Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1977 Using the world as a cage, who should live and leave

How many times have you killed?

Do you really know what you're talking about? !

Play life feels very ridiculous!

But what is even more absurd is that, from Jingli, Bai Yuxia to Lin Xian, Lian Yuchan, these people who can be called outstanding talents, these guys with ears and normal brains, no one treats Jiang Hope this sentence expresses objection.

Why is the world changing so fast.

Is it really not ridiculous for God to kill the cave?

When no one doubted, Xi Ming began to seriously doubt himself.

Some things seem impossible, but they are not completely impossible. Isn't there such a word as "miracle"?

Coupled with Jiang Wang's reputation of "going to sea with one promise, never returning in a hundred disasters", this person should not lie, and there is no need to brag. So it's my problem?

Xi Ming suddenly thought, before running to Xingyueyuan to open a restaurant, this man surnamed Jiang was the number one military meritorious young man from all over the world, a famous general in the world!

Everything makes sense!

It is very reasonable for everyone to be able to do the military strategy to besiege and kill the real king.

But there are no soldiers at your disposal right now.

"Human race and sea race are not at odds. To deal with the true dragon of the sea race, I, a disciple of the Mohist family, have a duty to do it." Jokingly said: "But the enemy is strong and we are weak, so we still need to be more cautious... Are you really sure?"

Jiang Wang walked and said: "I have fought against this evil dragon for several years, and I know him a little bit. He has been imprisoned for a long time, and he has just escaped from prison. He is in a very poor state. There is no one in ten. As long as he can be quickly If he is caught, we will be able to kill him."

The rest of the Baiyujing Restaurant could not count on them, so they kept clear thinking: "There is no weak person who can grow up in the sea. Besides, the real king is already the best of the world. Your judgment on his current state... is reliable." ?"

Jiang Wang asked back: "As long as he is still in state, do you think he will let us go? Do you still need to block this world?"

"No! No need!" Jingli shook her head vigorously, very flattering.

Jiang Wang continued: "He is not strong enough to kill us now, and he is afraid that we will ask for help and be disturbed by others, so he made such a choice. He must have been hiding somewhere and started to recuperate and recover."

In the past three years, Jiang Wang asked himself that he never let down his vigilance, and sucked the old dragon of Senhai from time to time to keep him weak. Even if there is an element of camouflage, after three years, this old dragon can be called a tired body.

Furthermore, although the old dragon of Senhai used the method of docking the gecko's tail, he escaped by responding to the door of the universe through his real name. But what he stayed in the cell of Yuheng Xinglou was most of his strength, and what escaped was actually the "tail" of the gecko. At least 80% of the strength has to be cut.

Regarding the state of Senhai Laolong, there is another piece of evidence.

The lifespan of a true monarch is 10,000 years, and the lifespan of a real person is limited to 1,296 years.

The physique of the dragon race is very special. After all, they can say "true" early, so the true king's life expectancy is three thousand years, and the life span of the emperor is the same as that of other races.

These are all known.

Although I don't know how old Ao Kui is this year, but the millennium that this fellow has been in the Senhaiyuan world is true. Before exile in the universe, Ao Kui was already at the level of a true king. Considering the slow growth of the dragon's body, he can grow to the level where he can compete with the emperor Tai Yong, so he will not be too young.

Three thousand years is the lifespan limit of a true dragon king. It doesn't mean that every true dragon king has such a long lifespan.

This old dragon has been driven out of the sea since then, and his condition has not been better, which must have affected his lifespan. Calculated in this way, how many years the old dragon has to live, I'm afraid it can be optimistically estimated-it should not be a few hundred years left.

Although it is said that the cultivation base of a transcendent person can not retreat until death when he reaches the divine presence. But Ao Kui, who was beaten to the brink of death at every turn, and whose Taoist body has been changed for several rounds, will be somewhat affected.

At least the old thief should not be able to use many life-threatening secrets.

In this world, the old dragon Aokui's greatest reliance is nothing more than the treasured tool of the Heavenly Buddha [Begging for Living Rushi Bowl]. But the old dragon used it to block this world, which just shows that his current application of this treasure has come to an end.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be unwise to smash Jiang Wang to death with a bowl?

"I have a question." Xi Ming pointed to the key point: "If the true dragon of the sea clan is in poor condition, it cannot fight us."

He added the accent on the word 'we', and then said: "Then why didn't he escape directly, but sealed off this world and shared a cage with us?"

"This of course shows his self-confidence." Jiang Wang said: "He believes that he can recover quickly during the blockade period and crush us with tyrannical strength. Frankly speaking, he is mainly targeting me, and you are all affected by nothing. "

"This statement is wrong!" Lian Yuchan said crisply: "Since I am under the monarch's family, I will naturally advance and retreat with you. There is no such thing as nonsense."

Lin Xian glanced at her and said, "She said what I wanted to say."

Bai Yuxia felt the world silently, without saying a word.

Jingli rolled up his sleeves, and muttered: "If he has trouble with you, he will have trouble with me, with my master, and with our Sanbao Mountain. If he has trouble with Sanbao Mountain, he will have trouble with Xuankong Temple and Buddhism. Just with the World Honored One—"

This set of infinitely exaggerated rhetoric can be seen from the mouth of suffering.

Jiang Wang was very moved and asked him to stop talking: "I will take you to kill this evil dragon!"

With Xi Ming at the side, he suddenly felt a sense of loneliness.

He was the only innocent of the bunch.

"What are your plans?" he asked abruptly.

In fact, Jiang Wang didn't say one more thing - this world probably really has the legacy of Duke Wu Han.

That's why Ao Kui, who was in poor condition, was reluctant to run away with his treasure, and wanted to fight in this floating land world, lest he, Jiang, would be taken advantage of. Otherwise, with the cautious character of this old dragon, there is no need to fight for life and death with his broken body.

"The thief dragon is cunning, and there is no trace of him now." Jiang Wang said: "I have tried everything, but I can't find him. The Mohist organization is the world's best, do you have any good methods?"

Xi Ming only asked: "Do you have his flesh and blood? Breath?"

There is flesh and blood, but it is still in the cell of Yuheng Xinglou. Now that the connection with Xinglou has been cut off, it is naturally impossible to obtain it.

Jiang Wang could only shake his head.

Xi Ming asked again: "Do you know the real name? The date of birth?"

Jiang Wang smiled wryly: "Bazi is too difficult for me. I know the real name—"

He opened his mouth, but finally learned his lesson and dared not speak casually again: "Come and let me write to you."

Xi Ming flipped his fingers, and pointed out a slender bamboo tube engraved with fine runes on the surface. Then he took out a blank piece of paper from the bamboo tube, took out another stylus pen, and handed it to Jiang Wang: "Write it on this."

The runes on the bamboo tube looked quite familiar. After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that I had seen similar ones on the chains of the King of the Wheel.

Jiang Wang didn't show his face, took the pen and paper, and handed it back with a wave of his hand.

Xi Ming glanced at the note, and said with a smile: "Did you suffer from this? Not everyone can be praised and recorded in history. Before ancient times, names were powerful. Every word is particular, how can it be just a title now? The Dragon Clan has inherited this tradition very well."

"Really?" Jiang Wang was not convinced: "I also denounced Fuhai and Gaoji."

Xi Ming said indifferently: "Next time, try to choose a living one, when they are not busy."

While speaking, his hands were not idle, he raised his finger casually, and a round bird with a mechanism appeared on the back of his finger. The wood grain on the body is still fresh, and it has a strange sense of vitality.

Xi Ming rolled up the note with Ao Kui's name on it, and put it in a bamboo tube. The mechanism bird lowered its head and grabbed it, then spread its wings and flew up to the sky.

Jiang Wang looked up expectantly.

Jingli, Bai Yuxia, etc. also came to appreciate the mystery of the Mohist mechanism.

But I saw this mechanism bird drawing circles in the air, spinning and flying rapidly, flying and flying back.

The tone of the drama is calm: "I can't find it."

Several people dispersed instantly.

Say things like "tch", "hmm", "this doesn't work too".

Jiang Wang continued to lead the way.

Xi Ming followed behind the team and asked again: "What are you going to do now?"

Jiang Wang said calmly: "Go and find my old friend."

Monk Jingli was very appreciative: "Junior Brother, you also have friends here!"

Jiang Wang smiled lightly and didn't say much.

The old friend he was talking about was, of course, the Fire Department!

Time flies, rushes like this!

What happened four years ago seems to be far away, but once I review my memory, it is as fresh as yesterday.

The cunning and stingy patriarch, who is dedicated to the sake of the ethnic group, is celebrating.

Qing Huoheng, the leader of Wuzhi Catacomb Warriors, has a beard and a tough personality.

The one-armed brave man, the young warrior who followed him to participate in the life-and-death chess battle celebrates Huo Yuanchen...

Of course, there is also the most familiar, but has been dispelled in Youtian, Wu Zhuqing Huo Qiming.

Judging from the known situation, there are probably three ways for Ao Kui to recover.

The first one is that the thief has already tried once in Senhai Yuanjie, using the power of faith to restore himself. According to what Qinghuo Qiming said at the beginning, the floating land is vast and boundless, and the tribes are unknown. There are hundreds of clans competing for life and death chess alone. Faith resources are very rich, far better than Senhai Yuanjie. Although people in Fulu don't believe in gods, with Ao Kui's methods, it's not a problem.

The second is to rely on begging for living such as bowls. The Heavenly Buddha Noble Phantasm has its own extraordinary features, and it may be able to help him recover.

The third is to rely on the possible existence of Wu Hangong's inheritance in this world, the legacy of the ancient sages, there may be some way to restore it.

This is the floating world.

Jiang Wang has been here before.

He was here to help the Qinghuo Department participate in the game of life and death, and won the century-old kingship of the floating land world.

That is to say, for a hundred years since then, Qinghuobu is the king of the floating land world!

What is special about the Crown Tribe?

With one order, the whole world responds!

With the help of the royal tribe, it would be much easier to block Ao Kui from seizing the power of faith, to find begging bowls, to search for inheritance clues, and even to find Ao Kui's traces.

He knows very well that Ao Kui's advantage lies in the vision of a true king, and his advantage lies in the days when he really fought in this world!

The old thief wants to use this world as a cage, let's see who lives and leaves!

Jiang Wang was full of confidence, and everyone in Bai Yujing was also encouraged.

They flew quickly in this vast world, one hour, two hours, three hours...

Xi Ming finally couldn't help it: "Is your friend still alive?"

Jiang Wang glared at him, turned over and blocked a passerby: "Hi, ask for the way! Where is the fire celebration department?"

A long time has passed, the floating land world is too big, and when I was in the Qinghuo Department, I mainly fought fiercely in the Wuzhi it is reasonable to find the way!

The passer-by who was suddenly stopped was a little panicked: "You, who are you?"

Because the moment he was intercepted, he shot subconsciously, but was instantly suppressed. It was even more because he felt the strength of this person, but he didn't realize the power of the totem!

Jiang Wang had already seen the red lightning pattern on the man's forehead, and pretended not to notice the distress signal sent by the man with the power of the totem, he just smiled and said, "A member of the Red Thunder Department, right? Don't be nervous. I have no malicious intentions." , we are the ones from the blue sky."

Passers-by couldn't hide their doubts: "The game of life and death is a one-hundred-year battle, and now is not the time to be a star player."

"Our mission this time has nothing to do with the game of life and death." Jiang Wang's expression was gentle, but he had a strong sense of oppression that came with his strength: "Little brother, don't be nervous, you just need to tell me where the Qinghuo Department is."

"I have to think about it." The passer-by clumsily delayed: "Let me think about it."

Jiang Wang smiled and said: "Don't worry. Tell your people to slow down on the road, don't fall and bump into each other."

Passers-by nodded in panic: "Okay, okay——huh?"

Jiang Wang didn't speak anymore.

It didn't take long, but the hoofbeats sounded like drums.

There are hundreds of horses sweeping through the smoke and dust, galloping madly.

The leader scolded coquettishly: "Who doesn't have eyes, dare to come to my Red Thunder Division to act wild?!"

It was an acquaintance who came!

It's been a few years and it's still hot. This is true regardless of temperament or figure.

Wearing a tight-fitting bunt leather jacket, the man is on the back of a horse, undulating like mountains. Combing pigtails, flying up and down. He was holding a leather whip in his hand, and the electric light flickered on the whip.

This person is Chi Leiyan from the Chi Lei Department, who walked side by side with Lei Zhanqian and offended Li Fengyao's woman.

Coming here with hundreds of horses in such a winding manner, there is a murderous aura, and the sky is accompanied by thunderclouds.

The passerby from the Chi Lei Department in front of Jiang Wang showed joy.

But Jiang Wang only said: "Don't kill people."

Lian Yuchan, who came out from behind him, flew like a spring swallow, the two swords just crossed and slashed, the light of the sword was like lightning, and she walked through hundreds of horses.

Bang bang bang bang!

Including Chi Leiyan's mount, all the horses hissed together and fell to the ground dead.

The soldiers of the Red Thunder Division were about to charge, but they were all short and stumbled.

Lian Yuchan is very obedient.

Kill all the horses, not a single person died.

And the thunder cloud accompanying Tian Qiong was also torn apart by Jian Guang.

Looking at the horse corpses in front of him, blood flowing, Jiang Wang sighed.

Lian Yuchan, a woman who looks smart and beautiful, has a serious heart. Does it have to be so bloody?

"Chi Leiyan, do you still remember me?" He silently walked in front of Lian Yuchan, with a smile on his face: "We met last time in the game of life and death."

Chi Leiyan was stunned at first, then she was startled and backed away: "What do you want to do?"

Of course she remembered Jiang Wang!

It was Jiang Wang who defeated Lei Zhanqian, who was like a god and demon in her heart, with a single sword, and shattered the victory of Chi Leibu in the game of life and death.

"Don't be nervous." Jiang Wang spread his hands to show that he was not hostile: "I'm just asking for directions."

Chi Leiyan barely stood still: "What way?"

Jiang Wangwen said: "I just want to know how to get to the Qinghuo Department. I haven't been here for a long time, and I can't find the way."

Without hesitation, Chi Leiyan took out a roll of sheepskin from the leather bag and threw it over: "Here is the map, you can read it yourself."

Jiang Wang took the sheepskin map, opened it, looked at it twice, confirmed that it was correct, thanked him, and led the people away. Don't stay here to scare people, after all, Lian Yuchan's swordsmanship is cruel, and her life is quite fierce.

"Wait." Chi Leiyan suddenly called from behind.

Jiang Wang stopped and looked back: "What?"

At this moment, Chi Leiyan felt that he really did not have any malicious intentions, her tension eased a lot, and she organized her words: "I thought it would be another hundred years, but I didn't expect you to come here now."

"Normally, this is the case." Jiang Wang remained patient: "I have a special mission this time."

"Then..." Chi Leiyan bit her lip, and finally said: "Has Lei Lang come this time? When is he coming? He promised me that he would come to me."

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "He won't be able to leave for a while."

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