of Wu Hangong, I really think it is very suitable for you. You are such a genius. Genius, such a perfect resume of would be a pity if it wasn't perfect."

Jiang Wang sighed: "I am a down-to-earth person. God's Lindu is far from coming to an end, and Dongzhen is still far away. Let's talk about it later!"

The old dragon of Senhai earnestly said: "It is a good thing to be down-to-earth, but sometimes you have to plan ahead. Don't you hear that 'hold the Buddha's feet temporarily, and the Buddha will give you a foot'. When things come to an end, do you still have time?"

Jiang Wang thoughtfully said: "I believe that the tree that supports the sky can withstand the wind and rain. In this way, you can pass on some dragon secrets to me, so that I can lay a solid foundation."

The old dragon of Senhai cried poorly: "I am upright, I have a clean sleeve, and I was driven out of the sea early, how can I have much accumulation? You are already a monk of the gods, and you have high vision. I have already given you a pupil technique." , two soul mysteries, four five-element spells..."

The stage of Taixu Illusory Realm has been inspected, and it is indeed of good quality, and the achievements are considerable, and the old dragon did not make any moves. Otherwise, Jiang Wang wouldn't bother to reach out.

"Oh, so." Jiang Wang sighed: "It's a pity that the starry sky is too far away, the road is dangerous, and it is easy to get lost. I am low in combat power, and I am really afraid of any accidents. Why don't you wait until I am in the cave? There should be more people at that time." grasp?"

"Dongzhen didn't lay a good foundation, and after Dongzhen, I couldn't make up for it. I was expelled by Taiyong's traitor because the foundation was not strong enough. Later, I couldn't compete with Guanyan Xingjun because of it. You see, one step behind, one step behind Get beaten at every step." Senhai Laolong thought very much about Jiang Wang, and after using himself as an example, he said: "In this way, I still have an ancient dragon clan star chart mysterious construction method, which was passed down by the ancient Dragon Emperor. After you learn it, I won’t get lost in the universe anymore. I was able to find Yuheng and locate the remnant of Duke Wuhan because of this method.”

Jiang Wang is definitely not an insatiable person, and he also cared about Senhai Laolong's feelings, and refused very forcefully: "Although I did dare to set out after learning it...but such a precious method is not suitable, right?"

"With our relationship—"

"Then thank you very much!"

The first thing is that 30,000 people are finally booked, and the milestone is increased by one. It's all word of mouth. grateful!

The second thing is that the Internet literary scene was only performed in the top 30. Now it has dropped to more than 30, let's focus on Jiang Wuqi's "Becoming Autumn Shuang".

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