Red Heart Survey

I wish Manxi a happy wedding, take two days off to fly to witness

The Red Heart Survey had a long period of obscurity.

Although I have a kind of almost blind self-belief, in the long night, when the surrounding fields are silent, I firmly believe that I will shine brightly, and will shake the surrounding fields like thunder, and firmly believe that this is a splendid and charming world.

But this kind of... the feeling of walking alone all the time, resisting all kinds of pain and all kinds of temptations in the dark, looking up at the sky, not knowing how long the long night will last, is very difficult.

Fortunately, during this period, some readers have been encouraging me and telling me-Ashi, you are very good, you are very talented, and your novels are very wonderful!

Those were the days of zero negative reviews.

A few hundred genuine readers give lonely applause to accompany a stubborn and self-centered person to create a world of fairy tales that belongs to us.

How lonely we were then, but how hot.

It was at that time that Manxi became a devoted reader.

His two-dimensional friend Xiao Chai recommended this novel to him. At that time, the performance of this book was so poor that it overturned his cognition.

He started to build a building in the book review area to update his reading experience, and the posts he posted were very aggressive-"I saw xxx today, and I rewarded xxx. I saw xxx again, and I rewarded xxx..."

Later became the ally.

Later, I found out that other books have operation officers, so I tried to become an operation officer.

I don't understand the rules of online writing at all, and I don't understand the recommended pk until now. He doesn't understand anything, he can't even post activity posts, and he has to ask everything.

One thing I was particularly impressed with was that when Chixin Sky Survey first became famous, when we wrote about the meeting of the Yellow River, the average bookings rose from 1,700 to 7,000, and the monthly ticket sales charts all rushed to the forefront.

At the beginning, many people came to add readers.

There are some groups among them, that is, various book friend groups often hang around, and I don't know what they are for.

When they entered the book friend group, they began to show off in various ways, their words were insignificant, they had a sense of superiority, and they talked about everything except books. Hurting and drinking, shaking his clothes, he kept boasting that he was rich, and he could make several alliances casually.

Manxi and Yuanyuan have been coaxing them, holding them, joking with them, and being careful. How humble!

Yuanyuan is an angel in white. She is usually very busy at work and is very fierce to me, but she is very kind to these people.

I remember one time when she seemed to be punishing a certain troll justly, I told her to have a better attitude, and she immediately said, "Then I'm leaving?"

I immediately knelt down and said sorry.

Today I will focus on slow things.

I told Manxi, why do you care about these people, they are not our readers at all.

Man Xi said, I just hope they can give you an alliance, and I think this novel can be more popular.

People are as tall as people don't ask for others, who needs to coax whom on the Internet?

Man Xi is a pampered rich and young man, drives a big g, lives in a villa, and is well-known as the owner of a leather factory in Wenzhou (cross out).

A person can do something so earnestly, devote his time, energy, money, and even put down his figure.

What is this but love?

Whenever there is any achievement in the Chixin sky survey, Man Xi is happier and more excited than me. What badges are added to the badge wall is often discovered before me.

Of course it's not just him, many book friends are like this. Staring at Chi Xin every day, sincerely wishing it well.

I just hate myself for not being able to write better and not being able to repay this enthusiasm.

I often pull my hair out and look at my heart, hating why manpower is poor.

For example, I have been working hard to save manuscripts since the 1st, pumping chicken blood and cheering for myself every day, but I can’t save them at all, so I can only ask for two days off...

Today I flew all the way to attend Manxi's wedding and witness the important moment in his life.

He is not only my temporary book friend, but also my forever friend.

Hope he is happy.

Hope he is happy.

Hope he is happy.

Leaving such a text in my cherished novel is my greatest sincerity and most sincere blessing as the author.


Please leave for two days, and update at noon on the 11th.

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