Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1978 World Destroyer Dragon

Four years, if it is long, it will be fleeting, but if it is short, it will be magnificent.

Lei Zhanqian, who used to occupy the Tiankui star position alone in the Seven Star Valley, took the initiative to attack everyone, and would never come back.

Jiang Wang left with his people, and went to find the location of the Qinghuo Department according to the map.

At this moment, his mood is complicated, but life is more complicated than this moment?

He is also used to life and death.

A group of people flew in the air and crossed the rolling hills. Lian Yuchan asked aloud: "Did the master come to this world before, did he not travel alone?"

Jiang Wang didn't hide it: "I came here before through the Seven Star Valley Secret Realm in Daze County, Qi State. The last time it opened was four years ago, and many people participated."

Lian Yuchan obviously has some understanding of the important resources of the Osawatian Clan: "The location of the Seven Star Valley Secret Realm has always been random, and there are many choices. The owner can come and come again, which shows that there is some fate with this world, and this trip must be a meritorious service." become."

Bai Yuxia smiled and said: "They all have sex with the real dragon, it seems that it is a bad relationship—"

Facing Jiang Wang's staring eyes, he turned and said, "Yes, I will continue to observe. I will let you know if there is any situation."

Jing Li took out a brand new Buddhist scripture from nowhere, tore off a corner of the white paper from the page, raised her hand and stuck it on Bai Yuxia's mouth.

Bai Yuxia expressed doubts with his eyes.

While putting away the Buddhist scriptures, Jingli hummed: "Let you talk for nothing!"

Bai Yuxia was speechless. Now he believes that these two are brothers. This pair of seniors is too superstitious!

Jing Li ignored him, but patted Jiang Wang on the shoulder in a dignified manner: "Don't worry, Junior Brother, I'm covering you. If it's a bad fate, I'll change it to a blessing fate. If it's a blessing fate, you should accept it!"

While staring at the map, Jiang Wang guessed where Ao Kui would be hiding, and said perfunctorily, "Then I'll have to work, what can I do without you."

Jingli smiled.

While flying, Lin Xian gestured various moves with a hatchet, only to ensure that he would not lose track of him, and did not participate in the discussion at all. During the time he practiced in Bai Yujing Restaurant, he learned too much!

Xi Ming's focus is different from others: "The power system in this world is a bit interesting."

He was talking about the totem power of Chi Leiyan and the others.

When Jiang Wang heard the words, his heart suddenly moved.

He has learned the Fire Source Atlas of the Fire Festival, and it is self-contained and profound, which has benefited him a lot. Later, the Fire Realm was built, and the power of the Fire Source Totem was also a part of the Fire Realm.

Is the power of this totem related to Wu Hangong's inheritance?

This ancient sage is known as the source of all dharmas, and the kung fu created in his life is simply impossible to calculate. It is not difficult to think about creating a practice system of totem power.

"The belief of the people in the floating land is the original belief. With the help of Wu Zhu, the people here must reach a contract with the source of the totem in the form of engraving the totem, and then borrow power from the source of the totem."

Jiang Wang explained as simply as possible based on his own knowledge: "It is said to be borrowed, but in fact it needs to be cultivated by oneself. It is not a Taoist method of inviting gods. The so-called totem is engraved on the body, which is similar to the pattern of the formation. It is different. Both external forces , also has internal strength."

The companions are all the proud sons of heaven, so they can see through a little bit.

Playing Ming said: "There is no self in the origin, so nature is not a god. From this point of view, the totem is still cultivating itself."

"That's right." Jiang Wang said: "A friend of mine said that God has 'I', and if there is 'I', there must be selfishness! Therefore, Fulu people believe that the real God does not exist. Anyone who calls God is from the source. thief."

Xi Ming was very interested: "Will I be able to see your friend later?"

Jiang Wang sighed softly: "I can't see you anymore."

So I didn't say anything again.

With the help of Tutu, a group of people flew across the world, and soon found the clan of the Qinghuo Department.

Four years have passed, and this place is completely different from the past.

As soon as they got close to the tribe, a group of warriors riding fire wolves came forward, wearing battle armor and holding spears obliquely: "Who is coming? How dare you trespass on the royal clan!?"

Jiang Wang was surprised to see it.

For the Qinghuo tribe in the past, the defense system did not say that it was leaking everywhere, but it was also a source of wind from all directions. Where can the outsiders be blocked in such a timely manner?

How can a random group of people wear such excellent armor, and in the Wuzhi crypt against star beasts, there are several pairs of armor, and they are all the fighters at the front. Most of the Qinghuo fighters make do with leather armor.

Not to mention riding on this majestic fire wolf.

At that time, Jiang Wang was going to fight the game of life and death, but Qinghuo Gaochi wanted to use a team of old soldiers with ragged clothes and rusty knives to make up the numbers to die.

"I have no malicious intentions!" Jiang Wang held up his hands: "I am old friends with your Qinghuo Department, you might as well invite your patriarch Qinghuo Gaochi to come here to see him, he recognizes me!"

Jingli and others are waiting for him to negotiate.

The leading soldier of the Qinghuo Department stood on the back of the fire wolf and said coldly, "Who are you kidding?"

He even raised his icy spear and pointed it at Jiang Wang: "The dignified royal tribe, how can you allow you to talk nonsense!"

"Okay, okay." Jiang Wang's attitude was very good: "You have become a royal tribe, and the patriarch can't take it lightly. I can understand that I was rude. Then can you please inform Qing Huoheng? Your Wuzhi Cave The leader of the warriors. Or you can tell Qinghuo Yuanchen, we are very familiar!"

Saying the names of Qing Huo Heng and Qing Huo Yuan Chen one after another finally convinced the soldier a little. He asked, "Where are you from? What's your name?"

"I come from above the blue sky." Jiang Wang said: "You can say that you are an old friend of life and death chess."

As soon as this remark came out, the attitude of the leading soldier immediately changed: "Please wait a moment, I will report to General Yuanchen."

After saying that, he shook the wolf's head and galloped away.

Qinghuo Yuanchen has become a general!

Jiang Wang had some subtle emotions in his heart, he stopped where he was, and waited politely.

Not long after, the one-armed Qinghuo Yuanchen came across the sky wearing a red armor. When he saw Jiang Wang, he wanted to bow down: "Master Xingjiang!"

Jiang Wang held his hand and refused to let him worship: "It's been a long time since I saw Yuanchen, it's hard for you to remember me."

Qinghuo Yuanchen looked excited: "Why is the Qinghuo Department today? How could I forget?"

He looked behind Jiang Wang: "These friends are..."

Jiang Wang introduced with a smile: "They are all my friends, and they come from the same place as me."

"Come on, let's talk at home." Qinghuo Yuanchen led the way enthusiastically: "Back then when you came to the Qinghuo Department, we had nothing to entertain and neglected you a lot. Today we will get drunk and rest!"

"Not busy." Jiang Wang walked with him: "I have something important to do this time, so don't delay, you take me to see your patriarch first."

Qinghuo Yuanchen's face darkened: "They said that someone was looking for the old patriarch, so I guessed that you were back. The old patriarch...had died in battle. Just when we were fighting the game of life and death, the Wuzhi Catacombs were destroyed. , all the warriors inside were sacrificed. The body of the old patriarch is not complete, only one head remains."

Jiang Wang stayed for a moment, but finally he could only sigh back.

But he immediately remembered the terrible consequences of the breach of the crypt that Qing Huo Qiming had said, and couldn't help saying: "Then you..."

Qinghuo Yuanchen understood his doubts, shook his head and said: "I don't know why, those star beasts slaughtered all the guarding soldiers, but they didn't take advantage of the opportunity to break through the burrow and rushed out of the ground to bathe in the starlight of Tianshu. We guess, it may be the old patriarch Before he died, he almost wiped out those star beasts, so that they had no energy left to break through the door."

This conjecture is not very convincing.

Jiang Wang has a rough judgment on the level of power in the floating land world.

Ao Kui sealed off this realm with a begging bowl, and the brass-colored sky was shining brightly there, so blatantly, but no one from the floating land could break it.

It can be seen that although the floating land is large, there is no strong person at the hole level. As long as there is someone who can fight, there is no reason to tolerate a homeless dog locking himself up.

From another perspective, if there are such strong people in Fulu, how can Ao Kui feel at ease hiding treasures here?

Today's Qinghuo Yuanchen wears red armor and has a high status. There are eight fiery red slashes on his face, and his cultivation level is as high as the celebration fire of that year.

And the strength of Qinghuo Gaochi, the strongest member of the Qinghuo Department in the past, is about the same as that of ordinary monks in the Outer Building can't even walk under the sword of Yuchan.

It is really not convincing to say that Qinghuo Gaochi can wipe out very few star beasts when the entire army is wiped out.

Of course, at that time, the strength of the Qinghuo Department was not ranked among the top 100 in Fulu, and it was much weaker than the Chi Lei Department.

After winning the kingship, it went through four years of development. The strength of the Qinghuo Department has obviously increased significantly. The strength of the strongest member of the Qinghuo Department today, maybe there will be a god?

Jiang Wang planned to go to the Wuzhi Catacomb to have a look again later, and only asked: "Then who is in charge of your tribe now?"

"It's King Qing." Qing Huo Yuanchen added: "When you first came, he was the warrior leader of Wuzhi Catacombs. He took over the tribe by the old patriarch's behest. After the life-and-death chess battle, he was crowned king. "

It turned out to be Qing Huoheng!

Jiang Wang said: "Is it convenient for Fang to arrange for us to meet?"

"Leave it to me." Qinghuo Yuanchen said: "I believe the king is also very happy to see you."

As he spoke, he hesitated for a moment: "How about these friends of yours, go to my house to rest for a while?"

With the strength of Jing Li and others, as long as they don't bump into the old dragon Aokui, there is basically no possibility of accidents in the floating land world. Jiang Wang said: "Then I will trouble you."

While Qinghuo Yuanchen sent people to report to King Qing, he personally took Jiang Wang and others to his general's mansion.

After Jingli and the others were settled and the banquet was set up, King Qing's decree agreeing to meet had already been passed on.

Jiang Wang greeted and went to the palace with Qinghuo Yuanchen.

The Qinghuo Department has been completely reborn!

At first glance, all the buildings are simple and rough. Even the fire shrine, the most important building, was built like or even worse than the Town God's Temple in a small town in Qi State.

But now along the way, there are many high-rise buildings. The General's Mansion to celebrate Huo Yuanchen occupies a very large area with deep courtyards. The royal palace of the Qinghuo Department was even more magnificently built.

The meeting place is in the dining hall.

Qing Huoheng wore a crown on his head and a fine attire. He still had a beard, but his majesty was no longer the same as before.

The boldness of fighting in the burrow is still retained. Rolling up his sleeves, he gnawed on the bone of a pork leg and asked directly: "Mr. Linchuan, is he here this time to visit his old friends, or is there something else important?"

On the deed of kingship, Jiang Wang signed Zhang Linchuan's name.

He appreciates this kind of directness, so he also said directly: "Can the king know the changes in the sky?"

Qing Huoheng gnawed and gnawed, put his leg bone down, and said with a wry smile: "People here are panic-stricken, and all the departments fly letters, so there is a lot of uneasiness. I have searched the classics, but I don't understand the changes. It seems that Mr. Laichuan knows what happened. thing?"

There is no line of fire on his face that represents his cultivation.

I don't know if it's special to be crowned a king, or it means that his cultivation has entered another level.

That kingship totem is really miraculous.

"There are people above the blue sky, and they always come for missions." Jiang Wang Shi Shiran sat down at the side of the long table, facing Qing Huoheng, and looked into his eyes leisurely: "The last time I came here, It is to help you win the kingship. This time I am here to help you save the world and help you become the savior."

"Savior?" Qing Huoheng took the hot towel from the waiter and wiped his hands slowly: "Why is this world going to be destroyed?"

After being a king for several years, he is indeed different from the past. It was obvious that his heart was tense, but his face was still calm.

Jiang Wang didn't have much time to play the game of power with him, and he didn't bother to slowly test and detour, showing the patience of a qualified strategist.

"Your time is running out!"

Jiang Wang wins first, then his eyes glow with red gold, and he steps into Qing Huoheng's soul world in an instant.

Once the ancient sky tower came down, the supreme coercion subdued the world.

Qing Huoheng on the throne was terrified: "Mr. Linchuan, what do you mean?"

Jiang Wang's soul manifested body strolled, in Qing Huoheng's soul world, it was like walking in his own garden: "Don't be nervous, it's just that time passes slowly here. I cherish the floating world very much, so I cherish you all." time."

He raised his finger lightly, and immediately a cloud of space appeared in the sky, in which stars were faintly shining, and then a majestic and ferocious golden dragon suddenly jumped out, roaring high into the sky!

Ru Meng Ling perfectly embodies the prestige of the old dragon Ao Kui who fought against Senior Guan Yan in the depths of the universe in the past. There are even more exaggerated interpretations, stars are swallowed by the golden dragon like sugar pills, and worlds are broken like bubbles under the claws of the golden dragon.

Shocked, Qing Huoheng was momentarily speechless.

Jiang Wang's voice was righteous, magnificent, and extremely contagious: "It is this world-destroying dragon, who takes pleasure in destroying the world and feeds on the destruction of a world. It has been rampant in the universe for tens of thousands of years, and there are countless destroyed worlds. If For a king of the world like you, how much he ate is beyond count."

"The World Destroyer Dragon!?" Qing Huoheng helped the tilted crown, unable to hide his panic.

The name sounds terrible!

At this moment, Jiang Wangbao looked solemn, with a holy light on his face, and was very credible: "I came here just to pursue him. His power is too powerful. I, who have always walked alone, had to call in many helpers. This time I brought Those who come to Fulu are all famous dragon hunters in our side."

Dragon hunter? Dare to hunt dragons!

Qing Huoheng respectfully said, "That's because I've been negligent, I should invite them to the palace! Prepare the banquet, I'll have someone prepare it right away!"

"There's no need for false rituals!" Jiang Wang said sternly: "They don't care about this, their only purpose is to kill the dragon, so as to prevent more worlds in the universe from being affected."

"You're so benevolent and brave!" Qing Huoheng was filled with admiration, but hesitantly said, "You said that it was the world-destroying dragon that caused the changes in the sky...I'm not doubting Mr.'s strength. But even he can destroy the world, you guys... ...Can you handle it?"

With experience in the demon world, Jiang Wang can now make up these things at his fingertips: "The good news is that he has been injured by my elders. The bad news is that he has sealed your floating world and plans to use your The world is a tonic to help him regain his strength."

King Qing Huoheng's waist could no longer straighten. Mr. Linchuan is so strong, many times stronger than the last time he came to Fulu. He still has elders!

"Hurry up and call your elder!" He was very eager: "Quickly get rid of this great harm."

Jiang Wang shook his head: "This is a test for me. I have to kill this world-destroying dragon by myself."

Qing Huoheng didn't listen to such a thing: "What if you fail the test?"

Jiang Wang looked at him and said, "I have gambled my honor as a dragon hunter and my determination to save the world on this trip. If I fail, I can only go home in despair. I will eat, drink and play in the future, give up on myself, and never mention it again." To deal with the World Destroyer Dragon."

"I can already feel your determination!" Qing Huoheng was so moved that his eyes turned red: "Since you are fighting for honor, Mr. Linchuan, you must not give up!"

Jiang Wang sighed: "But with the power of the magic dragon, even if you are severely injured, it's not something I can deal with easily."

"Just tell me, what can I do?" Qing Huo Heng sank his dantian, Hong Sheng said: "But if you have an order, the Qing Huo Department will definitely cooperate with you. All the clans in the world, I will order them with the king's authority, and it's up to you It's a one-word decision! I'm fighting for my husband's honor, and I and the dragon are irreconcilable and irreconcilable!"

It's the last day, if you don't vote for the monthly pass, it will be a waste!

Happy Friday, my friends.

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