Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1986 History Blank

Viewed horizontally as ridges and sideways as peaks, the distance and height are different.

The same person is different in the eyes of different people.

The big ones are "the other's hero, my enemy", and the close ones are the good juniors in the eyes of Jingli, and the former Marquis of Wu'an in the eyes of Bo Wanghou.

All kinds of things after entering the world of floating land made Xi Ming see the style of a famous general.

As for this moment, he finally knows what a prince of a tyrant is.

Oh, the word "before" should be added.

"You seem to know Zhenjun Taixu very well?" Xi Ming asked quietly.

"Actually, I don't know. I just heard about it, and I have been in contact with the illusory world." Jiang Wang said: "But it doesn't prevent me from respecting him."

"You know how to respect." Xi Ming said.

Jiang Wang smiled, dispelling the depressing atmosphere of the ritual chanting in the grotto: "To be honest, I am also curious about such a supreme existence. If Brother Xi has any knowledge, you may as well tell me."

The play is not twitchy, and he opened his mouth to write a biography: "Xu Yuanzhi learned Taoism at the age of three and mastered the scriptures at the age of nine. At the age of thirteen, he entered the banquet by mistake, debating the scriptures, debating the law, and debating the Tao. He is a famous scholar. Two articles on Confucianism and three articles on Mohism were written in one go, and they were praised by the master.

The participants were all amazed: 'Is this also known from birth? '

At the age of fifteen, he felt that his body and mind were complete, so he swallowed the pill to open the pulse, and began to practice formally.

In the year of the crown, he was already the number one in the Taoist veins, and there was no opponent in the same situation.

What is enlightened by the gods is self-evident, and it comes out to ask the world. Seeing the virtuous must be judged, and there is no contest for victory or defeat. If you get the Dharma, you must perform it, and don't hesitate to pass it on. At that time, people recognized that eloquence is the first, Taoism is the first, and God is the first.

Began to feel that the way is wrong.

Naigui discussed the Tao with the head teacher for three days.

Details of which are unknown.

But since then he left Yujing Mountain and traveled around the world.

Appearing in people's field of vision again, he is already a real person in the world.

At the age of thirty-nine, he said to himself, "Don't be confused!" '

So the Taixu School was founded, known as the Patriarch.

The year is 1350 in the Daoist calendar. "

Obtaining the method must be performed, and it is not hesitating to pass it on. This kind of pattern of mind has also been extended to the realm of illusory. Finally, it is the foundation of the mighty torrent.

Jiang Wang is very familiar with the Taixu illusion, and he has also come into contact with people from the Taixu sect.

At this time, he couldn't help sighing: "True Lord Taixu is indeed a legend... It turns out that the Taixu sect has been established for more than 2,500 years."

Xi Ming said: "Put it in the world's big sect, the history is not too long. What kind of heritage is supported by him alone."

Jiang Wang said: "He alone is enough."

Xi Ming thought about it, and finally said: "Indeed, he alone is enough."

Among the world's great sects that are often counted for thousands of years, the Taixu School really can't be called a long history. Still can't compare with Blood River Sect, let alone compare with Jucheng.

But when the world talks about the Taixu School, no one will regard it as a small family. It is because of the existence of Taixu Zhenjun!

He was unparalleled in eloquence, but he was silent for many years.

His Taoism is peerless, but he has lived in seclusion for many years.

He was born in a Taoist sect, but he has established his own system, and he has reached the top of the world, but he is no longer in the world.

He does not live in the world, and his legends are everywhere in the world.

Now that the Taixu Illusory Realm has been promoted all over the world, the influence of the Taixu School has directly caught up with the major schools.

There has already been a lot of voices spreading - from now on, the world will become famous, and besides "Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Art of War and Ink", the word "Xuan" must be added!

Xuanzhe, the study of Taixu, is separate from Tao and different from Tao. Taking "Taixuan Pian" written by Xu Yuanzhi as the general outline of thoughts, it became a family statement. With the expansion of the illusory realm, it has been recognized by more and more people.

If the word "Xuan" is really allowed to become one of the most famous schools in the world, Xuyuan will surpass the peak and catch up with the ancestors of Confucianism and Dharma!

It may be debatable to say that he was born in 1311 of the Dao calendar, the most genius of the human race since the new Dao calendar, but there is no doubt about adding "one of them". And once metaphysics becomes manifest, there is no doubt about removing one of them!

Jiang Wang asked curiously: "Brother Xi is a descendant of the Mohist school, how come he is so familiar with the life of Patriarch Taixu?"

Xi Ming said calmly: "Because Xu Yuanzhi and our Mohists have a deep relationship."

Jiang Wang said clearly: "When he was thirteen years old, he wrote three articles on Mohism, so it can be seen that he has studied Mohism."

"That's not what I'm talking about." Xi Ming said: "In the 1992 year of the Dao calendar, Xu Yuanzhi once came to the door and asked about the great sons of our ancestors. They first discussed the Tao, then performed the Tao, and then fought. If it is three meetings."

The former great son of the Mohists, before Qian Jinhua, the Bronze Stinky True Monarch... Rao Xiansun!

Xu Yuanzhi and Rao Xiansun.

One is the founder of the new learning, the founding patriarch of the emerging sect, and the other is the leader of the famous learning in the world, and the leader of the ancient city.

Putting these two existences together, they naturally have the brilliance of meteor collisions.

Even today's Jiang Wang can't help yearning for it, wishing to see it with his own eyes.

"What was the result?" he asked.

This period of history has never been heard of before, and neither the Taixu Sect nor the Mo Sect has ever preached it. It's a pity that such a wonderful duel was buried in time.

Playing Ming said: "There is no fruit in discussing the Tao, and there is no fruit in acting the Tao. The fighting method is beyond the sky and is unknown to the world."

Jiang Wang said with emotion: "It's really a pity that I can't see it in person."

"Although I don't know the exact process, this discussion obviously had a great impact on the previous generation of our clan." Xi Ming continued: "In the third year, that is, in 1995 of the Taoist calendar, the previous generation of giants Since then, we have started to comprehensively promote the 'Enlightenment Project'."

It almost led to the complete decline of the Mohist School and the resignation of Rao Xiansun, which can be called a failure, but it also created the "Ming Gui" and other three real puppets' plan to enlighten the gods!

Did the Enlightenment Project actually start in 1995 in the Dao calendar?

This grand plan has gone through the rise and fall of Momen, spanning two generations of giants, nearly two thousand years ago.

"It's too far away." Xi Ming said: "Zhenjun Taixu said 'the scenery in the basin of mountains and rivers, the lines on the palm of the world', he is qualified to say that. He also truly constructed the illusion of Taixu, allowing a virtual world to accommodate Countless people are active in it, and billions of times of birth and death burst out every moment...Are you wondering why I mentioned the words Zhenjun Taixu?"

"Why?" Jiang Wang asked.

A dense swarm of black ants crawled over, almost sealing the hole and swallowing the overflowing sound.

"Don't you find it strange, these rock paintings?" Xi Ming said: "It is said that in the wild period, the floating land world was full of evil spirits. The human race in this world fled everywhere, and finally gathered in Shengshou Mountain, which became the origin of the floating land human race. ...Do those evil spirits belong to the floating land?"

Jiang Wang frowned, and casually cut off the sound made by Mo Ant by another layer.

Now even if they beat the Kui Niu drum here, no one will hear the sound.

Xi Ming continued: "In our present world, there is no sacred prohibition against the entry and exit of the monster race, and there is no natural restriction on the human race or the sea race. God's will, it doesn't care who you are. Does the floating land world favor the human race? What happened to the evil spirits that spread all over the wilderness and surrounded the holy mountain? Does the floating land world favor evil spirits? What happened to the holy ban that forbids evil spirits to go up the mountain?"

Jiang Wangting understood: "You want to say that the history of the floating land world is not natural. What these petroglyphs reflect is not a normal history. There is a certain will that is interfering with the process of history. It is even said that He is Viewing the world in the palm of your hand, seeing mountains and rivers in bonsai, has led the evolution of this world."

Xi Ming stretched out his index finger, inserted it straight into the rock wall, and felt the mountain in this way: "From the petroglyphs, we can see that during the barbaric period, evil spirits occupied the world of floating land, surrounded Shengshou Mountain, and The Fulu people are used as blood food in captivity. Under such circumstances, I really can’t imagine how the Fulu people can make a comeback, go down the mountain, and multiply civilization.”

Jiang Wang also said: "The legends of the ancestors of the various tribes in Fulu are all about the first sip of water, the first pot of fire, and the first dancer in the world. There are no legends about fighting evil spirits. The historical materials are even more clean. .There's a huge fault in the middle."

"So..." Xi Ming asked, "Where did the evil spirits in this world go?"

This is undoubtedly a question worth pondering, and the two were silent for a while.

Monk Jingli finished reciting the scriptures silently, as if waking up from a dream: "What are you doing?"

He is such a dedicated person.

Facing an ancient petroglyph, reciting sutras for the sins that have passed for tens of thousands of years, this is simply not what a normal monk wants to do.

Because it doesn't make sense.

This is true for the living and for the dead.

But he saw, he thought, and he did. And focus on piety.

He is not a person who cares about meaning.

The silence of the voice was broken, and Jiang Wang hooked Jingli's shoulder: "After reading the scriptures, do you feel better?"

Jingli said "hmm".

Jiang Wang embraced him and walked away: "Come on, go in and have a look. You can brighten up the light."

Jingli silently brightened the Buddha's light on the back of his head, so bright that the actors behind him all turned their heads to the side, a little dazed.

This grotto was originally hidden deep in the mountain, but was dug out by cleaning the dust of time.

But apart from the rock paintings that appear one after another, there are no other special features. They are all stone axes and fire pits, which are lackluster. Perhaps in ancient times, this place was the settlement of a larger tribe, and it had a short period of glory during the ignorance period, but it has also become history.

"Speaking of which, where's Bai Yuxia?" Jiang Wang asked suddenly.

Jingli shook his head.

Xi Ming also shook his head: "It's not within the reach of the black ants."

Both Xi Ming and Jing Li found useful clues, but Bai Yuxia didn't move at all.

In view of this guy's glorious history, Jiang Wang had a bad premonition in his heart, and hurried out of the cave, taking off and landing heretic King Kong Leiyin.

"Bai Yuxia!"

"Bai Yuxia!"

The sound spreads all over the wild, all over Xiongshan.

The ear fairy is also engrossed in catching clues.

After a while, a response was indeed captured.


Xi Ming, Jing Li and Jiang Wang followed the sound, but Bai Yuxia, who was in ragged clothes and disheveled, flew over staggeringly.

Although he had several injuries, none of them were fatal. It just looked a little embarrassed.

This is the first injury case of the members of Bai Yujing's Early Training Society in the floating land world!

"Are you?" Jiang Wang asked, "Did you find Ao Kui?"

Xi Ming said: "Can he come back when he meets Ao Kui?"

"What kind of broken mountain is this? There are too many traps! Who are these people in Fulu trying to kill?" Yes, it’s still well hidden, it’s impossible to guard against!”

He looked at the three of Jiang Wang: "Are you all okay?"

He said 'tsk' to himself again: "Golden body chalcedony is so good."

Xi Ming said: "Is it possible that you are the only one who encountered the trap?"

Bai Yuxia smiled and didn't have much energy to care about. This is an impossible thing. Four people came to Shengshou Mountain at the same time, and went in four directions... How could it be possible that I was the only one who stepped on such a big mountain?

Jiang Wang was thoughtful: "There must be something key to the place where the Fulu people set up so many traps."

He asked, "Where were you just now?"

"West Mountain." Bai Yuxia said innocently, "I carefully observed the mountain and combined it with the art of geomantic omen to find a place with excellent geomantic omen. There is no reason why there will be problems."

Xi Ming said: "The place with good Fengshui is where the dead are buried. Especially in the mountains."

Before they fought, Jiang Wang stood up and said, "Go and have a look."

Bai Yuxia hurriedly said: "Wait, what's in this grotto, you have been observing for a long time, but I still haven't seen anything!"

He walked right in—


Perhaps it was because the huge stone at the entrance of the cave was moved away by Jieli, perhaps it was because the outside air entered the grotto and the order was disrupted, maybe it was Jiang Wang who moved some key when they were looking for clues in the cave...

In short, at this very moment, the grotto suddenly collapsed.

Thick earth and rocks buried everything.

"I'm pretty lucky." Bai Yuxia stood at the entrance of the cave and said with a smile, "If it collapses after I go in, won't I be buried?"

Jiang Wang: "Let's go."

Xi Ming: "Let's go."

Jingli: "Let's go."

The four of them flew to the west mountain, and soon arrived at the place with the best geomantic omen that Bai Yuxia said.

That is the place with the most luxuriant vegetation in the entire Shengshou Mountain. It is almost the canopy of the trees. Under the mountain wind, it is like a blue sea with waves.

Jing Li's eyes were slightly closed: "I have captured a little Buddha-nature power here. It is very weak, like a firefly."

Several people cheered up, and the people of Fulu didn't believe in Buddhism. The power of Buddha nature that appeared here, what else could it be except the traces left by begging Rushi bowls?

But it was also at this time that Xi Ming moved his eyelids and said, "My bird is dead, it's in the east."

Jingli rolled up his sleeves, and immediately glared at Vajra: "Junior brother, let's slay the dragon!"

Xi Ming said again: "West side, no, all four birds have been wiped out. The difference between before and after is less than one breath."

Jingli's Vajra blinked angrily: "There are four Ao Kui?"

"...Maybe he found a helper." Bai Yuxia often felt that she couldn't keep up with the thoughts of this little holy monk. Could this be the secret of practicing Buddhism?

"With his city and vision, it's easy to accept a few powerful believers. But it doesn't hurt the overall situation." Jiang Wang said calmly: "As long as he really shows his face, he won't be able to escape. Now it's just a suspicion, just Explain his embarrassment. Be careful of your surroundings, lest he jump over the wall in a hurry. Otherwise, ignore him."

Xi Ming nodded in agreement: "He also knew that we came to Shengshou Mountain, and found my forest hunting bird. Just at this time, he stopped pretending to be dead, and started to move... I think there is very important information here. He doesn't want us to find out too quickly, he needs time. He wants to distract us."

Jingli's angry eyes turned into a wide-eyed smile: "Junior Brother, you are so smart!"

Bai Yuxia solemnly reminded: "The traps here are very rampant, and because of the power of the totem, it is compatible with this world and is very hidden!"

Pointing down with Ximing's index finger, the black ants instantly formed a ladder, stretching from mid-air to the forest. Then it spread out suddenly, covering the mountain forest here.

"Just eat the extraordinary power attached to the trap."

He said softly: "The power of the totem is not bad."

Thanks to the book friend "妘越_" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 468th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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