Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1973 Talking about business in business

Another normal day.

The business of Baiyujing Restaurant is booming.

Lian Yuchan diligently served an hour's worth of food before coming upstairs.

Bypassing the solemn treasure-faced monk Jingli sitting in the middle of the stairs on the tenth floor, passing by Bai Yuxia who was breathing on the eleventh floor, he went up to the top floor to look for Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang is in the study.

Leaning on the recliner by the window, soaking up the sunshine, reading a book leisurely.

Lian Yuchan knocked lightly on the door, then stood at the door of the study, looking at the very relaxed owner: "It's time."

Jiang Wang said 'Oh': "I'll go there after reading this page."

Of course Lian Yuchan knew that Dong Jia was sensitive and eager to learn, and could not put down the book. After all, he could be seen reading every day. Now that they are considered acquaintances, they asked curiously: "Master Hou... what books did my master read?"

She was used to the life in Xingyueyuan, but she would always accidentally call out 'Hou Ye'. Being in Xiang Country, it is hard not to be deeply impressed by 'Marquis of Wu'an'.

Jiang Wang casually lifted the book in his hand so that Lian Yuchan could see the cover clearly.

"The Law of All Times?"

Lian Yuchan read it out and was immediately in awe.

This is a legal classic!

Dong's family used to be the number one in the military exploits of the younger generation in all countries, so there must be no mention of military strategy. He also made good friends with Liuli Buddha's son Jingli, ate and lived together, and had a deep Buddhist background. Xu Xiangqian from Qingya Academy is also known as the double pride, and Confucianism should not be able to stop him. Now he even dabbles in legalist knowledge, he is really an all-rounder.

The owner of Baiyujing Restaurant said calmly: "This book is called "The Law of Ten Thousand Times", but it talks about the Law of No Ten Thousand Times. It is a classic that can explain the law in a very interesting way. I often read it. Hey, Qin State's Wei Shu also highly respects this classic, and has quoted it in public many times."

"That's right." Lian Yuchan said with emotion: ""The Law of Ten Thousand Times" was written by Xue Gui, a master of legalists in the Middle Ages. He was the first to stand up and say that the laws established by the ancestors are no longer suitable for the times, and set off legal reforms. Break It established the atmosphere of advocating the ancients, laid the foundation of legalism's "innovation", and became a model for later generations of scholarship. My father often said that this "Law of Ten Thousand Times" must be read by every aspiring legal scholar."

Good guy, in a country as small as Xiangguo, how hard is it to read books?

"Wan Shi Fa" is actually the family study of the Lian family.

Isn't Xiangguo Dazhu Guolian Jingzhi a military strategist? !

Jiang put down the book silently.

And Lian Yuchan is still actively discussing, resonating with her confidant: "Wei Shuna is also a master of law, a representative of Qin Fa. It is said that he is a descendant of Wei Xing. In the Middle Ages, Wei Xing and Xue Gui debated law, and three arguments and three defeats , so that the road collapsed, and he could not escape. His descendants can learn from Xue Gui, which shows his ability! Unexpectedly, the master also understands everyone in Wei, he is really knowledgeable."

The name Wei Xing sounds familiar!

Jiang Wang remained calm and scratched his head in his mind for a while, finally gave up, and said with a wry smile: "I'm not very knowledgeable, it's just that I lack self-knowledge, and I worked hard to make up for it."

After all, Lian Yuchan is not a bad friend like Chongxuanpang and Xu Gaole, and Jiang is too embarrassed to continue to exalt himself. He said sincerely: "I was born in a small town that is not very prosperous. People there work from day to day, and they don't know what is extraordinary. Many people have never left that town in their entire lives.

My father treated me well, provided me with food and clothing, and taught me to be honest.

As for me, I have loved swordsmanship since I was a child, and my dream is to control the sword and fly freely. My father never said that I was wishful thinking, or that we came from a humble background, so don't dream. Just tell me that if you really like it, you have to work hard and persevere.

But he only sells medicinal materials, knows some herbal medicines, and knows nothing about cultivation. Spending a lot of money to buy me a few sword manuals, and making some Dieda ointment for me with his own hands, that's all he can do.

I am taught by an unknown teacher, and I can learn the unknown spectrum, but I can only practice hard and ponder over and over by myself.

Apart from a few Mongolian books for literacy and a few illustrations of medicinal materials, there are no books to read at home. At that time I didn't like to read either. Useless is a scholar!

Now that I have gone through some things and taken some detours, I have reached the crown and can be regarded as an adult. Facing the heroes of the world, I often feel ashamed. Miss Yuchan, you said Wei Xing, but I don't know who Wei Xing is. I have only seen the name Wei Shu in history books.

I have traveled thousands of miles, but my horizons are still not broad enough, and I often have regrets of shallow knowledge. I just hate that there is not enough time, and one moment cannot be used as two. I can only learn it diligently, practice it hard, and supplement my knowledge from time to time, lest I be complacent and be abandoned by the world in the end. "

Lian Yuchan was moved for a moment.

She admired it in her heart, but she had no words to express it.

Speaking of which, even Yuchan is the proud son of heaven, the number one figure in Xiangguo. But there are often limitations of birth, and I feel that if I was born in a country of ten thousand chariots and a prosperous family, I should not stop here, and I should be able to compete for the name of the Yellow River.

But when it comes to her background, she grew up reading hundreds of classics, "Book of Ten Thousand Ages" is just one of them, but Jiang Wang can only recognize a few characters. Her father is from Dazhu Kingdom, a god who is enlightened and proficient in both civil and military affairs. Jiang Wang's father was a small medicine merchant with only a few simple principles of life. She has learned from famous teachers since she was a child, but Jiang Wang can only find a few unknown sword books.

But who is called peerless today, and who is the hero of the world?

Even if Jiang Wang died today, his name would have been left in history. And he is still forging ahead, working hard.

Lian Yuchan, oh Lian Yuchan, how can you feel sorry for yourself?

Si time every day is the time when everyone in Baiyujing Restaurant gathers to discuss cultivation. Usually, Jiang Wang or Jingli put forward a practice question worth thinking about, and then everyone brainstormed and collided with inspiration.

The play lives rented here will also participate, and a game will never end.

Bai Yuxia often jokes that this is the first meeting in the world.

As far as the dishes are concerned, although Bai Yujing Restaurant employs many chefs, most of them are from various small countries, and they are not ranked well in the world.

As far as drinks are concerned, Baiyujing Restaurant only slaughters rich people, and is very kind to ordinary drinkers. But grades certainly don't exist.

But if you talk about the talents of the can be called the first floor in the world!

Jiang Wang is the big boss, focusing on decentralization.

The Yellow River Tianjiao Bai Yuxia is in charge of the restaurant's affairs and accounts.

Lin Xian, Rong Guo's first genius, chops firewood and also serves as a restaurant thug.

Lian Yuchan, the daughter of Dazhu Kingdom of Xiangguo, serves dishes and is also the maid of the host family.

Monk Jingli, the little holy monk of Xuankong Temple... Under the instigation of shopkeeper Bai, he opened a side business of a restaurant.

He sat on the stairs from the tenth floor to the eleventh floor, with a banner on each side.

Zuo said: Liuli Buddha son.

On the right: Consecration of sincerity.

Don't be unwilling.

He only takes ten orders a day, and when he finishes, he rolls up his banner and goes back upstairs to meditate.

Only the super VIP guests of the restaurant, who ate from the first floor to the tenth floor, and spent extravagantly on the tenth floor, have the opportunity to get a place through the lottery, and are eligible to come and spend money to congratulate!

There are no objects to consecrate. The Buddha said that all living beings are equal, and anything can be consecrated.

I really didn't bring it, and there are all kinds of souvenirs in the restaurant.

Of course, prices vary.

The business of the restaurant is getting better day by day, and everyone's practice has also improved.

It was a rare happy time for everyone in attendance. There is no intrigue, no strife and resentment, everyone just works, lives and practices simply.

In this complex world, simplicity is not simple.

At Sishi, the practice meeting ended, and at noon, the restaurant business peaked again. Everyone dispersed and busy Jiang Wang continued to practice.

Xi Ming didn't leave today, he sat there meticulously, looked at Jiang Wang and said, "Do you live like this every day?"

While adjusting Dao Yuan, Jiang Wang casually said: "How to live?"

"Practice, practice, practice, discuss practice, or practice." Xi Ming said: "This is what I have seen these days."

Jiang Wang thought for a while: "It seems so."

He flicked a ray of jade-colored sword energy, which was Bai Yuxia's cut jade sword finger: "You said that the method I just cracked this sword finger is not simple enough? I always feel that I have overlooked something."

Xi Ming felt a little helpless: "...Maybe you don't need to crack it perfectly, just break his spirit platform at the second finger. His cultivation level is not enough, so there is a gap here."

Jiang Wang flicked another ray of snow-colored sword energy, fighting with that ray of jade-colored sword energy, and said very intently: "What if his cultivation is enough?"

Xi Ming said directly: "Suppress him, make his second finger more murderous, and the third finger will be difficult to connect, then it will be another opportunity."

"Cut Jade Sword Finger is indeed a killing technique that requires fine control." Jiang Wang stared at the fighting sword qi: "You have a very direct thinking, which is very rare."

Xi Ming said indifferently: "You are thinking about how to compete, I am thinking about how to kill him, that's all."

Jiang Wang clasped the palm of his hand, shattering the two wisps of sword energy in his palm, and slowly turned his head, looking at Xi Ming's somewhat cold face: "Why do you want to kill him so hard?"

Xi Ming calmly said: "This is my way of thinking."

"Your way of thinking is dangerous." Jiang Wang said.

Xi Ming said: "That's why I am called Xi Ming."

"I forgot to ask." Jiang Wang said: "What business do you come to Xingyueyuan? I see that you go out at noon and come back late every day, and you look very busy."

An inauthentic smile appeared on the corner of Xi Ming's mouth: "Don't wait for me to find the right time?"

Jiang Wang shrugged: "As a person, everything depends on my mood. This is especially true recently."

Xi Ming said in a firm tone: "You are not afraid of danger, but you are afraid of your friends being in danger. Don't worry, I am not interested in Bai Yuxia."

Jiang Wangdao: "Sometimes people have different definitions of danger. So what are you interested in?"

"Let me answer your previous question." Xi Ming said, "I came to Xingyueyuan to be in charge of the business of Qianji Building."

Jiang Wang sighed: "I really thought you belonged to the merchant, so we can talk more."

The tone of the joke was relaxed: "It's not much different. I do business all year round and don't engage in those institutions. Moreover, my son is called the True Monarch of Tongqi... There is nothing purer than money in the world. It can be seen that the orthodoxy of the merchant city."

Qianji Tower is the number one merchant pavilion in the world today, and the Momen stands behind it.

It is the property of Jucheng, so there is a steady stream of rare treasures, puppets of all kinds, organs that meet various needs...

Qian Jinhua, the great son of the Mohist school, was called the True Monarch of Bronze Odor, which was originally a scornful title, which meant that he had rebelled against the way of the Mohist school and violated the long-standing spirit of the Mohist school.

It stands to reason that it is a good weapon for others to attack Mohist disciples. Your family's giants are not pure enough, what kind of Mohist are you?

But Xi Ming's anti-proud gesture is indeed something that people can't take as harm.

Of course, Jiang Wang didn't care about these, he just asked, "What's your relationship with Xi Xiangyi?"

The girl I met outside the city of Unredeemed the year before, saw the extraordinaryness of the Ruyi Immortal Clothes at a glance, and wanted to buy it with a lot of money. Later, he really got the inheritance from Ruyi Immortal Clothes.

Later he found out that the short-haired girl with oil paint on her face was a genius girl of the Mo family, the manipulator of the real puppet ghost of the Mo family, and one of the two real fighters who captured Huang Jinmo.

And he still doesn't know where the big brother Zhu Wei I went.

He entrusted too many people to ask, all of which had no answer. He checked too many clues, but in the end they all proved irrelevant. Lian Que was asked to help repair the gun, but there has been no news of the proud man with the star breaking dawn.

When He Xi Xiangyi passed by by mistake that time, he never imagined that the city of unredeemed that he left behind would collapse and never see him again.

Xi Ming was silent for a long time, and said: "I regard myself as her elder brother."


"We're not related by blood, she's an orphan, and so am I."

"So what is your purpose for coming to the restaurant?" Jiang Wang asked.

Xi Ming said: "I really just came to Xingyueyuan to do business. She said that she met you and wanted to buy your Ruyi Immortal Clothes, so I'll drop by to have a look... Maybe you are willing to sell it now? She He is a very pure child, not interested in the inheritance of Ruyi Asgard, but just curious about the method of making this fairy clothes. I will give you a suitable price."

Jiang Wang looked at him, and said slowly: "Zhu Weiwo, who disappeared after the first battle in Buredao City the year before last, is my elder brother and someone I have always admired. Huang Jin who was captured by you indiscriminately Mo, she is my sister-in-law."

Jokingly said: "She killed Mo Jingyu, a genius of my Mohist family, and Master Tiangong just took her back to investigate."

"It's been two years, has the investigation yielded any results?" Jiang Wang asked.

Xi Ming said: "Still investigating."

Jiang Wang raised his hand and said: "Use my Jiang Wang name to swear that Mo Jingyu's death has nothing to do with Huang Jinmo and Zhu Weiwo. The person Zhu Weiwo killed will never deny it."

"I believe in you." Xi Ming looked at him seriously: "But I believe you are useless."

Jiang Wang put down his hand, there was really no need to say this. He was naive once when he met Beigong Ke of Yongguo outside the city of Buhuo.

He turned to pick up the green shirt on his body: "I think of a suitable price for this Ruyi Immortal Clothes."

Xi Ming shook his head: "This is not something I can decide."

Jiang Wang put his hand down and said, "You can't live here any longer."

"Why?" Xi Ming asked him, "Aren't you free to talk about anything?"

Jiang Wang said: "This matter is not allowed."

"Okay!" Xi Ming spread his hands: "In business and business, I have paid the rent today, and I will move out early tomorrow morning."

Jiang Wang said: "Business is business."

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